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PTHREADS-VMS ALPTHREADS_03071 OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 Java JDK Support ECO Summary

TITLE: PTHREADS-VMS ALPTHREADS_03071 OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 Java JDK Support ECO Summary NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file. The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which can be used to install the ECO. Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998. All rights reserved. Modification Date: 20-AUG-1998 Modification Type: New ECO Kit OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha COMPONENT: PTHREADS SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: ALPTHREADS_03071 ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: ALPTHREADS_02071 (Not released in TIMA) ECO Kit Approximate Size: 3250 Blocks Saveset A - 3240 Blocks Kit Applies To: OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2 System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes Rolling Re-boot Supported: Not Known Installation Rating: 2 - To be installed on all systems running the listed version(s) of OpenVMS and using the following feature(s): - Running Java JDK Kit Dependencies: The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE installation of this kit: None In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed: None \ \ For Internal Use Only: \ \ CSCPAT Kit: CSCPAT_3168 V1.0 (CSCPAT_3168010) \ Code Stream/Version Fix Checked In: N/A \ \ CHECK_DSNPATCH Title: \ Java JDK Support for DECThreads \ OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 ALPTHREADS_03071 ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for Java JDK Support for DECThreads on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 through V7.1-1H2. This kit addresses the following problems: Problems addressed in ALPTHREADS_03071: o This kit updates the DECthreads environment for OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 with new support required to run the Java JDK kit. The new support encompasses major structural changes to DECthreads, including fixes for performance issues. o Because of new interdependencies between the PTHREAD$RTL and CMA$TIS_SHR images, the minor idents for both images have been bumped for this kit. As a result, threaded applications built against the updated threads images will NOT run correctly on standard V7.1 systems. Therefore, Digital recommends that threaded applications intended for use on V7.1 NOT be built on systems where this kit has been installed. \ \ CLD(s): HPAQ70ZBS RELATED ARTICLES: Detailed articles describing the problems listed above may exist in the OPENVMS database. To view these articles, open the appropriate product database and perform a query using either of the following search strings: 'ALPTHREADS_03071' or 'ALPTHREADS'. \ \ Internal database name(s): OPENVMS (OPERATING_SYSTEMS) ECO KIT ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: If after an evaluation you wish to obtain this kit, request it electronically using the appropriate Advanced Electronic Services (AES) Service Tool. If you are not familiar with how to request kits electronically, open the DIA, WIS or DSNLINK database and review the article entitled: [AES] How To Electronically Request ECO Kits Using Service Tools INSTALLATION NOTES: Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the SYSTEM account and typing the following at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALPTHREADS_0371 [saveset location] The saveset location can be a tape drive or a disk directory that contains the kit saveset. Note that the installation will require a minimum of 10000 free blocks on the system disk. Much of this space is needed only during the installation as system libraries are being updated. Space can be recovered after installation by purging the system disk to remove files that are replaced by the installation procedure. The system should be rebooted after the successful installation of the update kit. If you have other nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster sharing a common system disk, they should also be rebooted in order make use of the new images. \ \ \ INTERNAL ECO KIT INFORMATION: \ \ There is an ECO kit available through the AES Tools and the CSCPAT \ Utility. \ \ For more information on these tools, please refer to the following \ articles in the "ECO-SUMMARY" and "AES-xxx (USA,EUR,GIA)" databases \ entitled: \ \ [CSCPAT] The CSCPAT Utility - What It Is And How To Use It \ [AES] How To Electronically Request ECO Kits Using Service Tools \ \ \ ECO KIT POLICY STATEMENT: \ \ This kit should ONLY be used as part of a solution to a specific \ problem and not as a troubleshooting method, e.g., for 'quick fix \ tries' at a customer site. \ \ \ IMAGE/PATCH DESCRIPTION: \ \ NOTE: To obtain the checksum information (in hexadecimal) for an \ image, use the undocumented/unsupported command: \ \ $ CHECKSUM /IMAGE \ \ To obtain the checksum information (in decimal) for a file \ that is not a native VMS image, use the commands: \ \ $ CHECKSUM \ $ SHOW SYMBOL CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM \ \ \ Image Information for ALPTHREADS_03071: \ \ ========================================================================== \ | Table of Kit Image Information | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | | Overall | Image File | Image Link | \ | Image Name | Checksum | Identification | Date/Time | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | CMA$LIB_SHR.EXE | EF645F8A | CMA V3.14-139 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:25:32.90 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | CMA$OPEN_LIB_SHR.EXE | A3A93EE4 | CMA V3.14-139 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:25:34.49 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | CMA$OPEN_RTL.EXE | 331C7994 | CMA V3.14-211 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:25:26.24 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | CMA$RTL.EXE | 3525A239 | CMA V3.14-211 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:25:22.12 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | CMA$TIS_SHR.EXE | 7CD0EFF9 | V3.15-113 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:24:46.64 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | PTHREAD$DBGSHR.EXE | 3B7A9BD8 | V3.15-250 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:25:09.24 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ | PTHREAD$RTL.EXE | 1130C1BD | V3.15-250 | 12-AUG-1998 | \ | | | 15:24:56.24 | \ +----------------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+ \ \ \ \ CONTRIBUTORS: \ \ Technical: \ OpenVMS Engineering (999994) \ \ Editorial: \ Joe Spainhower (10013696) \ \\ PTHREAD$RTL CMA$RTL PTHREAD$DBGSHR CMA$LIB_SHR CMA$OPEN_LIB_SHR \\ CMA$TIS_SHR CMA$OPEN_RTL \\ PROD=OPENVMS-AXP SPD=41.87 CAT=OPSYS GRP=OPENVMS-AXP OS=OPENVMS-AXP \\ CSCPAT CSCPAT_3168 ECO_SUMMARY GRP=ECO \\ ALPTHREADS ALPTHREADS_03071 \\ STATUS=CURRENT QREVIEW=10013696

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