OpenVMS VMS721H1_LAN-V0100 Alpha V7.2-1H1 LAN ECO Summary
TITLE: OpenVMS VMS721H1_LAN-V0100 Alpha V7.2-1H1 LAN ECO Summary
New Kit Date : 19-FEB-2001
Modification Date: Not Applicable
Modification Type: New Kit
NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
For OpenVMS savesets, the name of the compressed saveset
file will be kit_name.a-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or
kit_name.a-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the OpenVMS
saveset is copied to your system, expand the compressed
saveset by typing RUN kitname.dcx_vaxexe or kitname.dcx_alpexe.
For PCSI files, once the PCSI file is copied to your system,
rename the PCSI file to kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi, then it can
be expanded by typing RUN kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi. The resultant
file will be the PCSI installation file which can be used to install
the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha
SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation
ECO Kit Name: VMS721H1_LAN-V0100
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 6464 Blocks
Kit Applies To: OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1H1
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes
Rolling Re-boot Supported: Yes
Installation Rating: INSTALL_3
3 - To be installed on all systems running
the listed versions of OpenVMS which
are experiencing the problems described.
Kit Dependencies:
The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
installation of this kit:
In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:
An ECO kit exists for LAN on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1H1.
This kit addresses the following problems:
New Functionality Addressed In VMS721H1_LAN-V0100:
o Compaq 3X-DAPBA-FA and Compaq 3X-DAPCA-FA ATM Adapters
The 3X-DAPBA-FA and the 3X-DAPCA-FA are PCI based ATM adapters for
Alpha based systems that provide high performance PCI-to-ATM
capability. The 3X-DAPBA-FA adapter offers a 155 Mbps fiber
connection; the 3X-DAPCA-FA adapter offers a 622 Mbps fiber
The datalink drivers for these adapters function in a new OpenVMS
ATM environment. The new OpenVMS ATM environment is fully
compatible with the existing legacy ATM support and allows both ATM
environments to be configured on a single system. Additionally,
the LANCP management interface is the same for both ATM
environments. The following images/files support the new OpenVMS
ATM environment:
These adapters require a great deal of non-paged pool, and
therefore, care should be taken when configuring them. The
following restrictions apply to these adapters:
+ For each 3X-DAPBA-FA adapter, Compaq recommends increasing the
SYSGEN parameter NPAGEVIR by 3000000.
+ For each 3X-DAPCA-FA adapter, Compaq recommends increasing
NPAGEVIR by 6000000.
To perform the above changes, add the ADD_NPAG_VIR parameter to
MODPARAMS.DAT and then run AUTOGEN. For example, on a system with
two 3X-DAPBA-FAs and one 3X-DAPCA-FA, you would add the following
ADD_NPAG_VIR = 12000000
The following restrictions apply to these adapters:
+ The adapter cannot be located on a PCI bus that is located
behind a PCI-to-PCI bridge. Systems that have this
configuration are the following:
- Digital Personal AlphaWorkstation 600
- AlphaStation 1000A
- COMPAQ Professional Workstation XP1000
- AlphaServer 2000 and 2100
+ Classical IP is not supported with these new adapters.
+ SDA does not correctly identify these new ATM/FORE adapters.
They are identified as "unknown adapters." This will be fixed
in a subsequent support release.
o Add support for unlimited chained transmit segments to ALPHA
LAN drivers.
Support has been added for unlimited chained transmit segments to
LAN drivers. Support for this functionality is a performance
enhancement for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Images Affected:
o Add new functionality to support a gigabit Ethernet driver.
Support for gigabit Ethernet drivers has been added.
Images Affected:
Problems Addressed In VMS721H1_LAN-V0100:
o The PCI FDDI adapter (the DEFPA) halts with a fatal hardware
On some systems, the PCI FDDI adapter (the DEFPA) halts with a
fatal hardware error. When the driver attempts to restart the
DEFPA, the driver detects either a parity error being reported
by the DEFPA, or it detects a command failure, which prevents
the driver from getting the DEFPA restarted successfully.
Images Affected:
o The line speed in the LDC may be set to either 4 or 16
The LAN Device Characteristics block (LDC) contains the device
line speed, which applications may use to determine how fast
the device is running. The Token Ring driver sets the line
speed at 16, even if driver is set to 4 megabits. The change
enables the driver to set the speed in the LDC to 4 or 16
megabits, whenever a new speed is determined.
Images Affected:
o A multitude of data overruns causes very poor network
performance when running from DE504 in ES40 to DE602 in GS160.
Images Affected:
o A newly allocated buffer was put at the end of the buffer
The system can crash with an INVEXCEPTN bugcheck.
Images Affected:
o The system can crash when an interrupt occurs after
de-allocating the buffer. The crash occurs when the system
attempts to make an interrupt trace entry.
Images Affected:
o An INVEXCEPTN crash can occur when CSMACD executes an NCL
Images Affected:
o The LAN device line speeds are displayed incorrectly with
Images Affected:
o An INVEXCEPTN crash occurs in the SYS$EW1000A driver following
Images Affected:
o If the CLUSTER_CONFIG LANACP configuration process quota is
exceeded, LAN devices cannot be enabled and the LAN process
will abort.
Images Affected:
o DE425 does not function on systems that do not have mapping
Images Affected:
o Fix driver extension codes to facilitate accurate printing.
In some instances, the extension codes were in conflict with
the drivers' if-then-else implementations.
Images Affected:
o Prevent SHOW_NODE from displaying error messages even after
the specified node is found.
Images Affected:
o A system can crash following the entry of a STOP/IP/ISA1
command from within the TCPWare management interface.
Images Affected:
o On some systems, the DE600 may discard receive packets because
it cannot get sufficient memory bandwidth to unload incoming
receive packets. This results in poor system performance
levels, e.g., network copies that take longer than expected
and set host and TELNET sessions that see pauses, which are
all caused by lost packets that force error recovery and
re-transmission by individual applications.
Images Affected:
o The transmit routine in the Gigabit Ethernet driver does not
properly deal with buffers that cross more than two page
boundaries. Data corruption may occur in the last 822 or less
bytes of a large buffer and zeros may be transmitted instead
of the correct data.
Images Affected:
o A receive packet could occasionally be received into a buffer
that the device had previously used, which results in pool
Images Affected:
o A multi-segment transmit could transmit incorrect data to the
destination or could result in a system machine check crash.
Images Affected:
o Packets are left in the DE500BA receive ring and they do not
get processed until another packet is received, which
decreases performance.
Images Affected:
o The LAN driver is called by a bugcheck to shutdown before it
has run a unit init, so the LSD is zero. As a result, the LAN
driver ACCVIOs.
Images Affected:
The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is
rebooted. If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must
also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s).
If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at
this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed.
Install this kit with the POLYCENTER Software installation utility
by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the
DCL prompt:
The kit location may be a tape drive, CD, or a disk directory that
contains the kit.
Additional help on installing PCSI kits can be found by typing
HELP PRODUCT INSTALL at the system prompt
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: