Various Visual Administrator operations and options can be accessed using the main menus located in the menu bars of the Visual Administrator root window, view windows, or both. Some of these menus lead to submenus; some lead to forms; and some simply execute operations directly.
The following sections provide reference information for the introductory and setup menus.
The LSM Visual Administrator root window contains a Views menu that is used to create and modify view windows. The following list describes the views available using the Views menu (located in the LSM Visual Administrator root window only).
Views -> Create a View
Description: Creates a new user-specified view (commonly referred to as a user-created view or a user view ). The user specifies a unique name for this new view. Once created, icons can be added to this new view window by copying them over from existing views.
User-created views differ from default views (disk, volume, disk group, and world views) in that they contain copies of icons from the default views. Any operations performed from user-created views are automatically activated in the corresponding default views. Icons that appear in default views are not necessarily duplicated in user-created views.
Views -> Rename a View
Description: Renames an existing user-created view. The user specifies a new, unique name for the view.
Requirement: Only a user-created view can be renamed.
Views -> Remove Views
Description: Permanently removes a user-created view. The removal of a user-created view results in the removal of its icons, but the objects represented by those icons are unaffected.
Requirement: Only a user-created view can be removed.
The following list shows the forms accessed via the Views menu (located in the LSM Visual Administrator root window only).
Views -> Create a View
Description: Creates a new view window. Once created, this view is represented by a new view button in the Visual Administrator root window. This user-created view is also retained across future Visual Administrator sessions. The following table describes the field for this form.
Field | Description |
View Name: | The name of the view to be created. This name must be unique. The maximum length of the name is 14 characters. This field is required. |
Requirement: The name specified for the new view must be unique.
Views -> Rename a View
Description: This form is used to change the name of an existing user-created view. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Field | Description |
Old View Name: | The name of the view to be renamed. This name must belong to a user-created view. This field is required. |
New View Name: | The name to which the existing name is to be changed. This name must be unique. The maximum length of the name is 14 characters. This field is required. |
Requirements: Only user-created views can be renamed, and the new view name must be unique.
Views -> Remove a View
Description: This form is used to remove a user-created view. This form contains no fields. Instead, it lists all user-created views that currently exist.
The user selects one or more views for removal by highlighting the desired view names with the MB1 button. If a view is mistakenly selected, the MB1 button can be used again to clear that view name. Removal is activated by clicking MB1 on the Apply button once, then confirming the removal by selecting Apply again (this ensures that a view is not accidentally removed).
User preferences for how the LSM Visual Administrator should operate are set via the Options menu.
Once set, most preferences for each user are saved to the .dxlsm_pref, file located in each user's home directory. The .dxlsm_pref file should not be edited by users. Once set, these preferences are maintained across future Visual Administrator session.
The following list shows the menu selections accessible from the Options menu:
Options -> Show Command
Description: This menu selection is used to specify whether the Command Info Window is to be displayed before each command is executed or only upon command failure.
From the
Show Command
menu, a submenu allows the user to indicate when to display the
Command Info Window. The following table describes the available
Option | Description |
Show on Error | Display the Command Info Window only when an LSM or system command has failed. This is the default behavior. |
Show at Start | Display the Command Info Window whenever an LSM or system command is ready to be sent. This enables the user to view the actual commands being executed via the Visual Administrator. |
Options -> When Commands Are Ready
Description: This menu selection is used to specify whether commands should be executed immediately or simply displayed for user review.
From the When Commands Are Ready menu, a submenu allows the user to indicate what the Visual Administrator is to do when a command is issued:
Options -> Logging
Description: This menu selection is used to start or stop logging of Visual Administrator commands. Logging records all commands sent to LSM or the system by the LSM Visual Administrator in a specified file.
From the Logging menu, a submenu allows you to indicate
whether logging should be activated or deactivated:
Option | Description |
Start | Begin recording all commands to a log file. A log file is created if one does not already exist. The file to be used for logging must be specified in the resulting form. If the file exists, the user must have permission to write to that file. The log information will be appended to the end of the specified file. |
Stop | Stop recording all commands to the log file. When logging is discontinued, the user is responsible for remembering the name of the log file that was used. |
Unlike other user preferences, the logging setting is not saved across Visual Administrator sessions.
Form: Log File Form (described in Section A.1.3.2).
Options -> Popup the Command Window
Description: This menu selection is used to access and display the Command Info Window. This window displays current and previous commands, along with the status of each command. Once accessed in this way, the Command Info Window remains visible until it is closed via its File menu.
See Section A.1.4 for further details.
Options -> Format of Size
Description: This menu selection is used to specify the units (megabytes, kilobytes, or sectors) to be used for size-related output. The unit of size is set to megabytes until the user resets it.
In properties forms, length values are displayed as sectors (s), kilobytes (k), or megabytes (m). If the size cannot be cleanly converted into kilobytes or megabytes, it is displayed in sectors instead (even though another format of size preference may be set).
The preferred format of size applies to output only and does not impact input in any way. Input typically defaults to sectors, unless megabytes or kilobytes are specified.
From the Format of Size menu, a submenu allows the user to select the units of size:
Units | Description |
Mbytes | Use megabytes when displaying size-related output. |
Kbytes | Use kilobytes when displaying size-related output. |
Sectors | Use sectors when displaying size-related output. This is the default. |
The following forms are accessible via the Options menu:
Options -> Logging -> Start
Description: This form is used to specify the file to be used for logging purposes. The following table describes the field for this form.
Field | Description |
Log File: | The name of the file (and path name) to be used to store the command log. If no path is specified, the file is created in the directory from which the Visual Administrator session was started. The maximum length of the path specified here is 127 characters. |
You access the Command Info Window via the Options menu. Once accessed, this window displays information on current and previous commands executed by the Visual Administrator.
In addition to viewing or previewing commands, you can use the Command Info Window to execute commands directly through its Execute menu. This is useful for reexecuting commands or for executing commands that were previously only shown in this window. The following list describes using the Execute and Execute With Force options:
Execute -> Execute
Description: This menu selection is used to execute the command highlighted in the Command History section of the window. The Visual Administrator sends the highlighted command to LSM or the system for execution.
Requirement: A single command in the Command History section of the window must be highlighted.
Execute -> Execute With Force Option
Description: This menu selection is used to forcefully execute the LSM command highlighted in the Command History section of the window (using the -f option). This option effectively forces LSM to complete an operation that is considered unsafe and should therefore be used only when the user is certain that an operation should be performed in this way.
This is a dangerous operation that can cause irreparable loss of data. Use this option only when absolutely necessary.
You can access a set of icon-related options via the Icon menu located in views.
The following list shows the menu selections you can access via the Icon menu:
Icon -> Maximize Icons
Description: This operation maximizes the selected minimized icons, making it show all of its subicons.
Requirement: At least one minimized icon must be selected.
Icon -> Minimize Icons
Description: This operation minimizes the selected icons, making it shrink down in size and hide all of its subicons.
Minimized icons occupy less space and are displayed with their names in reverse type.
Requirement: You must select at least one maximized icon.
Icon -> Maximize All Icons
Description: This operation maximizes all icons in the current view window, making them show all of their subicons. No icons need to be selected.
Icon -> Create Icons
Description: This operation creates a copy of the icons selected from another view and places the new copy in the current user-created view. Icons that already exist in this user-created view will not be duplicated.
Requirement: This option is only available in user-created views.
Icon -> Remove Icons
Description: This operation removes the selected icons from the current user-created view.
Requirement: This option is only available in user-created views.
The LSM Visual Administrator provides an extensive Help facility, which is accessible from most windows or operations.
Almost all Visual Administrator windows contain a Help menu that provides access to information relevant to the contents of that window. The Help menu contains a list of available Help options, each of which brings up a Help window containing information on the selected topic.
Most Visual Administrator menus contain a Help option (listed at the bottom of the menu). When the Help option is selected from a given menu, a Help window containing information relevant to the operations or options listed in the menu appears.
Visual Administrator forms contain Help buttons that provide information relevant to the form and its fields. Help is accessed by clicking MB1 on a form's Help button.
Regardless of where you try to access Help, LSM displays a Help window that includes text relevant to the topic.
From a given Help window, the user can access different Help topics in any of the following ways:
A Help index can be accessed via the Help menu located in the menu bar of the Help window itself. The Help index lists all available help topics for the Visual Administrator. Once identified, any of the listed Help topics can be accessed by clicking MB1 on the matching topic listed in the SEE ALSO section of the Help window (directly below the Help index listing).
Most Visual Administrator windows contain a File menu, which is used to exit that particular Visual Administrator window or to exit the session completely.
The following list describes the menu selections you can access via the File menu:
File -> Exit
Description This menu selection both closes the current window and exits the Visual Administrator completely. Although the session is closed down, user preferences set during the session are retained. Because the Visual Administrator operations are applied to the Visual Administrator configuration as they are issued, quitting a session has no effect on the configuration and does not undo any changes made through the Visual Administrator.
File -> Close
Description: This menu selection closes the current window only.
This section provides information on menus and forms relating to UFS operations. You access UFS operations via the Basic-Ops menu. This menu is located in view windows, such as View of rootdg. This menu provides access to UFS operations involving general file system maintenance, and is accessed as shown:
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations
You can access the following menu selections via the Basic-Ops menu.
The Help selection accesses a Help window which displays information relevant to the available file system operations.
The following list describes the file system operations menu items:
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Create
Description: This operation creates a file system on an underlying volume. This is done by creating a volume on one or more disks and then creating the file system on that volume.
You can select one or more disks on which to create the volume (providing that there is sufficient space on the disks). If you do not specify any disks, LSM automatically determines which disks to use based on available free space.
From the Create menu, select the type of volume to be created from a submenu listing two of the basic types of volumes:
Type | Description |
Simple | Creates a simple, concatenated volume whose subdisks are arranged both sequentially and contiguously within a plex. |
Striped | Creates a volume with data spread fairly evenly across multiple disks by way of striping. Stripes are relatively small, equally-sized fragments that are allocated alternately to the subdisks of each plex. |
If a mirrored volume is desired, a simple or striped volume must be created and then mirrored using the Add Mirror option from the Volume Operations menu.
Forms: Simple Volume/FS Create Form and Striped Volume/FS Create Form (described in Section A.2.2).
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Make File System
Description: This operation is used to make a file system on an existing volume. The user selects the volume on which to place the new file system, and specifies the mount point if the file system is to be mounted immediately.
Form: Make File System Form (described in Section A.2.2).
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Mount
Description: This operation mounts the file system that resides on the selected volume. This operation assumes that the selected volume already contains a valid file system. The Visual Administrator has no way of knowing whether a valid, unmounted file system already exists on a given volume. You must make sure of the existence of an unmounted file system on a volume, as well as that file system's type.
Form: Mount File System Form (described in Section A.2.2).
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Unmount
Description: This operation is used to unmount the file systems that resides on the selected volumes. The file system can be unmounted only if the mount point is not busy.
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Check File System (fsck)
Description: This operation checks the file systems on the selected volumes for consistency (using fsck). The file system to be checked must currently be unmounted.
Form: File System Check Form (described in Section A.2.2).
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Display Properties
Description: Display information for file systems mounted on the system. The user may select the file system for which information is to be displayed from a list of all mounted file systems. If a volume is selected, the properties for the file system that resides on that volume is displayed by default.
Some file system operations result in the appearance of forms that you must complete in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button that provides access to information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that particular form.
The following list describes how to access forms via file system-related selections from the Basic-Ops menu:
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Create -> Simple
Description: This form creates a concatenated volume and then creates a file system on the new volume. The form is divided into two sections, one for volume creation and the other for file system creation. Most of the form fields are already set to the defaults for the creation of a new volume and file system. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Volume size: | The desired volume size. The size should be entered as a number followed immediately by the letter k, m, or s to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or sectors, respectively. If no unit is specified, the default is sectors. The volume size should be less than or equal to the available free space of the disks. |
Usage Type: | The desired usage type. The fsgen file system is the generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen file system is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. The default is fsgen. |
Create file system: | Indicates whether a file system is to be created. When this form is invoked from the UFS Operations menu, the default is to create a file system (Yes). All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
FS type: | UFS is the only currently supported file system type. |
Mount file system: | Indicates whether the file system should be mounted after creation. If the answer is Yes (the default), a mount point must also be specified in the next field. All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the new file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. This field is required if the file system is to be mounted. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). The default is Yes. |
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Create -> Striped
Description: This form creates a striped volume and creates a file system on the new volume. The form is divided into two sections, one for volume creation and the other for file system creation. Most of the form fields are already set to the defaults for the creation of a new volume. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Volume size: |
The desired volume size. The size should be entered as a number
followed immediately by the letter
to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or
sectors, respectively. If no unit is specified, the default
is sectors.
If the size is not wholly divisible by the stripe width, LSM adjusts
the volume size up to the next even multiple in order to create the
For a striped volume, the volume size should be calculated as follows: vol_size = stripe_width * number_of_stripes * n, where n is a number greater than zero. The volume size should be less than or equal to the available free space of the disks. |
Usage Type: | The desired usage type. The fsgen type is the file system generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen type is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. The default is fsgen. |
Number of Stripes: | The number of stripes that the volume's plex is to have. This is effectively the number of disks on which the volume is to be created. If some number of disks have already been selected, that number of stripes appears in this field. This number corresponds to the number of disks across which data will be striped. If no number is specified, Logical Storage Manager selects an appropriate number (usually 2). |
Stripe width: | The width of the stripes on the plex that this volume will have. The value specified may be optimized for the particular drive configuration, as best striping performance is achieved when the stripe width corresponds to the track width of the drive. The default value for this field is 128 sectors, chosen as a good stripe width for most systems. |
Create file system: | Indicates whether a file system is to be created. When this form is invoked from the UFS Operations menu, the default is to create a file system (Yes). All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
FS type: | UFS is the only currently supported file system type. |
Mount file system: | Indicates whether the file system should be mounted after creation. If the answer is Yes (the default), a mount point must also be specified in the next field. All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the new file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. This field is required if the file system is to be mounted. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). The default is Yes. |
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Make
Description: This form is used to make a file system (using newfs) according to the user's specifications. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless they are listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Device name: | This field displays the block device on which to make the file system, which corresponds to the name of the selected volume. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
File system size: | The length of the file system to be made. If no units are specified, sectors are assumed. This length should typically correspond to the length of the volume on which the file system is to be made, although it can be altered for special circumstances. |
FS Type: | UFS is the only currently supported file system type. |
Mount file system: | Indicates whether the file system should be mounted after creation. If the answer is Yes (the default), a mount point must also be specified in the next field. All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the new file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. This field is required if the file system is to be mounted. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). Yes is the default. |
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Mount
Description: This form is used to mount a file system that already exists on a selected volume. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Device name: | This field displays the block device on which to make the file system, which corresponds to the name of the selected volume. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
FS Type: | UFS is the only currently supported file system type. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. The Visual Administrator attempts to provide a default mount point, which it obtains by scanning /etc/fstab. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). No is the default. |
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Check File System (fsck)
Description: This form is used to check a file system that exists on a volume but is not currently mounted. The following table describes the fields for this form.
The fields in this form are required. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Volume: | This fields displays the name of the volume containing the file system to be checked (with fsck). This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
FS type: | This fields indicates the type of the file system to be checked. |
The following discussion describes the properties form. This form reveals the properties of a particular file system:
Basic-Ops -> UFS Operations -> Display Properties
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular file system. This properties form contains a list of mounted file systems, from which the user can select the file system whose properties are to be displayed. The following table describes the fields for this form.
All fields in this form are read only and cannot be changed.
Field | Description |
Mount Point: | The mount point of this file system. |
Device: | The block device on which this file system resides. |
Block Size: | The block size of this file system. |
Default block size: | Fundamental file system block size. |
Total disk space: | Number of megabytes of disk storage on this file system available on the disk. |
Disk space available: | Number of megabytes of disk storage on this file system that is available for use. |
% disk space available: | Percentage of the total disk storage space still available for use. This is the "free space available" divided by the "total disk space." |
Total files: | The maximum number of files allowed on this file system. |
Free files available: | The number of files that still may be created on this file system. |
FS type: | The file system type (such as ufs). |
Max file name length: | This is the maximum number of characters that a file name may be on this file system. This restriction is imposed by the file system. |
FS attributes: | This field indicates attributes associated with this file system: Read Only indicates a file system that cannot be written to. |
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to volume operations.
Both the Basic-Ops and Advanced-Ops menus provide access to volume-related menus. Most menus provide a Help selection, which contains information relevant to the items and operations listed in that particular menu.
You access the Basic-Ops menu as shown:
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations
This menu provides access to volume operations involving general volume maintenance. These operations use the automated approach to volume management.
The Volume Operations menu provides the following selections:
The Help selection accesses a Help window, which displays information relevant to the basic volume operations.
The following list describes these menu selections:
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Create
Description: This operation creates a volume from one or more disks. The user may select one or more disks on which to create the volume (providing that there is sufficient space on the disks). If no disks are specified, LSM automatically determines which disks are to be used based on available free space.
From the Create menu, you select the type of volume to be created from a submenu listing two of the basic types of volumes:
Type | Description |
Simple | Creates a simple, concatenated volume whose subdisks are arranged both sequentially and contiguously within a plex. |
Striped | Creates a volume with data spread fairly evenly across multiple disks by way of striping. Stripes are relatively small, equally-sized fragments that are allocated alternately to the subdisks of each plex. |
If a mirrored volume is desired, a simple or striped volume must be created and then mirrored using the Add Mirror option.
Forms: Simple Volume/FS Create Form and Striped Volume/FS Create Form (described in Section A.3.2).
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Remove Volumes Recursively
Description: This operation removes the selected volumes and deallocates all of the disk space set aside for that volume. It automatically removes all underlying plexes and subdisks associated with the volume.
This is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. If completed, it will be difficult or impossible to retrieve the data associated with that volume. For this reason, a confirmation window is presented if the selected volume is not ready for removal (i.e. started or enabled).
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Add Mirror
Description: This operation adds a plex to the selected volume by associating a plex of the correct length to the volume. The plex effectively duplicates the information contained in the volume. Although a volume can have a single plex, at least two are required for true mirroring (redundancy of data) to be in effect.
From the Add Mirror menu, you select the type of plex to be added from a submenu listing two of the basic types of plexes:
Type | Description |
Simple | Adds a simple, concatenated plex whose subdisks are arranged both sequentially and contiguously. |
Striped | Adds a plex whose data is allocated evenly across each of its subdisks in an alternating fashion. This is accomplished with stripes, which are relatively small, equally-sized fragments that are allocated alternately to each subdisk. |
Disks can be selected for this operation. However, the number of selected disks must be sufficient to accommodate the layout type of both the existing volume and the plex to be added. If no disks are selected, the free space for the plex is allocated by LSM.
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Remove Mirror
Description: This operation removes the selected plex, along with any associated subdisks.
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Resize
Description: This operation resizes the selected volume. The volume can be increased to, increased by, reduced to, or reduced by a given length. This involves adding or removing disk space to or from the plexes associated with the volume.
If new disk space is needed during the resize, it is allocated as necessary; if space becomes unused, it is added to the free space pool. A disk cannot be selected for this operation.
Form: Volume Resize Form (described in Section A.3.2).
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Snapshot
Description: This operation backs up a volume by creating a snapshot image of that volume. This is a convenient way of performing backup with minimal interruption.
This operation invokes the LSM snapshot approach, in which the snapshot operation creates a new volume that is a snapshot of an existing volume. This is done by creating a plex of the existing volume (creating and associating a plex) using disk space from the pool of free disk space. The plex is brought up to date (this may take some time) and a separate (snapshot) volume is then created for that plex. The snapshot volume represents a consistent copy of the original volume at the time the snapshot was begun. The snapshot volume can be used to make a backup of the original volume without stopping it. After the backup is made, the snapshot volume can be removed without losing any data.
For UFS volumes, Digital recommends that you unmount the file system briefly to ensure the snapshot data on disk is consistent and complete.
From the Snapshot menu, a submenu allows you to first create the snapshot plex and then the snapshot volume:
Option | Description |
Snapstart | Start the snapshot procedure by creating a snapshot plex within the volume to be backed up. It takes a variable amount of time to update the new plex, during which time the snapshot plex icon is greyed out. |
Snapshot | At a convenient time (preferably after warning users to reduce activity briefly), create another volume for the snapshot plex. This portion of the procedure should take only seconds to complete. |
Form: Snapshot Form (described in Section A.3.2).
You access the Advanced-Ops menu selections as shown:
Advanced-Ops -> Volume
This menu provides access to assorted volume operations. These volume operations use the manual approach to volume management. The Volume menu provides the following selections:
The Help selection accesses a Help window, which displays information relevant to the advanced volume operations.
The following list describes these menu selections:
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Create
Description: This operation creates a volume. The user may select one or more plexes to be associated with the new volume after creation.
Form: Volume Create Form (described in Section A.3.2).
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Remove Volumes
Description: This operation removes the selected volumes. If the selected volume is started, it must be stopped before it can be removed.
This is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Any plexes associated with the volume will be disassociated and left behind.
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Initialize Volumes
Description: This operation initializes the selected volumes. From the Initialize volumes menu, you select the type of initialization from a submenu listing the following choices:
Option | Description |
Active | This enables the selected volume and its associated plexes, and sets the state of all associated plexes to ACTIVE. |
Enable | This enables the selected volume and its associated plexes, but leave the plex states as EMPTY. |
Clean | This sets the state for all associated plexes of the selected volume to CLEAN. This can be applied only under limited circumstances. |
Zero | This enables the selected volume and its associated plexes, then write zeroes over the entire volume. After the operation completes, all associated plexes are set to ACTIVE, assuming that there are no I/O errors. |
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Start Volumes
Description: This operation starts the selected volumes. A volume must be started before it can be accessed.
From the Start volumes menu, a submenu allows you to indicate whether all volumes or just those selected should be started:
Option | Description |
Start | Start the selected volume, which must be startable. |
Start All | Start all volumes in this disk group that can be started. |
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Stop Volumes
Description: This operation stops the selected volumes. A volume that is stopped is inaccessible.
From the Stop volumes menu, a submenu allows you to indicate whether all volumes or just those selected should be stopped:
Option | Description |
Stop | Stop the selected volume. |
Stop All | Stop all volumes in this disk group. |
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Resynchronize Volumes
Description: This operation brings all plexes within the selected volumes up to date. Any plexes that are inconsistent are resynchronized to contain consistent data.
Depending on how current the plexes are, this operation may take some time.
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Set to Maint State
Description: This operation sets the state of the selected volumes to a maintenance state. Refer to the volume(8) reference page for information on the maintenance state.
Requirement: At least one volume icon must be selected.
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Recover Volumes
Description: This operation recovers the selected volumes.
Requirement: At least one volume icon must be selected.
Some volume operations result in the appearance of forms, which must be completed in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button, which contains information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that particular form.
The following forms are accessed via volume-related selections from the Basic-Ops menu:
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Create -> Simple
Description: This form creates a concatenated volume and optionally creates a file system on the new volume. The form is divided into two sections, one for volume creation and the other for file system creation. Most of the form fields are already set to the defaults for the creation of a new volume; the file system fields are greyed out because the default is not to add a file system to the volume. The following tables describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. All fields in this form are read/write fields.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Volume size: | The desired volume size. The size should be entered as a number followed immediately by the letter k, m, or s to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or sectors, respectively. If no unit is specified, the default is sectors. The volume size should be less than or equal to the available free space of the disks. |
Usage Type: | The desired usage type. The fsgen type is the file system generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen type is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. The default is fsgen. |
Create file system: | Indicates whether a file system is to be created. When you invoke this form from the Volume Operations menu, the default is not to create a file system (No). All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
The following fields only apply if the Create file system: field is set to Yes. Otherwise, these fields are inaccessible.
Field | Description |
FS type: | UFS is the only currently supported files system type. |
Mount file system: | Indicates whether the file system should be mounted after creation. If the answer is Yes (the default), a mount point must also be specified in the next field. All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the new file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. This field is required if the file system is to be mounted. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). The default is Yes . |
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Create -> Striped
Description: This form creates a concatenated volume and optionally creates a file system on the new volume. The form is divided into two sections, one for volume creation and the other for file system creation. Most of the form fields are already set to the defaults for the creation of a new volume; the file system fields are greyed out because the default is not to add a file system to the volume. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. All fields in this form are read/write fields.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Volume size: |
The desired volume size.
The size should be entered as a number followed immediately
by the letter
to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or sectors, respectively.
If no unit is specified, the default is sectors.
If the size is not wholly divisible by the stripe width, LSM will adjust the volume size up to the next even multiple in order to create the volume. For a striped volume, the volume size should be calculated as follows: vol_size = stripe_width * number_of_stripes * n, where n is a number greater than zero. The volume size should be less than or equal to the available free space of the disks. |
Usage Type: | The desired usage type. The fsgen type is the file system generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen type is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. The default is fsgen. |
Number of Stripes: | The number of stripes that the volume's plex is to have. This is effectively the number of disks on which the volume is to be created. If some number of disks have already been selected, that number of stripes appears in this field. This number corresponds to the number of disks across which data will be striped. If no number is specified, LSM selects an appropriate number (usually 2). |
Stripe width: | The width of the stripes on the plex that this volume will have. The value specified may be optimized for the particular drive configuration, as best striping performance is achieved when the stripe width corresponds to the track width of the drive. The default value for this field is 128 sectors, chosen as a good stripe width for most systems. |
Create file system: | Indicates whether a file system is to be created. When you invoke this form from the Volume Operations menu, the default is not to create a file system (No). All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
The following fields only apply if you set the Create file system: field to Yes. Otherwise, these fields are inaccessible.
Field | Description |
FS type: | UFS is the only currently supported file system type. |
Mount file system: | Indicates whether the file system should be mounted after creation. If the answer is Yes (the default), you must also specify a mount point in the next field. All fields below this field are only accessible when Yes is specified here. |
Mount point: | The desired mount point for the new file system. If the specified mount point does not already exist, the Visual Administrator automatically creates it. This field is required if the file system is to be mounted. |
Mount automatically: | Indicates whether this file system should be mounted every time the system comes up (by placing an entry in /etc/fstab). The default is Yes. |
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Resize
Description: This form either grows or shrinks a volume using the Logical Storage Manager free space management resources. If new disk space is needed, it will be allocated as necessary; if space becomes unused, it will be added to the free space pool. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless they are listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Selected Volume: | This field displays the name of the volume to be resized. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Current size: | This field displays the current size of the volume to be resized. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Option: | The type of resize operation to be performed. This will determine whether the volume is grown or shrunk to a certain size, or grown or shrunk by a given amount. The default is Grow To. |
Size/Amount: | Enter either the length to which or the amount by which the volume is to be resized. If Grow To or Shrink To is selected, this field should reflect the final size. If Grow By or Shrink By is selected, this field should reflect the amount by which the size should change. The new volume size should be less than or equal to the available free space of the disks. |
Basic-Ops -> Volume Operations -> Snapshot
Description: This form creates a snapshot of the selected volume for backup purposes. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Fields in this form are required. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless they are listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Selected Volume: | This field displays the name of the volume to be used as the snapshot source. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Snapshot name: | The name of the snapshot volume to be created as a backup. Although a default name appears in this field, a name that more closely resembles that of the selected volume should be used for easier association. The maximum length is 14 characters. The snapshot name must be unique. |
Requirement: There must be sufficient free space to accommodate the snapshot volume.
The following forms are accessed via volume-related selections from the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Volume -> Create
Description: This form creates a volume according to the user's specifications. The following table describes the fields for this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. The name specified for the volume must be unique within this disk group. |
Usage Type: | The desired usage type. The fsgen type is the file system generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen type is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. The default is fsgen. This field is optional. |
User: | The name of the user who will be the owner of this volume. This must be a valid user name on the system. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Group: | The name of the group that will own this volume. This must be a valid group name on the system. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Mode: | The permissions mode for the new volume. Only numbers of the correct format are valid in this field. The maximum length of this field is 4 characters. |
Length: | The length of the volume. If no unit is specified, the default is sectors. Only positive numbers greater than zero are valid. This field is optional. |
Plexes: | This field displays the number of plexes associated with the volume. If no plexes were selected prior to invoking this form, this field displays 0. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Read Policy: |
The read policy
that the volume adopts when deciding which
plex to write to. These policies are distinguished as follows:
Round Robin -- All plexes are read equally, in turn. Preferred Plex -- A particular plex is specified as the plex to be read whenever possible. The preferred plex will not be read in situations such as when that plex is detached due to I/O failure. Based on plex layouts -- All plexes are read equally and in turn, unless a striped plex is present, in which case the striped plex becomes the preferred plex. This option is the default and it typically gives the best read performance. |
Preferred Plex: | The name of the preferred plex if the Preferred Plex read policy has been specified. The string in this field must be the name of a valid plex that is associated with this volume. This field is required if Preferred Plex is specified in the Read Policy: field. |
Comment: | An appropriate comment for this volume. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. This field is optional. |
Startup: | This field may contain an arbitrary string that is reserved for the user by usage-type utilities. The intention is that this field be used to store options that apply to the volume, such as for the start volumes operation. This is normally a comma-separated list of flag names and option=value pairs. This field is optional. |
Logging: | Indicates whether logging is defined and supported on this volume. An undefined log type is included to support old versions of the Logical Storage Manager. The default is Don't Log. |
Writeback: | Indicates whether the volume is to write back on read failure. If set to Yes, an attempt will be made to fix a read error from a participating plex. The default is No. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for Logical Storage Manager use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. This field is optional. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. This field is optional. |
The following is the properties form that reveals the properties of a particular volume:
You can access this form by clicking the MB3 mouse button on the desired volume icon. (If volume icon is undergoing analysis, press Shift-MB3 instead.)
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular volume. The following table describes the fields in this form.
The fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only. Properties of the volume can be changed via this form by altering the current values in the appropriate read/write fields and then clicking on the Apply button.
Field | Description |
Volume name: | The name of the volume. This name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. This volume name can be changed by entering another name in this field. |
Usage Type: | The volume usage type. The fsgen type is the file system generic usage type, which assumes that the volume is being used by a file system. The gen type is the generic usage type, which makes no assumptions regarding the data content of the volume. |
Utility State: | The state that the volume is currently in. This should be either Started, Startable, or Unstartable. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
User: | The name of the user who owns this volume. This must be a valid user name. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Group: | The name of the group that will own this volume. This must be a valid group name. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Mode: | The permissions mode for the volume. Only numbers of the correct format are valid in this field. The maximum length of this field is 4 characters. |
Length: | The length of the volume. If no unit is specified, the default is sectors. Only positive numbers greater than zero are valid. |
Plexes: | This field displays the number of plexes associated with the volume. If no plexes were selected prior to invoking this form, this field displays 0. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Read Policy: |
The read policy
that the volume adopts when deciding which
plex to write to. These policies are distinguished as follows:
Round Robin -- All plexes are read equally, in turn.
Preferred Plex -- A particular plex is specified as the plex to be read whenever possible. The preferred plex will not be read in situations such as when that plex is detached due to I/O failure. Based on plex layouts -- All plexes are read equally and in turn, unless a striped plex is present, in which case the striped plex becomes the preferred plex. This option is the default and it typically gives the best read performance. |
Preferred Plex: | The name of the preferred plex if the Preferred Plex read policy has been specified. The string in this field must be the name of a valid plex that is associated with this volume. This field applies only if Preferred Plex is specified in the Read Policy: field. |
Comment: | A comment relevant to this volume. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. |
Startup: | This field may contain an arbitrary string that is reserved for the user by usage-type utilities. The intention is that this field be used to store options that apply to the volume, such as for the start volumes operation. This is normally a comma-separated list of flag names and option=value\ pairs. |
Logging: | Indicates whether logging is defined and supported on this volume. An undefined log type is included to support old versions of the Logical Storage Manager. |
Writeback: | Indicates whether the volume is to write back on read failure. If set to Yes, an attempt will be made to fix a read error from a participating plex. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for Logical Storage Manager use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Tutil0: | Temporary utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Tutil fields is 14 characters. |
Tutil1: | Temporary utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Tutil2: | Temporary utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Kernel State: |
The kernel state of this volume. These states are distinguished as follows:
Enabled -- The volume block device can be used. This is the default state. Detached -- The volume block device cannot be used, but ioctls will still be accepted and the plex block devices will still accept reads and writes. Disabled -- The volume or its plexes cannot be used for any operations. |
Number of IO Failures: | The number of I/O operations that have failed on this volume. This field cannot be changed. |
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to plex operations.
You access plex operations via the Advanced-Ops menu, as shown here:
Advanced-Ops -> Plex
The Advanced-Ops menu provides access to the following plex-related menus:
The Help selection accesses a Help window that displays information relevant to the plex operations.
The plex Advanced-Ops menus are described in the following list:
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Create
Description: This operation creates a plex. You can select one or more subdisks to be associated with the new plex after creation.
Form: Plex Create Form (described in Section A.4.2).
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Remove plexes
Description: This operation removes the selected plexes. This is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Any subdisks associated with the plex will be disassociated and left behind.
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Associate Plexes
Description: This operation associates one or more selected plexes with the selected volume. If the volume is started, LSM begins to bring the plex up to date by copying all necessary data to the plex. This may take a fair amount of time.
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Disassociate Plexes
Description: This operation disassociates one or more selected plexes from their parent volumes. This operation will fail if the plex cannot be disassociated. For example, the last plex in a started volume cannot be disassociated.
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Attach Plexes
Description: This operation attaches one or more selected plexes to their parent volumes. A plex must be detached but still associated with an enabled volume in order to be attached; the plex is actually being reattached with its parent volume.
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Detach Plexes
Description: This operation detaches one or more selected plexes from their parent volumes. A detached plex is inaccessible for reads and writes, but is still associated with the volume.
Some plex operations result in the appearance of forms, which must be completed in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button, which contains information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that particular form.
The following forms are accessed via plex-related selections from the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Plex -> Create
Description: The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional
are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write
fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Plex name: | The name of the plex to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Plex state: | The plex utility state. This is reserved for use by usage types. This field is optional. |
Volume: | The name of the volume that this plex should be associated with. The name must be a valid volume name in this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Layout: | The desired layout for the plex. A concatenated plex is a plex with associated subdisks that are both sequentially and contiguously arranged. A striped plex is a plex that scatters data evenly across each of its associated subdisks. The default is Concatenated. |
Stripe width: | The width of the stripes on the plex. The stripe width must be a number greater than 0. If no units are specified, sectors are assumed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. If Striped plex layout has been specified, this field is required. This field must be blank if Concatenated plex layout has been specified. |
Subdisks: | The number of subdisks associated with the plex. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Comment: | An appropriate comment for the plex. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. This field is optional. |
Errors: | Indicates whether the plex should participate in LSM error policies. The default is Participate. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. This field is optional. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. This field is optional. |
The following list describes the properties form that reveals the properties of a particular plex:
To access the plex properties form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired plex icon.
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular plex. The following table describes the fields in this form.
The fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only. Properties of the plex can be changed via this form by altering the current values in the appropriate read/write fields and then clicking on the Apply button.
Field | Description |
Plex name: | The name of the plex. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. The plex name can be changed by entering another name in this field. |
Plex state: | The plex utility state. This is reserved for use by usage types. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Volume: | The name of the volume that this plex should be associated with. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Layout: | The layout of the plex: concatenated or striped. A concatenated plex is a plex with associated subdisks that are both sequentially and contiguously arranged. A striped plex is a plex that scatters data evenly across each of its associated subdisks. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Stripe width: | The width of the stripes on the plex. If Striped plex layout has been specified, this field indicates the stripe width. This field should be blank if Concatenated plex layout has been specified. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Subdisks: | The number of subdisks associated with the plex. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Log Subdisk: | This field shows the name of the subdisk that is being used for logging on this plex. If there is no associated Block Change Logging subdisk (no logging in effect), this field is blank. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Comment: | An appropriate comment for the plex. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. |
Errors: | Indicates whether the plex participates in LSM error policies. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Tutil0: | Temporary utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Tutil fields is 14 characters. |
Tutil1: | Temporary utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Tutil2: | Temporary utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Kernel State: | The accessibility of the plex. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Length: | The length of the plex. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Number of I/O failures: | The number of I/O operations that have failed on this plex. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to subdisk operations.
You access the subdisk Advanced-Ops menu as shown here:
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk
This menu provides access to the following subdisk operations:
The Help selection accesses a Help window that displays information relevant to the subdisk operations.
The following list describes how to access the subdisk menus:
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Create
Description: This operation creates a subdisk on the selected LSM disk.
Requirement: An LSM disk must be selected.
Form: Subdisk Create Form (described in Section A.5.2).
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Remove Subdisks
Description: This operation removes the selected subdisks. This is a permanent operation and cannot be undone.
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Associate Subdisks
Description: This operation associates one or more subdisks with the selected plex.
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Associate as Log Sd
Description: This operation associates the selected subdisk as a log subdisk with the selected plex. Block Change Logging is in effect. The resulting log subdisk icon has double borders to distinguish it from normal subdisks.
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Disassociate Subdisks
Description: This operation disassociates one or more selected subdisks from their parent plexes. Both log subdisks and normal subdisks can be disassociated.
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Join Subdisks
Description: This operation joins the selected subdisks together to create a single subdisk. The resulting subdisk has the offset and name of the first subdisk (as arranged on the disk) and its length is the sum of the subdisk lengths.
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Split the Subdisk
Description: This operation splits the selected subdisk into either two or many parts. The resulting subdisks will occupy the same region on the disk that the previous subdisk occupied. If the subdisk is associated with a plex, the resulting subdisks will also be associated with that plex.
From the Split the subdisk menu, a submenu allows the user to indicate whether the subdisk is to be split into two or several parts:
Forms: Subdisk Split Into Two Subdisk Split Into Many (described in Section A.5.2).
Some subdisk operations result in the appearance of forms, which must be completed in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button, which contains information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that particular form.
The following forms are accessed via subdisk-related selections from the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Create
Description: This form creates a subdisk according to the user's specifications. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Disk name: | The name of the LSM disk on which the subdisk is to be created. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Subdisk name: | The name of the subdisk to be created. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Disk offset: | The length into the disk where this subdisk should be located. If no units are specified, sectors are assumed. This offset should not place this subdisk within the bounds of another subdisk on the disk or past the end of the disk. Only valid positive numbers are allowed in this field. |
Subdisk length: | The length of the subdisk to be created. If no units are specified, sectors are assumed. The length should not place this subdisk within the bounds of another subdisk on the disk or past the end of the disk. Only valid positive numbers are allowed in this field. |
Plex name: | The name of the plex with which the subdisk is to be associated. This must be a valid plex that already exists in this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Plex offset: | The offset of this subdisk into its associated plex. Only valid positive numbers are allowed in this field. This field is required only if a plex has been specified for association. If the subdisk is not to be associated with a plex, this field must be left blank. |
Comment: | An appropriate comment for the subdisk. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. This field is optional. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for Logical Storage Manager use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. This field is optional. |
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Split the Subdisk -> Into 2 Subdisks
Description: This form is used to split the selected subdisk into exactly 2 subdisks. The first subdisk retains the name and size of the original one; the second subdisk adopts the name and size specified in this form. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Present size: | The size of the subdisk to be split. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Name of new subdisk: | The name of the subdisk to be created from the original one. This must be a valid name and must be unique in this disk group. |
Size of new subdisk: | The size of the subdisk to be created from the original one. This must be a valid number, greater than zero. The new subdisk size must be at least one sector less than the present subdisk size. |
Advanced-Ops -> Subdisk -> Split the Subdisk -> Into More Than 2 Subdisks
Description: This form is used to split the selected subdisk into several subdisks of equal sizes. The first subdisk retains the name and size of the original one; the additional subdisks are automatically named by LSM. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Original subdisk: | The name of the selected subdisk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Present size: | The size of the subdisk to be split. The original subdisk must contain enough sectors to accommodate the desired total number of subdisks for the split. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Number of new subdisks: | The total number of subdisks to be created by the split. There must be a sufficient number of sectors in the original subdisk to accommodate this number. This number should be at least 2. |
Requirements: The number of subdisks is limited by the amount of space left in the configuration database.
The following is the properties form that reveals the properties of a particular subdisk:
To access the Subdisk Properties form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired subdisk icon.
(If the subdisk is undergoing analysis, press Shift-MB3 instead.) Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular subdisk. The following table describes the fields in this form.
The fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Properties of the subdisk can be changed via this form by altering the
current values in the appropriate read/write fields and then clicking
on the Apply button.
Field | Description |
Disk name: | The name of the disk where the subdisk resides. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Subdisk name: | The name of the subdisk. The name must be unique within this disk group. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. The subdisk name can be changed by entering another name in this field. |
Disk offset: | The length into the disk where this subdisk is located, in sectors. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Subdisk length: | The length of the subdisk. If no units are specified the number is assumed to be in sectors. This offset should not place this subdisk within the bounds of another subdisk on the disk or past the end of the disk. Only valid positive numbers are allowed in this field. |
Plex name: | The name of the plex with which the subdisk is associated. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Plex offset: | The offset of this subdisk into its associated plex. If the subdisk is not associated, this field contains a zero. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Comment: | An appropriate comment for the subdisk. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. |
Log Subdisk: | Indicates whether this subdisk is a Block Change Logging subdisk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Tutil0: | Temporary utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Tutil fields is 14 characters. |
Tutil1: | Temporary utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Tutil2: | Temporary utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Number of IO failures: | The number of I/O operations that have failed on this subdisk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to disk operations.
Both the Basic-Ops and Advanced-Ops menus provide access to disk-related operations. Most menus provide a Help selection, which contains information relevant to the items and operations listed in that particular menu.
You access the Basic-Ops menu as shown:
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations
This menu provides access to disk operations involving general disk maintenance. These operations use the automated approach to disk management.
The Disk Operations menu provides the following selections:
The Help selection accesses a Help window, which displays information relevant to the basic disk operations.
The following list describes the menu selections you can access via the Basic-Ops menu:
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Add Disks
Description: This operation adds a disk to the Logical Storage Manager, placing it under LSM control. This involves initializing, analyzing, and partitioning the raw disk; initializing the disk for LSM use; and adding the disk to a disk group (if requested).
Form: Add Disks Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Evacuate Disks
Description: This operation moves all subdisks from the selected disk to another disk in the same disk group.
Requirements: The disk from which subdisks are to be evacuated must be selected. Both disks must belong to the same disk group.
Forms: Evacuate Subdisks Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Replace Disks
Description: This operation replaces a disk. This is normally done when a failed disk needs to be replaced with a new one. This involves initializing and partitioning the raw disk; initializing the disk for LSM use; and replacing the old disk and associated disk media records with the new disk and its information.
Requirements: A disk icon representing a failed disk must be selected.
Forms: Replace Disks Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Remove Disks
Description: This operation removes a disk from a disk group and then removes the disk from LSM control.
Requirements: A disk icon must be selected.
You access the Advanced-Ops menu selections as shown:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk
This menu provides access to assorted disk operations using the manual approach to disk management.
The Disk menu provides the following selections:
The Help selection accesses a Help window, which displays information relevant to the advanced disk operations.
The following list describes the menu selections you can access via the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Initialize
Description: This operation identifies a disk to LSM and initializes the disk for LSM use. This involves installing a disk header and writing an empty configuration on the disk. A disk access record is created for the disk, unless such a record already exists.
Requirement: The disk should not already be initialized.
Form: Disk Init Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Define
Description: This operation defines a disk access record that enables LSM to scan the disk. This makes the disk accessible, but does not initialize the disk.
Form: Define Disk Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Remove
Description: This operation removes the LSM disk associated with the selected partitions from LSM control by removing the associated disk access records. If all partitions on a given disk are selected for removal at once, the disk is effectively removed from LSM control.
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Online
Description: This operation places the disk access record on a specified partition in an online state. During searches for disk IDs or members of a disk group, online disks are checked.
Form: Disk Online Form (described in the Disk Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Offline
Description: This operation places the disk access record on the selected partitions in an offline state. During searches for disk IDs or members of a disk group, offline disks are ignored.
Some disk operations result in the appearance of forms. You must complete these forms in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button that provides access to information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that form.
The following forms are accessed via disk-related selections from the Basic-Ops menu.
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Add Disks
Description: This form is used to place a disk under Logical Storage Manager control. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
New disk name: | The name of the new physical disk in the form rznn, for example, rz10. The name must be unique within this disk group. You can also place specific partitions on a disk under LSM control. For example, rz3g would put the g partition on rz3 under LSM control. |
Disk group: | The name of the disk group to which this disk is to be added. The named disk group must exist. If no name is provided, it will not be added to a disk group. This field is optional. |
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Replace Disks
Description: This form is used to replace an existing LSM disk that has failed with another one. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Old LSM disk name: | The name of the failed (collapsed or disconnected) LSM disk in this disk group. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
New physical disk name: | The name of the new physical disk that is to replace the existing one. The name should be in the form rznn, for example, rz10. The new name must be unique in this disk group. |
Basic-Ops -> Disk Operations -> Evacuate Subdisks
Description: This form is used to transfer subdisks from one LSM disk to another. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional
are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write
fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Disk group name: | The name of the disk group to which both disks belong. Both disks must share the same disk group. |
Evacuate From: | The name of the LSM disk from which the subdisks are to be evacuated. |
To: | The name of the LSM disk to which the subdisks are to be moved. This field is optional. However, if no target disk is specified, the subdisks are evacuated to one or more random disks (depending on disk space availability). |
The following forms are accessed via disk-related selections from the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Initialize
Description: This form is used to initialize a disk for LSM use. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Public Device | The pathname of the device node that represents a partition available for use. This name must be a valid entry in /dev. A name in the form rznn is used to assign the full disk under LSM control. The disk rznn would be added as a sliced LSM disk. Before a sliced disk can be defined, change the disk label to have LSM disk label tags. |
A name in the form rznnp is used to assign partition p on disk rznn under LSM control. The disk partition rznnp would be added as a simple LSM disk. | |
Device Type |
The desired disk type.
The simple type (default) assumes that the public and private regions are stored on the same disk partition, with the public region following the private region. The sliced type assumes that the public and private regions are stored on different disk partitions. Before initializing the disk, change the disklabel to have LSM disklabel tags. The nopriv type has no private region and log and configuration copies cannot be written to the disk. |
Public length (0 for whole device) | The length of the public section of the disk. If zero is provided as the length, the Logical Storage Manager computes a default value from available partition table information. This length must be valid and cannot exceed the length of the disk. |
Private Length: | The length of the private region of the disk. When one is not specified, LSM chooses a default value. This length must be valid and cannot exceed the length of the disk. For a sliced disk, the length cannot exceed the size of the partition chosen for the private region. This field is optional. |
Number of config copies: | The number of configuration copies to be stored in the private section of this disk. The default value is 2 copies. |
Number of log copies: | The number of log copies to be stored in the private section of this disk. The default value is 2 copies. |
Comment: | A comment appropriate for the LSM disk. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. This field is optional. |
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Define
Description: This form is used to define a disk. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Public Device | The pathname of the device node that represents a partition available for use. This name must be a valid entry in /dev. A name in the form rznn is used to assign the full disk under LSM control. The disk rznn would be added as a sliced LSM disk. A name in the form rznnp is used to assign partition p on disk rznn under LSM control. The disk partition rznnp would be added as a simple LSM disk. |
Device Type |
The desired disk type.
The simple type (default) assumes that the public and private regions are stored on the same disk partition, with the public region following the private region. The sliced type assumes that the public and private regions are stored on different disk partitions. The nopriv type has no private region and log and configuration copies cannot be written to the disk. |
Public Length (0 for whole disk): | The length of the public section of the disk. If zero is provided as the length, LSM computes a default value from available partition table information. This length must be valid and cannot exceed the length of the disk. |
Offline: | Indicates whether to initially place the disk in the offline state. The default is No. |
Comment: | A comment appropriate for this Logical Storage Manager disk. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. This field is optional. |
Advanced-Ops -> Disk -> Online
Description: This form is used to online a disk. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Field | Description |
Device name: | The disk access name of the disk to be onlined. This must be a valid disk access name. This field is required. |
To access the free space form, click the MB3 mouse button on a gap between subdisk icons in a LSM disk icon.
Description: This form provides information about a specific region of an LSM disk that contains free space.
Free space results when subdisks are removed for some reason, making the space that they occupied available for use. Free space is visually represented as a gap or hole between subdisks that reside on a LSM disk icon. The following table describes the fields in the form.
All fields in this form are read only and cannot be changed.
Field | Description |
Device: | The name of the LSM disk where this free space resides. |
Hole offset: | The offset into the LSM disk where this free space extent begins. |
Hole size: | The size of this free space extent. The units used are specified by the user under the Options pull down menu. |
docroff: ignoring superfluous symbol DF_define_disk_access
Properties forms exist for LSM disks, physical disks, and partitions. The following list describes these forms:
To access the LSM disk properties form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired LSM disk icon. (If the LSM disk icon is undergoing analysis, press Shift-MB3 instead.)
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular LSM disk that is under LSM control. The information displayed in this form actually corresponds to the disk media record associated with a disk. The following table describes the fields in this form.
The fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only. Properties of the disk can be changed via this form by altering the current values in the appropriate read/write fields and then clicking on the Apply button.
Field | Description |
LSM disk name: | The name of the LSM disk. |
Disk Access: | The name of the disk access record that corresponds to this disk media record. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Disk Type: | The type with which this disk media record was created. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Public Region: | The name of the public region of this disk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Private Region: | The name of the private region of this disk. If there is no private region then this field will be blank. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Public Region Offset: | The offset, in sectors, of the public region on the disk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Private Region Offset: | The offset, in sectors, of the private region on the disk. If there is no public region, then this field will display zero. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Public Region Length: | The length, in sectors, of the public region on the disk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Private Region Length: | The length, in sectors, of the private region on the disk. If there is no private region, this field will display zero. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Disk Attributes: | The attributes of this LSM disk. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
Comment: | The user-specified comment for this LSM disk. The maximum length of the comment is 40 characters. |
Putil0: | Permanent utility field 0. This is reserved for LSM use, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Putil fields is 14 characters. |
Putil1: | Permanent utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Putil2: | Permanent utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. |
Tutil0: | Temporary utility field 0. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of all Tutil fields is 14 characters. |
Tutil1: | Temporary utility field 1. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Tutil2: | Temporary utility field 2. This field is reserved, but may be changed. The maximum length of this field is 14 characters. |
Maximum Free Space: | The maximum amount of free space available on this LSM disk. This does not take disk extents into account. This number assumes every free sector on the LSM disk is usable. This field is read only and cannot be changed. |
To access the physical disk properties form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired physical disk icon.
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular physical disk. The following table describes the fields in this form.
All fields in this form are read only and cannot be changed.
Field | Description |
Device: | The raw device node for this physical disk. |
Device Type: | A brief description the device type. Possible device types include SCSI hard drive and Floppy. |
Cylinders: | The number of cylinders on this disk. |
Tracks: | The number of tracks per cylinder. |
Sectors: | The number of sectors per track. |
Sector Size: | The size, in bytes, of each sector on this disk. |
Total Size: | The total size of the disk, in sectors. |
To access the partition properties form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired partition icon.
Description: This form provides detailed information on the attributes of a particular partition. The following table describes the fields in this form.
All fields in this form are read only and cannot be changed.
Field | Description |
Device: | The device node that the LSM Visual Administrator uses to communicate with this disk. |
Start Sector: | The sector on the physical disk where this partition begins. |
Size: | The length of this partition. |
Type: | The identification tag associated with this partition. |
Disk Media: | The disk media record that corresponds to this partition. If this field is empty, the partition has not been initialized with a disk media record. |
docroff: ignoring superfluous symbol DF_physical_prop_access
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to disk group operations.
With the Visual Administrator, partition icons represent partitions containing disk access records.
You access disk group operations via the Advanced-Ops menu, as shown here:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group
The Advanced-Ops menu provides access to the following disk-related menus.
The Help selection accesses a Help window that displays information relevant to the disk group operations.
The following list describes the disk group menu options:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Initialize
Description: This operation defines a new disk group with a name specified by the user. The new disk group contains one or more LSM disks corresponding to the partitions selected by the user.
Requirements: At least one partition icon must be selected.
Form: Initialize Disk Group Form (described in the Disk Group Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Import Disk Group
Description: This operation imports a disk group to make that disk group available on the local machine. If the name of a deported disk group is known, this operation can be used to make that disk group accessible again.
Form: Import Disk Group Form (described in the Disk Group Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Deport Disk Group
Description: This operation disables access to a disk group. A deported disk group is no longer accessible and its view window disappears. Once deported, a disk group can be reimported.
Requirements: A disk group cannot be deported if any volumes in that disk group are currently open.
Form: Deport Disk Group Form (described in the Disk Group Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Add Disk
Description: This operation adds a LSM disk corresponding to the selected partition icon to a disk group. This involves creating a disk media record for the disk to be added. Partitions representing disks that already belong to disk groups cannot be added to disk groups.
Form: Add Disk Form (described in the Disk Group Forms section).
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Remove Disks
Description: This operation removes the selected LSM disks from a disk group. Disks are removed from the disk group in which they reside. Any subdisks that exist on the selected disks must be removed before the disk can be removed.
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Disconnect Disks
Description: This operation disables the selected LSM disk, making it unavailable for use within its disk group. This involves disassociating the disk media record from its disk access record.
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Reconnect Disks
Description: This operation enables a LSM disk that has previously been disconnected. This involves connecting the selected LSM disk's disk media record with the selected disk access record. Although the LSM disk must be disconnected, it does not necessarily have to be reconnected to its former partition (disk access record).
Some disk group operations result in the appearance of forms, which must be completed in order for that operation to proceed. Most forms provide a Help button, which contains information relevant to the fields and other aspects of that particular form.
The following forms are accessed via disk group-related selections from the Advanced-Ops menu:
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Initialize
Description: This form is used to define a new disk group consisting of selected disks. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Field | Description |
Disk group: | The name of the new disk group. This must be a valid and unique name. This field is required. This is a read/write field. |
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Import Disk Group
Description: This form is used to make the specified disk group available to the system. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Field | Description |
Disk group: | The name of the disk group to be imported and made available to the system. This must be a valid and unique disk group name. This field is required. This is a read/write field. |
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Deport Disk Group
Description: This form is used to make the specified disk group inaccessible to the system. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Field | Description |
Disk group: | The name of the disk group to be deported and made inaccessible to the system. This must be a valid disk group. |
Requirements: The root disk group (rootdg) cannot be deported.
Advanced-Ops -> Disk Group -> Add Disk
Description: This form is used to add a LSM disk to a disk group. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Disk group: | The name of the disk group to which the LSM disk is to be added. This must be a valid disk group. This field is required. |
Disk media name: | The name of the LSM disk to be created. The disk media name must be unique. By default, a unique name is generated. If this field is left blank, then the disk access name is used. |
The following sections provide information on menus and forms relating to projection and analysis. In addition, tables are provided to summarize various aspects of projection and analysis behavior. You can access these operations as follows:
Projection operations are accessed via the Projection menu. This menu is located in view windows such as View of rootdg. The Projection menu start or stop projection, as well as to highlight any free subdisk icons.
Projection can also be started or stopped by pressing Shift-MB2 with the pointer positioned on the desired icon.
Analysis operations are accessed via the Analyze menu. This menu is located in view windows such as View of rootdg. The Analyze menu can be used to start or stop analysis, as well as to set analysis-related preferences.
Icon projection provides the user with visual information about the relationships between icons. When projection is started for an icon, all other icons (representing LSM objects) associated with that particular one are highlighted, no matter which views they occupy. Icons can be placed under projection either individually or in multiples. Projection highlighting can accumulate on a given icon when that icon is is undergoing projection from more than one source.
The following list describes the menus, submenus, and menu selections you can access via the Projection menu:
Projection -> Icon Projection
Description: This menu provides access to projection options used to start or stop projection for icons.
Projection -> Icon Projection -> Start
Description: This option starts projection for the selected icons. When projection is started, all icons related to the selected icons are highlighted. Highlighting occurs for related icons in any view windows. If the selected icon has no associated objects, the Visual Administrator issues a warning to this effect.
Projection -> Icon Projection -> Stop
Description: This options stops projection for the selected icons. When projection is stopped, all icons related to the selected icons lose their projection highlighting.
Requirement: At least one icon must be selected. If the selected icon is not undergoing projection, the Visual Administrator ignores the stop request.
Projection -> Icon Projection -> Stop All
Description: This options stops projection for all icons that are currently undergoing selection.
Projection -> Show Free Subdisks
Description: This menu selection determines whether free subdisks should be highlighted or not. When Show Free Subdisks is turned on, the Visual Administrator highlights all unassociated subdisks (representing unallocated disk space). Once turned on, any future free subdisks are automatically highlighted. Free subdisk icons can be used by designating them to objects, but the LSM Visual Administrator interface cannot automatically use free subdisks as free space. Free subdisk projection is either started or stopped across all Visual Administrator views. The start or stop preference is also retained for a particular user in future sessions.
From the Show Free Subdisks menu, a submenu allows you to indicate whether or not to highlight free subdisks:
Option | Description |
Start | Start highlighting free subdisks immediately and continue to do so until instructed to stop. |
Stop | Stop highlighting free subdisks. |
docroff: ignoring superfluous symbol ProjA_stop
Table A-1 summarizes the projection relationships that are highlighted for particular icon types. If no icons of the correct type are associated with the selected icon, then nothing is highlighted.
Icon Selected | Icons Highlighted |
Volume | All subdisks associated with any plex associated with the volume |
Plex | All subdisks associated with the plex |
Subdisk | Associated plex and volume, and all other subdisks associated with the plex |
LSM Disk | All plexes associated with the subdisks that reside on the disk |
Analysis is the LSM Visual Administrator's way of displaying statistics on the performance of various LSM objects.
Statistics are displayed both visually (via color or pattern) and numerically (via pop-up statistics forms).
The following menu selections are accessed via the Analyze menu:
Analyze -> Start
Description: This menu selection begins analysis of the selected icons. These icons are added to the list of objects being analyzed. Only volume and LSM disk icons can be analyzed. Once analysis is activated, the selected icons begin to display information about their performance characteristics.
Requirement: At least one volume or LSM disk icon must be selected.
Analyze -> Stop
Description: This menu selection terminates analysis of the selected icons. These icons are removed from the list of objects being analyzed. When analysis stops, the selected icons return to their preanalysis states. When analysis is stopped for one icon, other icons undergoing analysis are not affected.
Analyze -> Stop All
Description: This menu selection automatically terminates analysis of all icons in all views. All icons return to their preanalysis states.
Requirements: Analysis must be in effect.
Analyze -> Parameters
Description: This menu selection accesses the Analysis Parameters form, which is used to set user preferences for how analysis is to be conducted.
Form: Analysis Parameters Form (described in the Analysis Forms section).
docroff: ignoring superfluous symbol ProjA_All_access
The following forms are accessed via the Analyze menu:
Analyze -> Parameters
Description: This form is used to set user preferences for conducting analysis. The following table describes the fields in this form.
Most fields in this form are required; those that are optional are listed here. Fields in this form are read/write fields, unless listed as read only.
Field | Description |
Sample Rate: | Determines the time interval between data samples. This field is divided into two sections: the slider bar is used to select the interval (1-60) and the menu to the right is used to select units of time (seconds or minutes). The default is 5 seconds. A shorter interval means the data will be updated more often, but is also a higher load on the system. |
Volume Parameters: | Specifies the high and low values that decide the coloring (or pattern) of the volume icons. |
Disk Parameters: | Specifies the high and low values that decide the coloring (or pattern) of the LSM disk icons. |
Subdisk Parameters: | Specifies the high and low values that decide the coloring (or pattern) of the subdisk icons. |
Log File: |
The name of the file to be used for the statistics log. If the file
does not already exist, it will be created. The filename is taken to
be relative unless a pathname is given. To stop logging to the file,
the filename text in this field must be erased. This field is optional.
This log file is a binary file. In order to view the log file, /usr/bin/lsmlog2text filename must be run on this file to process it for viewing. |
To access the analysis statistics form, click the MB3 mouse button on desired icon that is being analyzed. Description: This form displays analysis statistics relevant to the selected volume or LSM disk icon. This form applies only to volume or disk icons that are undergoing analysis. The following table describes the fields in this form.
All fields in this form are read only and cannot be changed.
Field | Description |
Reads: | The number of times the object was read from during the last interval. |
Writes: | The number of times the object was written to during the last interval. |
Total R/W: | The total number of reads and writes during the last interval. |
Blocks Read: | The number of disk blocks read from the object during the last interval. |
Blocks Written: | The number of disk blocks written to the object during the last interval. |
Total Blocks: | The total number of blocks read from or written to the object during the last interval. |
Avg Read Time: | The average time, in milliseconds, that it took for a read operation to complete. This is equal to the number of number of reads during the last interval divided by the total time spent on reads. |
Avg Write Time: | The average time, in milliseconds, that it took for a write operation to complete. This is equal to the number of writes during the last interval divided by the total time spent on writes. |
Interval: | The actual time, in seconds, since the last data was sampled. This may vary slightly from the specified interval time due to uncontrollable variances from system to system. |
Requirements: The icon selected by clicking MB3 must be undergoing analysis.
Table A-2 summarizes the default colors and patterns associated with the various levels of analysis. These defaults can be changed using the dxlsm-related X resources. See dxlsm(8) for more information.
Analysis Level | Color | Bitmap Pattern |
low | green | cross_weave |
medium | yellow | root_weave |
high | red | wide_weave |