SLS SLSE01B029 Storage Library System for OpenVMS V2.8A ECO Summary
TITLE: SLS SLSE01B029 Storage Library System for OpenVMS V2.8A ECO Summary
NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
by typing RUN compressed_file. The resultant file will
be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT: Storage Library System for OpenVMS (SLS)
Media and Device Management Services (MDMS)
OpenVMS Alpha
SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation
ECO Kit Name: SLSE01B029
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: SLSE01A028
NOTE: This kit does NOT replace SLSE02028. SLSE02028 may still be
needed by customers running V2.8, and unable to upgrade to V2.8A.
ECO Kit Approximate Size: 18153 Blocks
Saveset A - 11144 Blocks
Kit Applies To: SLS 2.8A OpenVMS VAX 5.5-2 through V6.2
OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 through V6.2
MDMS 2.8A OpenVMS VAX 5.5-2 through V7.1
OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 through V7.1
SLS/MDMS 2.9 /2.9A /2.9B OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 through V7.1
OpemVMS Alpha V6.1 through V7.1
NOTE: This kit contains an update of the Remote Device Facility (RDF)
software. This update (V4.1G) supersedes V4.1D which had been
included with V2.8A, 2.9(A) and V2.9B of the SLS/MDMS software
NOTE: This kit should be applied to systems where either SLS or MDMS
have been installed. MDMS does not include the backup and restore
functionality of SLS. MDMS can be installed separately to support
these products:
Archive/Backup System (ABS),
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM), or
Sequential Media File System (SMF).
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: VAX - No
Alpha - Yes (See Installation Instructions)
An ECO kit exists for SLS V2.8A through V2.9B on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 through
V6.2 and on OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 through V6.2. This kit is also for MDMS V2.8A
through V2.9B on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 through V7.1 and on OpenVMS Alpha V6.1
through V7.1 This kit addresses the following problems:
Problems Addressed in SLSE01B029:
o When the RDF network compression options is in effect,
SLS backups (which use the OpenVMS backup /LIST qualifier)
fail with the following errors:
BACKUP-E-INVRECTYP: Invalid record type in saveset
BACKUP-E-INVRECSIZ: Invalid record size in saveset
o When using /MEDIA=COMPACT on an OpenVMS backup or mount
command, the RDF psedo device does not show that compaction
is enabled for remote MK devices (TZ87, TZ88, etc.). This
affects the following systems:
OpenVMS V6.2 with ALPCLUSI001_062 or VAXCLUSI001_062
OpenVMS V7.0 or later (VAX and ALPHA)
o RDclient ACCVIO when an OPCOM message larger than 256 bytes is received
o The MNT and FOR bits of the physical device are toggles on each i/o
between the client and server. This causes the TUDRIVER to not complete
the mount verify of an RDEV device upon a recoverable hardware error.5.
Intermittently (with low frequency) the RDF's RDserver(V4.1A) process
fails with an access violation similar to the following on Alpha platforms:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00,
virtual address=00000008
PC=86209024, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic sump follows
Image Name Module Name Routine Name
RDSERVER_A62 SRVRPARSE check_cfg_file
RDSERVER_A62 RDSERVER rdserver_main
Refer to the release notes for more information.
Problems Addressed in SLSE01A028:
o System crash of RDclient node resulting from use of
the old V4.1 RDEV_AXP61.OLB inadvertently shipped with
V2.8A. Refer to release notes for specific details.
o System crash of RDclient node when RDF Compression is
enabled. Refer to release notes for specific details.
o RDclient access violation (ACCVIO). Refer to release
notes for specific details.
Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the
SYSTEM account, and entering the following command at the DCL prompt:
$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SLSE01B029 [location of the saveset]
The saveset location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that
contains the kit save set.
After installing this kit, it is necessary to restart SLS for all of
the changes to take effect.
NOTE: After installing this ECO and before using the RDF product,
you must reboot the Alpha node(s) where RDF will be utilized.
This restriction does not apply for VAX nodes.
For a mixed-architecture configuration or other heterogeneous
VMScluster configurations, the kit must be installed on each node
having its own SLS$ROOT directory structure.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: