DCE-VMS VAXDCE03_014 DCE V1.4 for OpenVMS VAX ECO Summary
TITLE: DCE-VMS VAXDCE03_014 DCE V1.4 for OpenVMS VAX ECO Summary
Modification Date: 23-SEP-99
Modification Type: Updated Kit Supersedes VAXDCE02_014
NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will
be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT: Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) For OpenVMS VAX
SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation
ECO Kit Name: VAXDCE03_014
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: VAXDCE02_014
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 15336 Blocks
Saveset A - 108 Blocks
Saveset B - 15228 Blocks
Kit Applies To: DCE V1.4
OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2, V5.5-2H4, V6.2, V7.1
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: No (See Installation Instructions)
Installation Rating: 2 - To be installed on all systems running
the listed versions of OpenVMS and
using the following feature:
This remedial kit contains many Year 2000
related fixes. Any customer running DCE
must install this kit.
An ECO kit exists for DCE V1.4 on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2, V5.5-2H4, V6.2,
V7.1. This kit addresses the following problems:
o Fix memory leaks in DCE DECnet OSI Socket interface image
DCE daemons and DCE user applications terminate abnormally due
to with page file exhaustion. For Example, DCE endpoint
mapper, DCE$RPCD, aborts unexpectedly on systems where DECnet
OSI is a supported DCE protocol. Examination of the rpcd out
file shows insufficient dynamic memory errors.
$ type Dce$Specific:[Var.Rpc.Adm]DCE$RPCD.Out
(socket) (SOCKET_MEM_ALLOC) *** FATAL ERROR at SOCKMEM.C;1\293 ***
%SYSTEM-F-INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory%CMA-F-EXCCOP,
exception raised;
VMS condition code follows
Please note, there are still memory management problems with
DCE when DCEnet OSI as used as a transport. If you site
requires 24 by 7 operation, it you can disable DECnet OSI as a
DCE protocol if you have no application requirement to use
Installation of the DECthreads kit, ALPTHREADS04_071 is highly
recommended on Alpha V7.1 systems. Page file leakage of DCE
process is greatly reduced after the installation of the
ALPTHREADS04_071 kit.
o Work-arounds:
Disable DECnet OSI as a DCE transport by defining
RPC_SUPPORTED_PROTSEQS or by defining the DECnet OSI socket
shareable image to null with:
o Eliminate two zero block files left in the credentials cache
directory after a dce_login followed by a kdestroy.
When a dce_login is performed, six files are created in the
credentials cache directory,
following files:
16 029D9101.;2 1-OCT-1998 15:28:18.37
17 029D9101.;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:17.76
18 029D9102.;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:19.27
19 029D9200.;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:19.02
20 029D9200.DATA;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:19.38
21 029D9200.NC;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:19.18
After a kdestroy, two files remain from the original login.
In the login example above, the following files are left:
16 029D9101.;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:17.76
17 029D9102.;1 1-OCT-1998 15:28:19.27
DCE uses UNIX style file processing. When creating the
initial cache file, 029D9101 in the example above, a version 1
file is created by allocate_krb5_info call from
sec_login_pvt_setup_identity. A subsequent call to
krb5_cc_initialize opens this file with the requirement to
create a new version. On VMS this creates version 2 of the
When sec_login_set_context is called later during login, a
similar problem happens. To create the CC data file like
029D9200.DATA;1 in the example above, a temporary file is
used. The temporary file is created, closed and then reopened
creating two files (029D9200.;1 and 029D9200.;2). The second
version of the file is populated with the data and renamed to
029D9200.DATA. The first version is left.
o Allow dce login password input from a command procedure
DCE login fails when the input for the password is not
obtained from a terminal. The login fails with the error
$ rgy_edit
Current site is: registry server at /.../adu26a_cell/subsys/dce/
l cell_admin
login: Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX Error in input
password. Login failed.
VMS DCE implementation of krb5_read_password routine allowed
entry of a password only when the input device was a terminal.
The VMS specific routine prevents the inputted password from
being echoed at the user terminal.
The VMS routine prevents the use of a command procedure to
input passwords. While not a good idea, other implementation
of dce allow password to be input from scripts.
o Work-arounds:
Perform a DCE_LOGIN prior to using DCE utilities. Limit
procedures to run only until the current login expires.
o Allow the Credentials Cache Cleanup interval to be adjusted.
Every one hour, the sec_clientd daemons deletes stale
credentials files out of the DCE credentials cache directory.
If run in debug mode, the daemons deletes the files every five
minutes. The interval is not adjustable. Changes were made
to make the interval adjustable between 5 minutes and one
hour. The interval cannot be greater than 60 minutes or less
than 5 minutes.
To set the interval, define the logical
FCC_CCACHE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL, to the number of minutes between
cache cleanups. The logical may be defined at the system
level, or may be defined in the sec_clientd startup command
procedure. If you change the interval while the security
client daemon is running, the new interval will be effective
after the next credentials cache cleanup.
o New version V5.0 of TCP/IP services for OpenVMS will cause
configuration failures in DCE setup procedures.
If you have customized the DCE$SETUP.com at your site, you should
remove the DCE$SETUP.com and DCE$SETUP_UCX.com installed by this
procedure after installation. The site specific customizations
will need to be made to the new versions of the command procedures
and installed at a later time
For example if you have increased DCE daemon quotas in
DCE$SETUP.COM for using MULTINET, you will have to make the quota
adjustments to the version of DCE$SETUP.COM supplied in this kit.
**** END NOTICE ****
A new version of TCP/IP services for OpenVMS is shipping which
eliminates some of the UCX commands used by the DCE$SETUP.COM
and DCE$SETUP_UCX.COM procedures.
o Work-arounds:
Manually edit the setup files.
o Fix DCE$SETUP start of configure failures after the
installation of Multinet 4.1 B-X
Updates to multinet changed the BGO device characteristics
breaking old logic checking if multinet was installed.
o Fix problem where accounts created from VMS 1.4 and V1.5
system could not be used in rpc authentication calls to NT DCE
2.2 and Unix DCE 3.0 servers.
An account created from a V1.4 or V1.5 OpenVMS system via
rgy_edit caused a principal unknown error to be returned from
a NT 2.2 or UNIX 3.0 system when the principal account was
used in an rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call.
Since day one rgy_edit on VMS has sent garbage in the flags
fields of the admin_part (sec_rgy_admin_t) argument to
sec_rgy_acct_add(); It appears the garbage has been ingnored
until recent updates to the security server in the 1.2.2 OSF
base to implement a new "user to user" authentication feature.
Accounts created from VMS would work in some cases and would
not work in many cases. Whether it worked or not depended on
a bit being set in one of the garbage arguments.
o Restart of RPCD or PERF server fails with "unable to bind
Attempting to restart a DCE server with a well known endpoint, such
as RPCD (port 135) or PERF server (port 2001) failed with "unable
to bind socket" error, when there is no process using the port.
This problem is corrected.
Attempting to restart a DCE server with a well known endpoint,
such as RPCD (port 135) or PERF server (port 2001) fails with
an "unable to bind socket" error, when there is no process
using the port. Restart of RPCD could fail with a message
that RPCD was already running. Client incoming packets
referencing the well-known endpoint create Port Control Blocks
for the endpoint. A socket cannot be bound to a port with an
existing PCB unless the SO_REUSEADDRESS socket option is set.
o When a file required for an IDL compile was not located in the
first location in a directory logical name search list, the IDL
compile fails with:
%IDL-E-OPENREAD, Unable to open idl_sources:[guy]test1.idl for read access
%IDL-E-SYSERRMSG, System error message: no such file or directory
%IDL-F-COMPABORT, Compilation aborted
o User applications passing fixed arrays containing structures
between Alpha VMSand other platforms encounter corruption in
the array contents.
o DCE Servers die with the following error messages:
+ Listening...
(socket) rpc__socket_disp_select *** FATAL ERROR at
%CMA-F-EXCCOP, exception raised; VMS condition code follows
-SYSTEM-F-OPCCUS, opcode reserved to customer fault at
PC=FFFFFFFF80538638,PS=000001B %SYSTEM-F-ABORT, abort
o Configuring a OpenVMS DCE 1.4 client into a Gradient server
running on NT4.0 results in the following error:
Establishing security environment for principal "cell_admin" . . .
**************************** ERROR ****************************
*** An error occurred while setting up the security environment
*** using principal name "cell_admin"
Error: Cannot validate identity for principal "cell_admin"
who are you failed (dce / rpc) 236094202
o When the security server is not running,
sec_login_refresh_identity() returns an undocumented status
code, 336760967. The documentation states that the
sec_rgy_server_unavailable status code should be returned.
Example programs from OSF and other vendors show the refresh
thread testing for the sec_rgy_server_unavailable status to
determine if the refresh should be retried
o Executing any RPCLM command results in a fault invalid bound
message on Alpha systems.
$RPCLM String Binding of Server:ncadg_ip_udp:[2301]
RPCLM> inq
%CMA-F-EXCCOPLOS, exception raised; some information lost
-DCERPC-E-FAULTINVALIDBOU, fault invalid bound (DCE / RPC)
o In the directory DCE$SPECIFIC:[KRB5] there are hundreds of
versions of KRB5KDC_RCACHE created in it by the DCE$SECD
process. These files do get cleaned up during a CLEAN
operation but, they are not cleaned up during a start or
restart of DCE.
o If you do not include prior to including
the header will not compile because it uses the
datatype FILE*.
o Attempting a kinit on an OpenVMS system results in the error
$ kinit cell_admin
$5$dkb0:[sys0.syscommon.][sysexe]dce$kinit.exe;4: Malformed
representation of principal when parsing name T@
o When an 'Illegal state transition' occurs, the correct state is
not reported. The code clobbered the state before reporting
it. A state of 255 is reported and is meaningless because it
is the code for No State.
o Print 4 digit years on output from DCE processes. Allow four
digit data inputs from DCE administration functions. Fix leap
year calculations for years after 2017.
o It has been discovered that OSF/DCE has a potential problem in
the security server that could allow for a denial of service
If a principal, group, or organization is greater than 1024
characters (including the cell name, so the actual name limit
is less than 1024) when passed to security daemon (secd), it
will cause secd core dump. The buffer is overrun causing
memory corruption. In certain cases, the lookup attempt (or
add or whatever) on the client will then rebind to another secd
to make the request, eventually crashing all security daemons
in the cell.
o The new Pathway IP version can cause DCE setup to abort
abruptly with error messages. Pathway changes the output of an
image that returns the Pathway version. This causes output
parsing routines to fail because they search for runtime on the
line containing the version.
Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the
SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt:
@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAXDCE03_014 [location of the saveset]
The saveset location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that
contains the kit saveset.
No reboot is necessary after successful installation of the kit.
However, DCE must be re-started after the kit is installed to
complete the installation of the new DCE images. DCE can be
restarted with the comand
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: