Public Domain or Publicly Available Applications

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What's new

2/24/98: added Mammut, a new application from the folks at NoTAM.
11/18/97: added StochGran, a granular synthesis program.
10/23/97: added PD and GEM, some very cool real-time digital media software from Miller Puckette and Mark Danks.
8/20/97: added Mixie, a little scripted mixer aimed at handling files with arbitrary numbers of channels.
8/17/97: added SANTIS, a signal-processing package.
8/17/97: added SNDAN, a package of programs for spectrum analysis, graphics, modification, and resynthesis.
8/17/97: added XPatchWork, a simple GUI for csound.
8/17/97: added a link to Linux Sound Apps, a list of Linux sound applications, many of which also have SGI ports.
8/5/97: updated DAP's location. The author notes that there is a much improved version. I still have the screen shot from the old version (my apologies...)
6/10/97: added XAUDIO, a native MPEG audio library and GUI-based file player
7/9/97: updated NoTAM's links. These folks have some very cool new tools, and updated versions of their older ones; check them out!
6/10/97: added XAUDIO, a native MPEG audio library and GUI-based file player
5/7/97: added MPEG Audio Layer 3 , encoder & decoder, from the Fraunhofer Institute.
4/29/97: added CAST , CNMAT's Additive Synthesis Tools.
2/26/97: added Mikmod , a software MOD player.
1/27/97: added LAmb , a real-time speaker-array spatialization program.

The following applications are available free-of-charge from the sites noted.

MIT Media Lab Machine Listening Group

Software audio synthesis/analysis language.
Author: Barry Vercoe and others. There's more information available on Csound from the Leeds Csound Front Page.
Grab the source
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Graphical user-interface for Csound. Requires Tcl/Tk.
Jean Piche.
Grab Cynthia
CECILIA is a music/sound production system that uses MIT's Csound as its sound-processing language.

CECILIA was designed with all Csound users in mind, but specially those whose main concern is the efficient production of music and sound. Its principal aim is to enhance production by proposing a powerful design interface and a number of "speed" tools in an integrated environment. Almost all Csound-related tasks will enjoy an enormous productivity boost under CECILIA.

Authors: Jean Piche, Alexandre Burton.

Go to the CECILIA page

XpatchWork is a simple GUI for csound.
Author: Bill Morgan.
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Pd is a real-time environment for audio and MIDI processing. It uses a graphical editor to connect objects together.
Author: Miller Puckette.
GEM is a real-time computer graphics environment which runs under Pd. It does both polygonal graphics and image/video processing using OpenGL.
Author: Mark Danks.
Using both Pd and GEM, you can create interactive, audio-visual compositions in one integrated environment.
Grab a copy of PD
Grab a copy of GEM

The Princeton Sound Kitchen

Software analysis/synthesis package.
Author: Paul Lansky.
Grab the Source (via The Princeton Sound Kitchen Page)
Real-time soundfile mixing and effects system. Paul writes on 1/5/97 that there is a new version of RT with a number of enhancements .
Author: Paul Lansky and Kent Dickey.
Grab the source
Ein is a simple interface that makes it easy to implement digital filters, process sounds and tinker with signal processing algorithms. The results are converted to sound, and analyzed using the discrete Fourier transform. The syntax of ein scripts is basically a description of digital filter flow diagrams. It is essentially a scratchpad for dsp and is not meant to be a production tool.

Author: The interface was developed by Paul Lansky , using the filter compiler designed by Ken Steiglitz .

Go to the Ein home page
Synthesis Toolkit (tk96cpp)
A set of Unit Generator, Musical Instrument, and Performer Model Classes in C++. Includes a number of physical models, modal, FM algorithms, and a family of vocal synthesis algorithms.
Author: Perry Cook .
Go to Perry's 'New Work' page and download the source
gQ is a real-time, para-graphic equalizer. It is real-time in that it will play your soundfile and allow you manipulate the filters banks as you listen. It is para-graphic in that it has twelve bands (twelve stereo filters) that are arrangeds as in a graphic equalizer, but the center frequencies and bandwidths of the bands are sweepable. It reads and writes both AIFF and NeXT soundfiles.
Author: Dan Trueman .
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godot is meant to be used as a real time performance tool. It is a flexible implementation of a typical rack mount signal processor's multitap delay feature. You can choose up to ten delay times, pans, transpositions, and amplitudes for a particular configuration, and you can use a MIDI foot pedal to send program changes which will switch from one configuration to another.
Author: Dan Trueman .
Grab a copy of godot
The Cyclotron is a companion program to Paul Lansky's RT mixing facility. It allows you to easily experiment with rhythmic cycles of varying lengths and subdivisions. It uses straightforward, RT-like, scripting to manipulate and layer multiple cycles.
Author: Dan Trueman .
Grab a copy of cyclotron
Marksnd is a simply utility to create indexes for the contents of a soundfile.
Author: Paul Lansky.
Grab a copy of marksnd
Metronome is a simple tuning fork/metronome utility.
Author: Paul Lansky .
Grab a copy of metronome

Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)

CAST: CNMAT Additive Synthesis Tools
CNMAT's real-time additive synthesis engine, related tools, and Max objects. This is a demo version.
Authors: Many
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SMS (Spectral Modeling Synthesis) is a software package that implements several techniques for the analysis, transformation and synthesis of sounds. The goal of SMS is to get a general and intuitive sound representation based on analysis, from which we can manipulate musical parameters while maintaining the perceptual identity with the original sound when no transformations are made.
Authors: Xavier Serra and Ramon Loureiro
Go to the SMS home page

A LISP-based language for composition and sound synthesis.
Author: Roger B. Dannenberg
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CLM (Common Lisp Music)
CLM is a sound synthesis and processing system in the Music V family.
Author: Bill Schottstaedt ( .
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MODE (Musical Object Development Environment)
The MODE is an object-oriented music composition system written in Smalltalk.
Author: Steven Travis Pope ( .
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Common Music (CM)
Common Music (CM) is a music composition environment that supports both algorithmic and non-algorithmic styles of music composition. It produces musical output for a number of widely available synthesis programs and protocols such as MIDI, CSound, Common Lisp Music (CLM), Music Kit, CMix, CMusic, RT, Mix and Common Music Notation (CMN). CM requires Common Lisp .
Author: Rick Taube ( .
Go to the Common Music home page
Grab a precompiled IRIX 5.3 binary
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Stampede does real-time granular resynthesis of soundfiles. It treats treats in real time in a variety of ways: pitch-independent speeding up and slowing down (with arbitrary factors); speed-independent pitch-shifting; "brassage"; mass effects from parallel grain-streams; chorusing and flanging; ring-modulation; dynamics compression / expansion; "resonating chords", comb-filtering; and dynamics-dependent time-stretching.
Author: Gerhard Behles .
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StochGran is a granular synthesis composition instrument application. You can graphically design sound gestures by shaping curves for the grain rate, duration, frequency and location parameters.
Author: Mara Helmuth .
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Sound editing and signal-processing, including numerous types of filtering, LPC and formant analysis.
Author: Doug Scott .
Check out the MiXViews page

Snd is a sound-editing package.
Author: Bil Schottstaedt.
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Go to the Snd Home Page

DAP is a sound-editing and digital signal-processing program.
Author: Richard Kent .
Get a copy of DAP

Multi-track recording & mixing with automation.
Author: Chris Plack
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Multi-track recording & mixing, including 3D audio displays.
Author: Terry Weissman
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A very simple scripted mixer with the ability to consume and produce files with many channels. It's a quick little hack, but let me know if you find it useful, and please send me suggestions. More features will be forthcoming.
Author: Doug Cook
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NoTAM - Norwegian Network for Technology, Acoustics, and Music

NoTAM has a number of SGI software projects under way. Definitely check out their web site.
Ceres does sound processing in the frequency domain.
Mammut is a program for SGI computers, doing sound processing in the frequency domain. Mammut will FFT your entire sound (no windows). Different transforms can be applied to the spectrum, like nonlinear stretching, spectrum shift, convolution, filtering, permutation etc.
Mix is a 9-track, disk-based mix program for SGI.
Pitchtracker is an analysis program for SGI's that locates the frequency of a fundamental.
Bio is an interactive analysis program for SGI machines that shows sonograms, spectrograms, oscillograms, pitch-track, spectral center and noise content.
Sono is a sonograph (spectrum analyzer) for SGI machines.

E-mu Systems, Inc.

Real-time frequency-domain analysis and resynthesis tool. Analysis features include a variety of formats (waterfall plots, spectrograms, rectangular/polar coordinate selection) and options (FFT parameters, window type, color parameters, drawing style, etc.). Resynthesis features allow one to apply time-varying filters and to create filters from existing sounds (for cross-synthesis effects).
Span -- Spectrum Analyzer
A real-time spectrum analyzer. Allows one to capture snapshots to an Xgraph file, to adjust the analysis parameters (FFT size/window length/window type/power vs. energy), and to remove DC components. Will process files as well as real-time input.
Author: Alan Peevers

Grab a Spectrogram binary
Grab the Spectrogram README
Grab a Span binary

Real-time spectra, spectrograms, oscilloscope, and waterfall plots.
Author: Chris Plack
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Real time spectrogram - wide band spectrogram for SGI's.
Author: David Rossiter ( .
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SANTIS (Signal Analysis and Time-Series Processing)
SANTIS is a software tool designed for the analysis of signals and time series data of any kind, in particular for scientific purposes. It was developed at the Laboratory of Biomedical Systems Analysis, Institute of Physiology at the University of Aachen, Germany. Our working group is mainly involved with the analysis of biological and physiological systems and related time series, so with respect to the functionality of SANTIS there is a certain emphasis on advanced methods of systems analysis, but all important standard features of signal processing are provided as well.
Go to the SANTIS homepage

SNDAN is a package of programs for spectrum analysis, graphics, modification, and resynthesis. One group of programs performs analysis and converts sound files into "analysis files", which contain data for the amplitudes and frequencies of components comprising the sound. Another group is used to view data, either in signal or analysis form. A third group includes programs to modify the analysis data. The fourth type is used to synthesize signal files from the analysis data.
Go to the SNDAN homepage

LAmb for the SGI Indy was designed for the creation of dynamic soundfields on a speaker array by live performance with a MIDI keyboard. Four mono audio inputs can be processed simultaneously to generate a four-channel soundfield output. Alternatively it can be used as a MIDI box connected to external sequencers, or internal processes via stdio.
Author: Dylan Menzies-Gow.
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Nex is a very simple freeware reverberator for SGI. It features real-time audio input + output & GUI.
Tommi Ilmonen.
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Simple program that shifts pitch of SGI audio signal in real-time.
This is a very simple vocal eraser. It (sorta) works by adding one channel out of phase to the other. Anything present in both channels in the same amount disappears, and everything else changes volume pretty wildly.
Author: Ross Clement .
Grab Pitchchange
Grab Erase

Spectra is a stand-alone program which is designed to replace the traditional Audio Control Panel supplied by SGI with a much smaller, and sleeker, display. This display may be kept always active on your display due to the minimal screen area it occupies. (22 pixels width!!)
Author: David Cook (
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VSS (Virtual Sonic Space)
Real-time 3D spatialization program, with HRTF convolution, doppler shift, distance cues
Author: Rick Bidlack ( .
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Notation and sequencing suite of tools. Files can be exchanged between notation and sequencing tools. Can import/export MIDI files, create CSound scores, too. "Some features not completed, but development continues."
Go to the Rosegarden Page

CMN (Common Music Notation)
Music Notation package; requires Common Lisp, CLOS, PostScript w/ Sonata or Petrucci fonts.
Author: Bill Schottstaedt ( .
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TeX support for music notation. Requires TeX.
Author: Daniel Taupin
Grab a copy (Denmark)
Grab a copy (Stanford)

Audio file format conversion tool; has other features, including resampling, filtering, gain, and effects.
Author: Lance Norskog (
Grab a copy (Netherlands)
Grab a copy (CMU)

l3dec / l3enc
Shareware software-only MPEG Audio Layer 3 encoder / decoder.
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A software-only MPEG audio decoding library and GUI tool.
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A software-only MPEG encoder.
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A software-only MPEG system player (audio and video both).
Author: Jerry Kaas (but uses Berkeley MPEG video code and maplay code)
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A software-only MPEG audio player.
Author: Tobias Doping Bading
Due to slow Internet connections to this site, please use the mail server . Send an email to this address with the contents SEND incoming/maplay1.2/maplay1_2.tar.Z

XAnim is a program for viewing a wide variety of animation formats (including FLI, FLC, IFF, GIF, AVI, RLE, MPEG, Quicktime, and others) under X11. The latest revisions of XAnim have audio support for several machines. XAnim can even play an audio file(WAV format) with an animation that doesn't already contain audio.
Author: Mark Podlipec (
Latest XAnim Release Info

Audio Compression tool.
Author: Tony Robinson.
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Mikmod is a software MOD player.
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Midia is a software-only midi file player.
Author: Mike Friedman.
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Software-only MOD file player. Under IRIX 5.3 and later operating systems, the desktop has support for playing MOD files by double-clicking on them if you have tracker installed.
Author: Marc Espie
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MIDI routines
Simple routines for MIDI I/O and examples of use.
Author: Tom Benoist .
Grab a Copy!.

CHAOS is a Midi Sequencer which samples sound from the SGI audio ports and converts frequency amplitudes to humanly constrainable chaotic midi output. Requires Irix 5.2 or later, a MIDI box, and the synthesizer of your choice.
Tom Benoist .
Grab a Copy!.

Complete speech synthesis system for UNIX.
Author: Nick Ing-Simmons.
Grab a Copy (from Tom Benoist's "strange software" page).

Announce announces mail by voice or by playing a soundfile. In fact, announce is just a filter, which may be used to start any other Unix program when new mail arrives.
Author: Stefan Stapelberg
( .
Go to the announce Web site

Speak Freely
Speak Freely is a Windows & UNIX application that allows you to talk (actually send voice, not typed characters) over a network.
John Walker
Get information or source-code
Get an IRIX 5.3 installable binary

Client/server application built on the same model as X windows, mechanism for distributed audio on a network.
Author: ???.
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Audio conferencing program.
Author: Henning Schulzrinne (
Grab a copy (UMass)
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VAT (Visual Audio Tool)
Multicast/Unicast audio conferencing system.
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CWI - Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica

A set of programs to broadcast AM-quality radio over the ethernet.
Author: Guido van Rossum
Audio File Formats FAQ (doc)
A document answering Frequently Asked Questions about audio file formats.
Author: Guido van Rossum
ADPCM code
Source-code for a fast ADPCM compression implementation.
Author: Jack Jansen
A "tuner" program to go with Radio.
Author: Jack Jansen
Lots of other goodies at this site.
Grab any of the CWI software

DAT Goodies
Source-code examples for automated audio DAT recording/playing on SGI, using the built-in DAT drives; includes dodat , a DAT scripting language with support for DAT mastering and gathering files from DAT, and cdtodat , which transfers CD's to DAT.
Author: Doug Cook
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CD-R writing software, ported from Linux. The author notes that the current version should be considered an alpha...
Author: Paul Bruggeman (
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Multimedia Computing Group, Georgia Tech
Signal-Processing Goodies
This directory contains utility functions for signal processing, especially audio processing on Sun and SGI workstations. These utilities are fastest for floating point data (C type float or double). There is a set of utilities for conversion between audio encoding formats. Lots of goodies, including reverb, mixing, convolution, damped-sinusouid synthesis, HRTF convolution, etc.
Author: David Burgess
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Sound Processing Kit
Sound Processing Kit is a C++ class library for audio signal processing. Sound Processing Kit supports the NeXT/Sun soundfile format for audio I/O. The software should compile and run on most UNIX compatible systems, including NEXTSTEP and SGI workstations. On SGI, AIFF/AIFC soundfiles are supported.
Author: Kai Lassfolk
Get the Sound Processing Kit

Patches for IRIX 5.2/5.3 sfconvert & aifcresample
Soundfile format and sample-rate conversion tools. These are updated versions of the standard tools shipped with IRIX. IRIX 5.2's sfconvert had a bug in the sampling rate conversions. IRIX 5.3's sfconvert and aifcresample had minor bugs in output amplitude and latency.
Author: Gints Klimanis (
Grab the Binaries

AbbotDemo is a packaged demonstration of the Abbot connectionist/HMM continuous speech recognition system developed by the Connectionist Speech Group at Cambridge University. The system is designed to recognize British English and American English clearly spoken in a quiet acoustic environment. The demonstration system has a vocabulary of 5000 words.

Authors: Tony Robinson (Cambridge University), Mike Hochberg (Cambridge University), Steve Renals (Sheffield University), Dan Kershaw (Cambridge University), Beth Logan (Cambridge University), Carl Seymour (Cambridge University)
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Comp.Speech Archives
The comp.speech source archive is a rich mine of goodies for speech and music analysis and synthesis alike. Normally we put entries in this apps list an application-at-a-time, but there are so many things in the comp.speech archive, and enough new goodies pouring in, that we thought we'd just add a link to this archive as a whole.
Nip over to the comp.speech source archives.
Pop in for a visit at the comp.speech binary archives.