However, information specific to the Digital UNIX X server is not covered in those manuals. This chapter includes information on the following topics:
4.1 Extensions to the X Server
Digital UNIX supports
a number of protocol X server extensions. These extensions are built and dynamically
loaded as sharable libraries. Section 2.7 lists
the components of the Digital UNIX extension library and explains the processes
for loading and making calls to the component libraries.
The following list contains the X11 R6 protocol X server extensions that Digital UNIX supports:
You can regard the Display PostScript system as part of the X Window
System. Your application will use X Window System features for window placement
and sizing, menu creation, and event handling, while using Display PostScript
system features to take care of imaging inside the window.
Display PostScript system components include the Client Library, the
PostScript interpreter, and the pswrap translator.
The Digital UNIX documentation set includes the Developing
Applications for the Display PostScript System.
To the programmer, OpenGL is a set of commands that allows the specification
of geometric objects in two or three dimensions, together with commands that
control how these objects are rendered into the frame buffer. For
the most part, OpenGL provides an immediate-mode interface, so that specifying
an object causes it to be drawn.
A typical program that uses OpenGL begins with calls to open a window
in the frame buffer into which the program will draw. Then, calls are made
to allocate a GL context and associate it with the window. Once a GL context
is allocated, the programmer can issue OpenGL commands. Some commands are
used to draw simple geometric objects for example, points, line segments,
and polygons. Other commands affect the rendering of these primitives, including
how they are lit or colored and how they are mapped from the user's two- or
three-dimensional model space to the two-dimensional screen. OpenGL also has
commands that affect direct control of the frame buffer, such as those that
read and write pixels.
In the X Window System, OpenGL rendering is made available as an extension
to X in the formal X sense: connection and authentication are accomplished
with the normal X mechanisms. As with other X extensions, there is a defined
network protocol for the OpenGL rendering commands that are encapsulated within
the X byte stream.
Information on OpenGL is provided in the OpenGL Reference
The protocol version of PEX supported for Digital UNIX is PEX 5.1, which
is available only through the DEC Open3D kit.
All requests are passed to the server by means of a shared memory queue.
The server and client control the flow by using X protocol requests over UNIX
Domain sockets. All events, replies, and errors are returned through UNIX
Domain sockets.
This transport is suitable only for high-bandwidth applications that
typically use large requests. Short requests may take longer to process with
SMT than with UNIX Domain sockets because of synchronization overhead. For
example, XNoOp requests will take twice as much time to execute.
The DISPLAY environment variable must be set to local:0 when SMT is used.
When using SMT, the X server may not be able to allocate a shared memory
segment. This problem occurs if the system shared memory resources are depleted;
a warning message appears on the client side.
With this extension, clients on different hosts running different operating
systems can be synchronized. Multimedia applications can use this extension
to synchronize audio, video, and graphics data streams. In addition, the extension
provides internal timers within the X server that can be used to synchronize
client requests. Using this feature, simple animation applications can be
implemented without having to use round-trip requests. The extension allows
applications to make the best use of buffering within the client, server,
and network.
The X Consortium provides documentation for XIE in PostScript format.
That documentation is located on the Digital UNIX system in the /usr/doc/xie directory. The following list describes the documents:
This document provides general information about the X Image Extension
code. Topics covered are: XIE design goals, XIE historical summary, XIE
architecture, element definitions, and subsetting.
This document contains reference descriptions of all the XIElib functions,
XIElib events, and XIElib errors. The Functions section covers the following
types of functions: startup, LUT, photomap, ROI, photoflo, client data, abort
and await, photoflo element, technique, and free.
This document is for X Consortium members who have a working understanding
of the X Imaging Extension. It provides an architecture overview as well
as chapters on the following topics: extension initialization, memory management,
request dispatching, data representation, data structures, protocol requests,
DIXIE photoflo management, DDXIE photoflo management, and photo elements.
This document specifies the X wire protocol for the X Image Extension.
It defines the syntax, structure, and semantics of the XIE protocol elements.
Topics covered include syntax specification, parameter types, resources,
pipelined processing, import elements, process elements, export elements,
events and errors, techniques, service class, and protocol encodings.
The function of the mode switch is similar to that of the Shift or Shift
Lock key. These mechanisms both enable multiple symbols (keysym)
to be generated from single keys, with one symbol for one mode or shift or
shift-lock state and another symbol for the other state. For example, on the
American keyboard, 3 and # can be switched by the shift
The combination of the mode-switch and shift/lock mechanisms allows
up to four keysyms to be established for a single key.
The entry point XKMEDoKBModeSwitch is defined for the mode-switch
modifier and can be set to the following modes of operation:
The standard X protocol only allows requests up to 2 18 bytes long. BIG_REQUESTS , a new protocol extension, has been
added. This extension allows a client to extend the length field in protocol
requests to be a 32-bit value. This is useful for PEX and other extensions
that transmit complex information to the server.4.1.2 DPS - Display PostScript Extension (Adobe Systems)
This extension provides
a device-independent imaging model for displaying information on a screen.
This imaging model is fully compatible with the imaging model used in PostScript
printers. By allowing you to use the PostScript language to display text,
graphics, and sampled images, it frees you from display-specific details such
as screen resolution and the number of available colors. The Digital UNIX
X server includes PostScript Level MIT-SCREEN-SAVER Extension
The Screen Saver
extension enables a client to receive notification when the screen has been
inactive for a specified amount of time or whenever it cycles. The extension
is useful to those writing screensaver programs.4.1.4 MIT-SHM - MIT Shared Memory Extension
This extension allows images
to be placed in shared memory segments accessible by both the application
and X server. Using shared memory reduces the amount of bandwidth required
to transfer the images between the application and the server. 4.1.5 MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD Protocol Extension
extension permits tolerance of old X bugs. See the xset
(1X) reference page
for a description of the -bc flag.4.1.6 Multibuffering Extension
This extension enables
a client application to perform the following operations:
4.1.7 OpenGL - Open Graphics Library Extension
This extension provides a software
interface to graphics hardware. The interface consists of a set of procedures
and functions that allows a programmer to specify the objects and operations
involved in producing high-quality graphical images - specifically color
images of three-dimensional objects.4.1.8 PEX (PHIGS Extension)
This extension
is an X Consortium-sanctioned extension to the X Window System. It is designed
to support three-dimensional graphics efficiently within the confines and
rules of X. The PHIGS extension, PEX, provides capabilities that allow each
window on the display to act as a complete, independent virtual three-dimensional
graphics workstation. The PEX protocol supports those three-dimensional graphics
primitives used by standard application programmer interfaces such as PHIGS,
PHIGS PLUS, GKS, and GL.4.1.9 SHAPE - X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension
This extension provides arbitrary window and border
shapes within the X11 protocol. The oclock program, for example,
uses this extension to produce a round clock-face display. 4.1.10 SMT - Shared Memory Transport Extension (Digital provided)
The Shared Memory
Transport (SMT) extension provides a completely shared memory transport for
requests. For many operations, performance significantly increases when this
extension is used. Unlike the MIT-SHM (shared memory transport) extension
which supports only image transfers, the Digital SMT supports the full protocol.4.1.11 SYNC -Synchronization Extension
The synchronization extension,
SYNC, provides primitive calls that allow synchronization between clients
to take place within the X server. This feature eliminates network errors
that can arise when two communicating systems are running a distributed application
that requires both systems to be synchronized.4.1.12 XC-MISC
The XC-MISC protocol allows clients to get back ID ranges from the server. Xlib handles this automatically, making this useful for long-running
applications that use many IDs over their lifetime.4.1.13 XIE - X Imaging Extension
The X Imaging extension provides mechanisms
for the transfer and display of virtually any image on any X-capable hardware.
Although this extension is not intended to serve as a general purpose imaging
processor, it provides a large number of primitives for image rendering and
image enhancement. These primitives can be combined to form complex expressions.
XIE also includes facilities for importing and exporting images between clients
and servers, facilities for moving images between client and servers as well
as between core X modules and XIE modules, and facilities that enable applications
to access images as resources.4.1.14 X Input Extension
This extension supports input devices
other than the core X keyboard and pointer. The extension is designed to
handle request and event definitions that are analogous to core request and
event definitions. This design allows extension input devices to be individually
distinguishable from each other as well as from core input devices. The extension
requests and events use a device identifier and support the reporting of n-dimensional motion data as well as other data that is not reportable
through core input events.4.1.15 X Keyboard Extension for X11 R6
The X Keyboard Extension (XKB) server extension
is new for X11 R6 and for Digital UNIX Version 4.0. XKB enhances control and customization
of the keyboard under the X Window System by providing the following:
In addition, the X11 R5 (for versions of Digital UNIX earlier than Version
4.0) AccessX server extension for people with physical impairments has been
incorporated into the XKB server extension. These accessibility features
include StickyKeys, SlowKeys, BounceKeys, MouseKeys, and ToggleKeys, as well
as complete control over the autorepeat delay rate.4.1.16 XKME - X Server Keyboard Management Extension
This extension enables an
X client application to access the server mode-switch modifier. The mode
switch is designed to meet the needs of character sets of languages that require
native characters (for example, Hebrew and Japanese). The mode switch enables
a client application to switch back and forth between character groups: Group
1 (ASCII characters) and Group 2 (native characters).
LockDownModeSwitch | Locks down the mode-switch modifier; that is, switches to Group 2. |
UnlockModeSwitch | Unlocks the mode-switch modifier; that is, switches to Group 1. |
The dxkeycaps
(1X) reference page describes how to access the shift
modifier from client applications and contains general information on keyboard
The greeter library that is used is determined by the value of the DisplayManager.greeterLib resource in the /var/X11/xdm/xdm-config
file. This
library is required to define a function named GreetUser().
The X Display Manager uses dlopen() to dynamically load the
greeter library. It uses dlsym() to find the GreetUser() function.
The GreetUser() function can either handle the user's session
itself or allow xdm to do so. The return value of GreetUser() indicates to xdm whether or not to start a session.
The GreetUser() function is passed the xdm struct
display pointer, a pointer to a Display Struct (defined in /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h), and pointers to greet and verify structures. If GreetUser() expects xdm to run the session, it fills in the Display pointer and the fields of the greet and verify
Definitions of struct display, struct verify_info,
and struct greet_info are located in /usr/examples/xdm/dm.h. The GreetUser() function prototype is defined in /usr/examples/xdm/greet.h.
Any greeter library compiled on a Digital UNIX system prior to Version
4.0 must be recompiled to integrate data structure changes made in X11 R6.
The use of a version field on these structs eliminates the need to recompile
for future versions of the operating system.
The GreetUser() function is defined in greet.h
as follows:
The parameters for the function are as follows:
This struct display is defined in /usr/examples/xdm/dm.h.
The parameter returns the Display pointer from XtOpenDisplay() or XOpenDisplay().
This struct is defined in /usr/examples/xdm/dm.h. The GreetUser() function is passed a pointer to an existing verify-info struct. The function is expected to write the fields of this struct.
These fields include the uid, gid, arguments to run
the session; the environment variable for the session; and the environment
variable for startup and reset.
This struct is defined in /usr/examples/xdm/dm.h. The GreetUser() function is passed a pointer to an existing verify-info struct. The function is expected to write the user's name and password
into the name and password fields, but these values are really needed only
when xdm is compiled with SECURE_RPC defined.
This struct is a set of function pointers to xdm functions
that GreetUser ( ) is likely to need.
Note that on Digital UNIX using these function pointers is not necessary
since the symbols will be resolved by the dynamic loader.
The GreetUser() function returns an enumerated type, greet_user_rtn, defined in greet.h.
Until recently, the data type used with a format of 32 was implied,
not specified. With the new refinements, the data that is provided in format
32 to the XChangeProperty function or returned from the GetWindowProperty function should be accessed as arrays of longwords or typedefs based
on longwords such as Window or Atom.
Specify either the -ldnet_stub or -ldnet flag when:
If you link your X client application to the nonshared version of the /usr/lib/libDXm.a library, you must include libbkr in the
link line. If you omit libbkr, the warning messages appear about
the following undefined symbols:
The loadable X server, as well as clients and libraries that directly
execute calls to DECnet functions, are built using the shared library in the ld command that links the object files.
DECnet functions that are commonly called include getnodename, dnet_addr, and dnet_conn.
X clients that are built fully static and include libX11.a
or libXmu.a must incorporate the libdnet_stub.a library
if they do not use the DECnet transport. If they do use the DECnet transport,
they must incorporate the libdnet.a library. One of these libdnet libraries must be included to resolve function calls from within
the libX11 or libXmu modules. If the X client is not
fully static, but is using libX11.a or libXmu.a for
some other reason, should be included in the ld command information so that the client can be used whether or not
DECnet is installed.
Note that DECnet/OSI is not part of the Digital UNIX operating system.
There are two functions in the Display PostScript language that correct
this problem:
These functions must be applied to all clients using Display PostScript,
as well as Xlib. You should be aware of the following rules when
using these functions:
For details about these functions, see the Adobe Systems Incorporated
book Programming the Display PostScript System with X.
4.1.17 XTrap Extension
This extension allows a client
application to track and use information about input events occurring on a
remote X server. XTrap also allows a client application to provide input to
the remote server.4.1.18 XTEST Extension
This extension contains a minimal set of X client
and server extensions that are required to completely test the X11 server
with no user intervention. The extension is designed to meet the following
4.1.19 XV - X Video Extension
This extension performs the following functions:
4.2 X Display Manager Greeter Module
In the X
Display Manager (xdm), the greeter module is a
separate dynamically loadable library. The greeter collects identifying information
from the user (for example, name and password), authenticates the user, and
optionally starts the login session. Application programmers can customize
this module to suit the needs of their application.
int GreetUser(
struct display *d,
Display ** dpy,
struct verify_info *verify,
struct greet_info *greet,
struct dlfuncs *dlfcns)
Greet_Session_Over 0 session managed and over
Greet_Success 1 greet succeeded, session not managed
Greet_Failure -1 greet failed
4.3 Programming Updates
This section contains new information about programming in the X Window
System environment. The section covers the following topics:
4.3.1 XChangeProperty and GetWindowProperty Functions
The X Consortium has refined the behavior of the XChangeProperty
and GetWindowProperty
functions. This refinement primarily
affects programs that have arrays of integers (int) with format
32. If you have used or plan to use either function, you should use arrays
of longwords (longs) instead.4.3.2 Link Order for Static X Clients
There are certain steps
you must follow when compiling, loading, or linking X client applications
against a static or nonshared library.
4.3.3 DECnet Transport for X Client/Server Connections
X server, X libraries, and various X clients use a DECnet transport mechanism
for client/server connections when the appropriate DECnet product is installed
on the system or on two systems, if the X client and X server are running
on different nodes. If DECnet is not installed, attempts to make these client/server
connections fail.4.3.4 Client Events with Display PostScript Libraries
In some
situations, clients lose events when using Display PostScript libraries directly
or indirectly with calls to libdvr. The events are lost because Xlib calls a status-event handling function, which in turn calls other Xlib functions even though Xlib is not guaranteed to be reentrant.