OpenVMS VAXLIBR01_051 VAX V5.1 - V5.1-1 Delta Time 10_000 Day ECO Summary
NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will
be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.
*** Note ***
The probability of experiencing the delta-time limit on earlier
versions of OpenVMS is significantly reduced because OpenVMS
DECthreads (both pthread and CMA interfaces) and the OpenVMS
SECURITY Server do not exist in versions of OpenVMS prior to
DIGITAL has created delta-time ECOs for OpenVMS Versions 5.0 -
5.4-3 for those customers possibly affected by the delta-time
limit or in the rare situation where a third-party or customer
application does not adhere to the delta-time limit.
DIGITAL is aware that some customers may have their own
customized versions of library routines in the LIBRTL.EXE image.
The pre-V5.5 kits completely replace the existing LIBRTL.EXE
with a new one and, in doing so, replace any customized versions
of library routines with the standard routines. For this reason,
DIGITAL recommends that only those customers who believe they
are impacted by the delta-time limit install the pre-V5.5 kits.
The problem occurs in software that converts times between UNIX
and OpenVMS formats. The UNIX time format is an offset from the
UNIX "epoch" of 1-JAN-1970 (UTC). On 19-MAY-1997 the offset
reaches 10,000 days, and any software attempting to use the RTL
LIB$ routines to manipulate these delta-time values will receive
errors. Applications use the conversion routines primarily for
compliance with the POSIX standard interface; therefore, DIGITAL
believes that most applications on earlier versions of OpenVMS
(V5.0 - V5.4-3) will not be impacted.
LIBRTL$ECO_DROP.COM (If desired, this command file
may be used to remove the ECO
and restore the original
files and libraries. If this
file is used to remove the kit
from the system, the system
needs to be rebooted after the
successful removal of the kit.)
SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation
ECO Kit Name: VAXLIBR01_051
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 396 Blocks
Kit Applies To: OpenVMS VAX V5.1, V5.1-1
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes
Installation Rating: 3 - To be installed on all systems running
the listed versions of OpenVMS which
are experiencing the problems described.
NOTE: In order to receive the full fixes listed in this kit,
the following remedial kits also need to be installed:
An ECO kit exists for the Delta Time (10,000 day) problem on OpenVMS
VAX V5.1 through V5.1-1. This kit addresses the following problems:
o The OpenVMS operating system has a documented delta-time
restriction that may cause a serious error in some applications
and OpenVMS components beginning on or around 19-MAY-1997.
DIGITAL has corrected this potential problem and has provided
ECOs (Engineering Change Orders) that remove the delta-time limit.
Applications and OpenVMS components most likely to experience
errors are those that pass delta-time arguments with values
exceeding 9999 days on system-supplied date routines. The
most likely date that these errors will occur is
19-MAY-1997:00:00, which is 10,000 days after the common
UNIX time origin of 1-JAN-1970.
In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system must
be rebooted. If the system is a member of a VMScluster, the entire
cluster should be rebooted.
After the VAXLIBR01_051 kit is installed, if the system is upgraded
to OpenVMS VAX V5.1-1 you may see an error message stating that
there was a problem with Patch 26. Patch 26 is for LIBRTL. This
error does not indicate that the upgrade failed, is not a problem
and can be ignored. The error message occurs because the V5.1-1
upgrade does not take into account the LIBRTL changes performed by
the VAXLIBR01_051 remedial kit.
In addition, after the upgrade to OpenVMS VAX V5.1-1, if you
re-apply the VAXLIBR01_051 kit to pick up the V5.1-1 images, you
will see the following warning:
"You are attempting to install an old version of the
remedial kit. Should you choose to proceed with this
installation, prior fixes in images replaced by this kit will be
"* Do you want to continue [NO]?"
This warning is due to the V5.1-1 upgrade changing the date on the
LIBRTL files. This message is not a problem and you should answer
"YES" to this question. You will not lose prior fixes distributed
by Digital. However, the previous warning, concerning customer-
customized versions of library routines in the LIBRTL.EXE image,
still applies.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: