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/dev/dmaex device driver
        convention used in example code
        dmaexreg.h file
        Include Files Section
        introductory discussion

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addr1_atype member
        description of valid bits
        formal description of driver structure field
        summary description of driver structure field

addr1_size member
        formal description of driver structure field
        summary description of driver structure field

addr2_atype member
        description of valid bits
        formal description of driver structure field
        summary description of driver structure field

addr2_size member
        formal description of driver structure field
        summary description of driver structure field

address space
        allocating for VMEbus
        allocating with dma_map_alloc and dma_map_load
        for VMEbus
        obtaining with vba_get_vmeaddr
        unloading with dma_map_unload

allocating data structures
        review of techniques

allocating resources for DMA data transfers
        with dma_map_alloc and dma_map_load

allocating VMEbus address space
        See allocating resources for DMA data transfers

        See VMEbus architectures

Autoconfiguration Support Section
        of device driver

AXPvme Single-Board Computers

AXPvme Single-Board Computers, configuring

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backplane network driver for VMEbus

BADADDR kernel interface
        use with /dev/dmaex driver

big endian
        See byte ordering

block device driver
        sections of

bus configuration interfaces
        summary descriptions

bus_priority member
        formal description of controller structure field
        summary description of controller structure field

byte operations
        See reading data from a device register
        See writing data from a device register

byte ordering
        big endian
        Digital model
        for VMEbus
        little endian
        Motorola model

byte swapping
        provided by kernel interfaces
        provided by VMEbus adapter

B_ERROR constant
        to flag an error in dmaexintr
        to flag an error in dmaexintr
        to flag an error in dmaexstrategy

B_READ constant
        to indicate a read operation in call to physio

B_WRITE constant
        to indicate a write operation in call to physio

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character device driver
        sections of

Close Device Section

configuration models

configuring AXPvme Single-Board Computers

configuring VME 2100 systems

controller structure
        associated include file
        declared array of pointers for /dev/dmaex driver
        initialized by dmaexclose
        initialized by dmaexintr
        initialized by dmaexopen
        initialized by dmaexstrategy
        list of member names and data types
        list of VMEbus-specific member names and data types

        for data structures specific to VMEbus drivers
        for driver interfaces specific to VMEbus drivers
        for header file specific to VMEbus drivers
        for kernel interfaces specific to VMEbus drivers

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data size
        supported by VMEbus

data structures
        allocation techniques for
        discussion of conventions used for reference page
        list of with summary descriptions
        used by VMEbus device drivers

designing a device driver

device driver
        example of
        Include Files Section for VMEbus
        review of allocating techniques
        review of device driver kits delivery process
        source listing
        structure of

device register header file
        for the /dev/dmaex device driver

direct memory access
        See DMA

DMA data transfer resources
        allocating with dma_map_alloc and dma_map_load

        for multiple VMEbus adapters
        performed by VMEbus
        VMEbus to and from host

        to indicate device is closed in dmaexclose

dmaexdriver structure
        driver structure for /dev/dmaex driver

dmaexintr interface
        description of argument

DMAEXOPEN constant
        to indicate device is open in dmaexopen

dmaexprobe interface
        description of arguments
        initialized in dmaexdriver structure

dmaexread interface
        description of arguments

dmaexreg.h file
        device register header file for /dev/dmaex device driver

dmaexwrite interface
        description of arguments

dmaex_softc structure
        initialized by dmaexclose
        initialized by dmaexintr
        initialized by dmaexopen
        initialized by dmaexstrategy
        initialized by dmaex_timeout

DMA_GO constant
        to indicate start DMA in dmaexstrategy

dma_map_alloc kernel interface
        to allocate VMEbus address space

dma_map_load kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment
        to allocate VMEbus address space

dma_map_unload kernel interface
        description of arguments
        explanation of code fragment

driver interfaces
        discussion of conventions used for reference page
        list of with summary descriptions
        list of

driver structure
        associated include file
        description of
        initialized by /dev/dmaex driver
        list of member names and data types
        list of VMEbus-specific member names and data types

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EBUSY error code
        to indicate device already opened in dmaexopen

EIO constant
        to indicate I/O error in dmaexstrategy

EIO error code
        to indicate I/O error in dmaexopen

ENXIO error code
        to indicate device does not exist in dmaexopen

errno.h file
        to define error codes used by dmaexopen

ERROR constant
        used by dmaexprobe to indicate device not responding

ETIMEDOUT constant
        to indicate I/O error in dmaexstrategy

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file.h file
        use of flag bits for flag argument used with dmaexclose
        use of flag bits for flag argument used with dmaexopen

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gathering information about host system and device

gen_intr_info member
        summary description of vme_handler_info structure field

global variables
        summary descriptions

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hardware architecture
        for VMEbus

hardware device register
        write by VMEbus driver

header files
        discussion of conventions used for reference page
        list of with summary descriptions
        list of with summary descriptions

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        access to by applications

identifying device interrupt handler registration method

IE constant
        to indicate an interrupt enable in dmaexstrategy

Include Files Section
        for /dev/dmaex device driver

information gathering about host system and device

        See I/O

interrupt handlers
        method for registering

interrupt handling with rt_post_callout

interrupt priority
        for VMEbus

interrupt vector
        for VMEbus

ioctl macros and commands
        summary descriptions

iodone kernel interface
        to complete I/O in dmaexstrategy

irq member
        summary description of vme_handler_info structure field

ivnum member
        formal description of controller structure field
        summary description of controller structure field

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kernel interfaces
        discussion of conventions used for reference page
        list of with summary descriptions

kernel support interfaces
        summary descriptions of I/O support interfaces

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little endian
        See byte ordering

longword operations
        See performing read longword operations
        See performing write longword operations

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master block transfers

minor interface
        used by dmaexclose to obtain device minor number
        used by dmaexopen to obtain device minor number
        used by dmaexread to obtain device minor number
        used by dmaexstrategy to obtain device minor number

minphys kernel interface
        to bound data transfer size in call to physio

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NDMAEX constant
        to size array of buf structures
        to size array of pointers to controller structures

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obtaining VMEbus address
        with vba_get_vmeaddr

Open Device Section

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passing mechanism

performing read longword operations
        with read_io_port

performing read word operations
        with read_io_port

performing write byte operations
        with write_io_port

performing write longword operations
        with write_io_port

performing write word operations
        with write_io_port

physio kernel interface
        called by dmaexread

        to transfer data

portable device drivers

priority member
        formal description of controller structure field
        summary description of controller structure field

probe driver interface
        differences as it relates to VMEbus device drivers
        setting up xxprobe in Autoconfiguration Support Section
        use of driver structure to define entry point
        See also xxprobe driver interface

probe interface
        receiving address space information

programmed I/O
        See PIO

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read byte operation
        See reading data from a device register

READ constant
        to indicate a read operation in dmaexstrategy

Read Device Section

read longword operation

read word operation

reading data from a device register
        with read_io_port

read_io_port kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment
        use with /dev/dmaex driver

releasing VMEbus address space
        See unloading DMA resources

        to indicate device ready for data transfer

rt_post_callout function

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        See AXPvme Single-Board Computers

sizeof operator
        argument passed to BADADDR interface in /dev/dmaex driver

slave block transfers

slave driver interface
        setting up xxslave in Autoconfiguration Support Section
        use of driver structure to define entry point
        See also xxslave driver interface

software architecture
        for VMEbus

        summary descriptions

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uio structure
        declared by dmaexread interface

unloading DMA resources
        with dma_map_unload

unsigned int member
        summary description of vme_handler_info structure field

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        See dma_map_alloc kernel interface

        See dma_map_alloc kernel interface

vba_clear_irq kernel interface
        function definition

vba_display_addr_type kernel interface
        function definition

vba_dma kernel interface
        function definition

vba_get_dma_addr kernel interface
        function definition

vba_get_vmeaddr kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment
        function definition

vba_get_vmeaddr_am kernel interface
        function definition

vba_map_csr kernel interface
        function definition

vba_post_irq kernel interface
        function definition

vba_set_dma_addr kernel interface
        function definition

vba_unmap_csr kernel interface
        function definition

VME 2100 Systems

VME 2100 systems, configuring

VMEA32D32 constant
        initialized in dmaexdriver structure

VMEbus address space
        See DMA data transfer resources
        unloading DMA resources

VMEbus address
        obtaining with vba_get_vmeaddr

VMEbus architectures
        address spaces
        address spaces
        address spaces
        address spaces
        byte ordering
        data sizes
        direct memory access
        I/O access
        interrupt priorities
        interrupt vectors
        writes to the hardware device register

VMEbus kernel interfaces
        associated generic interface

        allocating address space
        byte ordering
        data size support
        porting information
        programmed I/O
        setting up a probe interface
        setting up a slave interface
        support for DMA
        VMEbus-to-host and from-host DMA

vme_handler_info structure
        associated include file
        list of member names and data types

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word operations
        See performing write word operations

write byte operation

Write Device Section

write longword operation

write word operation

write_io_port kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment
        use with /dev/dmaex driver
        use with /dev/dmaex driver
        use with /dev/dmaex driver

writing data from a device register
        with write_io_port

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xxprobe driver interface
        example code fragment
        example code fragment
        function definition

xxslave driver interface
        example code fragment
        function definition