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/etc/rc.config file

/etc/sysconfigtab file

/sbin/kopt command

/usr file system

/var file system

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ac command

accounting samples

        charge units
        charging fees
                list of
        connect session
        daily records
        daily reports
        disk samples
        disk usage
        error messages
                daily summary
                printer summary
                printer use
        monitoring system usage
        monthly reports
        nonprime time
        prime time
        service charges
        setting up
                adm file
                holidays file
                printer accounting
                rc.config file
                root file
        shell scripts
                list of
                turnacct off
                turnacct on
                turnacct switch
        submitting commands to cron
        turning off
        turning on
        using the crontab command
        utmp file structure

acctcms command

acctcom command

acctcon1 command

acctdisk command

acctdusg command

acctmerg command
        correcting tacct file errors

accton command

acctprc1 command

acctprc2 command

acctwtmp command

addgroup utility

adduser utility

Advanced File System
        See AdvFS

        backing up data
        converting a data file system
        converting from UFS
        converting root file system
        design overview
        features and benefits
        file domains
        file storage allocation policy
        file system quotas
        fileset quotas
        introduction to administration
        managing quotas
        restoring /usr partition
        setting up
        setup example

application performance

archiving services

at command

AUTONICE configuration file definition

autosysconfig command

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backup and restore

        avoiding backup data corruption
        avoiding backup data corruption
        using scripts

baud rate

bcheckrc script
bcheckrc script

binary configuration file
        event logging

binary event logging
        log file
        using the dia command
        using the uerf command

binary record

binlog.conf file

binlogd daemon
binlogd daemon

boot preparation
        after a system crash
        from a halted system
        powered-down systems
        to single-user mode

bootable tape

        alternate kernel
        overriding set commands

BSD_TTY configuration file definition

btcreate command

btextract command

bufcache keyword

BUFCACHE_STATS configuration file definition
BUFCACHE_STATS configuration file definition

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callout keyword configuration file definitions


CDE command line interface

CDE graphical interface

CDEVSW configuration file definition

CDFS configuration file definition

        file system overview

cfgmgr daemon

cfgmgr.auth file

chfn command


ckpacct shell script

clists keyword

cmx exerciser

Common Access Method I/O Subsystem

communications system
        See terminal communications system

Compact Disc File System
        See CDFS

COMPAT_43 configuration file definition
COMPAT_43 configuration file definition

Computer Interconnect bus
        See CI

config keyword

configuration database

configuration file
        .product.list file
        adding new devices
        allocating metadata cache
        callout keywords
        defining network protocols in
                file system
        device definition keywords
        event logging
        global keywords
        makeoptions keywords
        NAME.list file
        options keywords
        param.c file
        pseudodevice keywords
        SMP options
        system definition keyword
        workstation definitions

        of kernel subsystems
        steps in at installation time


connect session
        date change
        line usage records
        overall record

connection types

console environment variables

cpu keyword

cpus configuration file definition

crash recovery
crash recovery

cron daemon
        setting up automatic accounting
        submitting commands to

crontab command

crontabs directory
        modifying files in

customization tasks

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date command

dd command
        cloning on a data disk

        compiling changes to databases
        conforming to standards
        converting cam_data.c file
        help option
        SCSI-2 standard
        synchronizing on-disk and in-memory databases

ddr.dbase file

ddr_config command
        help option
        TagQueueDepth parameter changes

ddr_config utility

        binary event-logging reports
        error reporting

deferred mode swapping

device database

device definition keyword
        configuring into the kernel

device mnemonics
        configuration file syntax
        in configuration data base

device name
        definition of

device pathname
        explanation of
        representation in printcap

device special file
        representation in printcap

        adding LSM disks

df command
        checking free disk space

dfldiz keyword

dflssiz keyword

dia command
        binary event-logging reports

Digital Storage Architecture disk
        See DSA disk

Digital System Communication Architecture

                existence as links

disk drive
        adding static
        testing with diskx

disk groups

disk name
        definition of

disk partition
        changing parameters
        changing size
        overlapping partitions
        writing the default label

disk quota
        activating edquota editor
        recovering from over-quota condition
        setting grace period
        turning off

disk quotas
        See also file system quotas
        setting automatic

disk space
        checking blocks used
        checking free space
        checking free space
        checking usage


disklabel command
        changing disk partition size
        labeling a disk
        using the -e option
        writing a default partition table
        writing the default label
        zeroing label

        adding to disk group
        administering with LSM
        monitoring usage
        operations with LSM
        private region
        public region


diskusg command

diskx exerciser

DLI configuration file definition

DLPI configuration file definition

doconfig program
doconfig program
doconfig program
doconfig program

dodisk shell script

DSA disk

du command
        reporting blocks used

dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card
        booting from the

dump command
        backing up file systems

dumpfs command
        checking free disk space

dxpower command

dynamic configuration

Dynamic Device Recognition
        See DDR

dynamic subsystem
        configuring into the kernel
        determining the state of
        list of

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edquota command

edquota editor
        setting grace period

        to LSM volumes

error log file
        explanation of
        representation in printcap

error logging

ether configuration file definition

        configuration definition

event logging
        binary configuration file
        binary event-logging facility
        binlog.conf file
        binlogd daemon
        binlog_data.c file
        configuration file
        configuring binary event logger
        crash recovery
        creating daily files
        creating special files
        default configuration
        introduction to
        log file protections
        maintaining files
                active events
                disk events
                event class
                excluding types of events
                formatting output
                from specific files
                from specific systems
                hexadecimal output
                in reverse order
                mainframe events
                operating system events
                record code
                sequence numbers
                tape events
                time range
                types of output
                unit numbers
        setting up
        starting the binlogd daemon
        syslog.conf file
        syslog.conf file
        syslogd daemon
        system event-logging facility
        using the dump file

event report formatter
        uerf command

event report
        brief format
        full format
        in single-user mode
        terse format

event-logging daemon
        command syntax

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FFM_FS configuration file definition

file storage
        allocation policy

file system quotas
        for groups
        for user accounts

file system
        disk quota
        displaying setup
        example of setting up
        exercising with fsx
        file types
        introduction to maintenance
        limiting usage
        links in
        managing directories
        managing files
        monitoring usage
        quotas for groups
        quotas for user accounts
        repairing interactively
        standard hierarchy
        standard hierarchy
        standard hierarchy
        supported block size
        types of

file types
        domain socket
        named pipes
        symbolic link files

fsck program
fsck program
        checking file system
        correcting file system
        overlapping partitions

fstab file
fstab file
fstab file

fsx exerciser

fwtmp command
        correcting wtmp file

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gateway screen configuration file definition

        configuration definition

GENERIC configuration file definition

generic kernel

        See booting

getty command
getty command
getty command
getty command

gettydefs file

global keywords

group file
        adding a group to the
        adding a group to the
        adding entries to
        deleting a group from the
        deleting users from the
        line length limits

        adding automatically
        adding manually
        setting group quotas

grpck command

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halt command

halting systems

hardware device
        adding support of to the kernel

hashed password database
hashed password database

heappercent keyword

Hierarchical Storage Controllers
        See HSC

        file system

        controller failures
        host sharing

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immediate mode swapping

INET configuration file definition

init command
init command
init command
init command
        changing run levels
        multiuser run levels
        reexamining the inittab file

init directory structure

init.d directory
init.d directory

initialization scripts

initialization tasks

inittab file
inittab file
inittab file
inittab file
inittab file
inittab file
        activating terminal lines
        boot entry
        bootwait entry
        changing run levels
        initdefault entry
        rc scripts

INOCACHE_STATS configuration file definition


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KDEBUG configuration file definition

kentry_zone_size keyword

kernel subsystems
        setting configuration variables

        booting alternate
        booting alternate
        configuration file entries
        configuring with options menu
        defining the name of
        dynamic configuration
        static configuration

killall command

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LABELS configuration file definition

last command

lastcomm command

lastlogin shell script

LAT configuration file definition

        See Logical Block Number

LDTTY configuration file definition

line printer daemon
        See lpd daemon

lineuse file


logical block number
        See LBN

Logical Storage Manager
        See LSM

Logical Volume Manager
        See LVM

login shell

loop configuration file definition

lpc command

lpd daemon
        filter representation in printcap
        filter representation in printcap

lpd filter
        explanation of

lpr command

        choosing options in
        main menu
        modifying printer configuration

lptest command

ls configuration file definition

LSM startup
        adding a disk to a disk group
        changing volume size
        creating a volume from a disk group
        mirroring a volume

        configuration definition
        disk groups
        disk operations with
        encapsulating user data
        features and benefits
        I/O activity
        starting automatically
        starting with volsetup
        starting with volsetup
        system administration

lv configuration file definition

        configuration definition
        migrating to LSM

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MACH configuration file definition

machine keyword

MACH_COMPAT configuration file definition

MACH_CO_INFO configuration file definition

MACH_DEVICE configuration file definition

MACH_IPC_STATS configuration file definition

MACH_IPC_TCACHE configuration file definition

MACH_IPC_WWA configuration file definition

MACH_IPC_XXXHACK configuration file definition

MACH_NET configuration file definition

MACH_SCTIMES configuration file definition

magnetic tape drive
        adding static
        testing with tapex

makeoptions configuration file definition

mapentries keyword

maxcallouts keyword

maxdsiz keyword

maxssiz keyword

maxuprc keyword

maxusers keyword

maxuthreads keyword

maxvas keyword

MAX_BDEVSW configuration file definition

max_vnodes keyword

memory size
        setting default limits
        setting maximum limits

        exercising with memx
        shared memory
                testing with shmx
        system memory

memx exerciser
        swap space restrictions of

message catalogs

metadata cache
        changing size in configuration file

MFS file system

migrating from LVM to LSM


mkdir command

mkfset command

mknod command

mount command
mount command
        overlapping partitions

mount status

MPH utility

MSFS configuration file definition

msgmax keyword

msgmnb keyword

msgmni keyword

msgtql keyword

multiuser boot

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National Language Support
        See NLS

Network File System
        See NFS

network protocols
        configuration file definition

        loopback configuration file definition

NetWorker SingleServer

newfs command
newfs command

NFS configuration file definition

        file system overview

NFS_SERVER configuration file definition

        character tables
        environment tables
        local directories
        locale categories
        LOCPATH variable
        message catalogs
        message catalogs
        NLSPATH variable
        setting locale

NTP_TIME configuration file definition

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OSF configuration file definition

OSF_MACH_O configuration file definition

over-commitment mode swapping
        See deferred mode swapping

overlapping disk partitions
        checking for
        newfs command

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pac command

        allocating disk space for

param.c file

        See disk partition

passwd file
        adding entries to
        deleting entries from
        NIS distributed


performance monitors
        real-time performance monitor

performance tuning
        using commands and scripts


PMAZB option card
        See dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card

PMAZC option card
        See dual SCSI TURBOchannel option card

POLYCENTER NetWorker Save and Restore

power management

prctmp shell script

prdaily shell script

presto configuration file definition

print services
        See also printer

printcap file
        printer characteristics database
        understanding entries in

                pac command
        adding comments to the /etc/printcap file
        control program
        controlling jobs and queues
        data files
        device special file name
        error log file
        error log file
        line printer daemon
        lock file
        lpc command
        pac command
        reference names
                printcap symbols
        removing printers
        reporting usage
        setting up manually
        spooler directory
        spooling directory
        spooling queue
        spooling queue
        starting lpd daemon
        status file
        troubleshooting information
        using lprsetup

private region

        maximum number of

PROC_FS configuration file definition

prtacct shell script

        BSD STREAMS-based
        creating device special files

pty configuration file definition

public region

pwck command

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quot command
        checking blocks used

quota command
        verifying block usage

QUOTA configuration file definition
QUOTA configuration file definition

quotacheck command
        verifying block usage
        verifying disk quota

quotaoff command
        turning disk quota off

quotaon command
        activating disk quota

        See disk quotas
        setting UFS quotas
        user and group

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radisk program
        maintaining DSA disks

rc directory structure

rc0 script

rc0.d directory

rc2 script

rc2.d directory

rc3 script

rc3.d directory

rcmgr command

rcn.d directory

rdump command

reboot operations

        binary accounting
        daily accounting
        overall connect session

removeuser command

restore and backup

restore command
        retrieving a file system
        retrieving data
        retrieving files
                from a remote tape device

root file system
        mounting read only from single-user mode
        mounting read-write from single-user mode
        mounting read-write from single-user mode
        restoring from a remote system

rootdg configuration

RPTY configuration file definition

rrestore command

rt_hab configuration file definition

run command scripts
run command scripts

run levels
        using init command

runacct shell script

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sa command

SCSI device recognition

SCSI disk

        device recognition tasks

scs_sysid keyword

SCU command
        device and bus maintenance
        device and bus managment
        general purpose commands
        maintaining SCSI disks
        online help
        syntax conventions

scu program
        maintaining SCSI disks


securettys file
        securing terminal line


segmentation keyword

semaem keyword

semmni keyword

semmns keyword

semmsl keyword

semopm keyword

semume keyword

semvmx keyword

shared memory
        testing with shmx

shell scripts

shmin keyword

shmmax keyword

shmmni keyword

shmseg keyword

shmx exerciser
        shmxb subprocess
        using with memx

shutacct command

shutdown and startup

shutdown command
        changing to single-user mode
        using halt flag
        using halt flag
        using reboot flag

shutdown operations
        automatic reboot
        from multiuser mode
        fsck warning
        shut down and reboot
        system halt
        warning users

single-user boot

single-user mode

sizer program

SL configuration file definition

Small Computer System Interface
        See SCSI

        adding cpus
        confguration file options
        rebooting failed processor
        unattended reboots

spooling directory
        representation in printcap


startup and shutdown

startup files

startup shell script

static configuration

STAT_TIME configuration file definition

STREAMS configuration file definition

STRKINFO configuration file definition

strpush configuration file definition


subsystem attribute
        determining the operations allowed
        determining the value of
        listing database values of

        determining the type of
        See also dynamic subsystem

SVR4 pty name space

swap space
        allocating disk space for
        deferred mode
        establishing size
        estimating requirements
        identifying primary
        immediate mode swapping
        specifying in /etc/fstab
        swapdefault file

swapbuffers keyword

swapdefault file
        allocating swap space
        identifying primary swap space

symbol names
        changing values in lprsetup

Symmetric Multiprocessing
        See SMP

sync command

sysconfig command
        using for remote subsystem management

sysconfigdb command
        adding attributes with
        deleting subsystem entries with
        listing attribute values with
        merging attribute definitions with
        removing attribute definitions with
        updating attribute definitions with

sysconfigtab file
        See /etc/sysconfigtab file

syslog.conf file
        event logging
        event logging

syslogd daemon
syslogd daemon

system accounting services

system clock

system configuration file
        pseudodevice entry

system configuration

system crash
        hardware failure

system environment

system event reporting

system events and errors

system exercisers
system exercisers
        getting help
        log files
        See also specific system exercisers
        using uerf command with

system initialization files

system initialization

system maintenance
                file systems

system performance

system security

system shutdown

system startup files

system tuning

SYSV_COFF configuration file definition

SYSV_ELF configuration file definition

sysv_hab configuration file definition

sys_v_mode keyword

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tacct file errors
        correcting with acctmerg

tape drive
        See magnetic tape drive


tapex exerciser

target kernel

task_max keyword

terminal communications system
        testing with cmx

terminal line
        enabling root logins on


terminfo database

TERMINFO environment variable

threadmax keyword

tic command

time zone

timezone keyword

total accounting record

Tower of Hanoi

TRSRCF configuration file definition

tunefs command

turnacct shell script

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ubcbuffers keyword

uerf command
        data files
        displaying hexadecimal
        excluding events
        formatting output
        generating summary reports
        output type
        record codes
        restricting events
        selecting events
        sequence numbers
        time range
        unit numbers
        using in single-user mode
        using reverse chronological order
        using specific host
        using specific log files
        using with system exercisers

UFS configuration file definition

        checking a file system
        creating a file system
        file system overview
        file system structure
        setting file system quotas
        setting file system quotas

UIPC configuration file definition

ult_bin configuration file definition

ULT_BIN_COMPAT configuration file definition

umount command
umount command

UNIX File System
        See UFS

UNIX_LOCKS configuration file definition

unmounting file systems

user accounts
        adding automatically
        adding manually
        setting disk quotas
        setting file system quotas

user-info field

using LSM

/usr partition on AdvFS disks

utmp file structure

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VAGUE_STATS configuration file definition

        file system overview

virtual disks

Virtual File System
        See VFS

virtual memory

volboot file

        volboot file

        changing the size of
        creating from a disk group

vpagemax keyword

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wall command
wall command

        configuration file definitions

worldwide support

ws configuration file definition

wtmp file
        correcting with fwtmp command

wtmpfix command

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xcons configuration file definition

XTISO configuration file definition

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zone_size keyword