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24-MB systems
        special tuning considerations

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access time (disk)
        See also disk I/O
        how to improve
        influence on performance

active files
        See files

active page list

active pages
        usage data

        advscan monitoring tool
        showfdmn monitoring tool
        showfdmn monitoring tool
        showfile monitoring tool
        showfile monitoring tool
        showfsets monitoring tool
        showfsets monitoring tool

AdvfsCacheMaxPercent attribute

AdvfsMax attribute

AdvfsMinFragGrps attribute

advfs-parallel attribute

aio-max-num attribute

aio-max-percent attribute

aio-max-retry attribute

aio-retry-scale attribute

aio-task-max-none attribute

Alpha 64-bit architecture
        performance considerations

anonklpages global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-anonklpages attribute

anonklshift global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-anonklshift attribute

anonymous memory

        reducing disk I/O
        tracking memory use
        using profiling tools to analyze

architecture, Alpha
        performance considerations

arptab-nb attribute

asynchronous I/O requests
        See also aio-max-num attribute
        See also aio-max-percent attribute
        servicing on client (NFS)
        servicing on server (NFS)

asyncswapbuffers global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-asyncswapbuffers attribute

asyncswapbuffers parameter
        See vm-asyncswapbuffers attribute

at command
        use to optimize CPU usage


        See configuration attributes

audit-buffer-size attribute

audit-site-events attribute

autonice attribute

autonice-penalty attribute

autonice-time attribute

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basic-dma-window-size attribute

batch command
        use to optimize CPU usage

bdevsw_size attribute

Berkeley UNIX File System
        See UFS

bind_to_cpu system call

bio_stats structure
        determining block miss rate
        how to examine

block clustering (UFS)
        effect of fragmentation
        rotational delay influence

block size (UFS)
        bsize field
        examining with dumpfs

boot time
        swap device configuration

booted_kernel attribute

booted_args attribute

borrowpercent attribute
        See ubc-borrowpercent attribute

bottleneck, I/O
        high idle time indicator

        examining with iostat utility

bsize field (UFS)
        block size of file system

bufcache attribute
        when to tune
        when to tune

buffer-hash-size attribute
        when to tune
buffer-hash-size attribute

bufhsz parameter
        See buffer-hash-size attribute

bytes per second (bps)
        examining with iostat utility

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cache access times
        relative speeds

cache thrashing
        high system time indicator

        See I/O buffer cache, file system buffer cache, namei cache, secondary cache, tertiary cache, UBC (unified buffer cache)


cam_ccb_increment attribute

cam_ccb_low_water attribute

cam_ccb_pool_size attribute

        tuning attributes using CDE

cdevsw_size attribute

clock-frequency attribute

cluster_consec_incr parameter

cluster_consec_init parameter
        when to tune

        See block clustering

cluster_lastr_init parameter

clustermap global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-clustermap attribute

clustermap parameter
        See vm-clustermap attribute

cluster_maxcontig parameter
        how to modify
        when to tune

cluster_max_read_ahead parameter

cluster_read_all parameter
        when to tune

clustersize global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-clustersize attribute

clustersize parameter
        See vm-clustersize attribute

cluster_write_one parameter

        See page coloring

Common Access Method
        See CAM

Common Desktop Environment
        See CDE

config file
        See system configuration file

configuration attributes
        attribute descriptions
        modifying with sysconfig -r command
        monitoring with sysconfig -q command
        relationship to system parameters
        relationship to system parameters
        See also sysconfig command, sysconfigdb command, sysconfigtab table

configuration file
        See system configuration file

context switches
        displaying statistics for

contig-malloc-percent attribute

contiguous blocks (UFS)
        maximum number of

copy-on-write page fault

core dumps
        including segmented shared memory (SSM)

cowfaults global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-cowfaults attribute

cowfaults parameter
        See vm-cowfaults attribute

CPU resource problems

CPU time
        displaying statistics for

CPU usage
        displaying memory and time statistics
        displaying time statistics
        examining with iostat utility
        examining with ps utility
        examining with vmstat utility
        idle, user, system time
        optimization options

CPU-intensive applications
        tuning considerations

cpu-enable-mask attribute

create-fastlinks attribute

cron command
        use to optimize CPU usage

csubmapsize global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-csubmapsize attribute

csubmapsize parameter
        See vm-csubmapsize attribute

cylinder group (UFS)
        maximum allocation of blocks per file

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data transfer rate
        relative importance of

        checking file system buffer cache
        checking namei cache
        checking UBC
        checking UBC
        using to diagnose performance
        using to set write blocking
        using to set write blocking
        using to set write blocking
        using to set write buffer delay

deferred allocation mode
        swap space allocation

delay_wbuffers parameter
        tuning considerations

device_switch_inited attribute

device_switch_print attribute

device_switch_stale attribute

dfldsiz parameter
        when to tune

dflssiz parameter
        when to tune

Digital Storage Architecture

disk fragmentation

disk I/O
        decreasing with block clustering
        how to overcome saturation
        use of UBC to avoid

disk mirroring
        effect on I/O
        effect on I/O

disk space
        adding paging and swapping space
        block clustering
        effect of 64-bit addressing
        tuning for large files

disk storage hardware

disk striping
        See striping

disk subsystems
        monitoring with dbx

disk usage
        examining with iostat utility

dropped packets
        diagnosing with netstat

        Alpha systems supported on

dump files, analyzing
        See dbx, kdbx

dumpfs utility
        use to diagnose performance

        use to display UFS information

dump-sp-threshold attribute

dump-user-pte-pages attribute

dxkerneltuner (CDE)
        using to tune sysconfigtab attributes

        using to monitor sysconfigtab attributes

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eager allocation mode
        See immediate allocation mode

error messages
        lack of paging space
        out of process memory
        process limit exceeded
        swap space below...,

extent map
        displaying with showfile utility
        displaying with showfile utility

external cache
        See secondary cache

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file descriptors
        limit of number open

file domain information
        displaying with showfdmn utility
        displaying with showfdmn utility

file locking
        effect on NFS

file striping
        See striping

file system buffer cache
        checking with dbx

file system load
        tuning for heavy use

file system metadata
        caching options

file systems
        description of types
        See also MFS, NFS, UFS, VFS
        upper limit on mounts

        active file limit, modifying
        intermediate files
        large files
                influence of maxbpg value
                inode density
                limiting memory use
                tuning maxbpg
        small files, handling many
        small files, handling many
        small files, handling many

        displaying with showfsets utility
        displaying with showfsets utility

fragment drop problem (NFS)

fragment size (UFS)
        examining with dumpfs
        fsize field
        tuning considerations
        tuning considerations

fragmentation, disk

free list
        See free page list

free page list
        diagnosing problems
        diagnosing problems
        tuning for large files

free space (UFS)
        determining minimum percentage
        threshold (minfree field)

fsize field (UFS)
        fragment size of file system

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gh-chunks attribute

gh-fail-if-no-mem attribute

gh-min-seg-size attribute

give-boost attribute

gprof utility
        use to locate bottlenecks

granularity hints
        tuning solution

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heappercent global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-heappercent attribute

heappercent parameter
        See vm-vmheappercent attribute

        See atom tool

hit rate
        calculating for namei cache
        calculating for UBC
        file system buffer cache tuning
        for file system buffer cache
        namei cache tuning

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idle time
        displaying statistics for
        interpreting user, idle, and system time
        problems that affect system time

immediate allocation mode
        swap space allocation

inactive page list

inifaddr_hsize attribute

inode density

inode information
        namei cache

inode-hash-size attribute

inohsz parameter
        See inode-hash-size attribute

installation time
        reducing kernel size

inswappedmin global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-inswappedmin dbx

inswappedmin parameter
        See vm-inswappedmin attribute

intermediate files
        effect of delay_wbuffers

Internet Protocol
        See TCP/IP

interprocess communications
        See IPC

        context switch interrupts
        displaying statistics for

I/O bottleneck
        high idle time indicator

I/O buffer cache

I/O clustering
        algorithms and parameters
        checking cluster reads and writes (UFS)

I/O operations
        block clustering small I/O requests
        contiguous reads
        effects of bsize and fsize values
        maximum blocks in a read (UFS)
        prewrite operations
        random I/O and the UBC
        read clustering
        read-ahead clustering (UFS)
        tuning CAM for spikes of I/O activity
        tuning possibilities
        UBC involvement
        write clustering (UFS)

I/O requests, asynchronous
        servicing on client (NFS)
        servicing on server (NFS)

I/O requests, swapping
        asynchronous swap I/O requests
        synchronous swap I/O requests

I/O requests, UBC
        vm-ubcbuffers attribute

I/O servers
        UBC tuning
        use of Prestoserve

I/O spikes
        tuning CAM

I/O subsystems
                file systems
                network systems

iostat utility
        use to diagnose performance

        See also System V IPC

ipcs utility
        use to diagnose performance

ipdefttl attribute

ipdirected_broadcast attribute

ipforwarding attribute

ipfragttl attribute

ipgateway attribute

ipsendredirects attribute

ipsrcroute attribute

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job priority
        adjusting to optimize CPU usage

job scheduling
        to optimize CPU usage

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        use to diagnose performance

kentry_zone_size parameter
        See vm-kentry_zone_size attribute

kentry_zone_size global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-kentry_zone_size attribute

kernel configuration file
        See system configuration file

kernel preemption, real-time
        rt-preempt-opt attribute settings

kernel profiling
        See kprofile utility

kernel size

Kernel Tuner (CDE)
        using to tune sysconfigtab attributes

Kernel Tuner
        using to monitor sysconfigtab attributes

kernels (running), analyzing
        See dbx, kdbx

kernel-stack-guard-pages attribute

kmem_debug attribute

kprofile utility
        use to locate kernel bottlenecks

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lack of paging space
        error message

large files
        See files

large I/O requests
        See I/O operations

large programs
        See program size limits

lazy allocation mode
        See deferred allocation mode

least recently used page list

lite-system attribute

load average, system
        See uptime utility, w utility, xload utility

load, system
        examining with uptime utility
        heavy load

local queue headers (IPC)
        monitoring with ipcs

lockdebug attribute

locking, file
        effect on NFS

lockmaxcycles attribute

lockmode attribute

locktimeout attribute

low-memory (24-MB) systems
        special tuning considerations

LRU page list

        dxlsm interface
        voldg command
        voldisk command
        volprint command
        volstat command
        voltrace command
        volwatch command

lsm_root_dev_is_volume attribute

lsm_swapdev_is_volume attribute

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mapentries global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-mapentries attribute

mapentries parameter
        See vm-mapentries attribute

mapped file regions

Mass Storage Control Protocol
        See MSCP

max-ifq-length attribute

maxbpg field (UFS)
        maximum allocation of blocks per file

maxbpg parameter
        when to tune

max_callbacks attribute

maxcontig field (UFS)
        maximum number of contiguous blocks

maxcontig parameter (UFS)
        how to modify
        how to modify

maxdsiz parameter
        when to tune

max-free-files parameter
        See max-free-file-structures attribute

max-free-file-structures attribute

max-iosize-read attribute

max-iosize-write attribute

max-kernel-ports attribute

max-lock-per-thread attribute

max-per-proc-address-space attribute

max-per-proc-data-size attribute

max-per-proc-stack-size attribute

max-proc-per-user attribute

max-rdpgio-kluster attribute
        See vm-max-rdpgio-kluster attribute

maxssiz parameter
        when to tune

max-threads-per-user attribute

max-ufs-mounts attribute
        when to modify

maxuprc parameter
        See max-proc-per-user attribute

maxusers attribute

maxusers parameter
        when to increase

maxuthreads parameter
        See max-threads-per-user attribute

maxvas global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-maxvas attribute

maxvax parameter
        See vm-maxvas attribute

max-vnodes attribute
        tuning considerations

max-vol attribute

maxwire global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-maxwire attribute

maxwire parameter
        See vm-maxwire attribute

max-wrpgio-kluster attribute
        See vm-max-wrpgio-kluster attribute

mbuf shortage
        how to fix

memory file system
        See MFS

memory management
        See also cache, paging and swapping, UBC, virtual memory
                virtual memory
        effect of 64-bit addressing
        effect of PAL code
        list of memory tuning attributes
        monitoring VM usage
        reducing kernel size
        sysconfigtab attributes
        tuning memory usage
        types of caches

memory, anonymous

memory, application
        tracking use

memory, wired
        vm-maxwire attribute
        vm-syswiredpercent attribute

message queues (IPC)
        monitoring with ipcs

message-buffer-size attribute

messages, IPC
        See System V IPC

metadata buffer cache
        changing the size
        description of contents

        See file system metadata, metadata buffer cache


minfree field (UFS)
        free space threshold

min-free-vnodes attribute
        tuning considerations

        See disk mirroring

monitoring tools
        advscan utility (AdvFS)
        atom tool
        dumpfs utility
        iostat utility
        netstat utility
        nfsstat utility
        nfswatch utility
        POLYCENTER Performance Solution
        ps utility
        showfdmn utility
        showfdmn utility
        showfile utility
        showfile utility
        showfsets utility
        showfsets utility
        swapon utility
        swapon utility
        tcpdump utility
        uprofile utility
        uptime utility
        vmstat utility
        voldg utility (LSM)
        voldisk utility (LSM)
        volprint utility (LSM)
        volstat utility (LSM)
        voltrace utility (LSM)
        volwatch utility (LSM)
        w utility
        xload utility

Motif applications
        compilation options

mount command
        using to reduce NFS timeouts

mounts, file system
        upper limit

        DSA conformance

msg* parameters (IPC)

msg-mnb attribute (IPC)

msg-tql attribute (IPC)

msgbuf_size attribute

msg-max attribute

msg-mnb attribute (IPC)

msg-mni attribute (IPC)

msg-tql attribute (IPC)

must-be-root attribute

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name-cache-hash-size attribute
        when to tune

name-cache-size attribute

namei cache
        checking with dbx
        how to calculate hit rate
        improving hit rate

namei-cache-valid-time attribute
namei-cache-valid-time attribute

ncache_valid_time parameter
        See namei-cache-valid-time attribute

ncallout attribute

ncallout_alloc_size attribute

nchsize parameter
        See name-cache-size attribute

nchstats structure
        fields to examine

nchsz parameter
        See name-cache-hash-size attribute

nclist attribute

netisrthreads attribute
        when to modify

netstat utility
netstat utility
        use to diagnose performance
        use to diagnose problems

Network File System
        See NFS

network links, slow

network problems

network subsystems

network threads
        when to reduce

network traffic, monitoring
        See netstat utility, nfsstat utility, nfswatch utility, tcpdump utility

        use to modify cluster size
        use to tune file system

new_wire_method attribute

NFS network traffic
        See nfswatch utility

        effect of file locking
        fragment drop problem
        monitoring tools
        write gathering

nfsd daemon
        when to adjust

nfs-flatten-mode attribute

nfsiod daemon
        when to adjust

nfsstat utility
        use to diagnose performance

nfswatch utility
        use to diagnose performance

nice utility
        process management
        use to optimize CPU usage

nmount attribute

noadd-exec-access attribute

nptys attribute

nslip attribute

nstrpush attribute

num-of-sems attribute

nvnode attribute

        use by Prestoserve

nxprbufs attribute

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old_obreak attribute

open files
        See files

open-max-hard attribute
        when to tune

open-max-soft attribute
        when to tune

out of process memory
        error message

overcommitment allocation mode
        See deferred allocation mode

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page coloring
        technique for optimizing secondary cache

page faults
        See paging and swapping

page list, active

page list, free
        checking size

page list, inactive

page outs
        See paging and swapping
        vmstat output

page tables, shared
        See ssm-threshold attribute

page-free-min attribute
        See vm-page-free-min attribute

page-free-optimal attribute
        See vm-page-free-optimal attribute

page-free-reserved attribute
        See vm-page-free-reserved attribute

page-free-target attribute
        See vm-page-free-target attribute

page-in page fault

paging and swapping
        diagnosing problems
        diagnosing problems
        excessive page outs
        excessive page outs
        lack of paging space
        memory management considerations
        methods for reducing
        page reclamation code
        page-stealer daemon
        specifying additional disk space for
        types of page faults

paging rate
        effect of memory use by UBC
        how to decrease
        monitoring with vmstat

PAL code
        influence on memory management

param.c variables
        location of param.c file
        relationship to sysconfigtab attributes

path-num-max attribute

performance measurement
        See also monitoring tools
        overview of monitoring tools

performance tuning
        See system tuning

perfsum structure
        See vm-perfsum structure

per-proc-address-space attribute

per-proc-data-size attribute

per-proc-stack-size attribute

physical memory
        shared by virtual memory and UBC

physio_max_coalescing attribute

pipe-databuf-size attribute

pipe-maxbuf-siz attribute

pipe-max-bytes-all-pipes attribute


pipe-single-write-max attribute

pixie utility
        use to locate bottlenecks

        See atom tool

pmtu_decrease_intvl attribute

pmtu_enabled attribute

pmtu_increase_intvl attribute

pmtu_rt_check_intvl attribute

POLYCENTER AdvFS utilities

POLYCENTER Performance Solution
        monitoring tool

POLYCENTER utilities

port-hash-max-num attribute

port_max_num parameter
        See max-kernel-ports attribute

port-reserved-max-num attribute

        prmetaonly attribute
        when to use
        when to use

prewrite I/O operations

prmetaonly attribute

process limit exceeded
        error messages

process management
        adjusting real-time priorities
        displaying statistics with ps utility
        max-proc-per-user attribute
        max-proc-per-user attribute
        nice utility

process memory
        error message when out of

process, user
        wired memory maximum (vm-maxwire)

prof utility
        use to locate bottlenecks

program size limits
        how to adjust

ps utility
        use to diagnose performance

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random I/O

read operations
        See I/O operations

read-ahead clusters

read-only file systems

real-time kernel preemption
        lockmode attribute settings

real-time interprocess communication
        pipes and signals

real-time kernel preemption
        rt-preempt-opt attribute settings

real-time process priorities
        how to adjust

remote queues (IPC)
        monitoring with ipcs

resident set size
        See RSS

retransmissions, network
        diagnosing with netstat

rotational delay (UFS)
        influence of maxcontig value
        rotdelay parameter

rotdelay field (UFS)
        adjusting value with rotdelay parameter
        examining with dumpfs

rotdelay parameter (UFS)

round-robin-switch-rate attribute


rt-preempt-opt attribute

runon system call

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savecore utility

sb_max attribute

sched-min-idle attribute

        support on Alpha systems

secondary cache

seek time (disk)
        influence on performance

segmentation global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-segmentation attribute

segmented shared memory
        See ssm-enable-core-dump attribute
        See ssm-threshold attribute

sem-aem attribute

semaphore attributes (IPC)

semaphores (IPC)
        monitoring with ipcs

sem-mni attribute

sem-msl attribute

sem-opm attribute

sem-ume attribute

sem-vmx attribute

set-max-num attribute

shared memory parameters (IPC)

shared memory segments (IPC)
        monitoring with ipcs

shared memory segments

shared memory
        See System V IPC

shared memory, segmented
        See ssm-enable-core-dump attribute
        See ssm-threshold attribute

shared page tables
        See ssm-threshold attribute

shared region, System V
        minimum threshold value

shm* parameters (IPC)

shm-max attribute

shm-min attribute

shm-mni attribute

shm-seg attribute

short page fault

showfdmn utility
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance

showfile utility
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance

showfsets utility
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance
        use to diagnose AdvFS performance


sigqueue-max-num attribute

        CAM component

slow network links

Small Computer System Interface
        See SCSI

small files
        See files

small I/O requests
        See I/O operations

        cpu-enable-mask attribute settings
        lockmode attribute settings
        See also threads

snmp_devs attribute


somaxconn attribute

sominconn attribute

spechsz parameter
        See special-vnode-alias-table-size attribute

special-vnode-alias-tbl-size attribute

ssm-enable-core-dump attribute

        See ssm-threshold attribute

ssm-threshold attribute

storage allocation map
        displaying with showfile utility
        displaying with showfile utility


        stripe utility (AdvFS)
        stripe utility (LSM)
        swap space interleaving

strmsgsz attribute

subnetsarelocal attribute

swap buffers
        See swap space

swap devices
        configuring at boot time

swap I/O requests, asynchronous
        vm-asyncswapbuffers attribute
        vm-asyncswapbuffers attribute

swap I/O requests, synchronous
        vm-syncswapbuffers attribute
        vm-syncswapbuffers attribute

swap space below...,
        error message

swap space
        allocation modes
        diagnosing problems
        diagnosing problems
        identifying swap space disks
        optimizing use of
        warning message

swapon utility
        identifying swap space disks
        monitoring swap space use
        monitoring swap space use
        use to diagnose performance

        See paging and swapping

synchronous write operations
        improving with Prestoserve
        Prestoserve caching options

syncswapbuffers global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-syncswapbuffers attribute

syncswapbuffers parameter
        See vm-syncswapbuffers attribute

sysconfig command
        how to use
        how to use

sysconfigdb command
        how to use
        how to use

sysconfigtab attributes
        list of memory tuning attributes
        sysconfigtab file
        UBC attributes
        UBC attributes

system calls
        displaying statistics for

system configuration file
        deleting hardware support
        relationship to sysconfigtab attributes

system load average
        See uptime utility, w utility, xload utility

system load
        examining with uptime utility
        heavy load

system memory
        freeing network threads to increase

system parameters
        See also configuration attributes
        See also configuration attributes, param.c variables, system configuration file
        relationship to configuration attributes
        tuning without rebooting

system thrashing
        excessive paging and swapping

system time
        displaying statistics for
        interpreting user, idle, and system time
        problems that affect system time

System V IPC

System V shared region
        minimum threshold value

sys-v-mode attribute

syswiredpercent global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-syswiredpercent attribute

syswiredpercent parameter
        See vm-syswiredpercent attribute

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task context switches
        displaying statistics for

tcbhashsize attribute


tcp_compat_42 attribute

tcp_dont_winscale attribute

tcpdump utility
        use to diagnose performance

tcp_keepcnt attribute

tcp_keepidle attribute

tcp_keepinit attribute

tcp_keepintvl attribute

tcp_mssdflt attribute

tcpnodelack attribute

tcp_recvspace attribute

tcprexmtthresh attribute

tcp_rttdflt attribute

tcp_sendspace attribute

tcp_ttl attribute

tcptwreorder attribute

tcp_urgent_42 attribute

third degree
        See atom tool

        See cache thrashing

        displaying context switches for
        max-threads-per-user attribute
        See also SMP

threads, network
        See netisrthreads attribute
        when to reduce
        when to reduce

        See access time, boot time, CPU time, idle time, installation time, load time, rotational delay time, run time, seek time, start-up time, user time, system time

timeo parameter
        modifying to reduce network timeouts

timeout-to-call ratio
        importance to network
        tools used to analyze

timeouts, network transmission

timeouts, NFS transmission

        examining with iostat utility

traffic, network
        monitoring with netstat utility
        monitoring with nfsstat utility
        monitoring with nfswatch utility
        monitoring with tcpdump

transfer per second (tps)
        examining with iostat utility

transfer rate, data
        relative importance of

Transmission Control Protocol
        See TCP/IP

Transport (XPT)

tune structure
        See vm_tune structure

        use to modify cluster size
        use to tune file system

        disk subsystems
        I/O servers
        I/O subsystems
        network subsystems
        read-only file systems
        slow network links
        See system tuning
        virtual memory subsystem
        where to start

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        checking with dbx
        description of contents
        I/O server tuning
        LRU page list
        monitoring with dbx
        sysconfigtab attributes
        use by file systems

ubc-borrowpercent attribute
        influence on UBC size

ubcbuffers global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-ubcbuffers attribute

ubcbuffers parameter
        See vm-ubcbuffers attribute

ubcdirtypercent attribute
        See vm-ubcdirtypercent attribute

ubcdirtypercent global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-ubcdirtypercent attribute

ubcdirtypercent parameter
        See vm-ubcdirtypercent attribute

ubc-maxdirtywrites attribute

ubc-maxpercent attribute
        tuning considerations

ubc-minpercent attribute
        tuning considerations

ubcpagesteal attribute
        See vm-ubcpagesteal attribute

ubcpagesteal global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-ubcpagesteal attribute

ubcpagesteal parameter
        See vm-ubcpagesteal attribute

ubcseqpercent attribute
        See vm-ubcseqpercent attribute

ubcseqpercent global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-ubcseqpercent attribute

ubcseqpercent parameter
        See vm-ubcseqpercent attribute

ubcseqstartpercent attribute
        See vm-ubcseqstartpercent attribute

ubcseqstartpercent global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-ubcseqstartpercent attribute

ubcseqstartpercent parameter
        See vm-ubcseqstartpercent attribute

ucred-max attribute


udpcksum attribute

udp_recvspace attribute

udp_sendspace attribute

udp_ttl attribute

        checking with dbx
        displaying file system information
        read clustering
        read-ahead clustering
        write clustering

ufs-blkpref-lookbehind attribute

ufs_clusterstats structures
        how to examine

ufs_getapage_stats structure
        how to examine

unified buffer cache
        See UBC

UNIX File System
        See UFS

uprofile utility

uptime utility
        use to diagnose performance

User Datagram Protocol
        See UDP

user process
        wired memory maximum (vm-maxwire)

user time
        displaying statistics for
        interpreting user, idle, and system time
        problems that affect system time

user_cfg_pt attribute

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        tuning information

virtual address size
        See VSZ

Virtual File System
        See VFS

virtual memory subsystem

virtual memory
        checking with dbx
        diagnosing problems with vmstat utility
        diagnosing problems

vm-aggressive-swap attribute

vm-agressive-swap attribute

vm-asyncswapbuffers attribute

vm-clustermap attribute

vm-clustersize attribute

vm-cowfaults attribute

vm-csubmapsize attribute

vm-heappercent attribute

vm-inswappedmin attribute

vm-kentry_zone_size attribute

vm-mapentries attribute

vm-max-rdpgio-kluster attribute

vm-maxvas attribute

vm-maxwire attribute

vm-max-wrpgio-kluster attribute

vm-min-kernel-address attribute

vm-page-free-min attribute
        control of page outs

vm-page-free-optimal attribute
        control of swap ins
        control of swap outs

vm-page-free-reserved attribute

vm-page-free-target attribute
        control of page outs
        control of swap outs

vm-page-lock-count attribute

vm-page-prewrite-target attribute

vm_perfsum structure
        how to examine

vm-segmentation attribute

vm-segment-cache-max attribute

vmstat utility
        use to diagnose performance
        use to track memory use

vm-syncswapbuffers attribute

vm-syswiredpercent attribute

vm_tune structure
        how to examine

vm-ubcbuffers attribute

vm-ubcdirtypercent attribute

vm-ubcpagesteal attribute

vm-ubcseqpercent attribute

vm-ubcseqstartpercent attribute
        when to tune

vm-vpagemax attribute

vm-zone_size attribute

vnode table
        affect on performance

vnode tuning

vnode-age attribute
        tuning considerations

vnode-deallocation-enable attribute

voldg utility (LSM)

voldisk utility (LSM)

volprint utility (LSM)

volstat utility (LSM)

voltrace utility (LSM)

volwatch utility (LSM)

vpagemax global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-vpagemax attribute

vpagemax parameter
        See vm-vpagemax attribute


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w utility
        use to diagnose performance

wired page list

wired pages
        displaying syswiredpercent (dbx)
        displaying vm-syswiredpercent (sysconfig)
        usage data
        vm-maxwire attribute
        vm-maxwire attribute
        vm-syswiredpercent attribute
        vm-syswiredpercent attribute

write gathering, NFS
        when to adjust nfsiod daemons

write operations
        See I/O operations

write operations, synchronous
        improving with Prestoserve

write-behind processing
        See delay_wbuffers parameter

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X server
        terminate option

X Window system
        reducing memory consumption

xload utility
        use to diagnose performance

X/Open Transport Interface

xprflags attribute

        CAM component


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zero-filled-on-demand page fault

zone_size parameter
        See vm-zone_size attribute

zone_size attribute
        See vm-zone_size attribute

zone_size global variable
        displaying value with dbx
        See also vm-zone_size attribute