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6    Introduction for Administrators

The Digital UNIX operating system and its commands, utilities, and subsystems have all been modified to produce the system's trusted computing base (TCB). The changes to the system result in a system that meets the C2 security requirements defined in the Orange Book.

This chapter defines a trusted system and the requirements that the system was designed to satisfy. It introduces the terms and security concepts that are fundamental to system security, and it summarizes the major features of the system security policy enforced by the trusted system. This chapter also summarizes the major characteristics of the system, including its primary databases, subsystems, resource configuration files, and outlines the administrative roles and functions necessary to maintain a trusted system.

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6.1    Frequently Asked Questions About Trusted Systems

When considering the use of a trusted Digital UNIX system, some important questions are frequently asked:

Although the trusted system has extended the Digital UNIX operating system to enforce additional security checks, the basic mechanisms of the system remain the same. Compatibility at the binary program interface and at the user interface have been design criteria for the trusted system. The trust enhancements have been made to incur as small a reduction in performance and as little unexpected system behavior as possible.

Although users will see few differences, the additional security requirements do add overhead for the trusted system administrative staff. Not only must this staff be familiar with the tasks involved in administering a trusted system, they must also be familiar with the trusted system mechanisms so they can understand the implications of their actions.

A knowledgeable administrative staff contributes to the security of any site. In fact, training both the administrative staff and the users is one of the best ways you can protect the system against penetration.

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6.2    Defining a Trusted System

A trusted system is one that employs sufficient hardware and software integrity measures to allow its use for simultaneously processing a range of sensitive or confidential information. A trusted system can be trusted to perform correctly in two important ways:

A security policy is a statement of the rules and practices that regulate how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information. The system's security mechanisms maintain full compatibility with existing Digital UNIX security mechanisms while expanding the protection of user and system information.

An organization carries out its security policy by running the system as described in this manual and by adhering to the administrative and procedural guidelines defined for the system.

Understanding the concept of a TCB is important to understanding a trusted system. The TCB is the set of protection mechanisms that enforces the system's security policy. It includes all of the code that runs with hardware privilege (that is, the kernel) and all code running in processes that cooperate with the operating system to enforce the security policy. The system's TCB consists of the following parts:

A TCB is typically defined in terms of subjects and objects. The TCB oversees and monitors interactions between subjects (active entities such as processes) and objects (passive entities such as files, devices, and inter-process communication mechanisms). See Appendix A for the software part of the system's TCB.

The trusted system protects a Digital UNIX system and its users against a variety of threats and system compromises. The most important of these threats are summarized in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: Potential System Threats

Threat Effect
Data disclosure The threat of disclosure occurs when a user gains access to information for which that user does not have a need-to-know. Need-to-know restrictions are enforced by the system's discretionary access control features, which enable users, at their own discretion, to allow their information to be accessed by other users.
Loss of data integrity The threat of integrity loss occurs when user or system information is overwritten - either intentionally or inadvertently. Loss of data integrity can occur from hardware failures (for example, disk track failures) or software failures. When a loss of data integrity occurs, an opportunity is created for an unauthorized user to change information that affects the ability of the system to function properly.
Loss of TCB integrity The TCB enforces the system's security policy. Any loss of integrity of TCB programs and files, including the executable copies of those programs in memory, constitutes a compromise of the integrity of the TCB itself and can lead to incorrect enforcement of the security policy.
Denial of service To function usefully, the system must respond to requests for service. One way to compromise the usefulness of a system is to cause it to fail in its ability to process work. When denial of service occurs, users lose the ability to access their information. Depending upon the method of attack, the threat of denial of service can accompany any of the other previously mentioned threats.

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6.3    Enhanced Security Features

The Digital UNIX operating system, with the optional enhanced security subset installed and in use, is designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the C2 evaluation class of Department of Defense 5200.28-STD as described in the Orange Book.

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6.3.1    Audit Features

Digital UNIX provides the following audit features:

The audit system is set up from the command line and maintained from the command line or with OSF/Motif based interfaces.

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6.3.2    Identification and Authentication (I and A) Features

Enhanced security provides the following I and A features:

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6.3.3    Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Traditionally, UNIX systems control a user's access to files and directories (file system objects) using a method of discretionary access control (DAC) normally referred to as the permission bits. By default, Digital UNIX systems are run using this untrusted method of DAC for file system objects.

ACLs provide greater granularity of file system object protection than the default DAC protection. The level of file system object protection provided by ACLs is required by trusted systems, but ACLs can be enabled separately from the other security options. This allows you to tailor your system to use only the security options that you need, instead of having to setup a fully trusted system.

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6.3.4    Integrity Features

The enhanced security option provides the capability to validate the correct operation of hardware, firmware, and software components of the TCB. The firmware includes power-on diagnostics and more extensive diagnostics that can optionally be enabled. The firmware itself resides in EEPROM memory and can be physically write-protected. It can be compared with, or reloaded from, an off-line master copy. Digital's service engineers can run additional hardware diagnostics as well.

The firmware can require authorization to load any operating software other than the default, or to execute privileged console monitor commands that examine or modify memory.

Once the operating system has been loaded, you can run system diagnostics that validate the correct operation of the hardware and software. In addition, test suites are available to ensure the correct operation of the operating system software.

You can use the following tools to detect inconsistencies in the TCB software and databases:

The fverify program reads subset inventory records from standard input and verifies that the attributes for the files on the system match the attributes listed in the corresponding records. Missing files and inconsistencies in file size, checksum, user ID, group ID, permissions, and file type are reported.

The authck program checks both the overall structure and internal field consistency of all components of the authentication database. It reports all problems it finds.

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6.4    Windows-Based Administration Utilities


The functions previously performed with the XIsso and XSysAdmin programs have been moved to other graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The XIsso and XSysAdmin programs in this release are only interfaces to the other GUIs and support for XIsso and XSysAdmin will be discontinued after this release.

The following three window-based utilities help you deal with the day-to-day security administration on your local machine:

The Account Manager in the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) or the dxaccounts program in the DECwindows environment allows you to create and modify all user accounts, and to modify the system defaults. You can find the Account Manager under the Application Manager->System_Admin-> System_Management_Utilities->Daily_Admin->Account Manager.

You use dxaudit to configure the audit system mask and reports, and use dxaccounts to set a user's audit mask and controls. Administrators have the flexibility to configure the audit subsystem without the requirement of installing additional C2 security features.

You can find the Audit Manager GUI under the CDE Application Manager->System_Admin-> System_Management_Utilities->Daily_Admin->Audit Manager. If you are using DECwindows environment, start the Audit Manager from the command line with the /usr/tcb/bin/dxaudit command.

You use the dxdevices program to configure devices. In both the CDE and DECwindows environment, the Devices GUI is started from the command line with the /usr/tcb/bin/dxdevices command.

For more details about starting the GUIs from the command line, see the dxaccounts(8), dxaudit(8), and dxdevices(8) reference pages.

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6.4.1    Installing and Configuring Enhanced Security

Before security can be configured, the enhanced security subsets (OSFC2SEC400 and OSFXC2SEC400) must be installed on your system. See the Installation Guide for more information.

System administrators can select the optional C2 security features that are required for their system. You do not have to configure all the features. The default security level consists of object reuse protection, traditional UNIX passwords, and discretionary access control; by running the secsetup command, you can select the C2 security features appropriate for your system. The secsetup utility is found in CDE under Application Manager->System_Admin->System_Managent_Utilities->Configuration-> Security. The secsetup utitlity can also be run from the command line, which is the way it must be run in the DECwindows environment.

The audit subsystem is configurable at kernel link time, regardless of the security level of the system. The identification and authorization (I and A) features are configured at boot time, so that the system administrator can configure the security level of the system. ACLs are configured at install time and are enabled and disabled using the secsetup utility.

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6.5    Administrating the Trusted Operating System

An administrator of a trusted Digital UNIX system is responsible for overseeing many additional security functions such as the following:

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6.5.1    Traditional Administrative Roles

An important difference between a nontrusted and a trusted Digital UNIX system is in the area of system administration. An effective administrator must understand the system's security policy, how it is controlled by the information entered into the system's security databases, and how any changes made in these databases affect user and administrator actions.

Administrators must be aware of the sensitivity of the information being protected at a site - the degree to which users are aware of, willing, and able to cooperate with the system's security policy, and the threat of penetration or misuse from insiders and outsiders. Only vigilance and proper use of the system can keep the system secure.

Table 6-2 summarizes these major roles and their associated responsibilities in the system. The sections that follow describe these responsibilities in greater detail.

Table 6-2: Traditional Administrative Roles

Role Major Responsibilities
Information Systems Security Officer Sets system defaults for users, maintains security-related authentication profile parameters, modifies user accounts, administers the audit subsystem, assigns devices, and ensures system integrity.
System administrator Creates user accounts, creates and maintains file systems, and recovers from system failures.
Operator Administers line printers, mounts and unmounts file systems, and starts up and shuts down the system.

Role association, coupled with sophisticated auditing features, enables a site to maintain accountability for administrative actions. This helps to prevent security problems and makes other problems easier to identify and solve.

On a trusted Digital UNIX system, responsibility for all of these traditional roles can be assumed by one person. An administrator with root privilege can perform any of the duties usually assigned to the ISSO. The trusted Digital UNIX system does not support sysadmin and isso accounts.

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The information systems security officer (ISSO) is primarily responsible for managing security-related mechanisms. The ISSO controls the way that users log in and identify themselves to the system. The ISSO must cooperate with the system administrator when performing security-related tasks; the system's checks and balances often require that each perform a separate part of a total task (for example, account creation). The following list describes specific ISSO responsibilities:

All of the ISSO functions, except integrity checking, can be performed using the Account Manager (or DECwindows dxaccounts interface). To perform ISSO functions, you must have root privileges and be logged on as root.

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The system administrator is primarily responsible for account creation and disabling, and for ensuring the internal integrity of the system software and file systems. The system administrator also shares with the ISSO the responsibility for day-to-day user account maintenance.

The following list describes specific system administrator responsibilities:

The system administrator creates user accounts and creates groups with the Account Manager (or the DECwindows dxaccounts) interface.

To perform system administration functions, you must have root privileges and be logged on as root.

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The operator is primarily responsible for ensuring that day-to-day hardware and software operations are performed in a trusted fashion.

The following list describes some specific operator responsibilities:

To perform the operator functions, you must have root privileges and be logged on as root.

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6.5.2    Protected Subsystems

Protected subsystems are collections of programs and resources that are grouped together by function and are important pieces of the TCB. They may or may not need privileges to accomplish their function. The system provides mechanisms for unified auditing and command authorization enforcement within a protected subsystem. Administration of these includes assigning subsystem-related authorizations, performing subsystem administration tasks, and assuring proper installation and continued operation of the subsystem.

The components of a protected subsystem are protected with the group ID of the group allowed access rights to the programs and data in the subsystem. The only way for a user to access the subsystem information is by running programs in the subsystem.

The subsystem programs are set-group-ID (SGID) on execution to the subsystem's group. This method is also used in untrusted Digital UNIX systems. All of the subsystems have been modified to meet security and accountability requirements.

The system provides common mechanisms for implementing all of the protected subsystems, including the following:

Table 6-3 summarizes the protected subsystems.

Table 6-3: Protected Subsystems

Database Location Contents
Protected password /tcb/files/auth.db User authentication database
System defaults /etc/auth/system/default Default values for database fields
Terminal control /etc/auth/system/ttys.db Security information about each terminal
File control /etc/auth/system/files Protection attributes of each system file
Device assignment /etc/auth/system/devassign Device-specific controls

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The protected password database stores the authentication profile for each user who has an account on the system. Each profile contains information such as the following:

The protected password database is located in the file /tcb/files/auth.db.

See the prpasswd(4) reference page for more information on the contents of the extended profile database.

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The system defaults database stores default values for database fields. These defaults are used when the administrator does not set explicit values in the protected password database, terminal control database, or device assignment database.

The system defaults database contains information such as the following:

More information on the contents of the system defaults database located in /etc/auth/system/default can be found in the default(4) reference page.

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The terminal control database contains information that the administrator uses to control login activity at each terminal attached to the system. The system uses this database as an aid in controlling access to the system through terminals. The administrator can set different policies for logins at different terminals, depending upon the site's physical and administrative needs.

Each entry in the terminal control database contains information such as the following:

When the system is installed, the terminal control database contains an entry for the system console. The ISSO modifies these initial values during system setup. A corresponding entry, also initially installed, is required in the device assignment database before logins are allowed.

For more information about the contents of the terminal control database located in /etc/auth/system/ttys.db, see the ttys(4) reference page. Procedures for adding terminals are described in Chapter 8.

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The file control database contains information about the protection attributes of system files (that is, files important to the TCB's operation). This database helps maintain the integrity of the TCB. It contains one entry for each system file.

Each entry in the file control database contains the following information:

When the system is installed, the file control database contains entries for all security relevant system files. The ISSO does not need to modify this database during system setup and rarely needs to update it during system operation. Chapter 12 describes how to check the integrity of the database and modify it if necessary.

For more information about the contents of the file control database located in /etc/auth/system/files, see the files(4) reference page.

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The device assignment database contains information about devices that are used to exchange data with users. Each login terminal must have an entry in the device assignment database. The system uses this database as an aid in restricting the security attributes of data that can be sent or received through the system's devices.

Each entry in the device assignment database contains information that describes a device and that relates the device pathname to the appropriate physical device. This is necessary because a number of distinct pathname can refer to the same physical device. For example, two pathname can refer to the same serial port - one with modem control enabled and the other with modem control disabled.

Each entry in the device assignment database contains information such as the following:

Entries referring to login terminals must have corresponding entries in the terminal control database.

The device assignment database is located in /etc/auth/system/devassign. See the devassign(4) reference page for details