Re: volumizer 1.2

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Werner Wohlfahrter (
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 18:06:55 -0500


> Volumizer 1.2 is currently scheduled to web release on December 20th.
> While you wait, here's some information on the voxel modification routines
> that will be available... :) Let me know if you still have any questions..
> -Dave

Thanks for your information.
Sorry - I missunderstood the term voxel modification!
I expected possibilities to modify data using deflectors which was first
described by Kurzion and Yagel, "Volume Deformation using Ray Deflectors" in
Will this possiblities be available in Volumizer - sometime???

Thanks ww :)

                                                         @ @
      Werner Wohlfahrter
      Fraunhofer CRCG, Inc.
      321 South Main St.
      Providence, RI 02903, USA

phone : (+1) 401 453-6363 x110 email :, icq : 9611406 =====================================================================

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