Re: C++ Compiler

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wenrer wohlfahrter (
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 12:28:32 -0500


unfortunately I do have problems installing the new version...
I started at your URL and then to the download page by pressing the download button.
First I decided to "Download and Install" the patch from the server. After
downloading 155megs it did nothing for more than 10 mins so I decided to stop it and try to
install it by hand. I tried to get the instructions using the link "For instructions on ..."
but this URL is not found ....
Need help ...

Thanks in advance
ww :)

Dave Akers wrote:

> Werner,
> The compiler maintenance upgrade seems to have been moved from its
> original location during the past few weeks (sorry!). The upgrade can be
> found at
> Please let us know if you have any problems..
> -Dave
> *** NOTE: ***
> The inst.README file incorrectly states that patchSG0003659
> will get removed by The patch, however, will not be
> removed and needs to be manually removed if it is has been installed.
> This can be done by the following command either before or after
> MIPSpro is installed:
> #versions remove patchSG0003659
> OR, if the compilers are installed to an alternate root under modules:
> #versions -r alternate_root_location remove patchSG0003659

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