Re: Creating 3D TIFF files

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4/28/98 (
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 16:38:40 -0500

First you need to convert your files to tiff format
using the image vision libraries (or some other tool).
The distribution comes with two convenient utilities
to help you do this:

iflfrombin and iflto3Dtiff can be found in


Usage: iflfrombin hdrlen xsize ysize csize bpp infile outimage

to get your 2D images into tiff format and

Usage: iflto3Dtiff <inFileName1> <inFileName2> ... <outFileName>
to create the 3D image

You can check your results with imgview (handles 2D and 3D).

-ba wrote:
> I have just started looking at Volumizer and am unfamiliar with the 3D
> TIFF file format. I am trying to create volumes using x,y,z positions
> and related data such as color, but I am not scanning a picture or
> starting with another file format. Where can I find documentation on
> manually creating 3D TIFF files?
> Trev Anderson

Dr. Ballard Andrews
Schlumberger Doll Research
Old Quarry Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877
tel: 203-431-5522 fax: 5521

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