OpenVMS VAXDOSD01_061 OpenVMS VAX V6.1 Dump Off System Disk ECO Summary
NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will
be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
COMPONENT: Dump Off System Disk (DOSD)
SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation
ECO Kit Name: VAXDOSD01_061
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: VAXDOSD06_062 (Version 6.1 only)
VAXDOSD05_062 (Version 6.1 only)
VAXDOSD04_062 (Version 6.1 only)
VAXDOSD03_062 (Version 6.1 only)
VAXDOSD02_062 (Version 6.1 only)
VAXDOSD01_062 (Version 6.1 only)
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 1299 blocks
ECO Kit Size: Saveset A - 1260 Blocks
Kit Applies To: OpenVMS VAX V6.1
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes
Installation Rating: 3 - To be installed on all systems running
the listed versions of OpenVMS which
are experiencing the problems described.
NOTE: In order to receive the full fixes listed in this kit,
the following remedial kits also need to be installed:
**************************** WARNING **************************
* *
* *
* In order to use DUMPSTYLE for DOSD on VAX 7000 type systems, *
* Version 4.3 or later of the VAX 7000 console firmware must *
* be installed. Contact your Digital Service Representative *
* to get the latest version of the console firmware. *
* *
* Later versions of the VAX 7000 console firmware support all *
* LASER VAX processors and the BOOT_ALT environment variable, *
* which allows the operator to specify the alternate path to *
* the system disk for the console to use during shutdown in *
* event of a path failover. All consoles with Version numbers *
* less than V4.0 will support the VAX 7600 system *only*. *
* *
* If an attempt is made to install this ECO kit on a VAX 7000 *
* system that does not have the correct version of the console *
* firmware, the system may be rendered unbootable. *
* *
An ECO kit exists for OpenVMS VAX V6.1. This kit addresses
the following problems:
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD01_061 ECO kit:
o The VAXDOSD06_062 remedial kit applied to OpenVMS VAX version
6.1 and 6.2. That kit is being reissued as separate kits for
each version. There are no new problem corrections in this
kit. If you have installed the VAXDOSD06_062 remedial kit,
you do not need to install this kit.
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD06_062 ECO kit:
o The VAX 7000 console revision referenced was no longer valid.
This kit updates the console requirement information listed
under the section below entitled "Problems addressed in the
VAXDOSD01_062 ECO kit".
o The AUTOGEN.COM and SMISERVER.EXE images were added to the
OpenVAX V6.2 saveset.
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD05_062 ECO kit:
o The KITINSTAL.COM in the VAXDOSD04_062 kit included a "set
verify" command that caused unnecessary text to be output to
the console. There are no new DOSD problem fixes in this kit.
If you have installed the VAXDOSD04_062 kit you do not need to
install the VAXDOSD05_062 kit.
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD04_062 ECO Kit:
o The KITINSTAL procedure for the VAXDOSD03_062 did not copy the
VMB.EXE and SYSBOOT.EXE images contiguously. This prevented
the system from re-booting after the kit was installed.
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD03_062 ECO Kit:
o DOSD (Dump off System Disk) will probably guarantee that
dumps will not always fit in a 1GB user area. SDA's
crash dump analysis is being changed to use RMS I/O to
read the information instead of using $CRMPSC to map
the dump file as part of the user address space. This
change will also give two additional benefits:
o Analyze crash dumps with smaller virtual page count in the
analyzing process.
o Capability to analyze crash dumps using FAL on remote
Problems Addressed in the VAXDOSD02_062 ECO Kit:
o Add the SYSGEN.EXE and SYSGEN.HLB images to allow the VAX 7000
to use the full range of the DUMPSTYLE parameter.
Problems Addressed in VAXDOSD01_062 Kit:
o Under the following restricted set of configurations, OpenVMS
VAX customers can write the system dump to a device other than
the system disk. To enable the bugcheck code to write the dump
to an alternate device, you must correctly enable the DUMPSTYLE
system parameter.
See the DUMPSTYLE system parameter in the OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual for the values (relevant
excerpt from that manual is included below).
Configuration Requirements:
If the following configuration requirements are met, it will be
possible to configure and use a device other than the system
disk for writing the system crash dump file:
- The system must be connected directly to and must boot from
CI controllers.
- The dump device must physically connect to the same two HSx
CI controllers as the boot device.
- The dump device directory structure must resemble the
current system disk structure. The
[SYSn.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP file will reside there, using the
same boot time system root. On OpenVMS V6.2, you can use
AUTOGEN to create this file. In the MODPARAMS.DAT file,
the following symbol prompts AUTOGEN to create the file:
DUMPFILE_DEVICE = $nnn$ddcuuuu
There is support for this feature under OpenVMS VAX V6.1.
- The volume label can be up to twelve characters long. The
ASCII string DOSD_DUMP must be part of this volume label.
For example, all of the following are valid volume labels:
DOSD_DUMP, DOSD_DUMP_12, 12_DOSD_DUMP. This label is read
and retained in a memory boot data structure.
- The dump device cannot be part of a volume set. Digital
recommends that the dump device not be part of a shadow
- The dump device cannot be MSCP unit zero (0); only unit
numbers 1 to 4095 ( 1 - FFF ) will be supported. You can
designate the dump device as follows:
o On VAX 7000 configurations, by using bits 16 through 27
of the DUMPSTYLE system parameter.
o On configurations other than the VAX 7000, by using
bits 16 through 27 of register 3 (R3). This portion of
the register can specify the desired dump device.
The VAX 7000 has special DUMPSTYLE requirements (listed below)
to implement this feature.
- Excerpt from the OpenVMS V6.2 System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
DUMPSTYLE specifies the method of writing system dumps.
DUMPSTYLE is a 32-bit mask with the following values.
Bit Mask Description
0 00000001 0 = Full dump (SYSGEN default).
The entire contents of
physical memory will be
written to the dump file.
1 = Selective dump. The contents
of memory will be written to
the dump file selectively to
maximize the usefulness of
the dump file while conserving
disk space.
1 00000002 0 = Minimal console output.
1 = Full console output (includes
stack dump, register contents,
so on).
2 (VAX 00000004 0 = Dump to system disk.
1 = Dump off system disk (DOSD) to
an alternate disk.
3 (Alpha 00000008 0 = Do not compress.
1 = Compress. (See note below.)
4 - 14 Reserved to Digital.
15 [3] 00008000 0 = Disable use of bits 16 - 27.
1 = Enable use of bits 16 - 27.
16 - 27 0FFF0000 Range of DOSD unit numbers.
28 - 31 Reserved to Digital.
[1]Alpha systems do not support dumping to an alternate disk.
[2]VAX systems do not support dump compression.
[3]Specific to VAX 7000s.
- Implementation Requirements - VAX 6000 Systems
Register R3 must be used to stipulate the DOSD device unit
number. Note that Bit 31 must be a zero,therefore the system
disk cannot be a Volume Shadow Phase I shadow set device.
R3 =
0001EX006 Bits#
| \ / \ /
| | | +-------> (11 -> 00) Boot Unit Number
| |
| |
| +-------------> (27 -> 16) DOSD Unit Number.
| Unit 30 is hex 1E
+-----------------> (31) Must be Zero
$! For a FULL dumpstyle dump, on the DOSD device.
$! For a Sub-set dumpstyle dump, on the DOSD device.
Reboot the VAX 6000
- Implementation Requirements - VAX 7000 Systems
VAX 7000 Use of DUMPSTYLE for DOSD
In order to stipulate the dump device on this platform, the
SYSGEN parameter DUMPSTYLE must be used.
Bits sixteen (16) through twenty-seven (27) will be checked by
SYSBOOT for the unit number of the dump device ... IF bit
fifteen (15) is also set.
For example, to use unit thirty (30) as the dump device, and
have a full (as versus a subset) dump take place:
Reboot the VAX 7000
%X001E8006 / (0) = 0 Full Dump
\ / | | / (1) = 1 Full Console Output at
| | | / Bug Check
| | +------> (2) = 1 Use Dump Off System
| | \ Disk device
| | \ (3) = ·
| |
| | / (12) = ·
| | / (13) = ·
| +---------> (14) = ·
| (15) = 1 Enable Flag for bits 27 - 16
| for DOSD on VAX 7000
+------------> (27->16) DOSD Unit Number ...
Unit 30 in hex
In order to use DUMPSTYLE for DOSD on VAX 7000 type systems
you must install version 4.3 or later of the VAX 7000 console
firmware. Contact your Digital Service Representative to get
the latest version of the console firmware.
Later versions of the VAX 7000 console firmware support all
LASER VAX processors and the BOOT_ALT environment variable,
which allows the operator to specify the alternate path to the
system disk for the console to use during shutdown in the
event of a path failover. All consoles with Version numbers
less than V4.0 will support the VAX 7600 system only.
Copy the console image to a MOM$SYSTEM: area on a system that
can serve as a boot-host to the VAX 7000. Prepare and update
the console by doing the following at the console prompt of the
target VAX 7000 system.
>>> show *
... record current environment variable settings.
NOTE: If the patch for the HSJ single path problem described
in BLITZ article TD# 1566 has been applied to this
system, you must erase that patch before proceeding.
To do this, type:
>>> build eeprom
>>> update -e ka7aa*
Now proceed with installing the update:
>>> set auto_action halt
>>> boot -flag 0,0,0 -file vax7000_v07_3 exa0 # or fxa0
... LFU is booted and run, update ka7aa*, exit ...
>>> build eeprom
>>> update -e ka7aa*
>>> build nvr # on each cpu
>>> set config
>>> set xxx yyy # restore environment
# variable settings
# previously recorded.
This is an example in the use of the 'BOOT_ALT' environment
The system disk (dua22) is dual ported between HSC00 and HSC02.
In the following console log extract, DUA21, DUA22, and DUA23
are all seen by HSC00, and DUA22 is also seen by HSC02.
>>> show device cixcd0
polling for units on cixcd0, slot 2, xmi0...
dua21. DUA21 (HSC00) RA82
dua22. DUA22 (HSC00) RA82
dua23. DUA23 (HSC00) RA82
dua22. DUA22 (HSC02) RA82
This - digit, after the first period, indicates
HSC NODE number.
HSC00 bus node number 14 decimal.
HSC02 bus node number 02 decimal.
|| || | | +--- hose
|| || | +----- slot (xmi)
|| || +------- channel
|| ++-------- node (primary HSC)
++----------- unit
The system operator would set the BOOTDEF_DEV to attempt
to boot dua22 first through the HSC00,to boot through the
>>> set bootdef_dev dua22., dua22.
bootdef_dev set to dua22.,dua22.
Define the BOOT_ALT environment variable to indicate to the
console alternate HSC paths exist. The console then can
attempt to locate the unit, if the original boot path no longer
has the unit available, when the system is shut down or it
>>> create -nv boot_alt 2,E
boot_alt set to 2,E
The first argument in 'boot_alt' correlates to the first
argument in the 'bootdef_dev' string, the second argument to
the second string, etc.
bootdef_dev dua22., dua22.
^^ ^
| |
and its alternate path
| |
v v
boot_alt 2 , E
When the system crashes, a first attempt is made to locate the
system disk - on the DUA22. path ... if the device
cannot be found, the console will replace the HSC node value in
that argument with the value it finds in the first argument of
BOOT_ALT and try that path next.
o DOSD does not work on the following OpenVMS VAX systems:
VAX 65x0
VAX 66x0
When everything is set up properly to run DOSD, the following
message is generated when it is run:
SYSBOOT-I-DOSD, dump off system disk behavior is not enabled
In order for the corrections in this kit to take effect, the system must be
rebooted. If the system is a member of a VAXcluster, the entire cluster
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: