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TMLNKS-WIN TLME0327_DE TeamLinks Mail V2.7 for Windows ECO Summary

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: TeamLinks Mail V2.7 for Microsoft Windows [R] OP/SYS: MS-DOS, Version 5.0 or later Microsoft Windows, Version 3.1 or later SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: TLME0327_DE ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: None ECO Kit Approximate Size: 6205 Blocks 3176960 Bytes NOTE: This ECO is for GERMAN language applications ONLY. ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for TeamLinks V2.7 for Microsoft Windows (GERMAN language only). This kit addresses the following problems: PROBLEMS ADDRESSED in TeamLinks V2.7 ECO Kit #03: o Hewlett Packard Laserjet 4 printer misses lines when printing default cover memo from TeamLinks V2.7 ECO#1 on Windows NT V3.51. With TeamLinks Mail V2.7 and the ECO#1 patch running on Windows NT V3.51 lines are missing when printing a default cover memo of more than a page on a Hewlett Packard Laserjet 4 or 4M Plus printer. This problem does not exist when using Windows NT 4 to the same printers. Modules Updated: VIEW.DLL o WordPerfect characters display incorrectly using TeamLinks V2.7. Some WordPerfect characters do not display properly using the viewer available with TeamLinks V2.7. When viewing a test document, the 'small circle bullet' appears ok. the 'large circle bullet', the 'diamond' and the 'square' all appear as 'small circle bullets'. The 'triangle' appears as an 'underscore'. Modules Updated: VIEW.DLL o Data is lost if DELETE key is used while using "List New Mail". The folder and the new mail object are selected during a ListNewMail. If the user selects DELETE for the new mail object, the mail object and the entire folder contents are deleted. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o GDI loss when printing. GDI loss occurs everytime user prints. TeamLinks does not release back system resources (GDI was monitored), so that users have to reboot Windows more often. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o 4 lines of text are lost when printing long ( >1 page ) text messages when using TeamLinks V2.7. When printing long Text Mail Messages as attachments, (ie., more than one page of Text ), 4 lines of text drop off the bottom of one page and do not appear on the top of the next (ie., 4 lines of text disappear between every page). Modules Updated: VIEW.DLL o Long recipient address in OUTBOX causes GPF in FCLIST.DLL. A General Protection Fault in FCLIST.DLL occurs when opening the outbox containing a message with very long recipient address. This address is also truncated in "Show Full Header". Modules Updated: FCLIST.DLL TeamLinks Engineering added logic in ECO2 to test the fonts before adding them to the Infoman drop-down list. This test is causing a hang on some systems. The hang is due to VAL()translation for "," delinated decimal numbers. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o TeamLinks may cause memory leaks in MailWorks for VMS. When reading a document located in a MailWorks for VMS cabinet, TeamLinks does not properly clean up when the read has been completed. This will cause a memory leak to occur in the MailWorks for VMS server software. Modules Updated: CFCX400.DLL o Microsoft Word7 integration "Insert/File" does not perform format conversion. From Microsoft Word 7, inserting a WPS-PLUS document from the File cabinet into an opened Microsoft Word document does not convert before the insert. Hence, the inserted WPS-PLUS document is not useable. Modules Updated: TLWW27.DLL o Viewer zoom +- buttons broke in TeamLinks V2.7 EFT3. User used to be able to see the font size change with each click of the +- button. Now it takes several clicks to see any change. Modules Updated: VIEW.DLL o RTF->Ascii convert produces unintelligible characters. A convert to "stripped" ascii windows sometimes adds unintelligible characters to the output file when there are "long" words in the first line of the file (i.e. around 30 characters). Modules Updated: WW4W01F.DLL WW4W01T.DLL o Microsoft Excel file prints an infinite number of pages. Customer Support Center in Brussels reports a Microsoft Excel file which hangs during printing. It appears to be an infinite loop (the page counter just continues into the thousands). Modules Updated: VIEW.DLL o MIME encode bug - the equals sign changes into spaces. When TeamLinks MIME encodes a message containing a text bodypart or a subject which contains an 8 bit character, quoted printable encoding is used. The equals sign character is incorrectly encoded as a space, resulting in the received (decoded) message containing spaces where equals signs should be. Modules Updated: TLMIME.DLL o Attempt to send TeamLinks Mail from within Microsoft Word 7 integration hangs Microsoft Word with "Word Basic Error 100". Attempt to send TeamLinks Mail from within Microsoft Word will cause a Word Basic error if you choose Save before before send. As the result of the "Word Basic error", the network busy flag was not cleared. So, the File/Save, Close, Open SaveAs, and Exit menu functions become inoperative. User can use to re-enable the menu functions again. Modules Updated: TLWW7INT.DOT o CFCLOCAL limits keywords to a length of 50. The routine in CFCLOCAL which specifies the maximum length of an attribute has an error. It has two entries for CFC_KEYWORD. The first is unlimited length, which is correct, but the second is 50. It is the second entry that ends up being used. This prevents users from specifying keywords longer than 50 characters. Modules Updated: CFCLOCAL.DLL o Mastersoft is now called "Inso Corp." Change the .rc file to reflect the name change from Mastersoft to "Inso Corp.". Modules Updated: TLPRFLIB.DLL o Off-line message cannot be tagged as READ by receiver. If a message is sent while in off-line mode and then, after connecting, selected and sent in on-line mode to an adressee that had autoforward set with IOS as their primary mail provider, then they would get a non-delivery notification. This gives the impression that mail is being lost. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Microsoft Word7 integration does not recognize word installed converters. When using Microsoft Word7 integration, user cannot save or send documents in other format even though the converters are installed with Microsoft Word7. The Options/Format dialog box only list the first 7 formats that Microsoft Word allows to save, but other Microsoft Word installed formats are not listed. Modules Updated: TLWW27.DLL PROBLEMS ADDRESSED in TeamLinks V2.7 ECO Kit #02: o UUDECODE doesn't work after sending a UUENCODE document. A user reported that if they uuencode a WordPerfect document using TeamLinks or any other utility, then decode the document using TeamLinks, the resulting document is blank. No error messages are displayed. Choosing File=>Attributes for the resulting document shows that the format is WPCORP and the Object Type is Document. However, double-clicking to view the document using the TeamLinks viewer shows a blank document and displays "ASCII standard PC" as the format type. When editing the document in WordPerfect, the document is not recognized as being a WPCORP document. Modules Updated: INFODLL.DLL o The Save command is grayed out after making changes to the Distribution List. While using TeamLinks, the File=>Save command is grayed out when you try to save edits to a distribution list. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE INFODLL.DLL o General Protection Fault in module CONVERT.DLL. If you are reading a very long cover memo (more than 230 lines) that contains a colon (:), you can experience a General Protection Fault in module CONVERT.DLL. Modules Updated: CONVERT.DLL o Data stays selected after Spell Check. After spell checking text in the Create Message window, the window does not repaint correctly and the cursor does not return to its original position in the message text. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o MIME decode of Microsoft Exchange addresses loses information. Mime messages which have "<" and ">" in the From: field can be decoded incorrectly by TeamLinks. Modules Updated: TLMIME.DLL o Problem with Sender and SentBy fields in message received from the POP3 server. When a message is downloaded by the TeamLinks POP3 Retriever and saved in the local file cabinet Inbox folder, some of the message attributes in the Show Full Header dialog box are lost. Modules Updated: TLMIME.DLL o Incorrect information displayed in dialog boxes when moving or copying folders and drawers. The Move and Copy dialog boxes sometimes display a corrupted list of drawers and folders. Some of the folders take on the names of drawers in the file cabinet. This can lead to a user misfiling documents and a possible loss of data. Modules Updated: FCLIST.DLL o Choosing the Convert command displays a "file not found" message and TeamLinks quits when CTL3D.dll is not installed. When a user attempts to convert a file, TeamLinks displays an error message stating that the file cannot be found and then quits. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o TeamLinks New Mail Notification custom sound feature doesn't work with Windows 95. You can use the Windows 95 Sounds control panel to assign a custom sound to the TeamLinks Message Notification event. However, in Windows 95, the default system sound plays instead of the assigned sound. Modules Updated: TLNOTIFY.VBX o MimeRcv: Problem with Microsoft Exchange client mail that contains uuencoding. SMTP messages which contain uuencoding are not decoded correctly by TeamLinks. This applies to SMTP messages only, not SMTP MIME messages. Modules Updated: TLMIME.DLL o MailWorks for Unix supports proper BCC splitting with CFCX400 enabled. The TeamLinks V2.7 implementation of BCCs assumes no server support for this feature. As a result, TeamLinks must make multiple copies of messages and treat a message to a BCC recipient as a forwarded message. The MailWorks for Unix server provides support for sending messages with BCC recipients. For TeamLinks to take advantage of this functionality the service provider must let the calling application know that support is available. In TeamLinks V2.7, it did not. Modules Updated: CFCX400.DLL o The down arrow key in FCLIST becomes disabled after fetching documents from server. If a user presses the down arrow key to scroll past the end of a folder list, the watch cursor is displayed while TeamLinks fetches more documents from the server. After the watch cursor is cleared, the down arrow (as well as the up arrow, page keys, and other shortcut keys) no longer work and nothing is highlighted in the scroll box. Modules Updated: FCLIST.DLL o User must always change current Window settings to view full width of text in the Create Message window. Before this ECO release, when a user used the "Characters Per Line" setting in the Current Message and Cover Memo Style dialog boxes, the width of the text column would sometimes extend beyond the width of the window. To see the text outside the window border, the user had to either resize the window or use the horizontal scroll bars. This ECO introduces a new checkbox in the Current Message and Cover Memo Style dialog boxes. When you use the "Characters Per Line" setting and turn on the new "Resize Window Width to display Characters Per Line" checkbox, TeamLinks will resize the Create Message window automatically so the text on each line can be seen within the Create Message window. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Text wrapping problem when using the "Include Message Text in Reply" checkbox. This problem affects messages written using the default Text cover memo style. When you use the "Include Message Text in Reply" checkbox on the Reply with Options dialog box and you specify a prefix character to identify the included text, the resulting message can wrap incorrectly in the Create Message window. This problem is related to the fact that the "Characters Per Line" checkbox by default is set to 79 characters for the default Text style. If you include a message that was wrapped to 79 characters and then add a prefix character, the resulting line length is longer than 79 characters. Lines longer than 79 characters will wrap incorrectly in the Create Message window, which by default is set for 79 characters, as well as in video terminal windows, which generally are restricted to 79 characters in width. This ECO addresses the issue by setting the default width of text messages to 75 characters. Users can then use 79 characters per line within the Create Message window and the prefix characters and 75-character long lines will fit within the 79 limit. Users of this ECO can update their Text cover memo style as follows: 1. Click "Reset" while the Text cover memo style is selected in the Cover Memo style dialog box. 2. Click "Save" to save the Text style with the new 75 characters per line setting. System administrators can also modify an OFFICE.INI setting as follows: [CMStyle1] LineBreak=75 Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Position cursor at top of included text, not at bottom. When you include the text of the original message in your reply, the default cursor position is at the bottom of the message. This ECO introduces a new checkbox on the Reply with Options and Read Message Preferences dialog boxes. With this checkbox, the user can control the cursor's location after the text of the original message is included in the Create Message window. This new checkbox is labeled "Position Cursor before Included Text" and it is turned on by default. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Allow system administrator to disable the MIME and UUENCODING options. With this ECO release, system administrators can disable the MIME and uuencoding options on the Create Message Preferences and Send With Options dialog boxes. To remove these options from the dialog boxes, the system administrator adds the following entry to OFFICEn.INI: [TeamLinks Mail] MsgEncodingEnabled=0 Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Break the tie between Create Message Style and Reply Style. When you use the Reply with Options dialog box to choose a cover memo style for reply messages, the style you choose becomes the style used the next time you create a new message. For this ECO, the problem has been fixed. The style you choose in the "Use Style" drop-down list box in the Reply with Options dialog box does not affect the default style used when you create a new message. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE PROBLEMS ADDRESSED in TeamLinks V2.7 ECO Kit #01: o Document title in Microsoft Word 7.0 changes when Print Preview is used. In Microsoft Word, the document title appears in the V7.0 title bar. If the Print Preview function is selected and the user goes back to the edit screen, the title bar changes(eg., ^DEC00001.DOC). This problem was fixed in the Microsoft Word V6.0 integration macro but the fix did not get added to the Microsoft Word V7.0 macro. Modules Updated: TLWW7INT.DOT o Microsoft Word File Save All generates multiple "Save New TeamLinks Object" dialog boxes In TeamLinks integration, using Microsoft Word V6.0a, doing a file "Save All" of a new document causes the "Save New TeamLinks Object" dialog box to be invoked multiple times. If the user selects OK the first time, and then OK the second time, this will result in either two duplicate documents getting saved in the TeamLinks file cabinet or the same document being saved twice as a DOS file. Modules Updated: TLWW6INT.DOT TLWW7INT.DOT o Mass-11 /d character not displayed in viewer. The string N:\43d\kampen does not view in the mastersoft viewer, but customer support reproduced it via a text-->m11 convert Modules Updated: W4W31T.DLL W4W31F.DLL o Crash occurs after Filecab.dll loads documents into a list box that requires both a horizontal and vertical scroll bar. The problem occurs using Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 3.1, but not on Windows95. If neither a horizontal or vertical scroll bar was previously visible in the list box, and a new set of documents is loaded into the list box that require both scroll bars to be made visible by Windows, then a crash occurs. Modules Updated: FILECAB.DLL o No viewer available for certain mail messages. A user receives a message and then reads the message from the TeamLinks client. In the Read Message Window where the parts of the mail message are defined, a number is placed where it should say Cover Memo (ex., 5600). The dialog box message displayed is: "There are no converters or viewers for object type 5600. Do you want to associate an application with this Object".. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o WordBasic 535 error message when using Send TeamLinks Mail from Microsoft Word V6.0 or V7.0 integrations. Selecting File-->Send TeamLinks Mail immediately after a File-->Save operation can result in a "Word Basic Err=535". If the user waits until the title bar changes the name from the staging area name to the File Cabinet name and then performs the File-->Send TeamLinks Mail, the Word Basic Err=535 doesn't occur. Modules Updated: TLWW6INT.DOT TLWW7INT.DOT o Unable to save documents into an existing folder in a shared drawer via TeamLinks from Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. The problem occurs when performing a File-->Save from within WordPerfect to the folder. When saving the document to the folder in the shared drawer, the message "Create a new folder?" appears. If YES is selected, the new message is "Cannot create folder, already exists". Modules Updated: FILECAB.DLL o TeamLinks Spell Check Skip-All produces an unintelligible message when spellchecking '* ... *' TeamLinks Spell Check displays a garbled dialog box after Skip All is selected when attempting to add non-words to the personal dictionary. Modules Updated: TLSPELL.DLL o Microsoft Word V6/V7 Mail Merge document data source not saved. When using TeamLinks V2.5-ECO4 integrated with Microsoft Word V6.0 or V7.0, the Merge feature in MS Word does not prompt the user to save their Data Source File.. Modules Updated: TLWW6INT.DOT TLWW7INT.DOT o TeamLinks Spell Check removes data in TO:, CC: and SUBJECT fields. If Spell Check is performed on a message that was created or replied to using Windows NT V3.51, the data in the TO:, CC: and Subject fields is removed. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o A shared client install does not install the files HYPERTOP.DLL and CNT31.DLL in the Windows\System area. The CNT31.DLL and HYPERTOP.DLL files are not being installed on a shared client install. It causes the following error to come up when the user chooses Help->Contents in TeamLinks: WINDOWS HELP cannot find or load the file CNT31.DLL. This file should be copied to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or a directory in your Path. Modules Updated: TLINSTAL.EXE o When doing a local installation of TeamLinks from a shared network installation, specifying additional files to copy in the defaults.ini file does not work properly. Additional files are copied, but require user intervention. It asks the user for the directory to copy the files from. Most likely the user will not know this information. Modules Updated: TLINSTAL.EXE o General Protection Fault after setting the SendBuf keyword to 1024 in office.ini. A General Protection Fault occurred after setting the SendBuf keyword in office.ini to 1024. The setting was changed to get around a Pathworks/Winsock error of Buffer too Large. Modules Updated: CFCIMAIL.DLL o Change wording for hard-hyphen error message. A spell check of the word "hard-hyphenated" does not return a good error message. It says "This is an unusual hard-hyphenated form. Check that hyphens are appropriate." Modules Updated: TLSPELL.DLL o A button for the Create Message window remains in the taskbar even though the window appears to be gone. If the Create Message preference is set to close the window after sending, there will be a problem on Windows NT V4. A button for that window remains in the taskbar even though the window appears to be gone. If the user right clicks on the window and maximizes it (restore is disabled) and then sends from it, the message may be corrupted (sent with the wrong format). Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o TeamLinks Remote setup doesn't display the full list of modems. Run TeamLinks Remote and pull down the list box of modems. It will display modem names only through Hayes. Modules Updated: TLREMOTE.EXE o TeamLinks Spell Check: "Do you want to send now?" message is confusing if user in working in off-line mode. When Spell Check on send is enabled, upon completion of spell checking, the message "Do you want to send now?" is confusing. If the user answers yes, the user may think it will trigger dialing the modem and connecting. Modules Updated: TLSPELL.DLL o Message format changes when message is sent . The previous logic used a .5in tab space for Text. The new logic calculates 8 characters in twips for the given font/size, and sets the tabs accordingly. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o Time zone conversion on Mime decoded messages on Windows NT. Mime decode incorrectly displays the time of the mail message on Windows NT when the message comes from another timezone. This means the message on Windows NT can have a date in the future or be off by hours in the east. Modules Updated: TLWNET32.DLL TLCOMMON.DLL o Microsoft Word 97 support needs to Auto-detect and update the format tag as necessary on ODMA file save. When ODMA is used to integrate WordPerfect V6.1/V7.0 and Microsoft Word 97 with the file cabinet it is possible for a saved file to be tagged incorrectly. This can occur on a File-->Save operation when the application gives the user the option to select the format in which the file is to be saved. In the case of Microsoft Word97, if the user chooses to save the Microsoft Word V6.0/95 file to the file cabinet in it's original format, Microsoft Word 97 saves the file as RTF. This fix makes sure that the file is properly tagged in the file cabinet. It does not change the behavior of Microsoft Word 97. Modules Updated: TLODMA32.DLL TLODMA.DLL o Documents opened using Microsoft Word 97 with ODMA are not unreserved when the application is closed. If the user exits Microsoft Word 97 while file cabinet documents are opened the documents can be left reserved in the file cabinet and a temporary file is not deleted from the staging directory. Modules Updated: TLODMA32.DLL TLODMA.DLL o Provide a way to make Microsoft Word 97 automatically open a document for read-only access if it is reserved by another user. Microsoft Word 97 has an ODMA interface problem. It should open a document for read-only if the user has only read access or if the document is currently being used by another user. Modules Updated: TLODMA32.DLL TLODMA.DLL o Opening a file for read-only twice doesn't work in ODMA. Two different problems can occur if a file is opened for read only access twice: 1) TeamLinks returns an undefined status value. 2) TeamLinks returns a Document ID instead of a DOS filespec. Modules Updated: TLODMA32.DLL TLODMA.DLL o Quoted addresses do not work properly in Simple MAPI. A problem occurs when using an application with Simple MAPI that allows the user to enter an address that gets passed to the MAPISendMail call. If the address was quoted it will not be interpreted properly by the Simple MAPI call. The problem is that these addresses are passed to the DDE call within quotes, so the quotes in the address need to be double-quoted to work correctly. Modules Updated: MAPI.DLL o The Simple MAPI code would not center the Connect dialog properly. If a user called the Simple MAPI MAPILogon call and passed in a window handle that could be used, the Simple MAPI code did not use it and the Connect dialog would appear in random places instead of centered over the calling application. Modules Updated: MAPI.DLL o TeamLinks Spell Check: Message with no text gives strange error message. The Windows NT RTF editor workarounds broke the "friendly" message you get when you hit spellcheck before typing in any text. Modules Updated: TLSPELL.DLL o Fix Internet Mail Personal Address Book and Distribution List validation. If you use a custom DDS DLL for internet mail (such as WINELF), Personal Address Book validation doesn't work properly. Modules Updated: INFODLL.DLL INFOMAN.EXE TLSETUP.EXE o Specific customer requests for the Simple MAPI DLL have been added. A customer is trying to use an application produced by a third party. This application has very specific requirements on the MAPI.DLL. These have been added to work with this application. 1.Allow MAPIFindNext to look for messages in a specific folder 2.Allow MAPILogon to set a return address for the user 3.Save all message ids across a session 4.Allow MAPIResolveName to always treat multiple name addresses as First and Last Name. Modules Updated: MAPI.DLL o Add preference (with no UI) to position cursor before included reply text. When replying to a message and the sender's text is included, the cursor is positioned after the included text. Some users prefer the cursor be positioned before the included text. A user can add to the following setting to office.ini: [TeamLinks Mail]ReadMsg_IncludedContentsAfterMsg=Yes. With this setting in office.ini, when doing a reply and the sender's text is included, the curser will be positioned before the included text. Modules Updated: INFOMAN.EXE o VMS mail decodes with wrong date and time. VMS mail to the TeamLinks POP3 Retriever decodes with the wrong date and time. The date parser had a bug where the code that looks for the offset from Greenwich Mean Time did not work with a three letter code. The timezone is now used instead of a number. Modules Updated: TLMIME.DLL o Optimize text strings to facilitate translation. In the past, the translation of the integration macros was always an uneasy task. Because text strings within the macros are scattered throughout, this made the task even more difficult. Modules Updated: TLWW7.DOT TLWW7INT.DOT o Scrolling while the hour glass is displayed can change the index. A user reports that deleting three messages, selecting 6 or 7 messages and holding the control key down while scrolling and then lifting the control key while the hour glass is displayed causes the index to change. Modules Updated: FCLIST.DLL Additional Release Notes ------------------------ Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroup systems without the latest version of Microsoft OLE software may generate a General Protection Fault (GPF) in MSOLE2.VBX when the user exits TeamLinks. The problem can be fixed by installing OLE Version 2.03. The OLE update is available for download from the Microsoft Corporation web site. A self-extracting archive (WW1116.EXE), as well as instructions for installing the update, is available from the following URL: ALL-IN-1, CDA, DEC, Digital, MailWorks, PATHWORKS, TeamLinks, TeamRoute, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. INSTALLATION NOTES: Installation Overview --------------------- The ECO Kit consists of two files - the cover letter (TMWE0327.CVR) and a self-extracting archive file (TMWE0327.EXE). The self-extracting file expands into three files, DISK1.EXE, DISK2.EXE and DISK3.EXE that are also self-extracting, and another copy of the cover letter file. After expansion, you install the ECO by running the SETUP.EXE file. Note that the multiple DISK files serve to break the kit up into diskette-sized components so you can distribute the ECO to individual users on diskettes. After expansion, simply copy the contents of each DISK directory to a similarly labeled diskette. Installation Procedure ---------------------- 1. Extract the contents of TMWE0327.EXE into a temporary directory by performing the following tasks. If this ECO Kit has already been extracted into a shared area, or to diskettes, go to step 2. a. Exit to MS-DOS, if applicable, or just launch an MS-DOS window. b. Create a temporary directory (for example, C:\TLPATCH). C:> MD TLPATCH c. Set your current directory to the temporary directory. C:> CD TLPATCH d. Copy the self-extracting file TMWE0327.EXE to the temporary directory. e. Execute the self-extracting file. Be sure to include the file extension in the command. C:\TLPATCH> TMWE0327.EXE The following files are created in the temporary directory: TMWE0327.CVR DISK1.EXE DISK2.EXE DISK3.EXE f. Execute the first self-extracting DISK file. The /D qualifier is required for the creation of subdirectories. C:\TLPATCH> DISK1 /D g. Execute the second self-extracting DISK file using the /D qualifier to create subdirectories. C:\TLPATCH> DISK2 /D h. Execute the third self-extracting DISK file using the /D qualifier to create subdirectories. C:\TLPATCH> DISK3 /D The ECO installation kit has been created in the subdirectories \DISK1 and \DISK2 and \DISK3 in your temporary directory. i. Return to your Windows operating system to install the ECO. 2. Complete the ECO installation by executing the command sequence below that is appropriate for your operating system: a.) for Windows, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows NT V3.X b.) for Windows 95 and Windows NT V4.0 Setup will determine if TeamLinks is installed as a Network Shared Copy or as a Local Copy and will patch the necessary files accordingly. NOTE: In the case of a Network Shared Copy, once the network files have been updated with this ECO, re-install TeamLinks on each client PC by running the normal SETUP.EXE file located in the SETUP directory of the Network Shared Copy. a.) From Windows, Windows for Workgroups or Windows NT 3.X i. Prior to running the patch installation, shut down ALL applications that may be running, except of course, for the Program Manager. ii. Select the Run command from the File pulldown menu. iii. Enter the full path of the SETUP.EXE program located in the temporary directory you created in step 1. Command Line: C:\TLPATCH\DISK1\SETUP.EXE iv. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the installation. b.) From Windows 95 or Windows NT V4.0 i. Prior to running the patch installation, shut down ALL applications that may be running. ii. Select the Run command from the Start menu. iii. Enter the full path of the SETUP.EXE program located in the temporary directory you created in step 1 then click OK. Open: C:\TLPATCH\DISK1\SETUP.EXE iv. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the installation.

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