First look at Volumizer

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Yeo Eng Hee (
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:16:01 +0800

I have just installed the Volumizer on the SGIs here. These are what I
found out:

* Volumizer does not seem to work on workstations that do not have
hardware texture support.
* On my ONYX with VTX, most of the demos cannot be run. There seems
to be a lot of segmentation faults. For those that managed to come up, only
some of them have images on them. As for the, rest I can only see the
outline of the cube (in yellow) and nothing inside.

I am very new in this. I only installed the required packages via inst and
ran the Makefiles. It seemed a bit strange that we are supposed to run the
demos by executing the README file under csh.

Can anyone comment about whether the Volumizer will be supported across all
platforms, regardless of whether there is hardware texture support? My
current volume renderer does not require hardware texture support. If
Volumizer is to be accepted, then I think it should also support software
texture operations.


Yeo Eng Hee
Supercomputing & Visualisation Unit, Computer Centre
National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
Tel: (65) 874 5085; Fax: (65) 778 0198; Email:

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