Contents [Contents]


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Special Characters

.dxlsm_pref file
.dxlsm_pref file

        See StorageManager

/dev/rvol directory
        and databases
        editing files in

/dev/vol directory
        editing files in


        See fstab file

        See inittab file

        See lvmtab file

        See sysconfigtab file

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accessing LSM volumes

ACTIVE plex state
ACTIVE plex state

ACTIVE volume state

Add Disk form (dxlsm)
Add Disk form (dxlsm)

Add Disk menu (voldiskadm)
        initializing a disk

adding a disk to a disk group
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldg
        using voldiskadm

adding a disk
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadd
        using voldisksetup
        voldiskadd method

adding a plex
        using dxlsm

addvol command

administering LSM
        background information for
        bottom-up approach
        changing the configuration
        interfaces for
        monitoring LSM events
        plex layout policy
        preventing data loss
        rootability cleanup
        top-down approach
        utilities for

Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Advanced-Ops menu (dxlsm)

AdvFS domain
        adding an LSM volume
        backups using dxlsm
        backups using volassist
        encapsulating using individual commands
        encapsulating using volencap
        improving performance
        support on Digital UNIX
        using LSM volumes in

allvol.DF file

Analysis Parameters form (dxlsm)

Analysis Statistics form (dxlsm)

Analyze menu (dxlsm)
Analyze menu (dxlsm)

architecture of LSM

ASE configurations
        moving disk groups
        moving disks and volumes

associating a plex
        using dxlsm
        using volplex

associating logging subdisks
        using dxlsm
        using volsd

associating subdisks
        using dxlsm
        using volsd

attaching a plex
        using dxlsm
        using volplex

attributes of LSM objects
        setting plex attributes
        setting subdisk attributes
        setting volume attributes
        setting volume attributes

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        AdvFS volume
        AdvFS volume
        as system protection
        configuration database
        Snapshot Form and
        Snapshot Form and
        UFS volumes
        UFS volumes
        using a plex
        using volassist
        using volsave

Basic-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Basic-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Basic-Ops menu (dxlsm)
Basic-Ops menu (dxlsm)

        See block-change logging

block-change logging
        associating logging subdisks
        associating logging subdisks
        improving mirrored volume recovery

block-special file
        changing attributes
        in /dev/vol

boot disk
        ensuring usability
        recovering from failure

bottom-up LSM management
        using commands
        using dxlsm
        volume commands

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character-special file
        changing attributes
        in /dev/rvol

Check File System (fsck) form (dxlsm)

checking a file system

        saved in header file

CLEAN plex state

CLEAN volume state

Command Info Window (dxlsm)
Command Info Window (dxlsm)

command interface to LSM

        displaying in dxlsm
        executing in dxlsm
        executing using dxlsm
        for disk group operations
        for disk operations
        for file system operations
        for plex operations
        for subdisk operations
        for volume operations
        volassist growby
        volassist growto
        volassist make
        volassist make
        volassist make
        volassist make
        volassist make
        volassist mirror
        volassist move
        volassist shrinkby
        volassist shrinkto
        volassist snapshot
        voldg deport
        voldg deport
        voldg free
        voldg import
        voldg list rootdg
        voldg list
        voldg rmdisk
        voldg rmdisk
        voldisk list
        voldisk moddb
        voldisk offline
        voldisk rm
        voledit rm
        voledit rm
        voledit set reserve
        voledit set
        voledit set
        voledit set
        volmake plex
        volmake sd
        volmend fix clean
        volmend off
        volmend off
        volmend off
        volmend on
        volplex -o rm dis
        volplex att
        volplex att
        volplex att
        volplex att
        volplex cp
        volplex det
        volplex dis
        volplex mv
        volprint -s
        volsd aslog
        volsd assoc
        volsd dis
        volsd join
        volsd mv
        volsd split
        volume init
        volume init
        volume maint
        volume rdpol prefer
        volume rdpol round
        volume set len
        volume set
        volume start
        volume stop
        volume stopall

concatenated disks

concatenated volume
        creating using volassist


configuration database
        affected by voldctl
        backup using volsave
        default number of copies
        displaying free space
        See also displaying information
        increasing size using voldisk
        private region size
        recommended number of copies
        restoring using volrestore
        space problems
        stored in private region

        cleanup after reinstallation
        backing up
        displaying information using dxlsm
        estimating number of disks
        increasing limits
        mirroring guidelines
        problems restoring
        recovering after reinstallation
        striped plex changes
        striping guidelines
        volassist defaults file

        from LSM volumes to UNIX partitions

copying a plex
        using volplex

crash dumps

Create a View form (dxlsm)

Create Disk Group menu (voldiskadm)

creating a file system
        using commands
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm

creating a subdisk
        using dxlsm
        using volmake

creating a volume
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using volassist

creating objects
        using volmake

creating plexes
        using dxlsm
        using volmake

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        starting manually

        and gen usage type
        improving I/O of
        using LSM volumes with

        for volassist
        view windows for dxlsm
        X resources for dxlsm interface

Define Disk form (dxlsm)

defining a disk
        using dxlsm

deinstalling LSM

Deport Disk Group form (dxlsm)

deporting a disk group
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldg
        using voldg
        using voldiskadm

description file

description set
        volsave backup files

DETACHED plex kernel state

DETACHED volume kernel state

detaching a plex
        using dxlsm
        using volplex

device driver
        See volume device driver

device file

device name

Digital Storage Architecture
        See DSA disk

DISABLED plex kernel state

DISABLED volume kernel state

disabling a disk
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldisk
        using voldiskadm

disabling disk group access
        See deporting a disk group

disassociating a plex
disassociating a plex

disassociating subdisks
        using dxlsm
        using volsd

disk access name
        See also device name

disk administration
        replacing a failed disk

disk commands

disk failure
        replacing a failed disk
        replacing a failed disk

disk group commands

disk group operations
        commands list
        See also disk group
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm

disk group
        adding a disk using dxlsm
        adding a disk using voldg
        deporting using dxlsm
        deporting using dxlsm
        deporting using voldg
        deporting using voldiskadm
        displaying free space using voldg
        displaying information using dxlsm
        displaying information using voldg
        importing using dxlsm
        importing using dxlsm
        importing using voldiskadm
        initializing using dxlsm
        initializing using dxlsm
        initializing using voldiskadd
        moving between systems using voldg
        moving disks and volumes using commands
        removing using voldg
        specifying with -g option

Disk Init form (dxlsm)

disk label
        initializing using voldisksetup
        modifying to start at block 1
        modifying using disklabel command

disk media name
        See also disk name

Disk menu (dxlsm)

Disk Menu (voldiskadm)

disk name
        selection with voldiskadd

Disk Online form (dxlsm)

Disk Operations menu (dxlsm)

disk operations
        commands list
        See also disk
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm

Disk Properties form (dxlsm)

        adding to a disk group using dxlsm
        adding to a disk group using dxlsm
        adding to a disk group using voldg
        adding to a disk group using voldiskadm
        adding using dxlsm
        adding using voldiskadd
        adding using voldiskadd
        block 0
        block 0
        block 0
        block 0
        creating a secondary root
        defining using dxlsm
        disabling using dxlsm
        disabling using voldisk
        displaying free space using dxlsm
        displaying information using dxlsm
        displaying information using voldisk
        displaying information using voldiskadm
        enabling using dxlsm
        evacuating using dxlsm
        evacuating using voldiskadm
        evacuating using volevac
        I/O failure
        initializing using dxlsm
        initializing using dxlsm
        initializing using voldiskadm
        moving between disk groups using commands
        moving between disk groups
        naming conventions
        offline state
        online state
        performance analysis using dxlsm
        private region sizes
        private region
        projecting object relationships
        projecting relationships using dxlsm
        projecting relationships using dxlsm
        public region
        recovery procedures
        removing from a disk group using voldiskadm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using voldisk
        removing using voldisk
        renaming using dxlsm
        renaming using voldiskadm
        renaming using voledit
        replacing using dxlsm
        replacing using dxlsm
        replacing using individual commands
        replacing using voldiskadm
        replacing using voldiskadm
        reserving using voledit
        specifying first block
        troubleshooting problems
        troubleshooting problems
        troubleshooting soft errors
        See specific types of disks

disklabel command
        modifying disk label
        modifying disk label

displaying information
        free space
        configuration database free space
        disk group
        disk group
        free space
        free subdisks (dxlsm)
        mounted file system
        mounted file system
        mounted file system
        projecting object relationships using dxlsm
        using Analyze menu (dxlsm)
        using Command Info Window (dxlsm)
        using properties form (dxlsm)
        using voldg free
        using voldg list rootdg
        using voldg list
        using voldisk list
        using voldiskadm
        using volprint
        using volstat
        volume configuration
        volume configuration

        See AdvFS domain

DSA disk
DSA disk

dxlsm interface
        .dxlsm_pref file
        .dxlsm_pref file
        adding a disk to a disk group
        analyzing performance
        backing up a volume
        Command Info Window
        Command Info Window
        creating a simple volume
        creating a striped volume
        creating a volume on a specific disk
        deporting a disk group
        disk operations
        displaying commands
        displaying disk group information
        displaying disk information
        displaying free subdisks
        displaying mounted file system information
        dragging and dropping icons
        executing commands
        extending a volume
        File System Create Form
        file system operations
        See also forms (dxlsm)
        help facility
        help facility
        icon characteristics
        importing a disk group
        initializing a disk group
        initializing a disk
        making a file system
        managing icons
        See also menus (dxlsm)
        mirroring a file system
        mirroring a volume
        mounting a file system
        mouse buttons
        reference information
        removing a disk
        removing a volume
        renaming a disk
        replacing a disk
        selecting icons
        setting analysis parameters
        setting user preferences
        setting user preferences
        shrinking a volume
        unmounting a file system
        user-created views
        using forms
        using help menu
        using icons
        using menus
        using View of rootdg window
        using Visual Administrator (root) window
        View of Disks window
        view windows
        viewing object relationships
        volume operations
        Volume Properties Form

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EMPTY plex state

EMPTY volume state

Enable Disk Group menu (voldiskadm)

ENABLED plex kernel state

ENABLED volume kernel state

enabling a disk
        using dxlsm

enabling disk group access
        See importing a disk group

encapsulation process
        boot disk
        boot disk
        commands used for
        commands used for
        commands used for
        commands used for
        deleting queued encapsulation requests
        for AdvFS domains
        for LVM volume groups
        for UNIX style partitions
        formats supported
        preserving block 0
        preserving block 0
        preserving block 0
        root partition
        root partition
        swap partition
        swap partititon
        See also unencapsulation process
        using individual commands
        using individual commands
        using the voldisk utility
        using volencap

error messages
        failed disks
        sent by volwatch
        vold daemon
        vold daemon
        vold daemon
        volume daemon

Evacuate menu (voldiskadm)

Evacuate Subdisks form (dxlsm)

evacuating a disk
        boot disk
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm
        using volevac
        using volevac

Execute menu (dxlsm)

Exit menu (dxlsm)

extending a volume
        overriding failure
        See also resizing a volume
        using dxlsm
        using volassist

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File menu (dxlsm)

File System Create Form (dxlsm)

file system operations
        commands list
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm

File System Properties form (dxlsm)

file system
        See also AdvFS domain
        creating simple
        creating using dxlsm
        displaying mounted
        displaying mounted
        displaying mounted
        fsgen usage type
        mirroring using dxlsm
        troubleshooting problems
        See also UFS operations


forms (dxlsm)
        Add Disk
        Add Disk
        Analysis Parameters
        Analysis Statistics
        Check File System (fsck)
        Create a View
        Define Disk
        Deport Disk Group
        Disk Init
        Disk Online
        Disk Properties
        See also dxlsm interface
        Evacuate Subdisks
        File System Properties
        File System
        Free Space
        Import Disk Group
        Initialize Disk Group
        Make File System
        Mount File System
        Plex Create
        Plex Properties
        Remove a View
        Rename a View
        Replace Disks
        Simple Volume/FS Create
        Simple Volume/FS Create
        Snapshot Form
        Start Logging
        Striped Volume/FS Create
        Striped Volume/FS Create
        Subdisk Create
        Subdisk Properties
        Subdisk Split Into Many
        Subdisk Split Into Two
        Volume Create
        Volume Properties
        Volume Resize

Free Space form (dxlsm)

free space
        displaying using dxlsm
        in a disk group
        in configuration database
        increasing in configuration database

free subdisks
        displaying using dxlsm

fsck command

fsgen usage type

fstab file
        updating during move operation
        used during encapsulation

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gen usage type

graphical interface
        See dxlsm interface

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hardware requirements

help information
        for dxlsm
        for dxlsm
        for volassist
        for voldiskadm

Help menu (dxlsm)

hot spots

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Icon menu (dxlsm)
Icon menu (dxlsm)

Icon Projection menu (dxlsm)

        managing in dxlsm
        managing in dxlsm
        use in dxlsm

Import Disk Group form (dxlsm)

importing a disk group
        error during import
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldg
        using voldg
        using voldiskadm

Initialize Disk Group form (dxlsm)

initializing a disk group
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadd

initializing a disk
        See also adding a disk
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm

initializing a volume
        using dxlsm
        using the volume command

initializing LSM
        first-time setup
        first-time setup
        using individual commands
        using volencap
        using volsetup

inittab file
        automating LSM reconfiguration
        modified by volsetup

installing LSM
        configuration limits
        hardware requirements
        licensing requirements
        preparing for reinstallation
        reenabling after reinstallation
        reinstalling after system failure
        software requirements

interfaces to LSM
        See also dxlsm interface
        See also voldiskadm interface

ioctl requests

IOFAIL plex state

I\/O performance

I\/O statistics
        recorded by LSM
        using volstat

I\/O tracing
        using voltrace
        when to use

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joining subdisks
        using dxlsm
        using volsd

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        error messages

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licensing requirements

        increasing configuration limits

listing information
        See displaying information

load balancing
        for improved performance
        under AdvFS
        using disk striping

        clearing using voldisk

log region
        default number of copies
        recommended number of copies

logging subdisk
        effects on performance

        activating with dxlsm
        persistent state
        persistent state

Logical Storage Manager
        See LSM

Logical Volume Manager
        See LVM

lsmbstartup script

LVM volume group

        encapsulating volume groups
        lvmtab file
        support in Digital UNIX

lvmtab file

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Make File System form (dxlsm)

menu interface (voldiskadm)
        See voldiskadm interface

menus (dxlsm)
        Disk Operations
        Icon Projection
        UFS Operations
        View of rootdg window
        Visual Administrator (root) window
        Volume Operations

menus (voldiskadm)
        Add Disk
        Create Disk Group
        Enable Disk Group
        Offline Disk
        Remove Disk
        Remove for Replace
        Replace Disk

Mirror menu (voldiskadm)

mirrored volume

        attaching a mirror
        boot disk
        boot disk
        detaching a mirror
        disassociating mirrors
        existing volumes using volplex
        file system using dxlsm
        partitions other than root
        performance effects of
        planning considerations
        root volume
        root volume
        root volume
        swap volume
        swap volume
        troubleshooting problems
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using volassist
        using volassist
        using voldiskadm

mkfdmn command

mkfset command

monitoring LSM
        to improve performance
        using volnotify
        using voltrace
        using volwatch

mount command
        displaying mounted file system information
        mounting a file system

Mount File System form (dxlsm)

mounting a file system
mounting a file system

mouse buttons
        using with dxlsm

moving a plex
        using volplex

moving a subdisk
        using volsd

moving disk groups between systems
        using voldg

moving disks
        between disk groups
        voldisk clearimport

moving subdisks from a disk
        using volevac

moving volumes from a disk
        using voldiskadm
        using volevac

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naming a disk

nconfig attribute
        default values used by volsetup
        recommended settings

NEEDSYNC volume state

newfs command

nlog attribute
        default values used by volsetup
        recommended settings

nopriv disk
        redefining without block 0
        redefining without block 0
        redefining without block 0
        using for encapsulation

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Offline Disk menu (voldiskadm)

OFFLINE plex state

offlining a disk
        See disabling a disk

Options menu (dxlsm)
Options menu (dxlsm)

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        encapsulating root
        encapsulating swap
        encapsulating using individual commands
        encapsulating using volencap
        encapsulating using volencap
        encapsulation process
        restoring from LSM volumes

        analyzing using dxlsm
        analyzing using dxlsm
        configuring striped disks
        effects of block-change logging
        effects of block-change logging
        effects of concatenation
        effects of mirroring
        effects of read policy
        effects of striping
        effects of striping
        identifying hot spots
        improving AdvFS
        management guidelines
        setting priorities

persistent state logging
        and plex resynchronization
        recovering plexes

planning an LSM configuration

Plex Create form (dxlsm)

plex kernel states

Plex menu (dxlsm)

plex operations
        accessing using dxlsm
        commands list
        See also plex
        using volplex

Plex Properties form (dxlsm)

plex states
        after system crash
        initial settings
        setting using the volume command
        shutdown cycle
        startup cycle
        use by LSM utilities
        when starting and stopping volumes

        adding using dxlsm
        associating subdisks with
        associating using dxlsm
        associating using volplex
        attaching using dxlsm
        attaching using volplex
        changing status
        commands list
        configuration limits
        copying using volplex
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using volmake
        cycle of states
        detaching using dxlsm
        detaching using volplex
        displaying information using volprint
        displaying information using volprint
        I/O error
        kernel state
        layout policy
        maximum number supported
        moving using volplex
        OFFLINE state
        offlining using volmend off
        persistent state logging
        See also plex operations
        See also plex states
        problem correction with volmend
        projecting relationships using dxlsm
        reattaching using volplex
        recovering from failures
        removing using commands
        resynchronization process
        SNAPDONE state
        sparse plex

private region
        default size
        setting size with privlen
        size changed by voldiskadd

privlen attribute
        default values used by volsetup
        recommended settings

        adding a disk
        boot disk failure
        creating a volume
        disabled volume
        encapsulating root partition
        encapsulating swap partition
        kernel errors
        methods of preventing
        mounting a file system
        opening an LSM volume
        root disk
        stale plexes on boot disk
        unstartable volume
        vold daemon
        vold daemon

projecting object relationships
        icon highlighting

Projection menu (dxlsm)
Projection menu (dxlsm)

public region

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RAID subsystems
        LSM support for
        using dxlsm with

read policy
        performance effects of
        setting using volume command


        using mirroring to achieve

reinstalling LSM
reinstalling LSM
reinstalling LSM
        cleaning up the configuration
        disk cleanup
        final reconfiguration
        recovering the LSM configuration
        rootability cleanup
        rootability reconfiguration
        volume cleanup

Remove a View form (dxlsm)

Remove Disk menu (voldiskadm)

Remove for Replace menu (voldiskadm)

removing a disk from a disk group
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm

removing a disk group
        using voldg

removing a disk
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldisk
        using voldisk

removing a plex
        using commands
        using dxlsm
        using volplex

removing a subdisk
        using dxlsm

removing a volume
        using commands
        using commands
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm

removing objects
        using voledit

removing subdisks
        using voledit

Rename a View form (dxlsm)

renaming a disk
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm
        using voledit

Replace Disk menu (voldiskadm)

Replace Disks form (dxlsm)

replacing a disk
        boot disk
        using commands
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using voldiskadm
        using voldiskadm
        using voldiskadm

reserving a disk
        using voledit

resizing a volume
        See also extending a volume
        See also shrinking a volume
        using dxlsm
        using the volume command

restoring a configuration
        using volrestore
        using volrestore

resynchronizing plexes

resynchronizing volumes

root disk
        mirroring volumes on
        mirroring volumes on

root partition
        enacapsulation problems

root usage type

root volume
        minor device number
        mirroring methods
        removing after reinstallation of LSM
        removing mirrors

rootability cleanup

rootability reconfiguration

rootdg disk group
        configuration database
        default disk group

        See root volume

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saving a configuration
        See backups

        See commands
        See specific script names

SCSI disk
SCSI disk

shrinking a volume
        overriding failure
        See also resizing a volume
        using dxlsm
        using volassist

simple disk

simple volume
        creating using dxlsm

Simple Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)
Simple Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)
Simple Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)

sliced disk

SNAPDONE plex state

Snapshot Form (dxlsm)

snapshot plex
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        volassist snapshot

spanned volume
        creating using volassist

splitting subdisks
        using dxlsm
        using volsd

STALE plex state

Start Logging form (dxlsm)

starting dxlsm

starting LSM

starting volumes

        See kernel states
        See plex kernel states
        See plex states
        See volume kernel states
        See volume states

        displaying using Analyze menu (dxlsm)
        evaluating I/O
        trace records

stopping volumes

stripe block
        stripe width size
        stripe width


striped volume
        configuration changes
        configuring for performance
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using individual commands
        creating using volassist
        creating using volassist
        criteria for using
        improved data access with

Striped Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)
Striped Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)
Striped Volume/FS Create form (dxlsm)

        performance effects of

Subdisk Create form (dxlsm)

Subdisk menu (dxlsm)

subdisk operations
        accessing using dxlsm
        commands list
        using commands

Subdisk Properties form (dxlsm)

Subdisk Split Into Many form (dxlsm)

Subdisk Split Into Two form (dxlsm)

        associating using dxlsm
        associating using volsd
        changing information
        commands list
        configuration limits
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using volmake
        disassociating using dxlsm
        disassociating using volsd
        displaying free subdisks using dxlsm
        displaying information using volprint
        joining using dxlsm
        joining using volsd
        layout policy
        See also logging subdisk
        maximum number supported
        moving using volevac
        moving using volsd
        performance analysis using dxlsm
        problem correction with volmend
        projecting relationships using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using voledit
        splitting using dxlsm
        splitting using volsd

support operations
        See voldiskadm interface

swap partition
        encapsulation problems
        size after encapsulation

swap usage type

swap volume
        minor device number
        mirroring methods
        removing after reinstallation of LSM
        removing mirrors
        using LSM volumes for swap space

swapon command

        See swap volume

SYNC volume state

sysconfigtab file
        editing to change LSM limits

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TEMP plex state

TEMPRM plex state

top-down LSM management
        using commands
        using dxlsm

tracing I/O events
        using voltrace

        See I\/O tracing

        boot disk failures
        command problems
        configuration database size problems
        detecting failed disks with volstat
        disk failure
        disk problems
        disk soft errors
        failed disk
        file system problems
        I/O problems
        kernel problems
        LSM problems
        mirroring problems
        obtaining crash dumps
        problems adding a disk
        problems creating a volume
        problems encapsulating root
        problems encapsulating root
        problems encapsulating swap
        root disk problems
        stale plex problems
        using volmend
        vold problems
        vold problems
        voldg import failure
        voldiskadd problems
        voliod problems
        volrestore problems
        volume problems

tunable parameters for volassist

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UDS (ULTRIX Disk Shadowing)
        LSM encapsulation unsupported for

UFS Operations menu (dxlsm)

UFS operations
        accessing using dxlsm
        adding /usr
        adding existing data
        backups using dxlsm
        backups using volassist
        creating file systems on volumes

ULTRIX Disk Shadowing
        See UDS

ULTRIX Striping Driver
        LSM encapsulation unsupported for

umount command

unencapsulation process
        for /usr file system
        for /var file system
        for AdvFS domains
        for root partition
        for root partition
        for swap partition
        for swap partition
        for UNIX style partitions
        for UNIX style partitions
        using commands
        using commands

UNIX file system
        See USF operations

UNIX partition
        See partition

unmirroring a volume
        See removing a plex

unmounting a file system
unmounting a file system
unmounting a file system

usage type
        fsgen (file system generic)
        gen (generic)
        specifying for a volume

        See commands
        See specific utility names

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View of Disks window (dxlsm)

Views menu (dxlsm)
Views menu (dxlsm)

virtual disk
        See volume

Visual Administrator
        See dxlsm interface
        See LSM graphical interface

vol-lvm-reconfig command

vol-reconfig command
vol-reconfig command

voladvdomencap command

volassist utility
        backup procedures
        concatenated volume creation
        creating a volume on a specific disk
        creating a volume
        defaults file
        extending a volume
        force option
        force option
        force option
        mirrored volume creation
        moving volumes between disks
        online help information
        shrinking a volume
        snapshot operation
        snapstart operation
        snapwait operation
        spanned volume creation
        striped volume creation
        volume operations

volboot file
        affected by voldctl
        changes during move operation
        checking status
        created by volsetup
        error message
        updated by voldiskadd
        use during startup
        used in reinstallation

vold daemon
        and configuration changes
        checking status
        controlling with voldctl
        error message
        stale plex error message
        troubleshooting problems
        volboot file and

voldctl command
        updating the volboot file

voldg command
        adding a disk
        deporting a disk group
        deporting disk groups
        displaying disk group information
        displaying free space in configuration database
        displaying free space
        force option
        importing disk groups
        removing a disk group

voldisk utility
        changing configuration database size
        clearing locks
        disabling a disk
        displaying disk information
        encapsulating disks
        list keyword
        offline keyword
        removing a disk
        removing a disk

voldisk.list file

voldiskadd utility
        adding a disk
        adding a disk
        effect on private region size
        effect on volboot file
        error messages
        initializing a new disk group

voldiskadm interace
        See menus (voldiskadm)

voldiskadm interface
        adding a disk to a disk group
        deporting a disk group
        disabling a disk
        disk group operations
        displaying disk information
        importing a disk group
        initializing a disk
        mirroring volumes on a disk
        moving volumes from a disk
        removing a disk from a disk group
        renaming a disk
        replacing a failed disk
        replacing a failed disk
        replacing a removed disk

voldisksetup utility
        initializing a disk

voledit utility
        changing special device file attributes
        changing special device file attributes
        removing subdisks
        removing volumes
        removing volumes
        renaming a disk
        reserving a disk
        rootability cleanup
        setting plex attributes
        setting subdisk attributes
        setting volume attributes

volencap command
volencap command
        encapsulating /usr
        encapsulating a mixed configuration
        encapsulating root partition
        encapsulating swap partition
        encapsulating the boot disk

volevac command

volinfo command

voliod daemon
        checking status

vollvmencap command

volmake utility
        creating a volume
        creating plexes
        creating subdisks
        description file
        error messages
        mirroring secondary swap
        specifying usage type

volmend utility
        detaching a plex
        offlining a plex
        recovering a disabled volume

volnotify command

volplex utility
        associating a plex
        attaching a plex
        attaching a plex
        copying a plex
        detaching a plex
        moving a lex
        removing a plex
        removing root mirrors
        removing swap mirrors

volprint command
        displaying plex information
        displaying volume information

volrecover command
        starting a volume

volrestore command
        problems with
        problems with
        restoring a configuration
        restoring a configuration

volrootmir command
        mirroring the boot disk
        mirroring the boot disk

volsave command
        saving configuration information
        saving configuration information

volsd utility
        associating logging subdisks
        associating subdisks
        disassociating subdisks
        joining subdisks
        moving subdisks
        splitting subdisks

volsetup utility
        initializing LSM
        initializing LSM
        volboot file creation

volstat command
        clearing statistics
        detecting failed disks
        displaying I\O statistics

voltrace command
        tracing I\O operations
        tracing I\O operations

volume command
        init keyword
        initializing volumes
        resizing a volume
        setting read policy
        setting volume attributes
        start keyword
        stopping volumes

volume configuration daemon
        See vold daemon

Volume Create form (dxlsm)

volume daemon
        See vold daemon

volume device driver
        devices supported
        plex kernel state monitoring

volume error daemon
        See voliod daemon

volume extended I/O daemon
        See voliod daemon

volume group
        See LVM volume group

volume kernel states

Volume menu (dxlsm)

Volume Operations menu (dxlsm)

volume operations
        commands list
        creating a volume
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using dxlsm
        using individual commands
        using volassist
        using voldiskadm
        See also volume

Volume Properties Form (dxlsm)

Volume Properties form (dxlsm)

Volume Resize Form (dxlsm)

Volume Resize form (dxlsm)

volume size
        using ioctls to determine

volume states

volume usage types
        See usage type

        accessing for I/O
        backups using dxlsm
        backups using dxlsm
        backups using volassist
        configuration limits
        creating on a specific disk using dxlsm
        creating on a specific disk using volassist
        creating on a specific disk using volassist
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using dxlsm
        creating using volassist
        creating using volassist
        creating using volmake
        creating using volmake
        displaying information using dxlsm
        displaying information using volprint
        extending using dxlsm
        extending using volassist
        gen usage type
        initializing using dxlsm
        initializing using the volume command
        kernel states
        listing unstartable
        maintenance mode
        maximum number supported
        mirroring on the root disk
        mirroring using dxlsm
        mirroring using volassist
        mirroring using volassist
        mirroring using voldiskadm
        mirroring using volplex
        mirroring using volplex
        moving between disk groups using commands
        moving from a disk using voldiskadm
        performance analysis using dxlsm
        problem correction with volmend
        projecting relationships using dxlsm
        read policy
        removing using commands
        removing using commands
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        removing using dxlsm
        resizing using dxlsm
        resizing using the volume command
        setting attributes
        setting read policy using volume command
        shrinking using dxlsm
        shrinking using volassist
        size determination using ioctls
        starting disabled volumes
        starting using dxlsm
        starting with commands
        state changes
        stopping using dxlsm
        stopping with commands
        troubleshooting problems
        unencapsulating using commands
        using for secondary swap space
        using with databases
        zeroing plexes

volunroot utility
        removing root volume
        removing swap volume

volwatch script

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windows (dxlsm)
        See dxlsm interface

windows interface
        See dxlsm interface

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        root disk encapsulation

zeroing plexes