Re: Unsupported texelformat

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From: Dave Akers (
Date: 04/19/2001 18:21:07

Hi Manfred,

  Yes, that's a bug. If the number of bytes per voxel is greater than 8
(as with your case), you won't be able to use the getVoxelAddr() method.
Until we fix it, you could easily write your own implementation of
getVoxelAddr to work around it.


On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Manfred Weiler wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a certain reason why voBrick::getVoxelAddr()
> does not support floats as a texel data type?
> Applying this method to a float RGBA brick results
> in the following error message:
> > OpenGL Volumizer error UNSUPPORTED: voBrick::getVoxelAddr(): unimplemented texel format
> BTW. is this behaviour documented somewhere - I'm not quite sure
> at least I could not find some notes about this quickly.
> Manfred.
> ======================================================================
> Manfred Weiler
> Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme Telefon: 0711/7816-208
> Universitaet Stuttgart, IfI FAX: 0711/7816-340

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