DQS DQSAXP_E01013 Distributed Queuing Service V1.3 Alpha ECO Summary
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT: DEC Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS (DQS)
OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha
SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation
ECO Kit Name: DQSAXP_E01013
ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None
ECO Kit Size: VMSINSTAL Saveset A - 162 Blocks
Saveset B - 3150 Blocks
PCSI Installation file - 2992 Blocks
Kit Applies To: DEC Distributed Queuing Service V1.3
OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 or higher
System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: No
An ECO kit exists for DEC Distributed Queuing Service V1.3 on OpenVMS
Alpha V6.1 or higher. This kit addresses the following problems:
o Form synchronization is corrected.
The form synchronization failed on some DECnet/OSI client systems
when interacting with Phase IV servers. The error was a remote
system error with nosuch form.
o Form and characteristics name now display correctly.
The QSHOW {/FORM/CHARACTERISTICS} command at times failed on a
DECnet/OSI client system when you issued a request to a Phase IV
server. The error was a remote system error with
nosuch form/characteristic.
o During print jobs, DQS no longer sends "invalid string descriptor"
When you submitted two or more print jobs to generic queues in less
than 2 seconds, some of the job entries were retained with
%LIB-F-INVSTRDES error in the execution queue of generic queue.
This behavior is most commonly noticed if the print jobs are
submitted using a command procedure or from an executable.
o During print jobs, DQS no longer sends "invalid parameter length"
Print jobs submitted to queues on DECnet/OSI client systems were
retained with %JBC-F-INVPARLEN error when the
DQS$ACCOUNTING_BY_SYSTEM logical is defined and the node synonym
directory is set to full name on the server end.
o Link connection failure for the next job is corrected.
When print jobs were submitted at interval less than 2 secs to
generic/logical queues, the jobs either printed on queues on
incorrect destination nodes or resulted in a remote system error
with "queue not found".
o The duplicate process name error is corrected.
If you issued a QSHOW command on DECnet/OSI systems after you
issued a PRINT command, QSHOW failed. The NETSERVER.LOG contained
the %SYSTEM-F-DUPLNAM error message.
o Invalid error messages no longer display.
The DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE resulted in an invalid error
message if the DQS$SERVER_CONFIG.TXT file contained a wrong entry.
o DQS$MSG.EXE file is now used.
The DQS$MSG.EXE file was not enabled in the last release of DQS.
This fix hence supports internationalization.
Please see the Release Notes supplied with this ECO for more details.
This ECO kit can be installed with VMSINSTAL or the POLYCENTER Software
Installation (PCSI) utility. The following command is an example of the
VMSINSTAL command on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system:
@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DQSAXP_E01013 [location of the saveset]
The following is an example PCSI command that can be used on OpenVMS
Alpha V6.1 or higher systems:
PRODUCT INSTALL DQSECO01/SOURCE=[location of the .PCSI file]
The system/cluster does not need to be rebooted after this kit is
installed; however, you must stop and restart the DQS client queues
after the ECO is installed.
This patch can be found at any of these sites:
Colorado Site
Georgia Site
Files on this server are as follows: