Re: Brick reloading question

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Dave Akers (dla)
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:03:22 -0800


  voAppearanceActions::dataConvert() is designed to convert data from disk
data format to the external format of your application. If the data
formats are the same, however, (e.g. you're going from LUMINANCE to
LUMINANCE), it will do no copying at all. The intention here is to convert
the data, not copy it.

  So you've got a couple of choices:

  A) wait until Volumizer 1.2 is released in a few weeks (or, since you're
signed up as a participant in the beta program, fax us back the beta
agreement and we can get you a pre-release copy you can test!) This will
have built-in support for voxel modification. You'll be able to get/set
regions of voxel data, or individual voxels, and not have to worry about
brick boundaries or interleaving. (Note that all the brick I/O will happen
using the externalFormat of your data.)

  B) [in 1.1] load the data yourself, updating each brick's data through
the address obtained by voBrick::getDataPtr(). You'll have to be aware of
interleaving in this case..

  C) change your filtering code to work on a brick-by-brick basis, and
work with the data Volumizer keeps locally. (Note that you'll have to
handle interleaving yourself in this case.)

I'd personally vote for option A. ;)


On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Mark Davey wrote:

> Hi...
> I am writing some code to perform image processing functions in 3D on a
> copy of a data set that is in the disk format. I now need to reload the
> bricks with this information. The copy is not stored as a series of
> bricks but as one large volume. Can anyone help with the most efficient
> way of updating the brick data. Obviously the extra copy and the brick
> formats may be different. I have used the
> voAppearanceActions::volumeOptimize()
> on the brickset if this is of any help.
> I have tried using the
> static int dataConvert (voTexture3D* aTexture3D, void* data,
> voExternalFormatType diskFormat);
> function but nothing seems to happen!
> Furthermore, what is the integer that is returned from this function?
> regards
> Mark
> --
> From: Mark Davey
> Dept. of Medical Physics, UCL.
> TEL: +44 (0)171 915 1673.
> FAX: +44 (0)171 837 9279.
> Institute of Laryngology and Otology,
> 330 Gray's Inn Road,
> London.
> WC1X 8GE.

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