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Ray, Here is the title for the abstract: Title: *SNA_LU6-UNIX] SNALU62E08_300 DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 V3.0 UNIX ECO Summary Paul ******************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996, 1997. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: DIGITAL SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface for DIGITAL UNIX OP/SYS: DIGITAL UNIX[R] SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: SNALU62E08_300 ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: SNALU62E07_300 SNALU62E06_300 SNALU62E05_300 SNALU62E04_300 SNALU62E03_300 SNALU62E02_300 SNALU62300 ECO Kit Approximate Size: 6360 Blocks 3256320 Bytes Kit Applies To: DIGITAL SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 through V4.0x System Reboot Necessary: No ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for DIGITAL SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 on DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 through V4.0x. This kit addresses the following problems: Problems addressed in the SNALU62E08_300 kit: o Pthread_cond_signal referenced deallocated context block o Virtual Memory Not Freed In CPIC When A Conversation Is In Deallocate State o Segmentation Faults When Trying to Free up a Buffer o AS400 Adaptive Pacing Problem o Server hang if session unbound while conversation is active o LU6.2 verbs may complete prematurely o The cpic side file doesn't take the parameter security_type Problems addressed in the SNALU62E07_300 kit: o The return code from CMINIC is always CM_OK. o If the BIND contains the Nonce Data Structured Data Subfield X'13', the BIND is being rejected. o Segmentation Faults During Processing FMH5. o Lu-Lu Session-Level Security Verification Failed. o Segmentation Faults When Session Was UNBOUND. Problems addressed in the SNALU62E06_300 kit: o Mode name with trailing blanks causes sending of sense code 0x0835. o Change lu62_script to be able to re-establish SNA sessions. o Server hangs if session unbound while waiting for pacing response. o The snalu62_attach_listen() call erroneously returns a null TP name. o cmrcv returned state_check when conversation deallocated. o BIND responses with non 0x02 sid were rejected with sense code 0x0835. Problems addressed in the SNALU62E05_300 kit: o Isolated Pacing Message (IPM) RUs rejected with sense code X'10010003'. o Incorrect handling of LL length fields that span RUs. o Reset ACK IPM was sent as an expedited flow RU. o Incorrect security on an attach causes subsequent attaches to hang. o Receipt of an Unsolicited IPM may cause LU6.2 server to hang. o Allow installation on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. o Prevent creation of defunct zombie child processes. Problems addressed in the SNALU62E04_300 kit: o Mutexes not being freed. o Improved core dumping. o Call to CMACCP hangs indefinitely when no local TP name defined. o Local TP name not being properly recognized. o Conversation Level Security Not Properly Validated. o RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE may lose data when all the data is not available. o Sending data records larger than 32,763 bytes was not properly supported. o Errant LU6.2 server already running message. o Default LU6.2 Server inconsistent with the documentation. o LU6.2 Server will hoard memory. o RESET_SESSION_LIMIT protocol not properly generated. o LU session deactivation may generate a segmentation fault. o A deadlock condition may occur when multiple simultaneous session deactivations are being processed. o LU6.2 server would loop until virtual memory exhausted. o Use of special characters in Fully Qualified LU Names now supported. o Not all allocated memory was deallocated when connection failures occurred. o Sequence Numbers after a successful bracket bid were invalid. o Attempts to access deallocated memory could cause random segmentation faults. Problems addressed in the SNALU62E03_300 kit: o Received session activation request not properly rejected. o Null identifier field in the server_info parameter not recognized. o Repeated quick re-use of a session can cause the session to hang. o An Attach Manager started conversation can cause the LU6.2 Server to crash. o Changing the fill type not recognized through the CPI-C interface. o lu62_config core dumps after displaying security information. o LU6.2 Server not properly started. o Specifying a nodename of "0" for the Attach Manager did not work. o CMRCV's status_received parameter not properly set. o Session lost because of data out of sequence. o Missing Pacing Response. o Using the predefined mode name of 8 space characters not recognized. o snalu62_get_message not returning all the proper information. o pip_info on the snalu62_display_tp not returned properly. o Activating a session using the lu62_config utility. o Improper status may be returned by the LU6.2 Server startup script. Problems addressed in the SNALU62E02_300 kit: o Segmentation faults when sending an LUSTAT with BBI or CEBI set. o Sessions for CICS for DIGITAL UNIX were allowed to start when CICS was down. o Server_info parameter not validated by the LU6.2 Interface. o LU6.2 Server could generate a segmentation fault if DECnet is not available. o Missing library prevented /usr/shlib/ from being loaded. o Spelling errors in the lu62_config utility. Problems addressed in the SNALU62300 kit: o Binary TP Names and mode names starting with a '#' character were not allowed in the CPI-C side-file. This has been fixed. o Interface performance using TCP/IP was poor. The calls to TCP/IP were modified to be more efficient. o A number of documentation errata and oversights are now documented in the release notes. More information regarding the nature of these problems can be found in the ECO kit's release notes. INSTALLATION NOTES: The ECO kit is distributed as a tar file containing the kit which can be installed using the setld command. The tar file should be unpacked to a suitable directory and then the setld command issued specifying that directory as the source of the kit. For example, if the tar file containing the kit has been copied to /usr/tmp/snalu62300.tar: # mkdir /usr/tmp/snalu62300 # cd /usr/tmp/snalu62300 # tar xf /usr/tmp/snalu62300.tar # setld -l . If the kit is delivered on tap11 then the commands would be: # mkdir /usr/tmp/snalu62300 # cd /usr/tmp/snalu62300 # tar x # setld -l . Note that this is not an update kit, and the current version of the LU6.2 Product must be deleted before installing this ECO. Once the kit is installed, you should follow the instructions in the installation guide's After installation section. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited

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