Volumizer Appearance Problem

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Florian Schroecker (fschroecker@hotmail.com)
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 07:58:58 PST

A adapted version of the Volumizer Inventor example class
voivAppearance generates the following error on creating a

Error: Bad value in textureLoad(); possibly too large of a brick

This happens when a new Volume is loaded by changing the fileNameField,
it works fine the first time. The Volume we use is 256*256*128 and
use the whole 16MB Texture memory of our ONYX.

The voivAppeance class had no cleanup code, we added the following to
clean up
before loading another Volume:


voBrickSetCollectionIterator collectionIter(_aVolume);
for (voBrickSet * brickSet; brickSet = collectionIter();)
voBrickSetIterator brickSetIter(brickSet);
for(voBrick * brick; brick=brickSetIter();)
delete _aVolume;

Maybe there is a problem in the destructor of voBrickSetCollection or in
voAppearanceActions::unOptimize ?

The problem does not appear if voAppearanceActions::volumeOptimize
is not used, but this results in really slow rendering.

Maybe somebody knows about the problem or has any suggestions?

thanks, Florian

Institute for Medical Informatics
Braunschweig, Germany

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