Re: Picking with C3F_V3F

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Robert Grzeszczuk (rg)
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:13:02 -0800


Glad could be of help. :-)

Picking deformable volumes would be a major reason for extending the capability
beyond V3F. Although, it may not work in the software-only mode (i.e., only
hardware assisted solution). Thanks for your feedback.


On Feb 19, 6:32am, Florian Schroecker wrote:
> Subject: Re: Picking with C3F_V3F
> Hi Robert,
> thanks for the quick reply! Like you guessed, we don't really need
> the color values, so a shadow tetraset works fine.
> Anyway, we plan to use the picking ray to calculate collision
> with the volume (given by a threshold value of the voxels intensity).
> We will use the T3F_V3F format to allow deformation of the volume.
> This would imply, that picking does not work right on deformed
> Volumes (Tetracoordinates != Texturecoordinates), right?
> yours, Florian
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