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2    Getting Started with Prestoserve

This chapter describes how to start using Prestoserve. The following sections describe how to do the following:

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2.1    Installing the dxpresto Subset

You must install the subset containing the dxpresto software if you want to use the dxpresto command. The dxpresto command graphically displays information about the Prestoserve state and performance statistics. You can install the dxpresto software subset when you install Digital UNIX or by using the setld command.

To install the dxpresto software subset when installing Digital UNIX, you must perform an advanced installation. During the installation, you are prompted to select the optional software subsets that you want to install. Type the number associated with the following subset description:

Additional DECwindows Applications

Refer to the Installation Guide for more information about the advanced installation.

If you are already running Digital UNIX, you can install the Prestoserve software subset by using the setld command.

To display the status of all the subsets known to the system, use the following command:

setld -i  

The operating system displays a table that lists the name, status, and description of each software subset. The name of the subset is a string of seven or more characters used to uniquely identify the subset. The following is a description of the subset that contains the dxpresto software that you must install:

Additional DECwindows Applications

Note the name of the subset because you must specify that name to install the subset.

Load the subset by using the following command syntax:

setld -l location subset_name

The location variable specifies the location of the subset. The subset_name variable specifies the name that you obtained from the setld -i command. Refer to setld(8) for more information about loading software subsets.

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2.2    Registering the Prestoserve License

After you install the Prestoserve software subset, you must register the software license by using the License Management Facility (LMF). If you try to use Prestoserve without registering the license, the following message is displayed on your terminal:

Prestoserve license not registered

To register the Prestoserve license, you must have your Product Authorization Key (PAK), which contains information about the license. A PAK is sent as part of your product kit. In order to comply with Digital's license terms, always register a PAK in the License Database using the lmfsetup script or the lmf command.


If you do not have a PAK, contact your Digital Customer Services representative.

To make registering the Prestoserve license easy, you are provided with the PRESTOSERVE-OA PAK template file, which includes some of the license information. The file is located in the /usr/var/adm/lmf directory.

An example of the /usr/var/adm/lmf/PRESTOSERVE-OA Prestoserve PAK template file is as follows:

PAK ID: Issuer: DEC Authorization Number:
NUMBER OF UNITS: Number of units:
KEY LEVEL: Version: Product Release Date:
KEY TERMINATION DATE: Key Termination Date:
RATING: Availability Table Code: Activity Table Code:
MISCELLANEOUS: Key Options: Product Token: Hardware-Id: Checksum:

The lmfsetup script allows you to register data supplied by a PAK. The lmfsetup script prompts you for the data associated with each field on a PAK.

To use the lmfsetup script to register the Prestoserve license, enter the following command:

lmfsetup /usr/var/adm/lmf/PRESTOSERVE-OA

Once you enter all the data, the LMF makes sure you have supplied entries for all mandatory fields and that the value in the Checksum field validates the license data. If the data is correct, LMF registers the PAK in the License Database. If any data is incorrect, LMF displays the appropriate error message and gives you an opportunity to reenter the data. For more information, refer to lmfsetup(8).

You can also register the Prestoserve license by entering the following lmf register command:

lmf register /usr/var/adm/lmf/PRESTOSERVE-OA

If you use the lmf register command, the template file is displayed, and an editor is invoked so that you can edit the fields and include your PAK information. The EDITOR environment variable defines the editor that is used. If the EDITOR variable is not defined, the vi editor is used.

After you exit from the editor, LMF scans the template file to ensure that all the license data is correct. If information is incorrect or missing, a descriptive error message is displayed, and you are given the opportunity to reenter the editor and correct any mistakes.

If the license data is correct, it is copied into the License Database. You must then use the lmf reset command to copy the license information from the License Database to the kernel cache. For example:

lmf reset

For more information, refer to lmf(8).

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2.3    Configuring Prestoserve

You must make sure that the Prestoserve software is configured into your kernel before you use Prestoserve to accelerate file systems. There are various Prestoserve hardware configurations that require different forms of kernel configuration.

If the Prestoserve hardware was installed in your system when the operating system was installed, the Prestoserve software was automatically configured into your kernel. If not, you may have to reconfigure your kernel to include Prestoserve support and the correct Prestoserve controller device.

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2.3.1    Adding the presto Pseudodevice

To run Prestoserve, you must have the Prestoserve pseudodevice definition in your system configuration file, /usr/sys/conf/NAME. The NAME variable usually specifies the system host name. The Prestoserve pseudodevice definition is as follows:

pseudo-device         presto

If this definition is not included in your system configuration file, you must add it and then reconfigure your kernel.

Perform the following steps to add the Prestoserve support:

  1. Edit the current configuration file and include the Prestoserve definition.

  2. Shut down the system to single-user mode.

  3. Mount the local file systems by using the mount command with the -a and -t ufs options.

  4. Run the doconfig program with the -c config_file option, specifying the name of the current configuration file.

    The doconfig program displays the following message as it begins to reconfigure your kernel:


    When the doconfig program finishes, it displays the location of the newly built kernel as follows:

    The new kernel is /sys/NAME/vmunix

  5. Make a copy of the original kernel and then move the new kernel to the root directory. Use the following commands, replacing the NAME variable with the system host name in uppercase letters:

    cp /vmunix /vmunix_old
    mv /sys/NAME/vmunix /vmunix

    Prestoserve is activated when you reboot the system using the new kernel. If you cannot boot the new kernel, use the original kernel that you saved. Once you successfully boot with the new kernel, you can delete the original kernel that you saved.

  6. Notify users that the system is going down and reboot the system using the shutdown -r command.

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2.3.2    Adding the Prestoserve Controller Device

Some systems require that a Prestoserve controller device be configured into your kernel. If your system requires a Prestoserve controller device, the name may be specified in either the system-specific sections in the release notes or in the System Administration manual.

If your system requires a Prestoserve controller device, you must include it in your /usr/sys/conf/NAME system configuration file, where NAME specifies your system host name. You probably will not have to add the controller device if the Prestoserve hardware was already attached when you installed your system. If you added Prestoserve hardware support after you installed your system, you must add the device to the configuration file and reconfigure your kernel as specified in Section 2.3.1.

The following is an example of the Prestoserve controller device for the DEC 3000 Model 500:

controller          nvtc0    at *   slot ? vector nvtcintr

The following is an example of the Prestoserve controller device for the DEC 2000 Model 300 and the DEC 2000 Model 500:

controller          envram0   at eisa?

You can also build a new configuration file that will contain an entry for the Prestoserve controller device if one is needed. You can do this by saving the running kernel (/vmunix), installing the /genvmunix generic kernel, and then using the doconfig program. You should specify a configuration file name that is different from your current one, because any customizations that you made to your current configuration file will not be included in the new file. You can then use the diff command to determine any differences between the configuration files and determine the controller device name.

Refer to the System Administration manual and doconfig(8) for more information on reconfiguring the kernel.

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2.4    Setting Up and Enabling Prestoserve

To use the Prestoserve software, you must perform some setup tasks. At a minimum, your system must meet the following requirements:

You can use the prestosetup command to set up and enable Prestoserve, or you can manually invoke commands. The prestosetup command invokes an interactive facility that performs all the tasks necessary to use Prestoserve. The two methods are described in the following sections.

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2.4.1    Using the prestosetup Command

The prestosetup command invokes an interactive facility that prompts you for information about how you want to set up Prestoserve and performs all the setup tasks. The facility does the following:

In addition to performing the tasks necessary to set up and use Prestoserve, the prestosetup command can also do the following:

After you enter the necessary information, the prestosetup command displays the information that you entered and prompts you to confirm that it is correct. If you enter no, the prestosetup command exits and no changes are made. If you enter yes, the prestosetup command sets up Prestoserve according to your specifications.

After you have set up Prestoserve, you can start to use it. If you chose to immediately accelerate file systems and start the prestoctl_svc daemon without rebooting the system, Prestoserve is ready to be used.

If you chose the option of automatically accelerating the file systems and starting the prestoctl_svc daemon when the system starts up, you can reboot your system to start using Prestoserve.

If you did not set up Prestoserve to automatically accelerate file systems, you can invoke the presto command with the -u or -U option and specify the file systems to accelerate. You can also manually start the prestoctl_svc daemon if necessary. Refer to Section and Chapter 3 for more information.

Note that after you set up Prestoserve, you can use the prestosetup command to add to the list of file systems in the /etc/prestotab file. To remove file systems from the file, you must manually edit the file.

The following example shows how to use the prestosetup command:


Checking LMF licensing... Checking kernel configuration...
Note: If the Prestoserve hardware was not present in your system at installation time it may be necessary to add device specific information to your system configuration file and to reconfigure your kernel. For more information, refer to the Guide to Prestoserve.
Verifying that the Prestoserve control device is present...
You will be asked a series of questions about which Prestoserve utilities to run. Default answers are shown in square brackets ([]). To use a default answer, press the RETURN key.
Do you wish to have the Prestoserve enabled automatically at system startup time? This involves executing the presto command with the -u option.
Automatically enable Prestoserve [y]?  y

You have selected to automatically enable Prestoserve. Now enter the names of the filesystems you want to accelerate. These names will be entered into the /etc/prestotab file. If no names are specified then all writable filesystems will be accelerated. Consider the implications of this question carefully.
When finished entering filesystems, press only the RETURN key.
Enter the filesystem:  /usr

Enter the filesystem:  [Return]

Prestoserve acceleration list complete...
Do you wish to have the prestoctl_svc daemon enabled automatically at system startup time? This involves executing the prestoctl_svc command. The prestoctl_svc daemon must be running if you intend to use the dxpresto graphical interface or if you are allowing remote administration of the Prestoserve functions.
Automatically enable prestoctl_svc [y]?  y

You have selected to run the prestoctl_svc daemon. Do you wish to allow any network client to be able to change your Prestoserve state? Consider the security implications of this question carefully. This involves executing the prestoctl_svc daemon with the -n option.
Allow remote Prestoserve management [n]?  y

Verifying that the portmap daemon is running...
Please confirm the following information which you have entered for your Prestoserve setup:
Automatically start up Prestoserve Accelerate the following filesystems: /usr
Automatically start up prestoctl_svc Any network host can change presto state
Enter "c" to CONFIRM the information, "q" to QUIT prestosetup
without making any changes, or "r" to RESTART the procedure:  c

Updating files: /etc/rc.config /etc/prestotab
The necessary Presto daemon entry and Presto enable command have been placed in the file /sbin/init.d/presto. In order to begin using Presto, you must now start the daemon and enable Presto. You may either allow prestosetup to perform these tasks automatically or you may invoke them by hand, but in either case they will be started automatically on subsequent reboots.
If you choose to have prestosetup stop and start Presto acceleration now (without a reboot), all Presto acceleration will be stopped, then those functions you chose to be run in the preceding questions will be started. You probably do not want to automatically startup Prestoserve acceleration unless all the filesystems targeted for acceleration are already created and mounted.
Would you like to stop/start Presto acceleration now [n]?  y

state = DOWN, size = 0x1ffc00 bytes statistics interval: 00:00:00 (0 seconds) write cache efficiency: 0% All batteries are ok Prestoserve acceleration has been disabled. Starting Prestoserve: presto -u for the following: /usr - Presto enabled Presto has been enabled. Starting prestoctl_svc Presto daemon started.
The Presto daemon for your machine has been started and Prestoserve acceleration has been enabled.

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2.4.2    Manually Setting Up Prestoserve

If you do not use the prestosetup command to automatically set up Prestoserve on your system, you can manually set up Prestoserve by entering commands and editing files. To manually set up Prestoserve on your system, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Create the /dev/pr0 generic Prestoserve control device if necessary. Refer to Section for information.

  2. Start the portmap daemon. Refer to Section for information.

  3. Optionally, set the run-time configuration variables in the /etc/rc.config file to automatically accelerate file systems and start the prestoctl_svc daemon when the system starts up. Refer to Section for information.

  4. Optionally, create an /etc/prestotab file and include the mount points for the file systems that you want automatically accelerated when the system starts up. Refer to Section for information.

  5. Optionally, start the prestoctl_svc daemon if you want to allow remote systems to administer a Prestoserve cache and its driver. Refer to Section for information.

After you perform the previous tasks to set up Prestoserve, you can start using it. If you set the Prestoserve run-time configuration variables to automatically accelerate file systems when the system starts up, you can reboot the system to start using Prestoserve.

If you did not set the run-time variables, you can use the presto command with the -u or -U option to accelerate file systems. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information.

The following sections describe in detail how to manually set up Prestoserve.

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The /dev/pr0 generic Prestoserve control device must exist in order for you to use Prestoserve. If the device exists, you do not have to create the device. If the device does not exist, then you must create the device by using the MAKEDEV command. Refer to MAKEDEV(8) for more information.

To create the /dev/pr0 control device, use the following commands:

cd /dev

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You must ensure that the portmap daemon is running to use the prestoctl_svc daemon. If the portmap daemon is not running, you can start the daemon manually.

The syntax for the portmap daemon is as follows:


The portmap daemon can also be started by the /sbin/init.d/nfs script.

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To automatically accelerate file systems or start the prestoctl_svc daemon when the system starts up, use the rcmgr command to set Prestoserve run-time configuration variables stored in the /etc/rc.config file. These variables are used to configure the Prestoserve subsystem with the /sbin/init.d/presto script.

You can set the following Prestoserve run-time variables:

For example, to display the current setting in the /etc/rc.config file for the PRESTO_ENABLE variable, use the following command:

/usr/sbin/rcmgr get PRESTO_ENABLE

To set the PRESTO_ENABLE variable to 1, use the following command:

/usr/sbin/rcmgr set PRESTO_ENABLE 1

Refer to rcmgr(8) for more information.

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The /etc/prestotab file includes the mount points for the file systems that you want to automatically accelerate when the system starts up. The /etc/prestotab file is created by the prestosetup command, which prompts you for the file systems to automatically accelerate when the system starts up. You can also manually create the file.


If you want to automatically accelerate file systems, you must use the rcmgr command to set the PRESTO_ENABLE variable in the /etc/rc.config file. Refer to Section for more information.

The /etc/prestotab file contains a list of directory mount points (for example, /usr/users). Do not specify a block device because some functional subsystems, such as the Advanced File System (advfs), can map more than one block device to a mount point. Entries in the /etc/prestotab file must be separated by spaces or must be located on separate lines. You cannot specify comments in the file.

If the /etc/prestotab file is empty or does not exist, and the appropriate run-time variables are set, then all the local writable file systems that are currently mounted are accelerated when the system starts up.

An example of an /etc/prestotab file is as follows:


Refer to prestotab(4) for more information.

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The prestoctl_svc daemon is an RPC-based daemon that allows interrogation (and, in some cases, administration) of a Prestoserve cache and its driver. The prestoctl_svc daemon must be running on a host if you want to specify that host's name in the presto -h command line or if you want to use the dxpresto application to monitor that host. See Chapter 3 for information about the dxpresto command.


You must ensure that the portmap daemon is running to use the prestoctl_svc daemon. If the portmap daemon is not running, you can start the daemon manually. The portmap daemon can also be started by the /sbin/init.d/nfs script.

The command that starts the prestoctl_svc daemon has the following syntax:

/usr/sbin/prestoctl_svc [ -n ]

If you specify the -n option, any network client can change your Prestoserve state (either UP or DOWN) or change the size of your Prestoserve cache by using the presto command option -h with the -d, -u, and -s administrative options. You must also specify the -n option if you want to use the dxpresto command to change your Prestoserve state. Because of security problems, it is recommended that the -n option not be specified on production machines.

You can also automatically start the prestoctl_svc daemon when the system starts up by setting the PRESTO_SVC_ENABLE and PRESTO_SVC_ANY run-time variables in the /etc/rc.config file. Refer to Section for more information.