Digital UNIX provides the system administrator with several options for installing layered product kits. For example:
This chapter shows how to install a user product, kernel product, and foreign device product, and how to install a kit in a RIS environment.
To install a user product, the system administrator runs the setld utility. For example, the ODB product could be installed as follows, assuming it is distributed on CD-ROM:
mkdir /mnt
mount -r /dev/rz4c /mnt
After mounting the CD-ROM, you can change to the /mnt directory and view the directories on the CD-ROM.
setld -l /mnt/ALPHA/OAT100
The setld utility displays prompts and messages to guide you through the installation process.
umount /mnt
See the Installation Guide for more information on using the setld utility to install layered products.
To install a kernel product, the system administrator runs the setld utility, then reconfigures the kernel by running the doconfig utility. For example, the /dev/none driver could be installed as follows, assuming the kit is distributed on CD-ROM:
mkdir /mnt
mount -r /dev/rz4c /mnt
setld -l /mnt/ALPHA/ESA100
The setld utility displays prompts and messages to guide you through the installation process.
umount /mnt
At this point, the kit is installed on the system, but the driver is not configured into the kernel. You must perform steps 5 - 8 to reconfigure the kernel.
mv /vmunix /
cd /usr/sys/conf
cp vmunix /vmunix
/usr/sbin/shutdown -r now
When the system starts up, the /dev/none driver is available on the system.
See the Installation Guide for more information on using the setld utility to install layered products. See doconfig(8) for more information on the doconfig utility.
The system administrator installs a foreign device kit with the osfboot utility, which runs from the console prompt. To follow this procedure, you need two kits: the CD-ROM containing the Digital UNIX kit and the kit containing the foreign device product.
For example, to install the /dev/edgd driver as a foreign device, run osfboot as follows:
boot -fl fg dka400
The utility reads bootstrap code from the CD-ROM for the system you are installing.
Enter Device Name:
Enter Kit Name:
Insert media for kit 'dva0:edgd.kit', hit <return> when ready:
Enter Kit Name:
Insert boot media, hit <return> when ready:
Insert media for kit 'dva0:edgd.kit', hit <return> when ready:
Insert boot media, hit <return> when ready:
A user product or kernel product kit can be installed in a RIS area on a RIS server by running the ris utility. When the product has been installed in the RIS area, RIS clients can install the software from that RIS area using the setld utility.
To install the product in the RIS area on the server, run the ris utility as follows:
*** RIS Utility Main Menu ***Enter your choice: i
Choices without key letters are not available.
a) ADD a client d) DELETE software products i) INSTALL software products ) LIST registered clients ) MODIFY a client ) REMOVE a client s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments x) EXIT
RIS Software Installation Menu:Enter your choice:
1) Install software into a new area 2) Add software into an existing area 3) Return to previous menu
See Sharing Software on a Local Area Network for more information on installing software on the RIS area.
To install the product kit from the RIS server onto the client system, register the client system with the RIS server, then use the setld utility, as follows:
*** RIS Utility Main Menu ***Enter your choice: a
Choices without key letters are not available.
a) ADD a client d) DELETE software products i) INSTALL software products ) LIST registered clients ) MODIFY a client ) REMOVE a client s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments x) EXIT
setld -l visier:
The setld utility displays prompts and messages to guide you through the installation process. See the Installation Guide for more information on using the setld utility to install layered products.
If the product is a user product, the installation is complete. If the product is a kernel product, you must reconfigure the kernel using steps 4 - 7.
mv /vmunix /
cd /usr/sys/conf
cp vmunix /vmunix
/usr/sbin/shutdown -r now