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SNA_RJE SNARJE_E02015 DECnet/SNA Remote Job Entry V1.5 ECO Summary

NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file. The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which can be used to install the ECO. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: DECnet/SNA Remote Job Entry (SNARJE) for OpenVMS, Version 1.5 OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha, V6.1, V6.1-1H1, V6.1-1H2, V6.2, V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, V6.2-1H3, V7.0, V7.1 OpenVMS VAX V6.1, V6.2, V7.0, V7.1 SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: SNARJE_E02015 ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: SNARJE_E01015 ECO Kit Approximate Size: 3330 Blocks Kit Applies To: DECnet/SNA Remote Job Entry V1.5 System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: No ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for SNA RJE V1.5 on OpenVMS V6.1 through V7.1. This kit addresses the following problems: Problems Addressed in the SNARJE_E02015 Kit: o ECO 02 is the release of DECnet SNA Remote Job Entry certified for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha V7.1. The installation process was modified to permit installation on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 systems. o Upon submitting a JCL file to the SNARJE$READER queue, the queue would appear to hang. The log file would contain messages stating "error communicating with RJE multiplexer, access violation, connection to multiplexer failed". This was caused by an incorrect length being specified for a QIO buffer. Problems Addressed in the SNARJE_E01015 Kit: o This kit has been built with updated (V2.4 ECO-02) SNAAI (newAI) protocol support layers. SNAAI V2.4 ECO-02 includes the following corrections.. + GAI_CLOSE would not deallocate channels on abnormal disconnects. This has now been corrected and the sna__rcv_callback routine will deallocate the channels. + Pacing indicator was never being set on first request RH in pacing window when sending data to host. This has now been corrected in the SNA__PAC_RQ_SEND routine. + Pacing was not working properly when a pacing value was specified. This has been corrected in the sna__tc_dequeue_q_pac by checking if pacing_count is greater than zero. Previously pacing_window was being checked in error. o An attempt was made to release a DNA memory block from a SET ON request which had already been released. The fix was to remove this memory release as it is unnecessary. o A call to $GETSYI was implemented to obtain the name of the node the program is executing on and using it in the connect string (nodnam:: vs. 0::). o The logical SNARJE$PDIRFLAG was checked at startup and used to decide if PDIR from JES should be honored or ignored. If honored then the current o/p file is closed and a new one started. o A changed was made in the translation of the reader name from a $TRNLNM system call to a $GETQUI call so that the progression of logical names will be resolved instead of doing recursive $TRNLNM. The DECnet SNA Remote Job Entry Release Notes contain a complete explanation of this release. INSTALLATION NOTES: The system/cluster does not need to be rebooted after this kit is installed. However, the following command should be used to start the detached processes: $ @sys$startup:snarje$startup

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