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9    Performing a Worldwide Installation

Digital UNIX is an internationalized operating system. The worldwide language support software subsets provide support for various native languages and countries. Installing the worldwide language support software subsets enables software developers to develop internationalized software that can be used in different countries.

This chapter provides information about:

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9.1    Preparing for a Worldwide Installation

Before you start the worldwide installation procedure, perform the following tasks:

For more information about the terminals and printers supported for different languages, refer to the Digital UNIX Version 4.0 Software Product Description (SPD). The SPD is located on the CD-\ROM labeled Digital UNIX V4.0 Operating System Volume 1 and is located in the /DOCUMENTATION/POSTSCRIPT or /DOCUMENTATION/TEXT directories.

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9.2    Dependencies on Digital UNIX Base Software Subsets

Some of Digital UNIX worldwide support software subsets have dependencies on Digital UNIX base software subsets. Refer to the worldwide software subset descriptions in Appendix E for the dependencies of each worldwide software subset.

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9.3    Increasing Available Disk Space

The installation of the worldwide software subsets loads most files to the subdirectories that are subordinate to the /usr/i18n directory.

If the /usr/i18n directory does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the /usr/i18n directory does exist, the installation procedure uses it. If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the worldwide software subsets, and you know that you have additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions on your system, follow these steps before beginning the installation process:

  1. Log in as root or superuser.

  2. If it does not exist, create the directory /usr/i18n as follows:

    mkdir /usr/i18n

  3. Specify in the /etc/fstab file that the newly created directory is a mount point to a disk partition where there is additional space.

  4. Enter the mount -a command to mount the new mount point of /usr/i18n.

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9.4    Starting the Worldwide Installation

Follow these steps to start a worldwide installation.

  1. Log in to your system as the superuser root.

  2. Shut down the system to single-user mode by entering the following command:

    shutdown now

  3. Remount the disks specified in /etc/fstab by entering the following command:

    mount -a

Go to Section 9.4.1 is you are invoking the wwinstall script from the CD-ROM labeled Digital UNIX V4.0 Associated Products Volume 1

Go to Section 9.4.2 if you are invoking the wwinstall script from a remote installation services (RIS) server.

During the installation procedure, you are asked some questions about configuring the system. If you need help, enter a question mark (?) to display online help.

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9.4.1    Installing from a CD-ROM

The following steps describe how to invoke the wwinstall script from a CD-ROM:

  1. Load the CD-ROM optical disc labeled Digital UNIX V4.0 Associated Products Volume 1 into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Make a directory to be the mount point of the CD-ROM and then mount the CD-ROM by entering commands similar to the following:

    mkdir /cdrom
    mount -rd /dev/rz4c /cdrom
    cd /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE

    In the previous example , /dev/rz4c is the name of the CD-ROM device. Refer to Appendix B if you do not know the device name of your CD-ROM device.

  3. Invoke the wwinstall script to install Digital UNIX worldwide support software subsets as shown in the following example:


Go to Section 9.5 to continue the worldwide installation.

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9.4.2    Installing from a RIS Server

You may install the worldwide support software subsets from a RIS server. However, you have to make sure that your system is registered as a client on the RIS server. The RIS area must have the worldwide language support software subsets installed. Refer to Sharing Software on a Local Area Network for more information on how to set up a RIS server and RIS client. Enter the following command to mount the local file systems and install the software subsets from a RIS server:

setld -l  server:

Replace server with the name of your RIS server appended with a colon (:). Go to Section 9.5 to continue the worldwide installation.

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9.5    Responding to the wwinstall Script

The prompts displayed by the wwinstall script apply to systems where all the prerequisite base software subsets are installed. The screen displays are similar for installations performed from CD-ROM or RIS. If your system does not have the mandatory Digital UNIX base software subsets installed, the prompts and displays may be different.

The wwinstall script displays the disk space available in the /usr/i18n directory. You can quit now if there is insufficient disk space for the worldwide software. Refer to Section 9.3 for information about increasing disk space.

Most of subsets will be installed under the /usr/i18n directory.
Depending on the number of subsets you choose to install, you may
need more than 200 Mbytes of free disk space for installation.

You have the following amount of free disk space available in /usr:
df -k /usr Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on usr_domain#usr 828816 200475 592768 25% /usr
Two ways to set up the /usr/i18n directory :
[1] Create the /usr/i18n directory [2] Set up a symbolic link to another partition that has enough free disk space for installation
Which way do you want ? [1] :  [Return]

If you press the Return key or enter 1 to create the /usr/i18n directory, the following message is displayed:

Directory /usr/i18n has been created

If you enter 2 to create a symbolic link, the following message is displayed:

You have chosen to make a symbolic link to another partition.
Please enter the installation path:

You have the following amount of free disk space available in /usr/i18n :
df -k /usr/i18n Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/rz3h 405476 372 364556 0% /rz3h
Do you want to continue this installation procedure? (y/n) [y]: y

The installation script displays a list of countries to support:

*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *

1) Czech Republic 2) France 3) Germany 4) Greece 5) Hong Kong 6) Hungary 7) Israel 8) Italy 9) Japan 10) Korea 11) Lithuania 12) Poland 13) Russia 14) Slovakia 15) Slovenia 16) Spain 17) Sweden 18) Taiwan 19) Thailand 20) The People's Republic of China 21) Turkey
22) All of the above 23) None of the above
Choices (for example, 1 2 3) :

If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space. If you enter 23 in response to the previous prompt to select all countries, the display is similar to the following:

You are installing localized software for the following countries:

Czech Republic France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Israel Italy Japan Korea Lithuania Poland Russia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Taiwan Thailand The People's Republic of China Turkey
Is this correct? [n]

Depending upon the countries you selected, the following questions may be displayed:

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9.5.1    Selecting Worldwide Software Subsets

Next, a menu of available software subsets is displayed. The menu first shows a list of mandatory software subsets on which country-specific software subsets depend. These software subsets are loaded automatically. The installation procedure then displays a list of optional software subsets that you can install depending. If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space or a comma. Separate a range of numbers with a hyphen (-).

The following example shows the optional software that is available when Italy and Japan are the countries chosen for worldwide support. The optional software subset list is similar to the following:

*** Enter subset selections ***

The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets:
* Italian CDE Mail Interface * Italian DECwindows Mail Interface * Italian CDE Desktop Environment * Italian CDE Minimum Runtime Environment * Italian Old X Environment * Japanese CDE Mail Interface * Japanese DECwindows Mail Interface * Japanese Base System * Japanese Basic X Environment * Japanese CDE Desktop Environment * Japanese CDE Minimum Runtime Environment * Japanese DECwindows 100dpi Mandatory Fonts * Japanese DECwindows Mandatory Fonts * Japanese Old X Environment * Worldwide Kernel Headers and Common Files * Worldwide Standard Kernel Modules * Worldwide Base System * Worldwide Basic X Environment * Worldwide DECwindows Mandatory Fonts * Worldwide Motif 1.1 * Worldwide CDE Desktop Environment
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
Press RETURN to display the next screen:
- Italian Support - Software Development: 1) Italian CDE Software Development 2) Italian X Window Software Development
- Italian Support - Windowing Environment: 3) Italian Basic X Environment 4) Italian CDE Online Help
- Italian Support - Windows Applications: 5) Italian Additional DECwindows Applications 6) Italian CDE Additional Applications 7) Italian Old Additional DECwindows Applications
- Japanese Support - General Applications: 8) Additional Japanese Software 9) Japanese Nemacs 10) Wnn Input Method
- Japanese Support - Operating System: 11) Japanese (SJIS) Message Catalogs 12) Japanese Message Catalogs
- Japanese Support - Reference Pages: 13) Japanese Ref. Pages for Additional Software 14) Japanese Reference Pages 15) Japanese Windows Reference Pages
- Japanese Support - Software Development: 16) Japanese CDE Software Development 17) Japanese Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-10 Window Interface 18) Japanese Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-10
--- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 8-10
19) Japanese Software Development 20) Japanese X Window Software Development 21) Wnn Software Development
- Japanese Support - Windowing Environment: 22) Japanese CDE Online Help 23) Japanese DECwindows 100dpi Optional Fonts 24) Japanese DECwindows 75dpi Mandatory Fonts 25) Japanese DECwindows 75dpi Optional Fonts
- Japanese Support - Windows Applications: 26) Japanese Additional DECwindows Applications 27) Japanese CDE Additional Applications 28) Japanese Netscape Navigator V1.12I 29) Japanese Old Additional DECwindows Applications
- Worldwide Language Support - General Applications: 30) Worldwide MULE
- Worldwide Language Support - Operating System: 31) Worldwide Phrase Input Support 32) Worldwide User Defined Character Support
- Worldwide Language Support - Printing Environment: 33) Worldwide Printer Support
- Worldwide Language Support - Software Development: 34) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-15 35) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-15 Release Notes 36) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-15 Window Interface 37) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-15 remote server 38) Worldwide SVE MNLS Migration Tools 39) Worldwide Software Development 40) Worldwide X Window Software Development
--- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Add to your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 8-10
- Worldwide Language Support - System Configuration: 41) Worldwide Configuration Tool
- Worldwide Language Support - Windowing Environment: 42) Worldwide Old Bookreader 43) Worldwide Two-Byte Outline Font Renderer 44) Worldwide User Defined Character Workstation Service
- Worldwide Language Support - Windows Applications: 45) Worldwide Old Additional DECwindows Applications
The following choices override your previous selections:
46) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets 47) MANDATORY subsets only 48) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 49) EXIT without installing any subsets
Add to your choices, choose an overriding action or press RETURN to confirm previous selections.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 8-10 42

You have a chance to verify your choices as shown in the following example:

You are installing the following mandatory subsets:

Italian CDE Mail Interface Italian DECwindows Mail Interface Italian CDE Desktop Environment Italian CDE Minimum Runtime Environment Italian Old X Environment Japanese CDE Mail Interface Japanese DECwindows Mail Interface Japanese Base System Japanese Basic X Environment Japanese CDE Desktop Environment Japanese CDE Minimum Runtime Environment Japanese DECwindows 100dpi Mandatory Fonts Japanese DECwindows Mandatory Fonts Japanese Old X Environment Worldwide Kernel Headers and Common Files Worldwide Standard Kernel Modules Worldwide Base System Worldwide Basic X Environment Worldwide DECwindows Mandatory Fonts Worldwide Motif 1.1 Worldwide CDE Desktop Environment
You are installing the following optional subsets:
- Japanese Support - General Applications: Additional Japanese Software Japanese Nemacs Wnn Input Method
- Worldwide Language Support - Windowing Environment: Worldwide Old Bookreader
Is this correct? (y/n):

Enter n if you want to begin the software subset selection again. Enter y if the list is correct.

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9.5.2    Loading Worldwide Software Subsets

The installation process checks to make sure there is enough disk space to load the selected subsets. A message similar to the following is displayed:

Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
        Working....Fri Mar 15 09:53:20 EST 1996

File system space checked OK.

If there is not enough disk space to hold all the software subsets you selected, you must go back and select only those optional software subsets you need.

Next, the installation process installs the software subsets on your system. Messages similar to the following are displayed:

25 subset(s) will be installed.

Loading 1 of 25 subset(s)....
Worldwide Base System Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Verifying
Loading 2 of 25 subset(s)....
Worldwide Kernel Headers and Common Files Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Verifying
Loading 3 of 25 subset(s)....
Worldwide Standard Kernel Modules Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Verifying
Loading 23 of 25 subset(s)....
Japanese CDE Minimum Runtime Environment Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Verifying
Loading 24 of 25 subset(s)....
Japanese CDE Desktop Environment Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Working....Fri Mar 15 10:48:59 EST 1996 Verifying
Loading 25 of 25 subset(s)....
Japanese CDE Mail Interface Copying from /cdrom/ALPHA/WORLDWIDE (disk) Verifying
25 of 25 subset(s) installed successfully.

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9.5.3    Configuring Worldwide Software Subsets

Subset configuration occurs next, which is the process of tailoring the operating system software for use. Messages similar to the following are displayed. Review this screen output carefully; depending upon the software subsets you installed, you may be instructed to run setup scripts. If you performed the installation from CD-ROM, after the installation is complete, review the log file, /var/adm/smlogs/wwinstall.log file for a record of the installation. A log file is not created during RIS installations.

Configuring "Worldwide Base System " (IOSWWBASE400)
Configuring ./etc/csh.login ...
Configuring ./etc/profile ...

Configuring "Worldwide Kernel Headers and Common Files" (IOSWWBINCOM400)
Configuring "Worldwide Standard Kernel Modules " (IOSWWBIN400)
Configuring "Japanese Nemacs " (IOSJPNEMACS400)
Configuring "Wnn Input Method " (IOSJPWNN400)
Please invoke /usr/sbin/wwsetup to configure wnn.
Configuring "Japanese CDE Minimum Runtime Environment" (IOSJPCDEMIN400)
Configuring "Japanese CDE Desktop Environment " (IOSJPCDEDT400)
Configuring "Japanese CDE Mail Interface " (IOSJPCDEMAIL400)

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9.5.4    Building the Kernel

A kernel build begins automatically after software subset configuration.


If you performed a dataless installation, the kernel build does not happen automatically. Follow the instructions in Section 9.6 to build the kernel.

The kernel build screen display is similar to the following:

*                                                     *
* Rebuilding kernel to include incorporate Asian/Thai *
* tty drivers                                         *
*                                                     *

**** Adding Worldwide Support tty Features into Kernel Configuration File ****
Starting kernel rebuild...
Saving /sys/conf/HANDW3 as /sys/conf/HANDW3.bck

*** PERFORMING AUTO-EDIT OF CONFIGURATION FILE *** Auto-editing /sys/conf/HANDW3 using /tmp/.script18679.....done.
*** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** Working....Fri Mar 15 20:10:39 HKT 1996 Working....Fri Mar 15 20:12:40 HKT 1996 Working....Fri Mar 15 20:14:41 HKT 1996 Working....Fri Mar 15 20:16:42 HKT 1996
The new kernel is /sys/HANDW3/vmunix
Saving /vmunix as /vmunix.IOS400.1 Copying /sys/HANDW3/vmunix to /vmunix
Reboot your system using the new kernel.
The installation software has completed the installation process. The log file /var/adm/smlogs/wwinstall.log contains a record of your installation.

If the kernel build fails, check the log file /var/adm/smlogs/setld.log for information to diagnose the problem. Refer to the setld(8) reference page for more information.

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9.6    Building an Asian Kernel After the Installation

If you installed support software subsets for Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand, the worldwide installation process builds a kernel with all the installed Asian or Thai terminal supports. Afterwards, you reboot the system with the new kernel to enable Asian or Thai terminal support in the kernel.

If you want to enable or disable some of the Asian or Thai terminal supports from the kernel, Section 9.6.1 describes the procedure to rebuild an Asian kernel.

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9.6.1    Reconfiguring the Kernel to Support the Asian Terminal Driver and Daemons

To reconfigure the kernel to support the Asian terminal driver and daemons, invoke the wwconfig script with the -a option:

/usr/sbin/wwconfig -a

Refer to the wwconfig(8) reference page for more information.

If you installed IOSWWBIN400 and installed at least one of the following subsets: IOSWWUDCOS400 (odld), IOSWWPHRASE400 (simd), or IOSJPBASE400 (kkcd), a UTX configuration selection table similar to the following displays. UTX is the mechanism to support communication between the Asian terminal driver and daemons.

/usr/sbin/wwconfig -a


Selection Asian service Daemon ------------------------------------------------------- 1 On Demand Font Loading (odld) 2 Software Input Method (simd) 3 Kana-Kanji Conversion (kkcd) 4 All of the above 5 None of the above -------------------------------------------------------
Enter the selection number for each daemon you want. For example, 1 2 :

After you make your selection, the daemons are displayed for your confirmation. If you choose 4 (All of the above), the following confirmation message is displayed:

You specified the following daemons:

On Demand Font Loading (odld) Software Input Method (simd) Kana-Kanji Conversion (kkcd)
Is this correct? (y/n) [n]:

Enter y if the list includes the daemons you want to set up.

The installation procedure then asks how many UTX devices you want to create.

How many UTX devices do you want to create? [default: 32] :

The number you enter is saved in the /var/i18n/sys/stanza.loadable file. The actual creation of the UTX devices is done when you reboot your system.

There is one utxd master daemon that uses one UTX device. Each invocation of one of the odld, simd, and kkcd daemons uses one UTX device. Each user who turns on odld on a database not already served by another odld starts a new odld process. Refer to the stty(1) and cedit(1) reference pages for more information. Each user session that has the Software Phrase Input Method turned on requires one simd. Each user who turns on Kana-Kanji Conversion on a database (refer to stty(1) for more information) not already served by another kkcd starts a new kkcd process. Assuming that 10 users use all three functions, it requires 31 UTX devices to support 10 users.

If you installed the IOSZHBIG5400, IOSZHTELEX400, and IOSZHCONV400 software subsets, the following selection menu is displayed:


Selection Terminal Codeset ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 BIG-5 2 Telecode 3 Traditional & Simplified Chinese Conversion 4 All of the above 5 None of the above -------------------------------------------------------------
Enter the selection number for each codeset you want. For example, 1 2 :

Selecting a terminal codeset at this prompt means that you want to build support for that terminal codeset into the terminal driver. When codeset support is built into the terminal driver, users can select that codeset as their terminal code by using the /usr/i18n/bin/stty command.

Choose 3 if you want to support the proper codeset conversion when the terminal code is set to a Simplified Chinese codeset and the application code is set to a Traditional Chinese codeset or vice versa.

If only two out of the three software subsets are installed, the selection menu still appears but the uninstalled component is missing from the list.

If you installed just one of the software subsets, a question is asked instead. As shown in the following example, if you installed the IOSTHBIN400 software subset, the procedure asks if you want to add the Thai terminal driver to the kernel:

Do you want to install the Thai tty driver? (y/n) [y] :

The Thai terminal driver supports Thai terminal input/output (I/O). The other Asian languages are supported by the Asian terminal driver. If you have installed only the IOSTHBIN400 software subset and not the IOSWWBIN400 software subset, the previous question is the only question asked.

The installation procedure then asks if you want to rebuild the kernel.

If you wish, you may use an automated kernel build procedure by
answering 'y' to the next question.

You will need about 10 Mb available in the /sys file system for the kernel build. If you do not have this much space, do not choose an automated build.
You have the following amount of free disk space available:
df -k /sys Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/rz3g 825507 670890 72066 90% /ufs/rz3g
Do you want this procedure to rebuild your kernel? (y/n):

If you enter y, the kernel build starts, and the display is similar to the following:

Starting kernel rebuild...

Saving /sys/conf/ARUBA as /sys/conf/ARUBA.bck
Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: n

*** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** Working....Fri Mar 15 16:05:35 EDT 1996 Working....Fri Mar 15 16:07:35 EDT 1996 Working....Fri Mar 15 16:09:36 EDT 1996
The new kernel is /sys/ARUBA/vmunix
Saving /vmunix as /vmunix.IOS400.3 Copying /sys/ARUBA/vmunix to /vmunix
Reboot your system using the new kernel.

In the previous example, ARUBA is the system name. If you want to enable or disable some of the terminal options, you must enter the following command to reconfigure and rebuild the kernel:

/usr/sbin/wwconfig -a

Reboot your system after a kernel rebuild to include the newly selected features.

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9.7    Setting up the sendmail Daemon and wnn

After you have loaded the worldwide software subsets, invoke /usr/sbin/wwsetup to set up the sendmail daemon and to set up wnn if you have installed IOSJPWNN400.

When you invoke the /usr/sbin/wwsetup command, the following message is displayed:

        Worldwide setup for sendmail utility

The current configuration of sendmail utility does not support 8 bit data.
Do you want to enable 8 bit data support? (y/n) [n]:

If you enter y, the sendmail daemon is reconfigured to send and receive 8-bit mail. However, this option violates the 7-bit SMTP mail transmission protocol used by sendmail over a TCP/IP network. You may enter n if you want strict conformance to the TCP/IP network protocol.

If you enabled the 8 bit data support of sendmail, you are asked if you want to restart the sendmail daemon; only then is your change in effect.

You have changed the sendmail configuration.
You should restart the sendmail utility by using the command

/sbin/init.d/sendmail restart
Do you want to restart the sendmail utility now? (y/n) [y]:

You can also use /usr/sbin/wwsetup command to disable the 8-bit data support of the sendmail daemon.

If you installed the IOSJPWNN400 software subset, the following message may be displayed:

        Worldwide setup for wnn

If you have never installed the Wnn software subset before, the following message is displayed:

You can create the following symbolic links:

/usr/local/bin/Wnn4 -> /usr/i18n/bin/Wnn4 /usr/local/lib/wnn -> /usr/i18n/lib/wnn
Do you want to create these links? (y/n) [y]:

If you enter y, symbolic links are created under the /usr/local directory to link to the corresponding Wnn directories under /usr/i18n. These links may be necessary if some of your existing applications assume that the Wnn binaries are located under /usr/local.

The installation procedure for the IOSJPWNN400 software subset also asks you to enter the password for creating dictionaries as shown in the following example:

Please input the dictionary password.

Enter Password : Verify:
Dictionary set up .............. done.

The following message is displayed:

You should start the wnn jserver daemon using the command
/sbin/init.d/jserver start
Do you want to start the wnn jserver daemon now? (y/n) [y]: y
Nihongo Multi Client Server (4.10) Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/kihon.dic Fid = 1 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/setsuji.dic Fid = 2 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/koyuu.dic Fid = 3 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/chimei.dic Fid = 4 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/jinmei.dic Fid = 5 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/special.dic Fid = 6 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/computer.dic Fid = 7 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/symbol.dic Fid = 8 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/tankan.dic Fid = 9 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/bio.dic Fid = 10 Reading /usr/i18n/lib/wnn/ja_JP/dic/pubdic/full.fzk Fid = 11 Finished Reading Files /sbin/init.d/jserver: jserver daemon started done.

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9.8    Backup Files Created by the Installation

During the installation of Digital UNIX worldwide support software subsets, some backup files are created to save the contents of the original files that are replaced by the installation procedure. Table 9-1 lists the files replaced by the installation procedure.

The backup files have either the extension .IOS400_sav.* where the asterisk (*) is an integer, or have the extension .IOS400_sav (without the integer).

Table 9-1: Backup Files Created by Worldwide Installations

Files Saved with  
Extension: File Name
<file>.IOS400_sav.* /vmunix
.<file>.IOS400_sav /usr/bin/X11/dxkeycaps

Backup files with extension IOS400_sav are data or binary files that are not likely to be modified by the system manager. They are restored to the original files when Digital UNIX worldwide support software subsets are removed. Do not delete files with the extension IOS400_sav. If you delete these files, the corresponding data and binary files cannot be restored during the removal of worldwide support software.

Data files that might be modified by the system managers, depending on the system configuration, have the extension .IOS400_sav.* for their backup. You can delete files with the extension .IOS400_sav.* to save space. These files are not restored to the originals during removal. Instead, the removal procedure creates new .IOS400_sav.* files from files that are currently used.

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9.9    Working in a Worldwide Environment

To enable input and display in any language other than English, you must always set the locale in which your processes run. You set the locale by defining the LANG or LC_ALL environment variables. To set the language for the common desktop environment (CDE) from the CDE login window, click on Options and then click on Language.

Refer to the locale(1), i18n_intro(5), l10n_intro(5), and to the reference pages for individual languages (such as spanish(5), italian(5), japanese(5), hebrew(5) and so on) for more information about working in an internationalized environment.