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4    Using Screen-Handling Routines for Character-Cell Terminals

This chapter discusses:

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4.1    Handling Wide-Character Data with curses Routines

The curses library provides functions for developing user interfaces on character-cell terminals. The Digital UNIX curses library provides functions for processing single-byte and multibyte characters. The recommended functions for handling multibyte characters in wide-character or complex-character format conform to Version 4 of the X/Open Curses CAE specification and supercede those specified by the System V Multi-National Language Supplement (MNLS).

This chapter summarizes the curses functions and macros that process characters and character strings from the screen or keyboard. Tables in each section note if there is more than one curses interface available to perform the same operation, but only one handles wide-character or complex-character format and conforms to the X/Open Curses CAE specification. In such cases, make sure your application uses the curses interface listed in the Recommended Routine column of the table. The Section 3 reference pages provide syntax and detailed information for each interface. Use this chapter to determine the interface needed for the operation you want to do; then use the man or xman command to display the reference page for the chosen interface.


Some curses interfaces overwrite existing characters on the curses window. Only the interfaces that use the wchar_t or cchar_t data type ensure that overwriting does not leave partial characters on the screen. When the display width of an overwritten character is greater than one column, as may be the case for multibyte characters, these interfaces write extra blank characters to remove partial characters. For example, if the English character a overwrites the first column of a 2-column Chinese character, the second column of the Chinese character is overwritten with a blank.

Behavior is undefined when you overwrite multibyte characters with curses interfaces that have not been internationalized.

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4.1.1    Writing a Wide Character to a curses Window

The following sections discuss different categories of routines that add or insert individual wide characters on a curses window. There are two categories of routines and these differ, partly due to whether the cursor is advanced after the wide character is written.

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The functions and macros in the following table add a wide character, along with its attributes, to a window on the screen and advance the cursor. If a character already exists at the target position, the character is overwritten by the one being added.

Your choice of interface depends on whether you need to:

Use the cchar_t data type to pass a wide character with its attributes to these interfaces.

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
add_wch  addch, addwch  Window: default

Position: current

Screen refresh: no


wadd_wch  waddch, waddwch  Window: specified

Position: current

Screen refresh: no


mvadd_wch  mvaddch, mvaddwch  Window: default

Position: specified

Screen refresh: no


mvwadd_wch  mvwaddch, mvwaddwch  Window: specified

Position: specified

Screen refresh: no


echo_wchar  echowchar  Window: default

Position: current

Screen refresh: yes


wecho_wchar  wechowchar  Window: specified

Position: current

Screen refresh: yes


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The following functions and macros insert a wide character in a window at the current or specified coordinates and do not change the position of the cursor after the write operation. The wide character is inserted before an existing character at the target position, so these interfaces do not overwrite characters that already exist on the line. Existing characters at and to the right of the target position are moved further to the right and the character in the rightmost position is truncated. Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you want to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
ins_wch  insch, inswch  Window: default

Position: current


wins_wch  winsch, winswch  Window: specified

Position: current


mvins_wch  mvinsch, mvinswch  Window: default

Position: specified


mvwins_wch  mvwinsch, mvwinswch  Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.2    Writing a Wide-Character String to a curses Window

The following sections discuss routines that add or insert wide-character strings in curses windows.

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The functions and macros in the following table add a wide-character string, along with character attributes, to a window. These interfaces:

Characters in the string that these interfaces add overwrite characters that already exist at the target position. Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you need to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
add_wchstr  addwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


add_wchnstr  addwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


wadd_wchstr  waddwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


wadd_wchnstr  waddwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvadd_wchstr  mvaddwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvadd_wchnstr  mvaddwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwadd_wchstr  mvwaddwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwadd_wchnstr  mvwaddwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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Like the functions and macros discussed in the preceding section, the interfaces in the following table also add a wide-character string (but without video-character attributes) to a window and overwrite existing characters. However, these interfaces also:

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you want to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
addwstr  addstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


addnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


waddwstr  waddstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


waddnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvaddwstr  mvaddstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvaddnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwaddwstr  mvwaddstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwaddnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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The functions and macros discussed in this section insert a wide-character string before a target position in a curses window. These interfaces:

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you need to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
ins_wstr  inswstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


ins_nwstr  insnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


wins_wstr  winswstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


wins_nwstr  winsnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvins_wstr  mvinswstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvins_nwstr  mvinsnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwins_wstr  mvwinswstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwins_nwstr  mvwinsnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.3    Removing a Wide Character from a curses Window

The function and macros in the following table delete a wide character at the target position in a curses window. Characters that follow the deleted character on the line shift one character to the left. These interfaces existed in the curses library before multibyte characters were supported and have been redefined for correct handling of wide-character format.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you need to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
delch  same  Window: default

Position: current


wdelch  same  Window: specified

Position: current


mvdelch  same  Window: default

Position: specified


mvwdelch  same  Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.4    Reading a Wide Character from a curses Window

The function and macros in this section read a wide character, along with its video attributes, from a curses window. The data returned to the program is of data type cchar_t, so that both the wide character and its attributes are stored.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether the character being read is:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
in_wch  inch, inwch  Window: default

Position: current


win_wch  winch, winwch  Window: specified

Position: current


mvin_wch  mvinch, mvinwch  Window: default

Position: specified


mvwin_wch  mvwinch, mvwinwch  Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.5    Reading a Wide-Character String from a curses Windows

There are two sets of routines that allow you to read a wide-character string from a curses window. Routines in one set retrieve strings that include wide characters with their video attributes. Routines in the other set strip attributes from the characters in the string.

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The function and macros in the following table read a wide-character string, along with character attributes, from a curses window. The string returned by the recommended interfaces is of the data type cchar_t.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you want to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
in_wchstr  inwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


in_wchnstr  inwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


win_wchstr  winwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


win_wchnstr  winwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvin_wchstr  mvinwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvin_wchnstr  mvinwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwin_wchstr  mvwinwchstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwin_wchnstr  mvwinwchnstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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The function and macros in the following table read a wide-character string from a curses window and return a string of data type wchar_t. Video attributes are stripped from the characters included in the string.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you want to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
inwstr  --  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


innwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


winwstr  --  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


winnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvinwstr  --  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvinnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwinwstr  --  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwinnwstr  --  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.6    Reading a String of Characters from a Terminal

The function and macros in the following table get strings of characters from the terminal associated with a curses window and store the characters in a program buffer.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you want to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
get_wstr  getstr, getwstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: current


getn_wstr  getnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: current


wget_wstr  wgetstr, wgetwstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: current


wgetn_wstr  wgetnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: current


mvget_wstr  mvgetstr, mvgetwstr  Number of characters: all

Window: default

Position: specified


mvgetn_wstr  mvgetnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: default

Position: specified


mvwget_wstr  mvwgetstr, mvwgetwstr  Number of characters: all

Window: specified

Position: specified


mvwgetn_wstr  mvwgetnwstr  Number of characters: specified

Window: specified

Position: specified


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4.1.7    Reading or Queuing a Wide Character from the Keyboard

Most functions or macros in the following table get a single-byte or multibyte character from the terminal keyboard associated with a curses window, convert the character to wide-character format, and return the character to the program. Unless curses input mode is set to noecho, these interfaces also echo each character back to the screen.

The unget_wch interface places the wide character at the head of the input queue. In this case, the next call to wget_wch returns the character from the input queue to the program.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you get the character for:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
get_wch  getch, getwch  Window: uses default

Position: uses current


wget_wch  wgetch, wgetwch  Window: uses specified

Position: uses current


mvget_wch  mvgetch, mvgetwch  Window: uses default

Position: uses specified


mvwget_wch  mvwgetch, mvwgetwch  Window: uses specified

Position: uses specified


unget_wch  ungetch, ungetwch  Window: not applicable

Position: not applicable

Input queue: queues character


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4.1.8    Converting Formatted Text in a curses Window

The following functions read wide characters from a curses window and convert them. These functions existed in the curses library before it was internationalized and have been enhanced to handle wide-character data. In all cases, these functions call wgetstr to read a wide-character string from a window and then interpret and convert characters according to scanf function rules. Refer to the scanf(3) reference page for more information.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
scanw  same  Window: default

Position: current

Number of arguments: fixed


wscanw  same  Window: specified

Position: current

Number of arguments: fixed


mvscanw  same  Window: default

Position: specified

Number of arguments: fixed


mvwscanw  same  Window: specified

Position: specified

Number of arguments: fixed


vw_scanw  vwscanw  Window: specified

Position: current

Number of arguments: variable


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4.1.9    Printing Formatted Text on a curses Window

The functions in the following table format a string and then print it on a curses window. The functions existed in the curses library before it was internationalized and have been redefined to process data in wide-character format. These functions are analogous to printf (or vprintf) formatting the string and then addstr (or waddstr) writing it. Refer to the printf(3) reference page for formatting information.

Your choice of interface in this category depends on whether you need to:

Recommended RoutineUsed in Place of:Behavior with Respect to:
printw  same  Window: default

Position: current

Number of arguments: fixed


wprintw  same  Window: specified

Position: current

Number of arguments: fixed


mvprintw  same  Window: default

Position: specified

Number of arguments: fixed


mvwprintw  same  Window: specified

Position: specified

Number of arguments: fixed


vw_printw  vwprintw  Window: specified

Position: current

Number of arguments: variable


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4.2    Drawing Ruled Lines in a DECterm Window

Programming guides for video terminals discuss how you use ANSI escape sequences to perform operations, such as inserting and deleting characters, inserting and removing blank lines, and requesting character display in double height and width. Because a DECterm window is a terminal emulator, these escape sequences also apply to programs that display text and graphics in a DECterm window.

Digital UNIX enhancements for Asian languages include additional escape sequences for drawing and removing ruled lines in a specified area of a DECterm window. These additional escape sequences allow applications to construct tables and diagrams. The feature is a market requirement for Japanese terminals but has been incorporated into DECterm software for all terminal types.

The following sections describe the escape sequences that draw and erase lines according to pattern and area parameters.

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4.2.1    Drawing Ruled Lines in a Pattern

The escape sequence identified by the mnemonic DECDRLBR draws ruled lines on the boundaries of a rectangular area according to a specified pattern. The following table provides format information:

DECDRLBR  Draws ruled lines on the boundaries of a rectangular area  CSI P1;Px;Plx;Py;Ply ,r where:

P1 indicates the pattern of drawing ruled lines. P1 indicates whether lines are drawn on all sides of the rectangular area, on the left and right sides only, on the top and bottom only, and so forth.

Px indicates the absolute position of the start point in columns.

Plx indicates the width of the area in columns.

Py indicates the absolute position of the start point in rows.

Ply indicates the height of the area in rows.


When the DECDRLBR escape sequence is received from an application, DECterm software draws ruled lines on one or more of the boundaries of the area between the coordinates(Px,Py ) and(Px+Plx-1, Py+Ply -1) according to the pattern specified in P1. Consider the following example:

CSI 15 ; 1 ; 5 ; 1 ; 2 , r

The preceding escape sequence causes DECterm software to draw ruled lines as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Drawing Ruled Lines with the DECDRLBR Sequence

DECterm software draws ruled lines that are one pixel in width. When the display scrolls, these lines correctly scroll as if text.

Figure 4-2 and the table following the figure describe the bit pattern that the DECDRLBR parameters map to.

Figure 4-2: Bit Pattern for DECDRLBR Parameters

BitBit ValueDescription
Bit 0  Draws line on the bottom boundary 
Bit 1  Draws line on the right boundary 
Bit 2  Draws line on the top boundary 
Bit 3  Draws line on the left boundary 

The DECDRLBR parameters are more completely described in the following list:

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4.2.2    Erasing Ruled Lines in a Pattern

The escape sequence DECERLBRP erases ruled lines on the boundaries of a rectangular area according to a specified pattern. The following table provides format information:

DECERLBRP  Erases ruled lines on the boundaries of a rectangular area  CSI P1;Px;Plx;Py ,s where: P1 indicates the pattern of drawing ruled lines. P1 indicates whether lines are drawn on all sides of the rectangular area, on the left and right sides only, on the top and bottom only, and so forth.

Px indicates the absolute position of the start point in columns.

Plx indicates the width of the area in columns.

Py indicates the absolute position of the start point in rows.

Ply indicates the height of the area in rows.


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4.2.3    Erasing All Ruled Lines in an Area

The escape sequence DECERLBRA erases all ruled lines, not just those drawn on the area boundaries, in a rectangular area. The following table provides format information:

DECERLBRA  Erases ruled lines within a rectangular area  CSI P1;Px;Plx;Py;Ply ,t where: P1 determines whether the area encompasses the entire display screen or a specific section of the screen. When P1 is the value 1, DECterm software erases all ruled lines on the screen. In this case, the parameters Px, Plx, Py, and Ply are ignored. When P1 is the value 2, DECterm software erases all ruled lines within a rectangular area defined by the parameters Px, Plx, Py, and Ply. When P1 is omitted or explicitly set to 0 (zero), DECterm software erases all ruled lines on the screen (the same result as for the value 1, which is the default).

Px indicates the absolute position of the start point in columns.

Plx indicates the width of the area in columns.

Py indicates the absolute position of the start point in rows.

Ply indicates the height of the area in rows.


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4.2.4    Interaction of Ruled Lines and Other DECterm Escape Sequences

Table 4-18 describes the effect of using standard DECterm escape sequences when ruled lines are drawn on the screen.
Table 4-18: Behavior of Standard Escape Sequences with Ruled Lines
MnemonicDescriptionEffect on Ruled Lines
DECDWL, DECDHLT, DECDHLB  Display as double width or double height  These escape sequences have no effect on ruled lines, whose width is always one pixel. Furthermore, the parameter units for the escape sequences controlling ruled line display are always specified in terms of single width and single height columns and rows, even when the escape sequences are used with those that double the height and width of text. 
GSM  Modify graphic size  These escape sequences have no effect on ruled lines, whose width is always one pixel. Comments made in the entry for DECDWL, DECDHLT, and DECDHLB also apply to GSM
ED, EL, ECH  Erase display, erase line, and erase character  These escape sequences do not erase ruled lines, only the characters within the boundaries of the ruled lines. For example:
+------+------+     +------+------+
|ABCDEF|abcdef|     |      |      |
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
|123456|123456|     |      |      |
+------+------+     +------+------+
DL  Delete line  This escape sequence erases both lines of characters and ruled lines at the active position of deletion. The text lines and accompanying ruled lines that follow the deletion point are scrolled up. For example:
+------+------+     +------+------+
|ABCDEF|abcdef|     |123456|123456|
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
IL  Insert line  This escape sequence causes insertion of blank lines at the active position. It causes both text and accompanying ruled lines currently at the active position to be scrolled down. For example:
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
|123456|123456|     |ABCDEF|abcdef|
+------+------+     +------+------+
DCH  Delete character  This escape sequence does not delete ruled lines. The following example shows the result of deleting four characters at the third column position:
+------+------+     +------+------+
|ABCDEF|abcdef|     |ABabcd|ef    |
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
|123456|123456|     |123456|123456|
+------+------+     +------+------+
ICH  Insert character  This escape sequence causes blank spaces to be inserted at the active position but has no effect on ruled lines. The following example shows the result of inserting four characters at the third column position:
+------+------+     +------+------+
|ABCDEF|abcdef|     |AB    |CDEFab|cdef
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
|123456|123456|     |123456|123456|
+------+------+     +------+------+
IRM  Invoke insert/replace mode  Insert/replace mode has no effect on ruled lines. The following example shows the result of inserting the characters w, x, y, and z at the third column position and replacing the character f with s:
+------+------+     +------+------+
|ABCDEF|abcdef|     |ABwxyz|CDEFab|cdes
+------+------+ --> +------+------+
|123456|123456|     |123456|123456|
+------+------+     +------+------+
DECCOLM  Invoke column mode  Ruled lines are erased with accompanying text when column mode is in effect. 
RIS, DECSTR  Reset to initial state and soft terminal, invoke reset SETUP mode  The RIS sequence erases all ruled lines displayed on the screen while the DECSTR sequence does not. Note that the Clear Display option on the DECterm Commands menu erases all ruled lines whereas the Reset Terminal option does not. 

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4.2.5    Determining if the DECterm Device Setting Supports Ruled Lines

The feature that allows applications to draw ruled lines is enabled only when a DECterm window is emulating a terminal type that supports this feature. Your application can check for device support by requesting primary device attributes from DECterm software.

VT terminals and DECterm software return a primary device attributes report on request from applications. If the extension value 43 is included in this report, drawing ruled lines is enabled for the device. This extension is valid at a level-2 video display or higher. For example, if a DECterm window is emulating a VT382-J terminal, which is the Japanese version of a VT382, the primary device attributes are generated as follows:

CSI ? 63 ; 1 ; 2 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 10 ; 15 ; 43 c

Applications can send either the CSI c or CSI 0 c escape sequence to a VT terminal or DECterm software to request a device attributes report.

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4.3    DECterm Programming Restrictions

This section discusses DECterm software restrictions with respect to terminal programming features discussed in hardware manuals.

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4.3.1    Downline Loadable Characters

DECterm software does not support the downline loadable characters that are used for preloading and on-demand loading of terminals. The software ignores the escape sequence for these characters.

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4.3.2    DRCS Characters

DECterm software supports only the Standard Character Set (SCS) component of DRCS. When DECterm software receives the SCS characters, it searches the X window server for the fonts with XLFD named as -*-dec-drcs and treats them as a soft character set. The software ignores the DECDLD control string sent by the terminal programming application.