TPWEB TPW1202INT TP Web Connector V1.2 WNT Intel ECO Summary
TITLE: TPWEB TPW1202INT TP Web Connector V1.2 WNT Intel ECO Summary
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
Modification Date: 22-JUN-99
Modification Type: Updated Kit Supersedes TPW1201INT
PRODUCT: Digital TP Web Connector Gateway for ACMS Runtime V1.2
Windows NT (Intel)
OP/SYS: Windows NT V4.0
SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation
ECO Kit Name: TPW1202INT
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: TPW1201INT
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 13561 Blocks
6943232 Bytes
Kit Applies To: TP Web Connector Gateway for ACMS Runtime
V1.2 Windows NT (Intel)
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Unknown
Rolling Re-boot Supported: Unknown
Installation Rating: INSTALL_UNKNOWN
Kit Dependencies:
The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
installation of this kit:
In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:
An ECO kit exists for TP Web Connector V1.2 on Windows NT (Intel) V4.0.
This kit addresses the following problems:
o The STDL compiler did not properly compile record definitions that
contained embedded records when building the JAVA adapter.
o The TPware Add sample server code was not the same code that is in
the ACMSxp V3.1 NT kit.
o The STDL compiler returned an error if the full path name of the
STDL file to be compiled contained embedded spaces.
o When interfacing with ACMS, floating point numbers with a high
degree of precision were not correctly converted from OpenVMS format
to Windows NT format.
o The Output Adapter drop down list for the client builder utility did
not list the ACMS output adapter type.
o A client using the ACMS Desktop output adapter would spin if the TP
Web Connector Gateway was shut down or crashed while the client was
o Failure to define RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY via an environment variable or
the TPware management utility caused the DCE NSID process to crash.
o If a user was a member of many Windows NT groups, the TPware
management GUI would fail to start.
o The MSRPC output adapter did not correctly handle the selection of
multiple servers with the same interface if one of the servers was down.
o Binding Timeout if enabled did not work.
o The STDL compiler allowed numeric characters as the first character
in an STDL '#include' preprocessor directive statement.
o The STDL compiler truncated array names within records that exceeded
25 characters in length.
o The Java client make file(s) provided in this ECO kit is different
from the previous kit. If you are using the Java sample client(s),
you should copy the new make file from the appropriate sample
directory into your working directory.
Installation of this kit requires that the January 1999 release of the
TPware Product Suite product(s) (Application Optimizer V2.0 for Windows
NT, Portable TP V2.0 for Windows NT, TP Desktop Connector V3.1, and TP
Web Connector V1.2) be present on the system prior to installing the ECO.
This installation does not ask for any product install keys.
Copy the following product/platform specific executable to a clean folder
and run it.
e.g. Intel compatible PC running Windows NT
>cd c:\clean-folder
After running the executable, go to the intel32 directory and execute
o Installation of ECO kit will update all TPware Product Suite
products (Application Optimizer for Windows NT, Portable TP for
Windows NT, TP Desktop Connector & TP Web Connector) currently
installed on the system. It is not necessary to perform a separate
installation for each TPware product installed on the system.
o After installing the ECO, if your application uses the Microsoft RPC
(msrpc) adapter, the DCE (dce) adapter, or the ACMS Gateway (acmsda)
adapter, you must recompile your task group specification (STDL
file) and relink with your client. For further information about
this requirement, please send e-mail to engineering at
o Please refer to Release Notes for installation restrictions and
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: