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Special Characters

        See asterisk

.dtprofile file

.new.. files
.new.. files

.proto.. files
.proto.. files

/etc/disktab file

        full installation

/etc/sysconfigtab file

/proc application debugger

/usr file system
        allocating var area under
        choosing file system type for
        restoring AdvFS
        space requirements for
        worksheet to calculate space for

/var file system
        choosing file system type for

/var/adm directory
        system accounting

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access control lists


accounts for users
accounts for users

ACL subsystem

aclock application

        for time zones and locations

action required window

Ada run-time library support

add all button

add button

additional DECwindows applications

additional networking services

additional terminfo databases

additional x applications

address resolution protocol (ARP)

adobe font metric files

adobe fonts

Advanced File System
        See AdvFS

advanced risc computing (ARC) console

        boot block option
        building new kernel if installed with setld
        choosing as file system type
        for more information about
        full installation
        kernel modules
        kernel option
        modifying file system size
        overhead for file systems
        planning disk space
        restoring file systems
        restoring var and usr file systems
        restrictions for using
        software subset for system administrator commands

        /usr file system
        disk space
        second swap area
        separate var area for DMS server
        separate var area for RIS server
        space for user files
        swap space
        var file system
        var file system

AlphaPC64 single-board computer

AlphaServer 400 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 1000 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 1000A series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 2000 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 2100 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 2100A series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaServer 8200 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        clearing the boot flags

AlphaServer 8400 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        clearing the boot flags

AlphaStation 200 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network
        ISA configuration

AlphaStation 250 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaStation 255 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaStation 400 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network
        ISA configuration

AlphaStation 500 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

AlphaStation 600 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

application debugger
        for /proc

apropos command
        updating whatis database

ARC firmware


        See address resolution protocol

associated products
        updating whatis database after installing

        next to disk selection

asynchronous transfer mode
        See ATM

ATM adapter
        rebuilding the kernel

ATM commands
        software subset for

ATM kernel header and common files

ATM kernel modules

ATM kernel objects

ATM UNI signaling for SVCs

        kernel option

ATOM performance analysis

audio capabilities

        converting text to

audio/visual capabilities

audit subsystem

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back up
        LSM configuration before installation
        LVM configuration before installation
        operating system before installation
        performing with NetWorker SingleServer
        Prestoserve configuration before installation

base operating system software subsets

basic X environment

block size
block size

bookreader application
        description of the subset containing
        description of the subset containing
        viewing files on a server system

        viewing online with bookreader
        viewing online with netscape

boot command sequence during installation

boot device

bootdef_dev variable

booting the system

booting to multiuser mode

booting to single-user mode

        AlphaPC64 single-board computer
        AlphaServer 400 series processors
        AlphaServer 1000 series processors
        AlphaServer 1000A series processors
        AlphaServer 2000 series processors
        AlphaServer 2100 series processors
        AlphaServer 2100A series processors
        AlphaServer 8200 series processors
        AlphaServer 8400 series processors
        AlphaStation 200 series processors
        AlphaStation 250 series processors
        AlphaStation 255 series processors
        AlphaStation 400 series processors
        AlphaStation 500 series processors
        AlphaStation 600 series processors
        alternate kernel
        DEC 2000 series processors
        DEC 3000 series processors
        DEC 4000 series processors
        DEC 7000 and DEC 10000 processors
        Digital Alpha VME 2100 series processors
        Digital AXPpci single-board computers
        Digital AXPvme single-board computers
        EB164 single-board computer
        EB64+ single-board computer
        EB66+ single-board computer
        over the network
        problems encountered during
        processor-specific instructions
        processors supported in hardware releases
        systems using FDDI

boot_osflags variable
boot_osflags variable

Bourne shell
        in the single-user environment

        a kernel during the installation
        a new kernel after using setld
        new root file system in UNIX shell

        add all
        partition disks
        remove all
        select software
        setup done
        view software

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C++ class libraries

        porting source code from other platforms

C2 security
        graphical user interface
        software subset for



CD-ROM optical disc
        copying documentation files from
        determining device name of
        inserting into drive
        labels on
        mounting instructions
        mounting via fstab file
        placing in caddy
        problems removing from drive
        unmounting before removing
        updating firmware from
        where to find

CDA for x/motif development

CDA software development

        See common desktop environment

cdf file
        validation during cloned installation


checklist application

        file system type

        of DMS server

        setting the system

cloned installation
        building a kernel
        purpose of cdf file
        registering a system for
        validating cdf file

Cobol run-time support libraries

common desktop environment (CDE)
        additional applications
        CDE Companion Guide
        help viewer for
        introduction to
        invoking netscape navigator
        mail interface
        migrating from DECwindows motif to
        modifying .dtprofile
        problems with display
        reference pages for
        software development
        software subset for
        starting after an installation
        starting after update installation

compact disc file system
compact disc file system

compiler development enhancements

computer aided system tutorial

conditionally mandatory software subsets

configuration applications

configuration description file (CDF)

        software subsets
        system for use

console mode
        booting the system from

console terminal

converting text to speech

        bookreader files to disk
        HTML files to disk

crash dumps
        planning space

        device special files
        new file system in UNIX shell
        swap space in UNIX shell

current date and time
        entering for the system

custom installation
        choosing file system type
        choosing location of /usr file system
        choosing location of swap space
        choosing location of var
        creating a second swap area
        criteria for choosing
        deciding to perform
        dependencies between software subsets
        disk label handling
        disk space consumed by mandatory software
        disk space consumed by optional software
        logging in
        mandatory software subsets
        navigating through graphical interface
        performing for DMS server
        planning space for /usr file system
        preserving data on existing partitions
        reboot the system during
        selecting kernel options
        selecting optional software
        selecting partition table
        user input required for
        using ULTRIX partition tables

custom partition table
        using during installation

        manually merging after update install

customized disk partitions

customized files
        preserving during update installation

customizing disk partitions

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data disk

Data Link Bridge

dataless management services
        allocating var file system on server
        client systems
        disk space requirements
        software subset for

date and time
        entering for the system

        kernel breakpoint

DEC 2000 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network
        clearing the boot flags
        resetting the flags variables

DEC 3000 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network
        clearing the boot flags
        resetting the flags variables

DEC 4000 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network
        clearing the boot flags

DEC 7000 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        clearing the boot flags

DEC 10000 series processors
        booting from CD-ROM
        clearing the boot flags
        clearing the boot flags

DEC Ada run-time library support

DEC C++ class libraries

DEC Cobol run-time support libraries

DEC Fortran run-time support

DEC Pascal run-time support

DECevent event management utility

DECface application

DECtalk software

DECwindows applications

DECwindows fonts

DECwindows mail interface

DECwindows motif


default disk layout

default disk partitions

default file system layout

default installation
        building the kernel
        choosing location of swap space
        criteria for choosing
        deciding to perform
        disk label handling
        disk space consumed by mandatory software
        disk too small for
        logging in
        navigating through graphical interface
        reboot the system during
        restrictions on allowable disks
        software subsets installed during
        user input required for

default partition sizes

default partition table
        for DSA disks
        for SCSI disks
        using during installation

deinstalling software subsets

demo X applications

        between software subsets

device busy
        when unmounting a CD-ROM

device handles for ISA devices

device name

device special file names
        changed during update install

device special files
        in UNIX shell environment

        accessing in UNIX shell environment

Digital Alpha VME 2100 series processors
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

Digital AXPpci single-board computers
        booting from a server
        booting from CD-ROM
        booting from the network

Digital AXPvme single-board computer
        booting from CD-ROM

Digital AXPvme single-board computers
        booting from the network
        booting from the network

Digital Porting Assistant

        /usr file system

disk configuration utility
        launching from installation setup
        launching from sysman checklist

disk label
        handling during installation
        viewing with disklabel command

disk layout
        selecting the default or existing layout

disk partition table

disk partition
        information provided for each

disk space
        checking before loading software
        consumed by default installation
        consumed by optional software
        determining free space
        file system overhead
        file systems full after selecting software
        file systems full after selecting software
        for /usr file system
        for DMS server
        for user files
        required for documentation files
        required for update installation
        total required for installation

disk unit numbers

        allocating space for user files
        changing disk partition size
        choosing customized partitions
        choosing for root file system
        configuration worksheet
        existing partition layout
        for /usr file system
        information displayed during installation
        not shown as available for installation
        partition layout
        partition sizes for DSA drives
        partition sizes for SCSI drives
        planning layout
        size restrictions
        supported for root file system
        supported for root file system
        too small for default installation
        unsupported for root file system
        viewing layout of

disklabel command
        installing AdvFS boot blocks
        invoking from UNIX shell
        using in UNIX shell
        using in UNIX shell
        using to change disk partition size

        online documentation with bookreader
        online documentation with netscape

DMS server
        allocating separate var area for
        space requirements for

doconfig command
        running after installing subsets with setld
        running to build a new kernel

document preparation software subset

        Bookreader application
        disk space required for
        displaying online using netscape
        displaying online with bookreader

DOS tools

DSA disk interface
        partition tables

dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card (PMAZB, PMAZC)
        booting the system from the

        full or partial

dxcalc application

dxcalendar application

dxclock application

dxnotepad application

dxpaint application

dxprint application

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EB164 single-board computer

EB64+ single-board computer

EB66+ single-board computer


ed text editor

        /etc/sysconfigtab file
        the kernel configuration file

EISA bus
        booting systems with FDDI

EISA configuration utility

EISA firmware

        disk controller

eject button
        cannot eject CD-ROM

Emacs text editor

emacs text editor

emacspeak application

enabling realtime preemption

error logger file
        space requirements for

error messages


errors validating cdf file during cloned installation

event management utility

existing disk labels

existing disk partition layout

        the UNIX shell

extended memory interface (XMI) bus

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factory installed software
        problems during setup
        quick reference card
        what to do first

FDDI network interface

        boot instructions


fiber distributed data interface (FDDI)

file manager application

file on file file system

file permissions

file system layout

file system type
        restrictions for using AdvFS

file system
        checking space before loading software
        creating new in UNIX shell
        creation after installation setup
        final layout
        for user files
        full after selecting optional software
        full after selecting optional software
        kernel option for /proc application debugger
        mounting in UNIX shell
        planning disk space for
        restoring in UNIX shell
        restoring with NetWorker SingleServer

        affected by update installation
        containing record of installation dialog
        created by users
        left on system after installation
        size of vmunix

firmware CD-ROM

firmware revision levels

firmware update release notes overview

        for ARC console
        for EISA bus
        for SRM console
        for SRM console
        for systems using RAID
        minimum revision levels
        release notes

        See factory installed software

Fortran run-time support

        porting source code from other platforms

free software foundation

front panel

fstab file

full dumps
        space for

full installation

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generic VGA graphics

geographic location

GNU awk Sources

GNU Emacs Sources

GNU emacs

GNU revision control system sources

GNU revision control system

go back to previous answer during installation

graphical base system management utilities

graphical print configuration application

graphical system administration utilities

graphical user interface
        features of
        for system configuration
        installation setup window
        installing dependencies between software
        restarting from UNIX shell
        selecting optional software using

graphics devices

graphics drivers

gzip utility

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halt command
halt command

halt states

        for isacfg command

hardware configuration utilities

hardware kernel objects

hardware releases
        booting processors supported in

hardware specific software subsets

        checks before installation
        requirements for installation

        for graphical user interface
        for kernel options
        for text-based interface

history command

host name
        registering on name server

HTML files
HTML files

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I18N installation

I18N software subset descriptions

I18N update installation

ident utility

init command

init file in /tmp directory

inspecting files

install update
        See update installation

install.cdf log file

installation cloning

installation interfaces

installation setup window
        navigating in

installation types

        choosing file system type during
        choosing type to perform
        disk space required
        documentation disk space
        files left on system
        hardware requirements
        log files
        planning disk space
        preparing for if using LSM
        preparing for if using LVM
        preparing for if using Prestoserve
        recorded dialog from
        restarting from the UNIX shell
        RIS disk space
        saving LSM configuration before
        saving LVM configuration before
        saving Prestoserve configuration before
        setting up system after the

        associated products
        ATM adapter before the installation
        audio services
        compiler development enhancements
        DEC Ada run-time libraries
        DEC C++ class libraries
        DEC Cobol
        DEC Fortran
        DEC Pascal
        DECevent utility
        DECtalk software
        Digital Porting Assistant
        Emacs editor
        GNU awk source files
        kernel component subsets
        kernel device driver graphics kits
        mandatory software subsets
        multimedia services
        on SCSI RAID devices
        OpenVMS sort library
        single server performance manager
        SingleServer backup and restore utility
        software subsets after the installation
        software with graphical user interface
        software with text-based interface
        system firmware
        systems with limited memory
        systems with limited memory
        text-to-speech software
        video services
        windows applications
        X applications

installupdate program

integrated system architecture (ISA) devices

interactive kernel build
        during update installation

interface protocol
        serial line

        See I18N

Internet name and address
        setting up for servers

        protocol for exchanging network information

introducing the desktop online help

IP over ATM

ISA configuration

ISA device handles

ISA devices

isacfg command

isacfg handle


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kernel breakpoint debugger

kernel build
        during update installation
        failures during update installation
        for cloned installations
        interactive during update installation

kernel configuration file
        enabling realtime preemption
        enabling realtime preemption
        location of

kernel debugging tools

kernel development subsets

kernel device drivers

kernel objects

kernel options
        /proc application debugger
        ACL subsystem
        Advanced File System
        asynchronous transfer mode
        ATM UNI signaling for SVCs
        audit subsystem
        classical IP over ATM
        data link bridge
        file on file file system (FFM)
        ISO 9660 compact disc file system (CDFS)
        kernel breakpoint debugger
        LAN emulation over ATM
        local area transport (LAT) support
        network time protocol
        NFS server
        packetfilter driver
        point-to-point protocol (PPP)
        serial line interface protocol
        simple network management protocol
        STREAMS packet module
        STREAMS protocol
        supporting worldwide web
        System V Devices
        table of
        UFS disk quotas
        x/open transport interface (XTISO)

        booting alternate
        building after using setld
        enabling realtime preemption
        enabling realtime preemption
        rebuilding after installing ATM adapter

keyboard support

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ladebug debugger
        sofware subsets containing

LAN emulation over ATM

        building new kernel if installed with setld

layered product installation

layered products
        during update installation
        installing software subsets after the installation
        updating whatis database after installing

        of existing partitions

        to use operating system

limited memory systems
limited memory systems

local area network
        providing support for

local area transport support
        See LAT

local area transport

        table of acronyms

log file

log files
        in /var/adm/smlogs
        in /var/adm/smlogs
        interface between user and system
        location of

logcial storage manager kernel modules

logging in to the system

logging system activity

logical storage manager kernel header and common files

logical storage manager kernel objects

Logical Storage Manager
        See LSM

low end workstations

        building new kernel if installed with setld
        kernel option
        preparing for full installation if using
        saving configuration
        software subset for
        starting before install update
        starting before install update
        starting in UNIX shell

lsmbstartup command
lsmbstartup command

        building new kernel if installed with setld
        preparing for full installation if using
        saving configuration
        software subset for

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mail applications subsets

mailtalk application

MAKEDEV command
        using in UNIX shell

malloc system call

man pages
        updating entries in whatis database
        updating entries in whatis database

mandatory software subsets
        list of

        viewing online with bookreader
        viewing online with netscape


        determining amount of
        systems with limited
        systems with limited

merge files

merging customizations
merging customizations

MH mail handler

migrating from DECwindows motif to CDE

minimum firmware revision levels

        resolution of hosts


mount point
        how to mount CD-ROM on

mounting user file system under /usr

        CD-ROM via compact disc file system (CDFS)
        CD-ROM via compact disc file system (CDFS)
        CD-ROM via entry in fstab file
        file system across phone lines
        file systems from the UNIX shell
        firmware CD-ROM
        instructions to mount a CD-ROM

multibyte characters
        printing with mdxbook

multimedia services

multiprocessor system
        enabling realtime preemption
        enabling unattended reboots

multiuser mode

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naming your system

nested X server

netscape navigator
        invoking to read documentation

netscape preferences file

        software subset for

netsetup command

network configuration reference pages

network connections

network interface
        data link bridge

network management

network time protocol (NTP)

        booting over the
        checking for proper cdf
        checking status for RIS installations
        checking status of
        setting up your system

        See SingleServer

networking services
        software subset for

NFS server
        kernel option



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obsolete commands and utilities

obsolete locale databases

obsolete system files

old X environment

online documentation
        displaying using netscape
        displaying with bookreader

online help
        for common desktop environment
        for graphical user interface
        for kernel options
        for text-based interface

Open VMS
        porting source code to Digital UNIX

OpenVMS sort

optional software subsets

optional subsets
        for the custom installation

        for advfs file systems
        for disk partitions
        for ufs file systems

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packetfilter driver

        sending and receiving



partial dumps
        space for

partition disks button

partition disks
        with disk configuration utility

partition sizes

partition table
        modifying for root file system
        reading information on
        selecting the default or existing layout

        minimum size for root
        default for swap space
        default sizes for SCSI disks
        displaying for ULTRIX disks
        existing layout
        for /usr file system
        for crash dump
        modifying root
        modifying swap
        not large enough for root file system

Pascal run-time support

        entering for root

PCI bus
        booting systems with FDDI

        disk controller

performance manager

peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus

        controlling with ACL

ping command
ping command

planning disk space

PMAZB option card
        See dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card

PMAZC option card
        See dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card

point-to-point protocol

POLYCENTER AdvFS kernel modules

POLYCENTER AdvFS kernel objects

porting source code

postinstallation tasks
        after a full installation
        after an update installation

        See point-to-point protocol

preferences file
        for netscape

preinstallation tasks
        for full installations
        for update installations

        customized files during update installation
        done by update installation
        information on disks

        preparing for full installation if using
        saving configuration

print configuration application

print widget

        setting up on your system
        setting up on your system

printing worldwide multibyte characters

problems booting

problems removing CD-ROM

        booting instructions for

product authorization key (PAK)
product authorization key (PAK)

programming examples

programming languages
        DEC C++
        DEC Cobol
        DEC Fortran
        DEC Pascal
        porting to Digital UNIX from other platforms

protected files
        for update installations

protected system files


prototype files

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RAID configuration utility

RAID devices

RAID firmware

RAND corporation mail handler (MH)

random access memory
        determining amount of
        systems with limited
        systems with limited

        See revision control system


        documentation online with bookreader
        documentation online with netscape

realtime kernel
realtime kernel

realtime preemption

realtime software development

reboot to single user or multiuser mode

reboot unattended on multiprocessor platforms

rebooting the system

rebuilding the kernel

record of installation
record of installation

reference pages
        for SysMan applications
        software subsets for
        updating entries in whatis database
        updating entries in whatis database

register a system as a RIS client

register a system for a cloned installation

        host names

release notes

Remote Installation Service
        See RIS

remove all button

remove button

        CD-ROM from drive
        software subsets

        system event management

        between software subsets

restart command

restart nogui command

        AdvFS file systems
        AdvFS var area
        damaged root file system
        file systems in UNIX shell
        file systems with NetWorker SingleServer
        UFS file systems
        var area

        disk size
        for host name
        for root password
        for using AdvFS
        number of disks available for installation

return to previous answer during installation

revision control system (RCS)

RIS server
        allocating separate var area for
        verifying network connection

        booting over the network
        checking communication with RIS server
        checking network status
        disk space required for
        registering a client for cloned installation
        software subset for
        space requirements for
        verifying network connections

root account

root file system
        building in UNIX shell
        choosing file system type for
        displaying contents of
        minimum partition size
        previously on ULTRIX disk
        restoring damaged
        selecting disk for

root password

root user

run levels

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        information on existing disks
        LSM configuration before installation
        LVM configuration before installation
        Prestoserve configuration before installation

say application

        See single-board computers (SBC)

SCSI disks
        partition tables

SCSI RAID devices

SCSI TURBOchannel Option

second swap area

        audit subsystem

select software button

selected software window

serial line interface protocol

        allocating var file system for DMS
        allocating var file system for RIS
        checking communication with RIS server

session manager

setld command
        building a new kernel after using
        displaying software subset inventory
        installing software subsets after the installation
        options to the
        using with CD-ROM

setting up
        the system for general use
        user accounts
        user accounts

setup done button

setup done

setup menu

setup scripts

setup window

shutting down the system

sign on to the system

simple network management protocol (SNMP)

single server performance manager

single-board computers

single-byte european locals

single-user mode
        booting to from UNIX shell
        booting to


        minimum for root partition
        of /usr file system
        of crash dump partition
        of var area

        See serial line interface protocol

        See simple network management protocol

software configuration phase

software development desktop environment

software development subsets

software development tools and utilities

software distribution kit
        contents of

software distribution media

software license loading

Software Product Description

software subset sizes

software subsets
        conditionally mandatory
        configuring after loading
        descriptions of
        displaying inventory
        for general applications
        for ladebug debugger
        for system administration
        installing and removing after an installation
        kernel build environment
        kernel development
        log of installed
        mail applications
        printing environment
        reference pages
        selecting with graphical user interface
        selecting with text-based interface
        software development
        space required for /usr file system
        supplemental documentation
        text processing
        windowing environment
        windows applications
        worldwide software descriptions

sort library

sort routines

source code control system

SPD (Software Product Description)

speak application
        converting text to speech

speech recognition

SRM console firmware

SRM firmware

standard header files for C programming

standard kernel objects

standard programmer commands

        LSM before install update
        LSM before install update

static libraries

STREAMS protocol

        how to become

svcsetup command


swap area
        allocating a second area

swap space
        changing allocation strategy after installation
        creating in UNIX shell
        minimum size of
        vm_swap_init error

swap strategies

syslog file
        space requirements for

sysman configuration checklist

system accounting utilities

system accounting
        space for

system activity

system administration utilities

system administration
        software subsets for

system configuration applications

system crash

system date and time

system disk
        choosing for root file system
        determining boot device
        minimum size for root
        planning layout
        supported for root file system

system exercisers

system files

system management applications

system management reference pages

system management utilities

system reboot

system reference manual (SRM) console

system setup
        from command line

System V devices

        enabling realtime preemption
        enabling realtime preemption
        logging in
        setting up for general use

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talk application
        converting text to speech


text editor
        ed tutorial
        vi tutorial

text processing software subsets

text-based interface
        features of
        installing dependencies between software
        selecting optional software using
        starting from UNIX shell
        starting from UNIX shell
        using history command

text-to-speech conversion

time zone
        table of acronyms

        entering for the system

tk toolkit commands

/tmp/init file


turbochannel bus
        booting systems with FDDI

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        as default file system type
        choosing during installation
        disk quotas
        file system overhead
        restoring file systems

ULTRIX systems
        displaying partitions in UNIX shell
        using ULTRIX disks

unattended reboots
        on multiprocessor platforms

uniprocessor system
        enabling realtime preemption

UNIX File System
        See UFS

UNIX shell
        accessing devices
        booting to single-user mode from
        changing disk partitions
        creating swap space
        mounting file systems
        restarting text-based interface
        restarting the installation from
        restoring AdvFS file system
        restoring file systems
        restoring UFS file systems
        starting LSM
        using a disk with ULTRIX partitions

UNIX SVID2 compatibilitity

unknown host message

unmounting a CD-ROM
        device busy message

unprotected system files

update administration utility

update installation
        completion time
        device special file names changed during
        disk space required for
        editing the kernel configuration file
        files affected by
        invoking from distribution media
        invoking with interactive kernel build
        kernel build failures
        merging customizations
        obsolete files
        on a system with worldwide support
        postinstallation work
        quick reference card
        selecting kernel options
        starting LSM before
        starting LSM before

        ARC firmware
        EISA firmware
        entries in whatis database
        firmware revision before installation
        RAID firmware
        SRM firmware
        system firmware

user account
        setting up
        space for

user files
        space requirements for

user interfaces to the installation


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var area
        allocating for DMS server
        allocating for RIS server
        choosing location of
        planning space for
        restoring AdvFS

VGA graphics support

vi text editor

video capabilities

view software button

        online documentation with bookreader
        online documentation with netscape

virtual X frame buffer

        size of

vm_swap_init error

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whatis command

whatis database

windict application

windows applications

windows programming
        reference pages for

        disk configuration
        file system

worldwide installation

worldwide language support

worldwide software subset descriptions

worldwide update installation

worldwide web brower
        using netscape

worldwide web

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X applications
X applications

X customizations for oem

X demo applications

X environment

X fonts

X servers
        for open3D
        for PCbus
        for Turbochannel

X/Motif version 1.1

X/Open Transport Interface

X/Window and X/Motif
        header files
        programming examples
        software development
        static libraries

XIE version 5 online documentation

XMI bus
        booting if using FDDI

Xserver extensions