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/dev/none device driver
        subset control program

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ACT environment variable

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Backus-Naur form

backward link
        See link, backward

BitTest shell routine

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compression flag file
compression flag file

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        between subsets
                file name expansion in
                for more than one version of a subset
                initializing for
                establishing relationships
                initializing for
                initializing for

directory structure

        distribution media

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exporting kits

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file system
        standard hierarchy
        X hierarchy

        attributes for setld kits
        boot-required, in kits
        layered product
                physical location of
        lock, used by setld
        naming for a product kit
        naming for a product kit
        user product
                linking to

forward link
        See link, forward

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gendisk utility

gentapes command

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image data file
        contents of

        dataless subset declined
        dataless subsets


inventory file
        for kit building
                See master inventory file
        for a subset
                contents of

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key file
        contents of
        control flag bit

kit delivery process
        creating subset control programs

        control file
                location after installation
        designing to simplify exporting
        distribution media
        key file for
        master inventory file for
        setting file attributes for
        subset control program

        in subset control program
        in subset control program
        in subset control program

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layered product
        boot-required files
        physical location of files

libscp script file

        creating in subset control programs
        creating links

lock file
        subset dependency information in

locking subsets
        See dependency, locking

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machine architecture, checking for

machine command

master inventory file
master inventory file
        contents of
        using pathnames in

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name.kit file

NFS file sharing
        with gendisk command
        with gentapes command

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/opt directory
/opt directory

        name.kit file usage

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        product inventories

postfix expression

product code

product name

product version

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        considerations in subset control program

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setld utility
        lock files used by
        specifying an alternative root directory

        ACT environment variable

sticky bit
        product kit

STL_DepEval shell routine

STL_DepInit shell routine

STL_DepUnLock shell routine

STL_IsDataless shell routine

STL_LinkBack shell routine

STL_LinkCreate shell routine

STL_LinkInit shell routine
STL_LinkInit shell routine

STL_LockInit shell routine

STL_NoDataless shell routine

subset control file

subset control program
        /dev/none device driver
        checking machine architecture
        coding for RIS support
        creating links
        dependency expression
        managing subset dependencies
        using key file control flag bits
        using key file control flag bits

subset inventory file
        contents of

        control flags in key file
        dependency locking
        dependency locking
        description in key file
        descriptors in key file
        sticky bit

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        distribution media

testing a bit in an integer

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        writing subset control programs to accommodate

unlocking subset dependencies

user product
        linking to files
        physical location of files

using the key file control flag bits

/usr/opt directory
/usr/opt directory

/usr/.smdb. directory

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/var/opt directory
/var/opt directory