Re: Volumizer on Octane

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Dave Akers (dla)
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:00:11 -0800


  It's hard to tell what the problems may be from your initial
description. We would be happy to look at some sample code if you send it
our way, however. :)


On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Chingyao Lin wrote:

> Hi,
> I have 2 problems when I was running Volumizer programs on
> Octane. There are no problems at all when I tried it(with 3696 patch or
> not) on Onyx2.
> 1. I just got the patch 3696 today, I installed it. Remake my
> program, run it.....Then, segmentation fault. I uninstalled the patch,
> make it, run it again, everything is fine. The error message from dbx
> said:
> Process 1860 (voglBasic) stopped on signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation
> violation (default) at [memcmp:77 ,0xfad9838]
> Source (of
> /xlv51/6.5.5f/work/irix/lib/libc/libc_n32_M4/strings/bcmp.s) not available
> for Process 1860
> My program just modified the brick data and redisplay the
> modified data. On Onyx2 there is no problem.
> 2. I use Volumizer with Performer and just added one more
> function, clip plane. When I changed the clip plane, it gave me
> an erro. Here is the error message from dbx:
> Process 1985 (perfvol) stopped on signal SIGBUS: Bus error (default) at
> [voBrickSet::getBrickCount(void):582 +0x4,0x100075bc]
> 582 return totalBricksNumber;
> The second problem happened no matter the 3696 patch is installed
> or not. But it works fine on Onyx 2.
> I would like to know if above 2 problem were caused by my program
> or not.
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards
> Chingyao
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Ching-Yao Lin
> Research Assistant
> Virtual Environment Research Institute
> Univ. Of Houston

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