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DECnet/OSI DNVOSIA_E01072 DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 For OpenVMS Alpha ECO Summary

TITLE: DECnet/OSI DNVOSIA_E01072 DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 For OpenVMS Alpha ECO Summary Modification Date: 18-APR-2000 Modification Type: Technical Documentation: The applicable versions of OpenVMS Alpha are 7.2 and 7.2-1. NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file. For OpenVMS savesets, the name of the compressed saveset file will be kit_name.a-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name.a-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the OpenVMS saveset is copied to your system, expand the compressed saveset by typing RUN kitname.dcx_vaxexe or kitname.dcx_alpexe. For PCSI files, once the PCSI file is copied to your system, rename the PCSI file to kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi, then it can be expanded by typing RUN kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi. The resultant file will be the PCSI installation file which can be used to install the ECO. Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha COMPONENTS: Session Routing OSI Transport NSP Transport Configure/Startup Cluster Alias SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: DNVOSIA_E01072 DEC-AXPVMS-DNVOSIECO01-V0702--4.PCSI ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None ECO Kit Approximate Size: 60064 Blocks Kit Applies To: DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 OpenVMS Alpha V7.2, V7.2-1 System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes Rolling Re-boot Supported: Information Not Available Kit Dependencies: The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE installation of this kit: None In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed: None ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 for OpenVMS Alpha on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 through V7.2-1. This kit addresses the following problems: A. Corrections for Base Components o Corrections made to SYS$UPDATE:DECNET_MIGRATE.EXE: - Include for compatibility with NET$CONFIGURE.COM o Corrections made to SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CLERK_STARTUP.COM: - Add DNS$ADVER_AST_LIMIT logical and increase clerk quotas. Translate each of the logicals from the system table if it exists, otherwise use the defaults. Increase default quota for direct I/O, file_limit, enqueue limit, queue limit, adver_buffer_limit, and adver_max_working_set. o Corrections made to SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CLERK_STOP.COM - Included file SYS$MANAGER:NET$DNS_CLERK_STOP.NCL - No changes, include for compatibility. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:DECNET_REGISTER.EXE: - No changes, include for compatibility. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:DTSS$SET_TIMEZONE.EXE - Included for compatibility with DTSS$SERVICE. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:DTSS$SERVICE.EXE - Correct PGFIPLHI crash on startup. Insure that any linkages which may be touched at an elevated IPL are in a page which is locked. - Prevent possible crash on boot in read cluster time. o Corrections made to SYS$LIBRARY:DTSS$SHR.EXE - Included for compatibility with DTSS$SERVICE. o Corrections made to SYS$STARTUP:DTSS$STARTUP.COM: - Included for compatibility with NET$STARTUP. o Corrections made to SYS$UPDATE:DTSS$TIMEZONE_RULES.DAT: - Change DTSS British time zone rule from 4th Sunday in October to 5th Sunday in October. NET$CONFIGURE.COM must be run to update these rules. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NCL.EXE - Correct ASSIGN/USER output to one file (VAX only). o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NCL.EXE - Correct default entity and global parsing vector when the initial connect attempt failed. o Corrections made to SYS$LIBRARY:NCLSHR: - Modify UIC format of an end user specification filter to return the %NCL-E-BADVALUE error when necessary. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NET$ACP.EXE: - Include for compatitiblity with CDI$SHR. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$ALIAS.EXE - Correction for incoming selection weight on objects. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NET$CCR.EXE: - Include for compatibility with NET$MOP. o Corrections made to SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE.COM: - Modify error handling on temporary files. o Corrections made to SYS$UPDATE:NET$CONVERT_DATABASE.EXE: - Include for compatibility with NET$CONFIGURE. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$DRIVER.EXE: - Prevent possible application RWAST or network device hangs with QIOUCB$V_closeassocdone. Double close associations precipitated this modification. Both QIO_EXECUTE and QIO_COMPLETION were modified to add a new bit to check if the association has already been closed and if the channel can be deallocated. - Modify disconnect data counted string to emulate Phase IV behavior of stepping on the first byte of user data to make it a counted string IF the user application did not supply this necessary count. o Corrections made to SYS$LIBRARY:NET$EVD_RELAY_FORMATTER: - Include for compatiblity with NET$EVENT_DISPATCHER. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NET$EVENT_DISPATCHER: - Create new filters to block the following CSMA and FDDI events to correct the command RESET EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM. The global filter will block the following events by default: ((node,csma,station), unrecognized multicast destination pdu) ((node,csma,station), unavailable station buffer) ((node,fddi,station,link), unrecognized multicast pdu destination) If you do not want these events blocked by default at creation time, create a new SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL by copying the NET$EVENT_LOCAL.TEMPLATE and include appropriate commands to pass one or more of these events. o Corrections made to SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_LOCAL.TEMPLATE: - If a NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL was previously created from the old NET$EVENT_LOCAL.TEMPLATE, then your site-specific NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL should be edited to remove the following duplicate block command: BLOCK EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM local_stream GLOBAL FILTER ((NODE,MOP,CIRCUIT), Unrecognized Dump Client). - Since new filters now block the CSMA and FDDI events by default, the following pass commands have been added: !PASS EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM * GLOBAL FILTER - ! ((NODE,CSMA-CD,STATION), Unrecognized Multicast Destination PDU) !PASS EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM * GLOBAL FILTER - ! ((NODE,CSMA-CD,STATION), Unavailable Station Buffer) !PASS EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM * GLOBAL FILTER - ! ((NODE,FDDI,STATION,LINK), Unrecognized Multicast PDU Destination) If you have previously created a NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL script by copying the old .TEMPLATE, regardless of whether you choose to use these commands or not, please update that site-specific NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL script. o Corrections made to SYS$SYSTEM:NET$MOP: - Prevent KRNSTAKNV crash with DECthreads changes in V7.2-1. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$MOPS0.EXE: - Include for compatibility with NET$MOP. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$OSDRIVER.EXE: - Include for compatibility with NET$DRIVER. o Corrections made to SYS$LIBRARY:NET$PROCESS_EMAA.EXE: - Include for compatibility with SYS$NETWORK_SERVICES o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$ROUTING_ES.EXE: - Correct Phase V to Phase IV translation padding on transmit header. - Prevent possible shutdown crash on disable when a WCB contained an unexpected Routing Routine, net$clns_transmit_discard. Clear the CLNS_CDB before deleting the TSEL in the CLNS port close. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$ROUTING_IS.EXE: - Prevent possible crash with X.25 PVCs. - X.25 circuit enable code was modified to prevent possible corruption if the X.25 channel was disconnected. - Raise the maximum allowed circuits from 20 to 40. - Modify the use of R9 to avoid corruption in LES (Alpha only). - Prevent Alias shutdown crash when the alias port was deallocated. - Correct Alias forwarding logic. o Corrections made to SYS$LIBRARY:NET$SDA.EXE: - Update for compatibility with OpenVMS V7.2-1 changes. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$SESSION_CONTROL.EXE: - Conditionalize out SCL spinlock checking because this check is now obsolete. - Pevent crash in NET$ACP from a bad DECdns and CDI cache entry. A stale pointer in DNSResult[DNSREQ$A_Pointer] with ACP$CheckBackTransTask could cause a double deallocation. o Corrections made to SYS$MANAGER:NET$SHUTDOWN.COM: - Prevent NET$SHUTDOWN from aborting when a NET process logical was defined. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$TPCONS.EXE: - Prevent possible system crash on a disconnect indication. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$TRACER: - Update for compatibility with OpenVMS V7.2-1 changes. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$TRANSPORT_NSP.EXE: - Prevent a remote TCID from attempting to be reused for a connection if the previous connection failed to be deaccessed. - Corrected the possible delivery of protocol errors with disconnect data. If the user string (P2) is not a counted string this will now be included on behalf of the user. Phase IV did this previously, but removed the first byte of the user data while making it counted. o Corrections made to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:NET$TRANSPORT_OSI.EXE: - Modify state tables such that if the port is in a WFNC state and receives a DR or DC, just ignore the message rather then bugcheck. - Correct restraint mode window. - Correct default packet size when remote fails to set the size. - Prevent OSITP retransmission timeouts with zero credit. o Corrections made to SYS$STARTUP:NET$STARTUP.COM: - Remove any requirement for LOCAL on DECdns servers. B. DECdns Update ECO 72 o Update to SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES]SYS$NAME_SERVICES.EXE: - Prevents NSAP's with a prefix of %x49 from being inserted in the cache if the configured prefix is other than %x49. Also, there is a correction to preserve the STICKY bit in the cache, if it was previously set, when the address of an item in the cache is updated. - Prevents the DNS$ADVER process from crashing when a "SHOW DNS CLERK REMOTE CLEARINGHOUSE ..." command is issued. This problem sometimes appears as hang to the user when a command similar to the one shown above is issued. - Added the ability to define the following logical names in the system logical name table: DNS$ADVER_AST_LIMIT DNS$ADVER_BUFFER_LIMIT DNS$ADVER_EXTENT DNS$ADVER_MAX_WORKING_SET DNS$ADVER_PAGE_FILE These logical names correspond to qualifiers on the RUN statement which are described in the OpenVMS documentation. If any of these logical names are defined at the time the DNS$ADVER process starts up, then the values defined for these logical names are used instead of the default quotas. Typically, these logical names are defined in the file: SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM This is necessary because the logical names need to be defined before the DNS$ADVER process starts up. One reason for using these logical names is if you have a system is configured with more than two ethernet controllers. Another reason is to define increased quota for the DNS$ADVER process when you receive a message on the console during startup that the DNS cache is not initialized (DNS$_NOCACHE,"Clerk cache not initialized"). Selected default quotas for the DNS$ADVER process have also been increased for the ECO 72. The selected quotas that have been increased include direct I/0, enqueue limit, queue limit, buffer limit and maximum_working_set. - Corrected the clerk treewalk algorithm to prevent the algorithm from failing to find the desired clearinghouse to satisfy the name lookup request. Typically, the symptom of this problem was the return status of DNS$_NOCOMMUNICATIONS on a "SHOW CLEARINGHOUSE ..." command when the clerk should have been able to connect the proper clearinghouse. C. New NCL Global Section o Update made to SYS$LIBRARY:NCL$GLOBALSECTION.DAT: - Updates for X.25 on OpenVMS Alpha have been included. D. Updated NCL Help File o Update made to SYS$HELP:NCLHELP.HLB INSTALLATION NOTES: Install this kit with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (PCSI) by logging into the SYSTEM account, and entering the following command at the DCL prompt: $ PRODUCT INSTALL DNVOSIECO01/SOURCE=[location of the .PCSI file] Note that you can use the DECwindows Motif interface to PCSI if you wish. For the corrections to take effect, you must reboot the system. If you are a member of a VMScluster, you must reboot the entire cluster. You can postpone rebooting if it is not convenient for you to do so now; however, the new driver(s) will not take effect until after a reboot. 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