Re: OpenGL Volumizer Update

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Robert L. Brown (
Mon, 06 Sep 1999 22:27:11

> Can you say anything on the availability of Volumizer on NT? Is this
> still anticipated for the beginning of 2000 as an extension to
> Fahrenheit?

As you know, OpenGL Volumizer works best on machines that have good
hardware support for volume visualization: Impact and IR graphics, for
example, and less well on machines that don't: O2, for example.

If we were to release a version of Volumizer for NT, what graphics would
you want it to run on? The technical issues of porting Volumizer to NT
are nearly trivial, with the exception of optimizing for this or that
graphics hardware. Are you asking for an all-software version, with the
correspondingly poor performance?

The same issue exists for Linux, by the way.

So the technical challenge is not whether Volumizer runs on this or that
operating system, but what graphcs hardware it runs on hand how
optimized for that graphics hardware it is.

Robert L. Brown, Ph.D.
Engineering Manager, Graphics APIs

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