Re: Is Volumizer thread safe

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Mon, 26 Apr 99 09:51:28 +0100

Thank you to those that replied,
I have some more questions.

I asked:
> ...
> I have a core dump in voAppearanceActions::texgenSetEquation.
> ...
> voAppearanceActions::texgenSetEquation((voBrick*)0x10224c10)
> ...
> voAppearanceActions::texgenSetEquation((voBrick*)0x1022c290)
> ...
> ...
> Volumizer is not thread safe.
> ...
> You can still, however, use Volumizer in a multi-threaded environment. For
> example, consult Chikai Ohazama's monster examples (sproc based) distributed
> with Volumizer 1.1 (freezing later today). If you want to multi-tread your
> own application, in most cases you just need to identify the critical sections
> and put suitable locking in.

Can I download Volumizer 1.1 somewhere (Currently I have 1.0)
If texgenSetEquation does not work, I believe this indicates Volumizer
is not reentrant either.

I can ofcourse lock each call to volumizer, but I was hoping someone has
more specific info as to wich calls have to be locked.

At the very least it seems like I must provide texturing
(as opposed to let volumizer handle texture objects, texture
 etc., ...)

> One thing you cannot do in OpenGL is to have more than one thread attached to
> the same graphics context (i.e., two treads cannot call glTexGendv()). And
> even if you could, it would not speed things up. What are you attempting to
> do?

I'm working on a mpu based program (MPU ver. 1.1), and I am drawing to
pipes at the same time. The sample program allocates a copy of the data
each process. (BTW, I'm using sproc(, PR_SALL, )).

Even Oscar Andersen

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