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Special Characters

! subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

* wildcard character, CDEAdvUsr

? subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

? wildcard character, CDEAdvUsr

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abnormal_termination function, ProgGde

abstract for help volume, CDEHelp

accelerator keys
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

accept socket call
        contrast to XTI t_accept function, NetProgGde

access control list, Security
        See ACL, Security

access to files, CommandShellGde

accessible symbols, STREAMSProg

account management, Security

account subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

accountability, Security

accounting, SystemAdmin

accounts, Security

acctcms command, SystemAdmin

acctcom command, SystemAdmin

acctdisk command, SystemAdmin

acctdusg command, SystemAdmin

acctmerg command, SystemAdmin

acctprc1 command, SystemAdmin

acctprc2 command, SystemAdmin

ACL, Security

acos routine, DPML

acosd routine, DPML

acosh routine, DPML

action file, CDEAdvUsr

action icon, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr

action invocation
        in CDE program development, CDEProgOverview

        creating, CDE_User
        creating manually, CDEAdvUsr
        creating with Create Action, CDEAdvUsr
        executing, CDE_User
        in CDE application development, CDEProgGuide
        introduction to, CDEAdvUsr

active user
        typical state transitions, NetProgGde

activity license, LicenseManage

acucap file, NetAdmin

Ada language debugging support, Ladebug

addgroup utility, SystemAdmin

Address Resolution Protocol
        See ARP, TechOver

addressing in DLPI, NetProgGde

adduser utility, SystemAdmin

administrators, introduction, Security

Advanced File System
        See AdvFS, InstallGuide, SystemAdmin

advanced sockets topics, NetProgGde

AdvFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        choosing during installation, InstallGuide
        file system quotas, SystemAdmin
        fileset quotas, SystemAdmin
        managing quotas, SystemAdmin
        setting up, SystemAdmin
        tuning, SystemTune

aliases, execution
        in CDE help, CDEHelp

aliases, predefined, Ladebug

_align storage class modifier, ProgGde

        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        implementation on Alpha CPU hardware platforms, DevDriverAdvTopics
        placement of data item in memory, DevDriverAdvTopics

allocating resources for DMA data transfers
        with dma_map_alloc and dma_map_load, DevDriverVMEbus

allocating system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_alloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

allocating VMEbus address space
        See allocating resources for DMA data transfers, DevDriverVMEbus

Alpha 64-bit architecture
        performance considerations, SystemTune

alt.soft-sys.tooltalk news group, ToolTalkMsg

animation, CDEAdvUsr

        standards and application development considerations, ProgGde

        and CDE compliance, CDEProgOverview

ANSI C conformance summary, DECC

ANSI C Standard, DECC

app-defaults file, CDEAdvUsr
        and application font names, CDEProgGuide
        for dtksh, Desktopksh

Application Builder, AppBuilder
        introduction to CDE, CDEProgOverview

application design principles
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

application development
        in CDE, CDEProgOverview
        phases of, ProgGde

application group, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr
        personal, CDE_User

application icon, CDEAdvUsr

application integration
        in CDE, CDEProgOverview
        using ToolTalk, ToolTalkMsg

Application Manager, CDEAdvUsr, CDECompanion

application performance, SystemAdmin

application programming interface
        sockets, NetProgGde
        STREAMS, NetProgGde
        WPI, International
        XTI, NetProgGde

application programming interfaces
        DLI, TechOver
        DLPI, TechOver
        sockets, TechOver
        STREAMS, TechOver
        XTI, TechOver

application programs
        compiling and linking in System V habitat, ProgGde
        porting, ProgGde
        porting to XTI, NetProgGde

application registration in CDE, CDEHelp

application resources
        administering, CDEAdvUsr

application search path, CDEAdvUsr

application servers, CDEAdvUsr

application window management
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

applications, CDEAdvUsr
        accessing from front panel, CDECompanion
        adding and administering, CDEAdvUsr
        creating Motif applications with dtksh, Desktopksh
        integrated into CDE, CDECompanion
        registering, CDEAdvUsr
        running from the desktop, CDE_User

        See VMEbus architectures, DevDriverVMEbus
        of RIS, SharingSW

archiving services, SystemAdmin

arguments for actions, CDEAdvUsr

ARP, TechOver

arp command, NetAdmin

as command, ProgGde

ASCII equivalence table, DECC

ascii subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

asin routine, DPML

asind routine, DPML

asinh routine, DPML

assembler directives, AsmLangGde

assert_wait_mesg kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

assigning program numbers, OncRpcProgram

asynchronous I/O, STREAMSProg
        realtime, Realtime

Asynchronous Transfer Mode
        See ATM, ATMProgGde

at command, SystemAdmin

atan routine, DPML

atan2 routine, DPML

atand routine, DPML

atand2 routine, DPML

atanh routine, DPML

ATM, TechOver
        cells, ATMProgGde
        CMM routines, ATMProgGde
        configuring the software, ATMProgGde
        connection management, ATMProgGde
        convergence module interface, ATMProgGde
        device driver interface, ATMProgGde
        error codes, ATMProgGde
        flow control, ATMProgGde
        global data structures, ATMProgGde
        header files, ATMProgGde
        Module Management Interface, ATMProgGde
        programming examples, ATMProgGde
        queuing guidelines, ATMProgGde
                        interface, ATMProgGde
        tuning, ATMProgGde

ATM architecture
        overview, ATMProgGde

ATM subsystem
        interfaces, ATMProgGde

atmarp command, ATMProgGde

atmconfig command, ATMProgGde
        and PVCs, ATMProgGde

ATOM, TechOver

Atom tools, ProgGde

        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        type of serialization, DevDriverAdvTopics

attached process
        debugging, Ladebug

attaching in App Builder, AppBuilder

        adding to dtmail message, CDE_User
        to documents, CDEStyle

audio/visual capabilities
        installing, InstallGuide

audit subsystem, Security

        of client, OncRpcProgram

        X, CDEAdvUsr

auto repeat, DWUser

        declarations and definitions section, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        EISA/ISA bus device drivers, DevDriverEisa
        support section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

Autoconfiguration Support Section
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

automount daemon, NetAdmin

availability license, LicenseManage

awakening kernel thread
        See unblocking kernel thread, DevDriverAdvTopics

awk utility, ProgSupTools

AXPvme Single-Board Computers, DevDriverVMEbus

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b_resid member
        use as argument with copyin kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

backdrops, CDEAdvUsr

background process, CommandShellGde

        performing with NetWorker SingleServer, InstallGuide
        procedures, SystemAdmin

backward compatibility
        shared libraries, ProgGde

BADADDR interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

base operating system software subsets, InstallGuide

basic regular expression, ProgSupTools

bcheckrc script, SystemAdmin

bcopy kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

Berkeley Internet Name Domain
        See BIND naming service, TechOver

BGP, TechOver

big endian
        See byte ordering, DevDriverVMEbus
        byte ordering, AsmLangGde

binary incompatibility
        shared libraries, ProgGde

binary subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

        configuring, NetAdmin
        testing, NetAdmin
        using, NetAdmin

bind event, NetProgGde

BIND naming service
        defined, TechOver
        introduction, TechOver

bind socket call
        contrast to XTI t_bind function, NetProgGde

        lazy binding, AsmLangGde

binlogd daemon, SystemAdmin

bit fields, ProgGde

bit gravity, displayPS

bit-to-text translation, DECevent

bitmaps, CDEAdvUsr

block, DECC

block device
        comparison with character device, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

block device driver
        introductory discussion and examples of, DevDriverTutorial

Bookreader, DWUser

bootable tape, SystemAdmin, TechOver

        genvmunix, SystemAdmin
        overview, SystemAdmin

booting processors, InstallGuide

booting single-board computers, InstallGuide

bootp, SharingSW

bootpd, SharingSW, TechOver

bootptab, SharingSW

Border Gateway Protocol
        See BGP, TechOver

borders around objects
        implementing, AppBuilder

bounds file
        description of, KernelDebug

Bourne shell, CommandShellGde

breaking remote cu connection (UUCP), CommandShellGde

breaking remote tip connection (UUCP), CommandShellGde

breakpoints, Ladebug

bridging drivers
        BSD drivers to STREAMS protocol stacks, NetProgGde
        STREAMS drivers to sockets protocol stacks, NetProgGde

broadcast RPC, OncRpcProgram

browser help volume, CDEHelp

browser (Module Browser), AppBuilder

BSD drivers
        bridging to STREAMS protocol stacks, NetProgGde

BSD sockets, NetProgGde

btcreate command, SystemAdmin

btextract command, SystemAdmin

buf structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        formal description, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

buffer cache
        management of, DevDriverTutorial

buffering, displayPS

building applications with App Builder, AppBuilder

building programs
        See lex program, ProgSupTools
        See make utility, ProgSupTools
        See yacc program, ProgSupTools

building the kernel, InstallGuide

built-in functions
        pragma counterparts, ProgGde

        See also OPENbus, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial

bus physical address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

bus structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

bus support subsystem
        accessing device registers of bus adapter, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

buses, supported, TechOver
        EISA, TechOver
        Futurebus+, TechOver
        ISA, TechOver
        PCI, TechOver
        SCSI, TechOver
        TURBOchannel, TechOver
        VME, TechOver
        XMI, TechOver

busy wait time
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics

button binding, CDEAdvUsr

buttons, CDE_User
        using push buttons, DWUser

bye subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

byte operations
        See reading data from a device register, DevDriverVMEbus
        See writing data from a device register, DevDriverVMEbus

byte ordering, ProgGde
        big endian, AsmLangGde
        little endian, AsmLangGde

byte string
        copying bcopy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

bzero kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

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C compiler, DECC, TechOver

C function, DECC

C language syntax summary, DECC

C language, program checking
        external names, ProgGde
        function definitions, ProgGde
        initializing variables, ProgGde
        migration, ProgGde
        portability, ProgGde
        structure, union, ProgGde
        use of characters, ProgGde
        use of uninitialized variables, ProgGde

C lexicon, DECC

C naming conventions, CDEProgGuide

C shell, CommandShellGde

        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

C++ language debugging support, Ladebug

cabs routine, DPML

Calculator, DWUser

Calendar, DWUser

        converting to CDE format, CDECompanion

calendar (dtcm)
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        integrating CDE applications with, CDEProgGuide
        using, CDE_User

call chain, CallStandard

call graphs
        gprof tool, ProgGde

call stack, Ladebug

callback procedure
        and RPC, OncRpcProgram

        and CDE application development, CDEProgGuide
        in CDE help, CDEHelp
        using in dtksh, Desktopksh

caller process, OncRpcProgram

        common structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        configuration driver structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        generic structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        SCSI CDROM/AUDIO device structures and commands, SCSIDevDrivers
        SCSI disk device structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        SCSI tape device structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        SCSI/CAM peripheral drivers, SCSIDevDrivers
        SCSI/CAM special I/O interface, SCSIDevDrivers
        SIM SCSI Interface layer, SCSIDevDrivers
        tuning, SystemTune
        User Agent driver structures and routines, SCSIDevDrivers
        XPT transport layer, SCSIDevDrivers

CAM SIM callback handling
        description, SCSIDevDrivers

CAM SIM routines
        introduction, SCSIDevDrivers

        description, SCSIDevDrivers

CAM SIM SCSI I/O CCB reordering, SCSIDevDrivers

CAM User Agent driver
        error handling, SCSIDevDrivers
        introduction, SCSIDevDrivers

CAM XPT routines, SCSIDevDrivers

        converting, SystemAdmin

Cardfiler, DWUser

cascading menus
        in CDE, CDEProgGuide

case-sensitive symbolic variable names in debugging, Ladebug

cb device driver
        source listing, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        TURBOchannel device driver example, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cb_configure interface
        configuration, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        querying, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        setting up, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        unconfiguration, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cb_ctlr_unattach interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbattach interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbclose interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbincled interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbintr interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbioctl interface
        incrementing the lights, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        performing an interrupt test, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        returning a ROM word, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        setting the I/O mode, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        setting up, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        stopping incrementing the lights, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        updating the CSR, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbminphys interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbopen interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbprobe interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbread interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbreg.h file, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbrt routine, DPML

cbstart interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbstrategy interface
        converting 32-bit physical address, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        converting buffer virtual address, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        initializing buf structure for transfer, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        setting up, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        starting I/O and checking for timeouts, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        testing low-order 2 bits and using internal buffer, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cbwrite interface, DevDriverTURBOchannel

cc command
        use by other compiler commands, ProgGde
        using in System V habitat, ProgGde

ccos routine, DPML

cd subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

CD-ROM File System
        See CDFS, TechOver

CDA Viewer, DWUser

CDE, TechOver
        components of, CDECompanion

CDE applications
        basic integration, CDEProgGuide
        integrating into the CDE desktop, CDEProgOverview
        recommended integration, CDEProgGuide

CDE command line interface, SystemAdmin

CDE (Common Desktop Environment)
        introduction to, CDE_User

CDE development environment, CDEProgOverview

CDE graphical interface, SystemAdmin

CDE Motif, CDEProgOverview

CDE widgets, CDEProgOverview

CDFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver

cdiv routine, DPML

cdup subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

ceil routine, DPML

        defined, ATMProgGde
        OAM, ATMProgGde
        receiving, ATMProgGde

central processing unit
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        interrupts generated on, DevDriverTutorial
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial

centralized account management, Security

certification checklist for CDE and Motif applications, CDEStyle

cexp routine, DPML

cfg_attr_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference
        description of, ProgGde

cfg_subsys_attr_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference
        description of, ProgGde

cfgmgr daemon
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

        identity, CommandShellGde

changing identity, CommandShellGde

changing permissions, CommandShellGde

        use with PPP, NetAdmin

character device
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of, DevDriverTutorial

character device driver
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        introductory discussion and examples of, DevDriverTutorial

character set, DECC

character sets, International
        types of coded, International

character-cell applications
        running, DWUser

        creating and using user-defined, International
        use in a C program, ProgGde

characters, composing, DWUser

check boxes, CDE_User

check buttons
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

CI, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        configuration, SystemAdmin

        ATM types, ATMProgGde

client, CDEAdvUsr
        authentication, OncRpcProgram
        description of for RIS, SharingSW
        programming with rpcgen, OncRpcProgram

client handle used by rpcgen, OncRpcProgram

Client Library
        described, displayPS
        header files, displayPS
        naming conventions
                See Naming conventions, Client Library, displayPS

Client Library routines, displayPS

client system
        configuring, NetAdmin
        configuring for dial-in access, NetAdmin

client systems
        sharing software from servers, SharingSW

client/server interaction, NetProgGde

client/server relationships, DWUser

clientsync operator, displayPS

clipping path, displayPS

Clock, DWUser

        realtime, Realtime

clog routine, DPML

clone, STREAMSProg

cloned installations, InstallGuide

close call, STREAMSProg

close socket call
        contrast to XTI t_snddis function, NetProgGde

close subcommand (telnet), CommandShellGde

        See connectionless service in XTI, NetProgGde

cmul routine, DPML

cmx exerciser, SystemAdmin

COBOL lanauage debugging support, Ladebug

code generation with App Builder, AppBuilder

codesets, CDE_I18N_Prog, International
        conversion between, CDE_I18N_Prog

CoEd demo program, ToolTalkMsg

        of STREAMS and sockets, NetProgGde

collation, CommandShellGde

color, CDE_User
        administering, CDEAdvUsr
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

Color Chooser in App Builder, AppBuilder

color systems, DWUser

        See setrgbXactual operator, displayPS

colors, choosing, DWUser

combo boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

COMMAND action, CDEAdvUsr

command boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

Command Line Login mode, CDE_User

command tagged queueing, TechOver

        continuing on the next line, CommandShellGde
        run from remote host (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        using, CommandShellGde

Common Access Method
        See CAM, SystemTune

Common Access Method I/O Subsystem
        CAM, SystemAdmin

common C extensions, DECC

common data structures
        introduction to CAM, SCSIDevDrivers

common files
        See header files, ProgGde

common macros
        introduction to CAM, SCSIDevDrivers

common routines, SCSIDevDrivers

common terminate CCB routine (CAM), SCSIDevDrivers

communicating with remote host (UUCP), CommandShellGde

communication between desktop clients, CDE_I18N_Prog

communication bridge
        DLPI STREAMS pseudodriver, TechOver
        ifnet STREAMS module, NetProgGde

communications system
        See terminal communications system, SystemAdmin

Compact Disc File System
        See CDFS, SystemAdmin

comparing files, CommandShellGde

compilation unit, DECC

compiler system, ProgGde
        driver programs, ProgGde

compiling applications
        in CDE, CDEProgOverview
        in System V habitat, ProgGde

completion handling, ProgGde

complex lock
        asserting a read-only complex lock with lock_read, DevDriverAdvTopics
        asserting a write complex lock with lock_write, DevDriverAdvTopics
        declaring complex lock structure with lock_data_t, DevDriverAdvTopics
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a complex lock with lock_init, DevDriverAdvTopics
        performing access operations on, DevDriverAdvTopics
        releasing previously asserted complex lock with lock_done, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a complex lock with lock_terminate, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert with lock_try_read, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert with lock_try_write, DevDriverAdvTopics

complex lock structure
        declared in code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

component activation
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

composing characters, DWUser

compound strings, CDE_I18N_Prog

Computer Interconnect
        See CI, TechOver

computer virus
        See virus, CommandShellGde

conditional compilation, DECC

        declarations and definitions section, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        EISA utility (ECU), DevDriverEisa
        EISA/ISA bus device driver, DevDriverEisa
        of kernel subsystems, SystemAdmin
        support section, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        TURBOchannel device driver, DevDriverTURBOchannel

configuration attributes
        See also sysconfig command, sysconfigdb command, /etc/sysconfigtab file, SystemTune
        attribute descriptions, SystemTune

configuration checklist, TechOver

configuration file
        adding new devices, SystemAdmin
        callout keywords, SystemAdmin
        defining network protocols in, SystemAdmin
                statistics, SystemAdmin
        device definition keywords, SystemAdmin
        EISA/ISA bus, DevDriverEisa
                writing, DevDriverEisa
        entries, SystemAdmin
        for CDE, CDEAdvUsr
        keywords, SystemAdmin
        makeoptions keywords, SystemAdmin
        options keywords, SystemAdmin
        pseudodevice keywords, SystemAdmin
        SMP options, SystemAdmin
        system definition keyword, SystemAdmin
        workstation definitions, SystemAdmin

configuration files
        sample files, DWUser

configure interface
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

configuring, STREAMSProg
        kernel, SystemAdmin

        to RFC 1122 and 1123, TechOver

Conformance to Internet Host Requirements, TechOver

connecting objects with App Builder, AppBuilder

connecting to an unknown remote host via modem (UUCP), CommandShellGde

connecting to other systems, Security

        making in ATM, ATMProgGde
        point-to-multipoint, ATMProgGde
        point-to-point, ATMProgGde, NetAdmin
        reserving resources, ATMProgGde

connection-oriented applications
        initializing an endpoint, NetProgGde
        writing, NetProgGde

connection-oriented programs, NetProgGde

connectionless applications
        writing, NetProgGde

connectionless programs, NetProgGde

connectionless service in XTI
        state transitions allowed, NetProgGde

        passing to another endpoint, NetProgGde

constant, DECC

        floating-point, AsmLangGde
        scalar, AsmLangGde
        string, AsmLangGde

constants and rpcgen, OncRpcProgram

        color attributes
                obtaining, displayPS
                setting, displayPS
                execution context, displayPS
                text context, displayPS
        defined, displayPS
        pausing, displayPS
        sharing, displayPS
        unfreezing, displayPS
        XID, displayPS

context status events
        See also XDPSRegisterStatusProc routine and XDPSSetStatusMask routine, displayPS

context status mask
        See also XDPSSetStatusMask routine, displayPS

context variables
        in dtksh, Desktopksh

context-sensitive help, CDEHelp

continuing a command on the next line, CommandShellGde

control message, STREAMSProg

control part, STREAMSProg

control status register (CSR)
        See device register, DevDriverTutorial

        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial

controller structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference, DevDriverVMEbus
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference, DevDriverVMEbus

controller_config structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

controlling access, CommandShellGde

controlling Stream, STREAMSProg

controls, CDEAdvUsr
        implementing with App Builder, AppBuilder

controls, groups, and models
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

conversion of data types, DECC

coordinate systems, displayPS

coordinates, converting, displayPS

copyin kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

copying a memory block
        to another I/O address space with io_copyio kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        to I/O address space with io_copyout kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        to system memory with io_copyin kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

copying files, CommandShellGde
        local host control (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        using UUCP, CommandShellGde

copyout kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

copysign routine, DPML

core file debugging, Ladebug

cos routine, DPML

cosd routine, DPML

cosh routine, DPML

cot routine, DPML

cotd routine, DPML

cp command, CommandShellGde

cpow routine, DPML

        See central processing unit, DevDriverTutorial

crash data collection, KernelDebug

crash dump analysis, Ladebug
        collecting data with crashdc, KernelDebug
        examples of, KernelDebug
        guidelines for, KernelDebug
        overview, KernelDebug

crash dump file
        invoking dbx debugger to examine, KernelDebug
        invoking kdbx debugger to examine, KernelDebug

crash dump file creation, KernelDebug

crash dumps
        forcing on a hung system, KernelDebug
        planning space, InstallGuide

crash recovery, SystemAdmin

crash-data.n file
        explanation of contents, KernelDebug

crashdc command
        explanation of output from, KernelDebug
        overview of, KernelDebug

Create Action, CDEAdvUsr

crontab command, SystemAdmin

cross-references in CDE help, CDEHelp

.cshrc file, CommandShellGde

.cshrc login script, CommandShellGde
        modifying for System V Habitat, CommandShellGde

csin routine, DPML

csqrt routine, DPML

        See device register, DevDriverTutorial

ct command
        options, connecting to remote host via modem, CommandShellGde

cu command
        connect local to remote, CommandShellGde
        using local commands, CommandShellGde

current folder, CDE_User

current session, CDE_User

currentXgcdrawable operator, displayPS

currentXgcdrawablecolor operator, displayPS

currentXoffset operator, displayPS

        workstation environment, XWinSysEnv

customizing application environments, DWUser

cvt_ftof routine, DPML

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DAC, Security

        inetd, NetProgGde
        tftpd, SharingSW

data copying interface
        category of kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

data flow
        XTI and a sockets-based transport provider, TechOver
        XTI and a STREAMS-based transport provider, TechOver

data integration GUIs
        in CDE, CDEProgOverview

Data Link Interface
        See DLI, NetProgGde, TechOver

data link interfaces, NetProgGde
        DLPI, NetProgGde

Data Link Provider Interface
        See DLPI, NetProgGde, TechOver

data structure
        ATM, ATMProgGde
        CAM control block structures, SCSIDevDrivers
        displaying the format of with dbx debugger, KernelDebug
        displaying with the dbx debugger, KernelDebug
        EISA/ISA bus device driver, DevDriverEisa
        message, NetProgGde
        module, NetProgGde

data transfer phase
        of connectionless service, NetProgGde
        state transitions allowed for connectionless transport services, NetProgGde

data type conversion, DECC

data types, CDE_User, DECC
        creating manually, CDEAdvUsr
        creating with Create Action, CDEAdvUsr
        introduction to, CDEAdvUsr
        types supported by assembly language, AsmLangGde

data typing
        and CDE application development, CDEProgGuide
        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

database search path, CDEAdvUsr

database servers, CDEAdvUsr

        guidelines for in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

dataless management services, SharingSW

Dataless Management Services, TechOver
        See also DMS, SharingSW

date command, SystemAdmin

date values
        formatting rules in a locale, International

dbx, TechOver

dbx commands
        See also dbx debugger, ProgGde

dbx debugger
        See also dbx commands, ProgGde
        command-line flags, ProgGde
        kernel debugging flag, KernelDebug
        operator precedence, ProgGde
        using to debug kdbx extensions, KernelDebug

dbxinit file, Ladebug

dd command, SystemAdmin

DDR, SystemAdmin
        compiling changes to databases, SystemAdmin
        conforming to standards, SystemAdmin
        converting cam_data.c file, SystemAdmin
        database, SystemAdmin
        help option, SystemAdmin
        introduction, SystemAdmin
        SCSI-2 standard, SystemAdmin
        synchronizing on-disk and in-memory databases, SystemAdmin

ddr_config command
        help option, SystemAdmin
        TagQueueDepth parameter changes, SystemAdmin

ddr_config utility, SystemAdmin

ddr.dbase file, SystemAdmin

        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        issue to consider when using kernel threads, DevDriverAdvTopics

deallocating system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_dealloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

debug macros
        CAM described, SCSIDevDrivers
        introduction to CAM, SCSIDevDrivers

debug routines, SCSIDevDrivers

        See dbx debugger, ProgGde
        dbx, TechOver
        ladebug, TechOver

debugger commands, Ladebug

debugger features, Ladebug

debugger variables, predefined, Ladebug

debugging, ProgGde
        See also dbx debugger, ladebug debugger, lint, Third Degree, ProgGde
        general concepts, ProgGde
        programs using shared libraries, ProgGde

DEC C compiler, DECC

        binary event-logging reports, SystemAdmin
        error reporting, SystemAdmin

DECevent features, DECevent

decl_simple_lock_data kernel interface
        declaring simple lock structure, DevDriverAdvTopics
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

declarations, DECC, OncRpcProgram

declarations section
        description, DevDriverTutorial
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

declaring complex lock structure, DevDriverAdvTopics
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

declaring simple lock structure, DevDriverAdvTopics

DECtalk software, InstallGuide

DECterm, DWUser
        window, DWUser

DECterm software
        escape sequences for ruled lines, International

DECthreads, DECthreads
        debugging, Ladebug

        security, Security

DECwindows Motif, DWUser
        customizing the Session Manager, DWUser
        customizing windows, DWUser
        getting help, DWUser
        interacting with, DWUser
        introduction, DWUser
        managing windows, DWUser
        migrating to CDE, CDECompanion
        mixing colors, DWUser
        running applications, DWUser
        running applications remotely, DWUser
        starting a session, DWUser
        starting applications, DWUser
        using Bookreader, DWUser
        using Calculator, DWUser
        using Calendar, DWUser
        using Cardfiler, DWUser
        using CDA Viewer, DWUser
        using Clock, DWUser
        using DECterm, DWUser
        using Differences, DWUser
        using Mail, DWUser
        using Notepad, DWUser
        using Paint, DWUser
        using Print Screen, DWUser
        using the keyboard, DWUser
        using the mouse, DWUser
        using with a keyboard, DWUser
        working with text, DWUser

DECwindows Motif, graphical user interface
        enhancements for native languages, International

DECwindows, using
        setting language, International

default text backstop
        See DPSDefaultTextBackstop routine, displayPS

default user space origin
        See user space origin, displayPS

deferred mode swapping, SystemAdmin

deinstalling software subsets, InstallGuide

DELAY kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

delete subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

demo programs
        of CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

demostration program, CoEd, ToolTalkMsg

dense numbers, AsmLangGde

dense space
        See dense space address, DevDriverTutorial

dense space address
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

design guidelines, STREAMSProg

desktop, CDE_User

desktop environment
        customizing, CDE_User

Desktop KornShell (dtksh), CDEProgOverview
        introduction to, Desktopksh

desktop management
        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

/dev/dmaex device driver
        dmaexreg.h file, DevDriverVMEbus
        Include Files Section, DevDriverVMEbus
        introductory discussion, DevDriverVMEbus

/dev/pnvram device driver, DevDriverPci

dev_t data type
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

development environment, TechOver

DEVGEOMST structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

devget structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

        See peripheral device, DevDriverTutorial

device autoconfiguration
        See autoconfiguration, DevDriverTutorial

device controller
        See controller, DevDriverTutorial

device database, SystemAdmin

device definition keyword
        configuring into the kernel, SystemAdmin

device driver
        See also block device driver, DevDriverTutorial
        See also character device driver, DevDriverTutorial
        See also network device driver, DevDriverTutorial
        See also pseudodevice driver, DevDriverTutorial
        ATM interface, ATMProgGde
        ATM structures, ATMProgGde
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        disk, DevDriverAdvTopics
        EISA/ISA bus
                configuration, DevDriverEisa, DevDriverEisa
                example, DevDriverEisa
                structure of, DevDriverEisa
        example of reading a character, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a close interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a configure interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a dump interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a memory map interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a probe interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a psize interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a read interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a reset interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a select interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a slave interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a stop interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a strategy interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing a write interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing an attach interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing an interrupt interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing an ioctl interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing an open interface, DevDriverTutorial
        implementing an unattach interface, DevDriverTutorial
        Include Files Section for VMEbus, DevDriverVMEbus
        overview of driver integration, DevDriverTutorial
        PCI bus, DevDriverPci
                device configuration, DevDriverPci
                example, DevDriverPci
        place in Digital UNIX, DevDriverTutorial
        queuing, ATMProgGde
        registering with CMM, ATMProgGde
        relationship to kernel, DevDriverTutorial
                declarations, DevDriverTutorial
                include files, DevDriverTutorial
        STREAMS processing routines for, NetProgGde
        structure of, DevDriverPci, DevDriverTutorial, DevDriverVMEbus
        to handle requests made by the kernel, DevDriverTutorial
        TURBOchannel bus
                architecture, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                Autoconfiguration Support Section, DevDriverVMEbus
                concepts, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                configuration, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                data structures, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                example, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                kernel interfaces, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                reference information, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                structure, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        types of, DevDriverTutorial
                kernel interfaces used by, DevDriverVMEbus
                xxprobe interface, DevDriverVMEbus
        when called by the kernel, DevDriverTutorial

device driver configuration
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

device driver delivery process, DevDriverTutorial

device driver development
        choosing a locking method, DevDriverAdvTopics
                discussion of approaches for writing, DevDriverTutorial
        deciding the resources to lock in a device driver, DevDriverAdvTopics
                creating driver development and kitting environment, DevDriverTutorial
                describing usage of device, DevDriverTutorial
                determining structure allocation technique, DevDriverTutorial
                identifying conventions used in writing, DevDriverTutorial
                identifying driver entry points, DevDriverTutorial
                identifying support in writing, DevDriverTutorial
                providing description of device registers, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying characteristics of device, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying information about host system, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying locking method for SMP safe drivers, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying method for identifying bus, controller, and device information, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying method for registering device interrupt handlers, DevDriverTutorial
                specifying type of driver, DevDriverTutorial
                understanding bus issues affecting driver design, DevDriverTutorial
                understanding CPU issues affecting driver design, DevDriverTutorial
                understanding system data and address types that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial
        understanding atomicity, DevDriverAdvTopics
        understanding the locking methods, DevDriverAdvTopics
        understanding the need for locking in an SMP environment, DevDriverAdvTopics

device driver subsystem
        accessing device registers of specific devices, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

device mnemonics, SystemAdmin
        configuration file syntax, SystemAdmin
        in configuration data base, SystemAdmin

device name, specifying with cu command (UUCP), CommandShellGde

device pathname
        explanation of, SystemAdmin
        representation in printcap, SystemAdmin

device register
        accessed by device drivers, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of, DevDriverTutorial
        used by the device, DevDriverTutorial

device register header file
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        for the /dev/dmaex device driver, DevDriverVMEbus

device register offset
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

device special files, NetProgGde
        representation in printcap, SystemAdmin

device structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

device switch structure
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        initialized for cb driver, DevDriverTutorial

device switch table
        See dsent, DevDriverTutorial

device_config structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

device_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

devices, Security

DHCP, NetAdmin
        dialup connection, NetAdmin

dia command
        binary event-logging reports, SystemAdmin

dialog boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        for CDE help, CDEHelp

Differences, DWUser
        comparing files, CDECompanion

Digital Storage Architecture disk
        See DSA disk, SystemAdmin

Digital System Communication Architecture, SystemAdmin

Digital UNIX system calls
        and DLI, NetProgGde

direct memory access
        See DMA, DevDriverTURBOchannel, DevDriverTutorial, DevDriverVMEbus

direct memory access device
        See also DMA device, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of, DevDriverTutorial

        assembler directives, AsmLangGde

directories, CommandShellGde

directory permissions, CommandShellGde

dis command, ProgGde

disabilities and user customization
        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

discretionary access control
        See DAC, Security

discretionary check, Security

disk device driver, DevDriverAdvTopics

disk drive
        adding, SystemAdmin
        testing with diskx, SystemAdmin

disk partition, SystemAdmin

disk partition layout, InstallGuide

disk partition size, InstallGuide

disk quotas, SystemAdmin
        See also file system quotas, SystemAdmin

disk space
        planning, InstallGuide
        reallocating, SystemAdmin
        total required for installation, InstallGuide

disk storage hardware, SystemTune

disk storage management, StorageManager

disklabel command, SystemAdmin

disklabel structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

        cloning, SystemAdmin
        copying, SystemAdmin
        encapsulating, StorageManager
        label, SystemAdmin
        load balancing with LSM, StorageManager
        LSM, StorageManager
        mirroring, StorageManager
        monitoring usage, SystemAdmin
        operations with LSM, SystemAdmin
        partition sizes, InstallGuide
        striping, StorageManager
        supported, InstallGuide

diskusg command, SystemAdmin

diskx exerciser, SystemAdmin

dispatch tables, OncRpcProgram

display access, Security

display log of UUCP utilities, CommandShellGde

Display Manager, TechOver

display subcommand (telnet), CommandShellGde

displaying applications
        using DECwindows Motif, DWUser

displaying differences between files, CommandShellGde

displaying files, CommandShellGde

displaying online reference pages, CommandShellGde

distributed naming services
        See BIND naming service, TechOver
        See NIS, TechOver

distributed system services
        naming services, TechOver
        time services, TechOver

distribution media
        See also CD-ROM, SharingSW

DLI, TechOver
        and accessing the local area network, NetProgGde
        concepts, NetProgGde
        definition of, NetProgGde
        services, NetProgGde
        using Digital UNIX system calls, NetProgGde

DLI client program
        using 802.3 format packets
                example, NetProgGde
        using Ethernet format packets, NetProgGde

DLI program
        including higher-level services, NetProgGde
        transferring data, NetProgGde
        using getsockopt and setsockopt
                example, NetProgGde
        writing, NetProgGde

DLI server program
        using 802.3 format packets
                example, NetProgGde
        using Ethernet packets, NetProgGde

dli_802_3_conn subroutine
        example, NetProgGde

dli_econn subroutine, NetProgGde

DLPI, TechOver
        addressing, NetProgGde
        defined, NetProgGde
        modes of communication, NetProgGde
        types of service, NetProgGde

        allocating system resources by calling dma_map_alloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        device-to-device, DevDriverVMEbus
        for multiple VMEbus adapters, DevDriverVMEbus
        kernel interfaces related to, DevDriverTutorial
        loading and setting allocated system resources by calling dma_map_load kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        releasing and deallocating system resources by calling dma_map_dealloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        returning a kernel segment address by calling dma_kmap_buffer kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        unloading system resources by calling dma_map_unload kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        VMEbus to and from host, DevDriverVMEbus

DMA data transfer resources
        allocating with dma_map_alloc and dma_map_load, DevDriverVMEbus

DMA device
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

DMA handle, DevDriverTutorial
        description, DevDriverTutorial

dma_get_curr_sgentry kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

dma_get_next_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_kmap_buffer kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_map_alloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_map_load kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_map_unload kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_put_curr_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dma_put_prev_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

dmaexclose interface
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

dmaexminphys interface, DevDriverVMEbus

dmaexopen interface, DevDriverVMEbus

dmaexread interface, DevDriverVMEbus

dmaexreg.h file, DevDriverVMEbus
        device register header file for /dev/dmaex device driver, DevDriverVMEbus

dmaexwrite interface
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

DMS, SharingSW

DMS area
        defined, SharingSW

DMS client, SharingSW

DMS server, SharingSW

dmu utility, SharingSW

doconfig program, SystemAdmin

dodisk shell script, SystemAdmin

DOMAIN, TechOver

Domain Name Protocol
        See DOMAIN, TechOver

DPSChangeEncoding routine, displayPS

DPSContext handle
        defined, displayPS
        finding, displayPS

DPSContextFromContextID routine, displayPS

DPSCreateTextContext routine, displayPS

DPSDefaultTextBackstop routine, displayPS

DPSNewUserObjectIndex routine, displayPS

DPSSpace handle
        finding, displayPS

dpsXclient.h file
        See system-specific header file, displayPS

drag and drop
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        implementing with App Builder, AppBuilder
        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        integrating into CDE applications, CDEProgGuide

drem routine, DPML

driver, STREAMSProg

driver close, STREAMSProg

driver declarations, STREAMSProg

driver flow control, STREAMSProg

driver programs, ProgGde

driver structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference, DevDriverVMEbus
        definition of members, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverVMEbus

DSA disk, SystemAdmin

dsent structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

        text field and list box widget, CDEProgGuide

DTD (document type definition)
        CDE HelpTag, CDEHelp

        text editor widget, CDEProgGuide

dthelpgen command, CDEHelp

dthelptag command, CDEHelp

dthelpview command, CDEHelp

dtksh app-defaults file, Desktopksh

dtksh commands, Desktopksh

dtksh (Desktop KornShell), Desktopksh

dtmail, CDECompanion

        menu button widget, CDEProgGuide

dtpad text editor
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        using, CDE_User

.dtprofile file, CDEAdvUsr

        text field and arrow button widget, CDEProgGuide

dump file
        guidelines for examining, KernelDebug

dxaccounts program, Security

dxaudit program, Security

        converting to CDE format, CDECompanion

dxdevices program, Security

dxlsm interface (LSM), StorageManager

        converting to CDE mail format, CDECompanion
        using under DECwindows Motif, DWUser

dxpower command, SystemAdmin

dxpresto command
        monitoring Prestoserve with, Prestoserve

Dynamic Device Recognition, TechOver
        See DDR, SystemAdmin

dynamic linking, AsmLangGde

dynamic loader
        See also shared libraries, TechOver
        use of, AsmLangGde

dynamic relocation section
        See .rel.dyn section, AsmLangGde

.dynamic section
        contents, AsmLangGde
        ordering for quickstart, AsmLangGde

dynamic string section
        See .dynstr section, AsmLangGde

dynamic symbol section
        See .dynsym section, AsmLangGde

dynamically configurable subsystem
        creating, ProgGde

.dynstr section, AsmLangGde

.dynsym section, AsmLangGde
        relationship with .got section, AsmLangGde

/e character
        in CDE help, CDEHelp

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ed editor, CommandShellGde

editor, CommandShellGde
        ed, CommandShellGde
        vi, CommandShellGde

EGP, TechOver

        See grep, ProgSupTools

EISA bus, TechOver

EISA Configuration Utility (ECU), DevDriverEisa

        architecture, DevDriverEisa
        autonconfiguration, DevDriverEisa
        configuration file format, DevDriverEisa
        data structures, DevDriverEisa
        device driver configuration, DevDriverEisa
        device driver example, DevDriverEisa
        kernel interface, DevDriverEisa
        structure of device driver, DevDriverEisa

emacs and debugging, Ladebug

enabling realtime preemption, InstallGuide

encapsulating disks
        LSM, StorageManager

encoding, PostScript language, displayPS

encodings and codesets, CDE_I18N_Prog

end of message/conversation (local communications), CommandShellGde

end system identifier
        ESI, ATMProgGde

ending a local message, CommandShellGde

enhanced security, Security

        in CDE help, CDEHelp

enum clnt_stat in RPC programming, OncRpcProgram

enumerated data type, ProgGde

enumerations and rpcgen, OncRpcProgram

environment, STREAMSProg
        See also DMS, SharingSW

environment variables
        for CDE help, CDEHelp
        in CDE, CDEAdvUsr
        PROFFLAGS, ProgGde

environments area
        See DMS, SharingSW

erf routine, DPML

erfc routine, DPML

error codes, ATMProgGde

error handling
        CAM_ERROR macro, SCSIDevDrivers
        introduction to CAM, SCSIDevDrivers

error logging, SystemAdmin
        in STREAMS, NetProgGde

error messages, InstallGuide
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        LSM, StorageManager

error recovery routines
        in CDE, CDEProgGuide

        displaying from CDE applications, CDEProgGuide
        in XTI, NetProgGde

        definition, ATMProgGde

eSNMP, NetProgGde

eSNMP application programming interface
        Digital UNIX support for, NetProgGde

/etc/atm.conf file, ATMProgGde

/etc/rc.config file, SystemAdmin

/etc/sysconfigtab file, SystemAdmin
        EISA/ISA options, DevDriverEisa

ethernet, NetAdmin, TechOver
        configuration definition, SystemAdmin

        setting up a client on, SharingSW

        in XTI
                outgoing, NetProgGde
                and TLI compatibility, NetProgGde
        tracking of outgoing events
                in XTI, NetProgGde
        used by connectionless transport services, NetProgGde

event handling in CDE help dialogs, CDEHelp

event logger
        interface to, DECevent

event logging
        crash recovery, SystemAdmin
        creating daily files, SystemAdmin
        in STREAMS, NetProgGde

example applications
        See sample applications, displayPS

exception code, ProgGde

exception filter, ProgGde

exception frame
        examining with the dbx debugger, KernelDebug

exception handler, ProgGde

exception handling
        application development considerations, ProgGde
        header files, ProgGde

exception_code function, ProgGde

exception_info function, ProgGde

        defined, ProgGde
        frame-based, ProgGde
        structured, ProgGde

executable image
        creating, ProgGde

execution aliases in CDE help, CDEHelp

execution link control in CDE help, CDEHelp

execution string, CDEAdvUsr

exp routine, DPML

expedited data
        and connectionless transport services, NetProgGde

expm1 routine, DPML

expression, DECC

Extended Industry Standard Architecture
        See EISA bus, DevDriverEisa, TechOver
        See ISA bus, TechOver

extended regular expression, ProgSupTools

extensible SNMP
        See eSNMP, NetProgGde

Exterior Gateway Protocol
        See EGP, TechOver

external names, ProgGde

external string table, AsmLangGde

external symbol table, AsmLangGde

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fabs routine, DPML

factory installed software, InstallGuide

fast ethernet, TechOver

fd variable
        and outgoing events, NetProgGde

FDDI, NetAdmin, TechOver
        setting up a client on, SharingSW

FDFS, TechOver

feedback files, ProgGde

FFM, TechOver

        See grep, ProgSupTools

file access, CommandShellGde

file command, ProgGde

File Descriptor File System
        See FDFS, TechOver

file descriptor table, AsmLangGde

file header
        flags (s_flags), AsmLangGde

file inclusion, DECC

File Manager, CDE_User, CDECompanion
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

file names, CommandShellGde

file ownership and security, CDE_User

file permissions, CommandShellGde

file selection boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

file system, CommandShellGde, TechOver
        accelerating writes to, Prestoserve
        checking, SystemAdmin
        corrupted, SystemAdmin
        creating, SystemAdmin
        exercising with fsx, SystemAdmin
        exporting, NetAdmin
        monitoring usage, SystemAdmin
        mounting, SystemAdmin
        tuning, SystemAdmin
        types of, SystemAdmin

file system quotas, SystemAdmin
        for groups, SystemAdmin
        for user accounts, SystemAdmin

File Transfer Protocol
        See FTP, TechOver

file type
        determining, CommandShellGde

File-on-File Mounting File System
        See FFM, TechOver

files, CommandShellGde
        See header files; object files; source files, ProgGde
        copying (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        definition of, CommandShellGde
        receiving (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        sending (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        sorting contents of, CommandShellGde

files file
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

files file fragment, DevDriverTutorial
        use by config program, DevDriverTutorial

FileShare application, NetAdmin

filters, CommandShellGde

FINGER, TechOver

finger command, CommandShellGde

finite routine, DPML

        See factory installed software, InstallGuide

floating-point constants, AsmLangGde

floating-point range and processing, ProgGde

floor routine, DPML

flow control, ATMProgGde, STREAMSProg

flush handling, STREAMSProg

fmod routine, DPML

focus management, CDE_I18N_Prog

folder command in mail, CommandShellGde

font cache
        tuning size of, International

font lists, CDE_I18N_Prog

font management, CDE_I18N_Prog

font renderer, TechOver

font server, TechOver

font sets, CDE_I18N_Prog

        administering, CDEAdvUsr
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        for non-English languages, International
        in CDE help, CDEHelp
        integrating into CDE applications, CDEProgGuide

foreground processes, CommandShellGde

Fortran language debugging support, Ladebug

forwarding files (UUCP), CommandShellGde

fp_class routine, DPML

frame-based exception handling, ProgGde

        STREAMS, NetProgGde

frexp routine, DPML

front panel, CDE_User
        accessing applications, CDECompanion
        advanced customizations, CDEAdvUsr
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

fsck program, SystemAdmin
        checking file system, SystemAdmin

fstab file, SystemAdmin

fsx exerciser, SystemAdmin

FTP, TechOver

ftp subcommands, CommandShellGde

function, DECC

function prototype, DECC

        STREAMS, NetProgGde

        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of, DevDriverAdvTopics
        ensuring no locks are required, DevDriverAdvTopics

Futurebus+, TechOver

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gamma routine, DPML

gated daemon, NetAdmin, TechOver

        configuration definition, SystemAdmin

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

        See awk, ProgSupTools

        See X Graphic Context, displayPS

        See booting, SystemAdmin

geometry management, CDE_I18N_Prog

get subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

getty command, SystemAdmin

gettydefs file, SystemAdmin

global optimizer (uopt), ProgGde

glossaries in CDE help, CDEHelp

.got section, AsmLangGde
        relationship with .dynsym section, AsmLangGde

        profiling tool, ProgGde

granularity of data access
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        implementation on Alpha CPU hardware platforms, DevDriverAdvTopics
        with reference to size of neighboring units of memory, DevDriverAdvTopics

Graphic Context
        See X Graphic Context, displayPS

graphic file formats for CDE help, CDEHelp

graphical user interface engine
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

graphics in CDE help, CDEHelp

graphics state, displayPS

grep utility, ProgSupTools

        adding automatically, SystemAdmin
        adding manually, SystemAdmin

group file, CommandShellGde
        adding a group to, SystemAdmin
        deleting a group from, SystemAdmin
        deleting users from, SystemAdmin

groups and grouping in App Builder, AppBuilder

grpck command, SystemAdmin

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halt command, SystemAdmin

halting systems, SystemAdmin

handler_add kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

handler_enable kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

handler_intr_info structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

        preparing for hardware installation, InstallGuide

hardware activities
        related to device drivers, DevDriverTutorial

hardware components
        central processing unit, DevDriverTutorial

hardware device
        See also peripheral device, DevDriverTutorial
        adding support of to the kernel, SystemAdmin

hardware exception
        example of debugging, KernelDebug

hardware issues related to synchronization, DevDriverAdvTopics

hardware-dependent subsystem
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

hardware-independent model, DevDriverTutorial

hardware-independent subsystem, DevDriverTutorial

hardware-related interface
        category of kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

.hash section, AsmLangGde

hash table section
        See .hash section, AsmLangGde

header file
        See also include files, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        cb device driver, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        EISA/ISA bus device driver, DevDriverEisa

header files, DECC
        See also Application, building, displayPS
        including, ProgGde
        sockets, NetProgGde
        used by device drivers, SCSIDevDrivers
        XTI and TLI, NetProgGde

help, CDEAdvUsr, CommandShellGde
        CDE, CDE_User
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        writing for CDE applications, CDEHelp

help and help connections
        creating with App Builder, AppBuilder

help dialog boxes
        creating and managing, CDEHelp

help key (F1)
        enabling, CDEHelp

Help Manager, CDECompanion

help menu
        providing in CDE, CDEHelp

help on help in CDE, CDEHelp

help on items in CDE, CDEHelp

help online, for DECwindows applications, DWUser

help requests
        responding to CDE, CDEHelp

help search path, CDEAdvUsr

help servers, CDEAdvUsr

help subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

help system
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

help topic organization in CDE, CDEHelp

help user interface in CDE, CDEHelp

help volumes, CDEAdvUsr
        processing and displaying, CDEHelp
        structure of CDE, CDEHelp

HelpTag, CDEHelp

helptag.opt file, CDEHelp

Hierarchical Storage Controllers
        See HSC, SystemAdmin

high-level services
        providing, NetProgGde

hiprof (Atom tool), ProgGde

home session, CDE_User

hometopic in CDE help, CDEHelp

host, configuring, testing

host CPU
        See central processing unit, DevDriverTutorial

        configuration, SystemAdmin
        controller failures, SystemAdmin
        host sharing, SystemAdmin
        restrictions, SystemAdmin

hung system
        forcing a crash dump on, KernelDebug

hyperlinks in CDE help files, CDEHelp

hypot routine, DPML

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I18N installation, InstallGuide

I18N software subset descriptions, InstallGuide

I18N update installation, InstallGuide

I/O, CommandShellGde
        access to by applications, DevDriverVMEbus

I/O address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

I/O handle
        See also io_handle_t data type, DevDriverTutorial
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description, DevDriverTutorial

I/O subsystem, TechOver

ICCC compliance, CDE_I18N_Prog

ICMP, TechOver

Icon Editor (dticon)
        using, CDE_User

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        creating for the desktop, CDEAdvUsr
        displaying, CDE_User
        in File Manager, CDE_User
        selecting, CDE_User

iconv, CDE_I18N_Prog

ID names
        rules for in CDE help, CDEHelp

identifier, DECC

identifiers, displayPS

IEEE floating-point
        See floating-point range and processing, ProgGde

ihandler_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

ilogb routine, DPML

Image Viewer
        viewing file, CDECompanion

immediate mode swapping, SystemAdmin

include files
        See header files, ProgGde
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus
        section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

Include Files Section
        for /dev/dmaex device driver, DevDriverVMEbus

including files, DECC

incoming events
        for tracking by programs, NetProgGde

increment LED section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

        creating in CDE help, CDEHelp

Industry Standard Architecture
        See ISA bus, DevDriverEisa

inetd daemon, NetProgGde
        rpcgen support for, OncRpcProgram
        using to start an RPC server, OncRpcProgram

init command, SystemAdmin

init directory structure, SystemAdmin

init.d directory, SystemAdmin

initial open, STREAMSProg

initialization file, Ladebug

initialization of applications
        in CDE, CDEProgOverview

initialization phase
        state transitions allowed, NetProgGde

initialization scripts, SystemAdmin

initialization tasks, SystemAdmin

inittab file, SystemAdmin
        initdefault entry, SystemAdmin

inkblk, STREAMSProg

input method, International
        handling in X application, International
        starting server for, International
        X resource for, International

input methods, CDE_I18N_Prog, CDECompanion

input models
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

        See I/O, DevDriverVMEbus

install icon, CDE_User

install update
        See update installation, InstallGuide

installation, Security
        disk space required, InstallGuide
        full, InstallGuide
        worldwide, InstallGuide

installation cloning, InstallGuide

installation of applications
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

installation package in CDE
        preparing, CDEHelp

installing software
        from a server, SharingSW

installing software subsets after the installation, InstallGuide

installupdate program, InstallGuide

        disassembling using kdbx, KernelDebug

interclient communications conventions for localized text, CDE_I18N_Prog

intermediate hosts used in file transfers (UUCP), CommandShellGde

international text drawing, CDE_I18N_Prog

international text input, CDE_I18N_Prog

internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog, CDEAdvUsr, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        See also I18N, InstallGuide
        asort, TechOver
        creating locales, TechOver
        DECwindows X clients, TechOver
        handling cultural data in programs, International
        handling text presentation and input, International
        implications for software development, International
        mail, TechOver
        Motif widgets, TechOver
        of CDE applications, CDEProgOverview
        of CDE help, CDEHelp
        printing, TechOver
        supported languages, TechOver
        user-defined characters, TechOver
        X/Open WPI interfaces, International

internationalization features
        using, CommandShellGde

internationalization standards, CDE_I18N_Prog

internationalized User Interface Language (UIL), CDE_I18N_Prog

internationalizing and localizing dtksh scripts, Desktopksh

Internet, NetAdmin
        See also TCP/IP, SharingSW
        host requirements, TechOver

Internet Control Message Protocol
        See ICMP, TechOver

Internet Protocol
        See IP, TechOver

interoperability problems
        solvable with ToolTalk, ToolTalkMsg

interrupt, STREAMSProg

interrupt handler
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

Interrupt Section, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

interrupt vectors, DevDriverPci

invocation procedures, CallStandard

I/O subsystems
                file systems, SystemTune
        description, SystemTune

io_copyin kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

io_copyio kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

io_copyout kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

io_handle_t data type
        description of data type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

iocblk, STREAMSProg

ioctl call, STREAMSProg

ioctl commands, ATMProgGde

ioctl section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

        general processing, STREAMSProg
        transparent processing, STREAMSProg

iodone kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

IOPORT, DevDriverEisa

IP address, NetAdmin

IP multicasting, NetProgGde, TechOver

IP router, NetAdmin

IPC, ProgGde
        description, SystemTune

ISA bus, TechOver

isnan routine, DPML

        standards and application development considerations, ProgGde

ISO C Standard, DECC

ISO EUC, ISO646-IRV, ISO8859, ISO8859-1 codesets, CDE_I18N_Prog

item_list structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

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j0 routine, DPML

j1 routine, DPML

jn routine, DPML

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kdbx debugger
        command aliases, KernelDebug
        command syntax, KernelDebug
        compiling custom extension for, KernelDebug
        debugging extensions of, KernelDebug
        description of, KernelDebug
        extensions, KernelDebug
        library functions, KernelDebug
        writing extensions for, KernelDebug

kdebug debugger, Ladebug
        description of, KernelDebug
        invoking, KernelDebug
        problems with setup of, KernelDebug
        requirements for, KernelDebug
        setting up, KernelDebug

KDM controller, TechOver

        building, InstallGuide
        configuration file entries, SystemAdmin
        configuring with options menu, SystemAdmin
        dynamic configuration, SystemAdmin
        enabling realtime preemption, InstallGuide
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial
        static configuration, SystemAdmin

kernel address space
        copying from with copyout kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

kernel debugging, Ladebug
        debugging customized tools, KernelDebug
        developing customized tools, KernelDebug
        overview, KernelDebug
        using kdbx debugger, KernelDebug
        using kdebug debugger, KernelDebug
        using the dbx debugger, KernelDebug

kernel interface
        commonly used by device drivers, DevDriverTutorial
        EISA/ISA bus device driver, DevDriverEisa
        used by EISA/ISA bus device driver, DevDriverEisa

kernel level functions
        STREAMS, NetProgGde

kernel physical address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

kernel subsystems
        configuring STREAMS drivers, NetProgGde
        configuring STREAMS modules, NetProgGde
        setting configuration variables, SystemAdmin

kernel thread
        advantages of using in device drivers, DevDriverAdvTopics
        asserting a block by calling assert_wait_mesg kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        blocking by calling mpsleep kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        execution issues, DevDriverAdvTopics
        issues related to device driver design, DevDriverAdvTopics
        issues related to using, DevDriverAdvTopics
        operations to be performed by, DevDriverAdvTopics
        setting a timer on by calling thread_set_timeout kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        starting a fixed priority kernel thread, DevDriverAdvTopics
        starting by calling kernel_thread_w_arg kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating by calling thread_halt_self kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating by calling thread_terminate kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        unblocking by calling thread_wakeup kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        unblocking by calling thread_wakeup_one kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

kernel_isrthread kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

kernel-related interface
        category of kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

kernel_thread_w_arg kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

kernel-unmapped virtual address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

key bindings, CDEAdvUsr

keyboard, DWUser
        basic skills, CDE_User
        DECterm window's emulation of, International
        LK-style with PCXAL, CDECompanion
        navigating with, DWUser
        PC-style with LK201/LK401, CDECompanion
        using accelerators, DWUser

keyboard focus model
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

keyboard functions and key engravings, CDEStyle

keyboard input
        customizing in localization, CDE_I18N_Prog

keyboard mappings for space bar and enter key
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

keyboard mnemonics, DWUser

keyboard options, CDECompanion

keyboard shortcuts, CDE_User

keycaps, CDECompanion

keysyms, CDE_I18N_Prog

keyword, DECC

killall command, SystemAdmin

        See subsets, SharingSW

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

Korn shell, CommandShellGde

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

kseg address
        See kernel-unmapped virtual address, DevDriverTutorial

.kshrc login script, CommandShellGde

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        implementing with App Builder, AppBuilder

ladebug command line, Ladebug

ladebug debugger, TechOver

        sharing software on, SharingSW

language announcement in programs, International

languages supported by Digital UNIX, ProgGde

lastcomm command, SystemAdmin

LAT, NetAdmin

layered product installation, InstallGuide

lazy binding, AsmLangGde

LBN, SystemAdmin

LBN (Logical Block Number), SystemAdmin

lcd subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

ld command
        using in System V habitat, ProgGde

ld linker
        linking with shared libraries, ProgGde

ldexp routine, DPML

leave statement, ProgGde

lex program, ProgSupTools

Lexicon, DECC

lgamma routine, DPML

lgamma_max_float boundary value, DPML

        exception library, ProgGde

.liblist section, AsmLangGde

libpthread.so, ProgGde

        shared, ProgGde
        specifying, ProgGde
        ucode, ProgGde
        XTI and TLI, NetProgGde

library, DECC

library calls
        sockets, NetProgGde

library description files (lint), ProgGde

library routines
        for writing kdbx extensions, KernelDebug

libtli.a library, NetProgGde

libxti.a library, NetProgGde

license database
        for lmf, LicenseManage

License Management Facility, LicenseManage

License Management Facility commands, LicenseManage

license terms and conditions, LicenseManage

license units, LicenseManage

license-checking function, LicenseManage

limiting search paths, ProgGde

linkage, DECC

linkage conventions
        general, AsmLangGde
        memory allocation, AsmLangGde

        See ld linker, ProgGde

        dynamic linking, AsmLangGde

linking applications
        by using ld command, ProgGde
        in System V habitat, ProgGde

linking files, CommandShellGde

lint, ProgGde
        command syntax, ProgGde
        data type checking, ProgGde
        error messages, ProgGde
        increasing table size, ProgGde
        options, ProgGde
        warning classes, ProgGde

list boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

listen event, NetProgGde

listing directory contents, CommandShellGde

.lita section, AsmLangGde

little endian
        See byte ordering, DevDriverVMEbus
        byte ordering, AsmLangGde

lmf reference page, LicenseManage

lmf utility, LicenseManage

lmfsetup script, LicenseManage

ln command, CommandShellGde

ln routine, DPML

loadable drivers, Ladebug

        search path of, ProgGde
        use of dynamic loader, AsmLangGde

loading allocated system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_load kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

loading programs, AsmLangGde

local area network
        See LAN, SharingSW

Local Area Transport (LAT), Security

local area transport support
        See LAT, InstallGuide

local communication facility, messages
        sending, write command, CommandShellGde

local host control of file access
        See UUCP utility, CommandShellGde

local string table, AsmLangGde

local structure and variable definitions section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

local symbol table, AsmLangGde

locales, International, SystemAdmin
        and locale management, CDE_I18N_Prog
        binding to program's run-time environment, International
        building and testing, International
        creating, International
        introduction to, CommandShellGde
        multibyte and single byte, CDEProgOverview
        setting, International

        implications for software development, International

localized catalog and resource file, CDE_I18N_Prog

localized desktop sessions
        configuring, CDEAdvUsr
        running, CDE_User

localized resources, CDE_I18N_Prog

localized text, CDE_I18N_Prog

lock structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        declared in code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_data_t data type
        to declare complex lock data structure, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_done kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        releasing previously asserted complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_init kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_read kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_terminate kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_try_read kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_try_write kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

lock_write kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

locking considerations
        accessing a read-only resource, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of choices, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of complex locks, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of funnels, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of simple locks, DevDriverAdvTopics
        device CSR addresses, DevDriverAdvTopics
        driver-specific global resources, DevDriverAdvTopics
        example analysis of device driver to determine resources to lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        method choices, DevDriverAdvTopics
        need for locks in device drivers operating in an SMP environment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        resources to lock in a device driver, DevDriverAdvTopics
        summary of locking methods, DevDriverAdvTopics
        system-specific global resources, DevDriverAdvTopics

log routine, DPML

log2 routine, DPML

log10 routine, DPML

log1p routine, DPML

        ilogb, compute unbiased component, DPML
        logb, convert to doubple-precision floating-point, DPML

logb routine, DPML

logging in
        See login, CommandShellGde

logging in to CDE session, CDE_User

logging out, CommandShellGde

logging out of CDE session, CDE_User

logical block number
        See LBN, SystemAdmin

logical data boundaries
        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

Logical IP Subnet, ATMProgGde

Logical Storage Manager
        See LSM, InstallGuide, StorageManager, SystemAdmin, TechOver

Logical Volume Manager
        See LVM, SystemAdmin

login, CommandShellGde

.login file, CDEAdvUsr

.login login script
        modifying for System V Habitat, CommandShellGde

Login Manager
        and CDE session management, CDEProgOverview
        configuring, CDEAdvUsr

login screen, CDEAdvUsr

login script
        .cshrc script, CommandShellGde
        .kshrc script, CommandShellGde
        .login script, CommandShellGde
        .profile script, CommandShellGde

login servers, CDEAdvUsr

login shell, SystemAdmin

longword operations
        See performing read longword operations, DevDriverVMEbus
        See performing write longword operations, DevDriverVMEbus

lower stream, STREAMSProg

lpr command, SystemAdmin

        running, SystemAdmin

lptest command, SystemAdmin

ls (list directory contents) command, CommandShellGde

ls subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

LSM, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        commands, StorageManager
        components, StorageManager
        configuration definition, SystemAdmin
        configuration limits, StorageManager
        configurations, StorageManager
        disk group operations, StorageManager
        disk operations, StorageManager, SystemAdmin
        encapsulation process, StorageManager
        error messages, StorageManager
        examples, StorageManager
        features, StorageManager, SystemAdmin
        file system operations, StorageManager
        graphical interface (dxlsm), StorageManager
        installation requirements, StorageManager
        licensing requirements, StorageManager
        menu interface (voldiskadm), StorageManager
        mirrored volume, StorageManager
        mirroring root, StorageManager
        mirroring swap, StorageManager
        monitoring, SystemTune
        overview, StorageManager
        performance tuning, StorageManager
        plex operations, StorageManager
        setup procedures, StorageManager
        striped volume, StorageManager
        subdisk operations, StorageManager
        troubleshooting, StorageManager
        vold daemon, StorageManager
        voliod daemon, StorageManager
        volume device driver, StorageManager
        volume operations, StorageManager

LURT, LicenseManage

lvalue, DECC

LVM, SystemAdmin
        configuration definition, SystemAdmin

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m4 macro preprocessor, ProgSupTools

machine code debugging, Ladebug

        See m4 macro preprocessor, ProgSupTools

macro definition, DECC

        predefined, ProgGde

magic number, ProgGde

magnetic tape drive
        adding, SystemAdmin
        testing with tapex, SystemAdmin

Mail, DWUser

mail, NetAdmin
        converting to CDE format, CDECompanion
        differences between dtmail and dxmail, CDECompanion
        enhancements for Asian languages, International
        folders, CommandShellGde
        the MH program, CommandShellGde
        using Mail, CommandShellGde
        using under DECwindows Motif, DWUser
        variables, CommandShellGde

mail (dtmail) basic interchange, CDE_I18N_Prog

        in CDE, CDE_User

mailer (dtmail)
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        using, CDE_User

mailing calendar appointments, reminders, CDE_User

mailx, CommandShellGde

main panel, CDE_User

MainWindow layout
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

major kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

make utility, ProgSupTools

man command, CommandShellGde

man page
        See reference pages, CDE_User

Management Information Base (MIB), ATMProgGde

mandatory software subsets, InstallGuide

markup of CDE help files, CDEHelp

max_float boundary value, DPML

mbox file, CommandShellGde

        allocating for ATM, ATMProgGde
        detecting leaks, ProgGde
        displaying contents in dbx, ProgGde
        exercising with memx, SystemAdmin
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial
        shared memory
                testing with shmx, SystemAdmin
        system memory, SystemAdmin
        zeroing with bzero kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

memory access
        detecting uninitialized or invalid, ProgGde

memory address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

memory block
        copying a memory block to I/O space with io_copyin kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        copying with io_copyio kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        copying with io_copyout kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

Memory File System
        See MFS, TechOver

memory locking
        realtime, Realtime

memory management
                paging, SystemTune
                swapping, SystemTune
                UBC, SystemTune
                virtual memory, SystemTune
        overview, SystemTune
        types of caches, SystemTune

memory mapped file support
        See mmap, TechOver

memx exerciser, SystemAdmin

menu bar layout
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

        basic skills, CDE_User
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        manipulating with App Builder, AppBuilder

        allocation, STREAMSProg
        filter module declarations, STREAMSProg
        put procedure, STREAMSProg

message block, STREAMSProg

message catalogs, SystemAdmin
        and CDE help, CDEHelp
        creating source files for, International
        design and maintenance considerations, International
        editing and translating, International
        generating from message sources, International

message data structures, NetProgGde

message priority, STREAMSProg

message queue, STREAMSProg
        realtime, Realtime

message queues and service procedures, STREAMSProg

message sets, ToolTalkMsg

message storage, STREAMSProg

message type, STREAMSProg

messages, CDE_I18N_Prog
        See messages (local communications), CommandShellGde
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        implementing with App Builder, AppBuilder
        realtime, Realtime

messages (local communications)
        ending, end-of-file symbol (EOF), CommandShellGde
        long, in files, CommandShellGde
        sending, write command, CommandShellGde

messages, IPC, ProgGde

messaging in ToolTalk
        how to use, ToolTalkMsg

messaging toolkit, ToolTalkMsg

meta information in CDE help, CDEHelp

MFS file system, SystemAdmin, TechOver

mget subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

MH message handling program, CommandShellGde

min_float boundary value, DPML

mirrored disks
        LSM, StorageManager

miscellaneous interface
        category of kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

mixed-language program debugging, Ladebug

mkdir subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

mknod command, SystemAdmin

mmap, TechOver

mmap system call
        shared libraries, ProgGde

mnemonic assignments for menu choices
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

mnemonics, CDEStyle

        configuring, NetAdmin

modf routine, DPML

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

Module Browser, AppBuilder

module data structures, NetProgGde

module declarations, STREAMSProg

module flow control, STREAMSProg

module id, STREAMSProg

Module Management Interface, ATMProgGde

module name, STREAMSProg

        STREAMS processing routines for, NetProgGde

modules in an App Builder project
        AppBuilder, AppBuilder

moncontrol routine, ProgGde

monetary values
        formatting rules in a locale, International

monitor routines
        for controlling profiling, ProgGde

monitor_signal routine, ProgGde

monitoring performance history, TechOver

monitoring UUCP, CommandShellGde

monstartup routine, ProgGde

more command, CommandShellGde

Motif, TechOver, XWinSysEnv
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

Motif applications
        creating with dtksh, Desktopksh

Motif custom widgets
        and CDE application development, CDEProgGuide

Motif dependencies in CDE internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

Motif Window Manager, DWUser
        default Digital UNIX window manager, XWinSysEnv

mount command, NetAdmin, SystemAdmin

        basic skills, CDE_User
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

mouse dialog box, CDE_User

mouse operations and functions
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

moving files, CommandShellGde

mpsleep kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

mput subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

.msym section, AsmLangGde

multicasting, NetProgGde

multihead graphic support, TechOver

multilanguage programs
        compiling, ProgGde

multimedia services, InstallGuide

multiplex, STREAMSProg

        configurations, STREAMSProg
        driver, STREAMSProg

        building, STREAMSProg
        configurations, STREAMSProg
        dismantling, STREAMSProg
        routing data through, STREAMSProg

multiprocess debugging, Ladebug

multithreaded applications
        debugging, Ladebug
        developing, ProgGde
        profiling, ProgGde

multithreaded programming, DECthreads

multiuser boot, SystemAdmin

multiuser collaboration
        in CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

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name resolution
        semantics, ProgGde

name services configuration file
        See svc.conf file, TechOver

name space, DECC

Name/Finger Protocol
        See FINGER, TechOver

name.kit file
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

NAME.list file, DevDriverTutorial

naming conventions
        CDE desktop, CDEProgOverview
        shared libraries, ProgGde

naming conventions, Client Library, displayPS

naming services, TechOver

national language support in CDE, CDE_I18N_Prog

National Language Support (NLS), SystemAdmin

navigating with keyboard, DWUser

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

netconfig application, NetAdmin

Netscape Navigator
        invoking to read documentation, InstallGuide

netstat command, NetAdmin

        and LAT configuration, NetAdmin
        configuring, NetAdmin
        configuring the desktop in, CDEAdvUsr
        groups in, NetAdmin
        loopback configuration file definition, SystemAdmin
        overview, NetAdmin

network adapters, TechOver

network device
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of, DevDriverTutorial

network device driver
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        introductory discussion of, DevDriverTutorial

Network File System
        See NFS, Prestoserve, SharingSW, SystemAdmin, SystemTune, TechOver

Network Information Service, TechOver
        See NIS, SharingSW

network problems, NetAdmin

network programming environment, TechOver
        application programming interfaces, TechOver
        communication bridges, TechOver
        components, TechOver
        data link interface, TechOver
        data link interfaces, NetProgGde, TechOver

network protocols
        configuration file definition, SystemAdmin

network security concerns, Security

network services access point
        See NSAP, ATMProgGde

network subsystems
        description, SystemTune
        tuning, SystemTune

Network Time Protocol
        See NTP, TechOver

network-transparent events
        using ToolTalk to implement, ToolTalkMsg

NetWorker SingleServer, InstallGuide, SystemAdmin

networking, TechOver

networks and internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

.new.. files, InstallGuide

newfs command, SystemAdmin

nextafter routine, DPML

NFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        managing, NetAdmin
        TCP, TechOver
        tuning, SystemTune
        UDP, TechOver

nfsconfig application, NetAdmin

nint routine, DPML

        account management, Security
        managing, NetAdmin

nm command, ProgGde

NMAGIC files, AsmLangGde
        segment access permissions, AsmLangGde

nonblocking mode, NetProgGde

noninteractive editing
        See sed editor, ProgSupTools

Notepad, DWUser


NTP, TechOver
        managing, NetAdmin

ntp command, NetAdmin

ntpd daemon, NetAdmin

ntpdate command, NetAdmin

ntpdc command, NetAdmin

ntpq command, NetAdmin

ntpsetup command, NetAdmin

null-terminated character string
        comparison of with strcmp kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        copying of with strncpy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        returning with strlen kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

numeric values
        formatting rules in a locale, International

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O_NDELAY value
        support in TLI, NetProgGde

object file format, AsmLangGde

object file tools, ProgGde

object file types
        demand paged (ZMAGIC) files, AsmLangGde
        impure format (OMAGIC) files, AsmLangGde
        shared text (NMAGIC) files, AsmLangGde

obtaining VMEbus address
        with vba_get_vmeaddr, DevDriverVMEbus

ocnt variable
        and incoming events, NetProgGde
        and outgoing events, NetProgGde

odump (object file utility), ProgGde

OffTheSpot mode preedit area, CDE_I18N_Prog

-O* flags (cc -oldc), ProgGde

OMAGIC files, AsmLangGde
        segment access permissions, AsmLangGde

online help
        writing for CDE applications, CDEHelp

open and close device section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

open call, STREAMSProg

open procedure, STREAMSProg

Open Shortest Path Routing
        See OSPF, TechOver

open subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

open systems
        discussion of goals, DevDriverTutorial

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

opened event, NetProgGde

operating system overview, CommandShellGde

operating system processes, CommandShellGde

operator, DECC

operators, displayPS

optimization, ProgGde
        effect on debugging, Ladebug
        post linking, ProgGde

optimization (cc -oldc)
        compiler options for, ProgGde

optimization symbol table, AsmLangGde

optimizer, global
        See global optimizer (uopt), ProgGde

option buttons
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

optional software subsets, InstallGuide

        See coordinate systems, displayPS
        See user space origin, displayPS

OSF/Motif, XWinSysEnv

OSF_USR license, LicenseManage

OSPF, TechOver

out-of-band data
        receiving, NetProgGde
        sending, NetProgGde

outgoing events
        in XTI, NetProgGde

over-commitment mode swapping
        See deferred mode swapping, SystemAdmin

overlapping disk partitions
        checking for, SystemAdmin
        newfs command, SystemAdmin

OverTheSpot mode preedit area, CDE_I18N_Prog

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PAAM, LicenseManage
        current business policy, LicenseManage

pac command, SystemAdmin

packet size, STREAMSProg

paging and swapping
        methods for reducing, SystemTune
        overview, SystemTune

        sample PAK license fields, LicenseManage

        instruction summaries, AsmLangGde

        color, CDE_User

palette controls, panes, and windows, AppBuilder

palette objects
        dragging and dropping, AppBuilder

paned windows
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

panels, CDEStyle

        manipulating with App Builder, AppBuilder

        See disk partition, SystemAdmin

partition sizes, InstallGuide

pass_conn event, NetProgGde

passive user
        typical state transitions, NetProgGde

passwd file
        deleting entries from, SystemAdmin
        distributing for mail, NetAdmin

password, CommandShellGde
        assigning, SystemAdmin
        file, CommandShellGde
        secure, Security

PATH environment variable
        setting for System V habitat, CommandShellGde

pathname, CommandShellGde

pathname conventions (UUCP), CommandShellGde

PC-style keyboard, CDECompanion

PCI bus, DevDriverPci, TechOver

pci_config_hdr structure
        associated include file, DevDriverPci
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverPci
        member names and data types
                PPB device, DevDriverPci

pci_option structure
        associated include file, DevDriverPci
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverPci

pci_rom_data structure
        associated include file, DevDriverPci
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverPci

pci_rom_exp_header structure
        associated include file, DevDriverPci
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverPci

Performance Manager, PerformManage

performance monitors, SystemAdmin
        real-time performance monitor, SystemAdmin

performance tuning
        See also system tuning, SystemTune
        using commands and scripts, SystemAdmin

performing access operations on complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

performing read longword operations
        with read_io_port, DevDriverVMEbus

performing read word operations, DevDriverVMEbus

performing write longword operations
        with write_io_port, DevDriverVMEbus

performing write word operations, DevDriverVMEbus

peripheral device
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of distinctions, DevDriverTutorial
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial

Peripheral Device Interconnect
        See PCI bus, DevDriverPci

permanent virtual circuit
        See PVC, ATMProgGde

permissions, CommandShellGde
        changing, CommandShellGde

PFS, TechOver

physical point of attachment
        PPA, ATMProgGde

physio kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

pipe character, CommandShellGde

pixie (Atom tool), ProgGde

        localizing, CDE_I18N_Prog

pixstats, ProgGde

platform-independent applications
        using ToolTalk with, ToolTalkMsg

        implementing with ToolTalk, ToolTalkMsg

point-to-multipoint connection
        See connection, ATMProgGde

point-to-point connection, ATMProgGde

point-to-point protocol, InstallGuide

pointer size
        conversion, ProgGde

poll, STREAMSProg

POLYCENTER Advanced File System
        See also AdvFS, TechOver
        choosing during installations, InstallGuide

POLYCENTER NetWorker Save and Restore, SystemAdmin

pop-up menu, CDE_User
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

PORT, DevDriverEisa

port structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

        bit fields, ProgGde
        external names, ProgGde

portability and maintenance of CDE applications, CDEProgOverview

Portable Character Set, International

porting applications to XTI, NetProgGde

porting Digital UNIX device drivers, DevDriverTutorial

porting ULTRIX device drivers, DevDriverTutorial

        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        standards and application development considerations, ProgGde

POSIX standards
        realtime, Realtime

PostScript interpreter, displayPS

PostScript language encoding
        See encoding, PostScript language, displayPS

PostScript language imaging, displayPS

pow routine, DPML

power management, SystemAdmin

        permanent virtual circuit, ATMProgGde
        switched virtual circuit, ATMProgGde

PPP, NetAdmin
        See point-to-point protocol, InstallGuide

        pointer_size, ProgGde

pragma directive, DECC

pragma preprocessor directives, ProgGde

prdaily shell script, SystemAdmin

predefined macros, DECC

preediting in CDE internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

preparing for installation
        hardware, InstallGuide

preprocessing, DECC

preprocessor directive, DECC

preserved message buffer
        examining with the dbx debugger, KernelDebug

presto command
        description of, Prestoserve

prestoctl_svc daemon, Prestoserve

Prestoserve, TechOver
        adding kernel support, Prestoserve
        creating generic control device, Prestoserve
        improving NFS server performance, Prestoserve
        pseudodevice driver, Prestoserve
        recovering from failures, Prestoserve
        speeding up synchronous writes, Prestoserve

prestosetup command
        setting up Prestoserve, Prestoserve

print integration
        in CDE applications, CDEProgGuide

Print Manager, CDECompanion

print screen, CDECompanion

Print Screen, DWUser

print services
        See printer, SystemAdmin

printer, SystemAdmin
        device special file name, SystemAdmin
        lpc command, SystemAdmin
        using with LAT, NetAdmin

printf kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

printing, CDEHelp
        and Print Manager, CDE_User
        configuring and administrating from the desktop, CDEAdvUsr
        files, CommandShellGde
        reference pages, CommandShellGde
        subsystem enhancements for Asian languages, International

priority, STREAMSProg
        realtime, Realtime

priority inversion
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        issue to consider when using kernel threads, DevDriverAdvTopics

/proc File System
        See PFS, TechOver

        invoking, CallStandard

procedure descriptor table, AsmLangGde

process information, CommandShellGde

process management, SystemTune

processes, CommandShellGde
        initialization, SystemAdmin

processing text files
        See awk, ProgSupTools
        See m4 macro preprocessor, ProgSupTools
        See sed editor, ProgSupTools

Product Authorization Key
        See PAK, SharingSW

.product.list file
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

        profiling environment variable, ProgGde

.profile file, CDEAdvUsr

.profile login script, CommandShellGde
        modifying for System V Habitat, CommandShellGde

profiling, ProgGde
        using Atom tools, ProgGde

program checking
        C programs, ProgGde

program loading, AsmLangGde

program number assignment, OncRpcProgram

programmer-defined routines
        introduction to CAM, SCSIDevDrivers

programmer-defined structures, SCSIDevDrivers
        samples of, SCSIDevDrivers

programming CDE help
        tasks in, CDEHelp

programming examples
        for DLI, NetProgGde

programming for international use, CDE_I18N_Prog

        in App Builder, AppBuilder

property editor in App Builder, AppBuilder

.proto.. files, InstallGuide

protocol independence
        for XTI applications, NetProgGde

protocol-specific options
        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

prototype, DECC

prtacct shell script, SystemAdmin

pseudo device driver
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

pseudodevice driver
        introductory discussion and examples of, DevDriverTutorial
        Prestoserve, Prestoserve

pseudoterminals, NetProgGde
        BSD STREAMS-based, SystemAdmin
        clist-based, SystemAdmin
        creating device special files, SystemAdmin

pswrap translation program, displayPS

pt_tbl structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

public and private interfaces
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

public directory (UUCP), CommandShellGde

punctuator, DECC

push, STREAMSProg

push buttons
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

pushable modules, STREAMSProg

put procedure, STREAMSProg

put subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

putting a new bus address/byte count pair in the list
        by calling dma_put_curr_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        by calling dma_put_prev_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

        configuring, ATMProgGde
        creating, ATMProgGde
        PPAs, ATMProgGde

pwck command, SystemAdmin

pwd subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

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queue structure, STREAMSProg

queue_t structure, STREAMSProg

quick help buttons, CDEHelp

quick help dialog
        creating, CDEHelp

quickstart, AsmLangGde
        See shared libraries, TechOver
        section ordering constraints, AsmLangGde
                fixso, ProgGde
                manually, ProgGde
        using, ProgGde

quit subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

quit subcommand (telnet), CommandShellGde

        AdvFS, SystemAdmin
        setting UFS quotas, SystemAdmin
        UFS, SystemAdmin

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race condition
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        issue to consider when using kernel threads, DevDriverAdvTopics

radio buttons
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

RAID subsystems, TechOver
        LSM support for, StorageManager

random routine, DPML

rc directory structure, SystemAdmin

rc0 script, SystemAdmin

rc2 script, SystemAdmin

rc3 script, SystemAdmin

rcmgr command, SystemAdmin

rcn.d directory, SystemAdmin

RCS, InstallGuide, ProgSupTools

rcv event, NetProgGde

rcvconnect event, NetProgGde

rcvdis1 event, NetProgGde

rcvdis3 event, NetProgGde

rcvrel event, NetProgGde

rcvudata event, NetProgGde

rcvuderr event, NetProgGde

read and write device section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

read byte operation
        See reading data from a device register, DevDriverVMEbus

read call, STREAMSProg

read-only access
        support in TLI, NetProgGde

reading data from a device register
        with read_io_port, DevDriverVMEbus

        asynchronous I/O, Realtime
        clocks, Realtime
        memory locking, Realtime
        message queues, Realtime
        messages, Realtime
        overview, Realtime
        POSIX standards, Realtime
        priorities, Realtime
        scheduling, Realtime
        semaphores, Realtime
        shared memory, Realtime
        timers, Realtime

realtime kernel, InstallGuide

rebuilding the kernel, InstallGuide

receiving files (UUCP), CommandShellGde

recompiling TLI programs, NetProgGde

recv subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

redefining keys, DWUser

redirecting input/output, CommandShellGde

Redundant Array of Independent Disks
        See RAID, TechOver

reference pages, CommandShellGde
        displaying in CDE, CDE_User
        linking to in CDE help, CDEHelp
        processing translated, International

registering applications, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr
        help considerations, CDEHelp

registration package, CDEAdvUsr

regular expression, ProgSupTools

.rel.dyn section, AsmLangGde
        ordering for quickstart, AsmLangGde

relative file descriptor table, AsmLangGde

releasing system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_dealloc kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

releasing VMEbus address space
        See unloading DMA resources, DevDriverVMEbus

remainder routine, DPML

remote boot
        flow, SharingSW

remote commands
        running in UUCP, CommandShellGde

remote debugger server
        writing, Ladebug

remote debugging, Ladebug

remote execution, CDEAdvUsr

remote file transfers (UUCP), CommandShellGde

remote host
        running commands from (UUCP), CommandShellGde

Remote Installation Service (RIS), InstallGuide

Remote Installation Services
        See RIS, SharingSW

remote kernel debugging, KernelDebug, Ladebug

remote login, CommandShellGde

remote procedure call, OncRpcProgram

removing files, CommandShellGde

removing software subsets, InstallGuide

rename subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

renaming files and directories, CommandShellGde

repainting screen with xrefresh, DWUser

Request for Comments
        See RFC, TechOver

resfd variable
        and outgoing events, NetProgGde

resolution of symbols
        shared libraries, ProgGde

resource, CDEAdvUsr
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        for CDE help, CDEHelp
        Motif widget variables
                supported by dtksh, Desktopksh

resource files, DWUser

        of AdvFS file systems, InstallGuide
        of file systems in UNIX shell, InstallGuide
        of file systems with NetWorker SingleServer, InstallGuide
        of UFS file systems, InstallGuide
        procedures, SystemAdmin

Restricted Bourne shell, CommandShellGde

return values of dtksh functions, Desktopksh

returning a kernel segment address
        by calling dma_kmap_buffer kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

returning a pointer to sg_entry structure
        by calling dma_get_curr_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        by calling dma_get_next_sgentry kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

returning to local host during remote connection (UUCP), CommandShellGde

Revision Control System
        See RCS, ProgSubTools

        1122 and 1123
                configuring to comply with, TechOver
                Digital UNIX conformance, TechOver
        defined, TechOver

rint routine, DPML

RIP, TechOver

RIS, SharingSW
        architecture of, SharingSW
        remote booting, SharingSW
        system components, SharingSW

RIS area
        contents of, SharingSW

ris utility, SharingSW

rlogin command, CDE_User, CommandShellGde

rmdir subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

root file system
        restoring damaged, InstallGuide

root mode preedit area, CDE_I18N_Prog

rounding mode
        floating-point rounding modes, AsmLangGde

routing, NetAdmin

Routing Information Protocol
        See RIP, TechOver

routing protocols, TechOver

RPC, OncRpcProgram
        See also rpcgen, OncRpcProgram
        administration, OncRpcProgram
        language, OncRpcProgram

RPC language
        overview, OncRpcProgram

RPC programming, OncRpcProgram

rpcgen, OncRpcProgram
        See also RPC, OncRpcProgram
        declarations, OncRpcProgram
        programming with, OncRpcProgram

ruled lines
        drawing on a DECterm window, International

run command scripts, SystemAdmin

run levels
        changing, SystemAdmin
        defaults, SystemAdmin
        identifying, SystemAdmin
        multiuser, SystemAdmin
        single-user, SystemAdmin

run-time errors
        using dbx to isolate, ProgGde

run-time libraries, TechOver

runacct shell script, SystemAdmin

runique subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

running commands on a remote host (UUCP), CommandShellGde

ruptime command, CommandShellGde

rvalue, DECC

-S compilation option, AsmLangGde

.s files, AsmLangGde

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sa command, SystemAdmin

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

savecore command, KernelDebug

        See AXPvme Single-Board Computers, DevDriverVMEbus

scalar constants, AsmLangGde

scalb routine, DPML

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

SCCS, ProgSupTools

sccs command, ProgSupTools

scheduler, STREAMSProg

        realtime, Realtime

scope, DECC

screen blanker
        settings for, CDE_User

screen locks, CDE_User

screen saver
        customizing, CDE_User

screend, TechOver

scripts, Ladebug

scroll bars
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

SCSI, SystemAdmin
        device recognition tasks, SystemAdmin

SCSI bus, TechOver

SCSI device recognition, SystemAdmin

SCSI disk, SystemAdmin

SCSI/CAM special command table (CAM)
        entries, SCSIDevDrivers

SCSI/CAM special I/O interface (CAM)
        command table entries, SCSIDevDrivers
        command tables, SCSIDevDrivers
        device driver access, SCSIDevDrivers

SCU command, SystemAdmin
        device and bus maintenance, SystemAdmin
        device and bus managment, SystemAdmin
        format, SystemAdmin
        general purpose commands, SystemAdmin
        maintaining SCSI disks, SystemAdmin
        online help, SystemAdmin
        syntax conventions, SystemAdmin

SDL (Semantic Delivery Language) in CDE help, CDEHelp

search path
        limiting, ProgGde
        loader, ProgGde
        shared libraries, ProgGde

search paths, CDEAdvUsr
        desktop, CDEAdvUsr

searching for text with grep, ProgSupTools

section data, AsmLangGde

section headers
        flags (s_flags), AsmLangGde
        section name (s_name), AsmLangGde

section relocation information
        assembler and linker processing, AsmLangGde
        relocation entry, AsmLangGde
        relocation table entry, AsmLangGde

secure devices, Security

security, NetAdmin, Security, TechOver
        audit, TechOver
        C2 functionality and TCSEC, TechOver
        considerations, CommandShellGde
        establishing, SystemAdmin
        performance, TechOver
        policy, SystemAdmin

sed editor, ProgSupTools

sel_queue structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

select socket call
        contrast to XTI t_look function, NetProgGde

select system call
        using on the server side, OncRpcProgram

selection boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

selection models, CDEStyle

        name resolution, ProgGde

semaphores, ProgGde
        realtime, Realtime

send subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

        files to remote hosts (UUCP), CommandShellGde
        files via UUCP, CommandShellGde
        local messages, CommandShellGde
        long messages, CommandShellGde

server, CDEAdvUsr, NetAdmin
        process, OncRpcProgram
        programming of, OncRpcProgram
        sharing software with clients, SharingSW

server/client interaction, NetProgGde

service interface, STREAMSProg

service procedures, STREAMSProg

service provider, STREAMSProg

service user, STREAMSProg

session, CDEAdvUsr
        customizing in DECwindows Motif, DWUser
        starting a desktop, CDE_User

Session Manager
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview
        configuring, CDEAdvUsr
        customizing in CDE, CDECompanion
        customizing in DECwindows Motif, DWUser
        integrating CDE applications with, CDEProgGuide
        using under DECwindows Motif, DWUser

Session Manager save state notice
        responding to with dtksh, Desktopksh

setenv command (dbx)
        effect on debugger, ProgGde

setld command, InstallGuide
        displaying software subset inventory, InstallGuide

setrgbXactual operator, displayPS

setting a timer on kernel thread
        by calling thread_set_timeout kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

setting allocated system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_load kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

setting up the system, InstallGuide

setup utilities, TechOver

setXgcdrawable operator, displayPS

setXgcdrawablecolor operator, displayPS

setXoffset operator, displayPS

sg_entry data structure
        description, DevDriverTutorial

sg_entry structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

shared executable files
        dependencies, AsmLangGde
        dynamic section, AsmLangGde
        loading considerations, AsmLangGde

shared interrupt handler
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

shared interrupt line, DevDriverTutorial

shared libraries, TechOver
        advantages, ProgGde
        applications that cannot use, ProgGde
        backwards compatibility, ProgGde
        binary incompatibility, ProgGde
        creating, ProgGde
        debugging, Ladebug
        debugging programs using, ProgGde
        displaying in dbx, ProgGde
        dynamic linking, AsmLangGde
        linking with a C program, ProgGde
        major version, ProgGde
        minor version, ProgGde
        mmap system call, ProgGde
        multiple version dependencies, ProgGde
        naming convention, ProgGde
        overview, ProgGde
        partial version, ProgGde
        search path, ProgGde
        support in XTI, NetProgGde
        symbol resolution, ProgGde
        turning off, ProgGde
        version identifier, ProgGde
        versioning, ProgGde

shared library files
        dependencies, AsmLangGde
        dynamic section, AsmLangGde
        loading considerations, AsmLangGde
        quickstart, AsmLangGde

shared library versioning
        defined, ProgGde

shared memory, ProgGde
        realtime, Realtime
        testing with shmx, SystemAdmin

shared object, ProgGde

shared object files
        dependencies, AsmLangGde
        initialization and termination functions, AsmLangGde

shared object list section
        See .liblist section, AsmLangGde

sharing usr file system, SharingSW

shell, CDEAdvUsr

shell scripts, SystemAdmin
        compatibility with System V, CommandShellGde
        internationalizing, International

shells, CommandShellGde

shmx exerciser, SystemAdmin

shutdown command, SystemAdmin
        using halt flag, SystemAdmin

signal, STREAMSProg

signaling module interface, ATMProgGde

simple lock
        asserting read and write access with simple_lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        declaring simple lock structure with decl_simple_lock_data, DevDriverAdvTopics
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a simple lock structure with simple_lock_init, DevDriverAdvTopics
        releasing previously asserted simple lock with simple_unlock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a simple lock with simple_lock_terminate, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to obtain simple lock with simple_lock_try, DevDriverAdvTopics
        using spl interfaces, DevDriverAdvTopics

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
        See SMTP, TechOver

Simple Network Management Protocol
        See SNMP, TechOver

simple_lock kernel interface
        asserting read and write access, DevDriverAdvTopics
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

simple_lock_init kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a simple lock structure, DevDriverAdvTopics

simple_lock_terminate kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a simple lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

simple_lock_try kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to obtain simple lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

simple_unlock kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics
        releasing previously asserted simple lock, DevDriverAdvTopics

sin routine, DPML

sincos routine, DPML

sincosd routine, DPML

sind routine, DPML

single binary module
        defined, DevDriverTutorial

single-board computers (SBC), InstallGuide

single-user boot, SystemAdmin

singleops, displayPS

SingleServer, InstallGuide

sinh routine, DPML

sinhcosh routine, DPML

size command, ProgGde

slattach option, TechOver

sleep kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

SLIP, NetAdmin, TechOver

slock structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference

Small Computer Systems Interface
        See SCSI bus, TechOver

SMP, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        asserting complex lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        asserting read and write access with simple_lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        configuration file options, SystemAdmin
        declaring complex lock structure with lock_data_t, DevDriverAdvTopics
        declaring simple lock structure with decl_simple_lock_data, DevDriverAdvTopics
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of complex locks, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of funnels, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of locking methods, DevDriverAdvTopics
        description of simple locks, DevDriverAdvTopics
        ensuring no locks are required with funnels, DevDriverAdvTopics
        example analysis of device driver to determine resources to lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a complex lock with lock_init, DevDriverAdvTopics
        initializing a simple lock structure with simple_lock_init, DevDriverAdvTopics
        locking methods, DevDriverAdvTopics
        need for locking device drivers, DevDriverAdvTopics
        rebooting failed processor, SystemAdmin
        releasing previously asserted complex lock with lock_done, DevDriverAdvTopics
        releasing previously asserted simple lock with simple_unlock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        resources to lock in a device driver, DevDriverAdvTopics
        summary of locking methods, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a complex lock with lock_terminate, DevDriverAdvTopics
        terminating a simple lock with simple_lock_terminate, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert complex lock with lock_try_read, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to assert complex lock with lock_try_write, DevDriverAdvTopics
        trying to obtain simple lock with simple_lock_try, DevDriverAdvTopics
        unattended reboots, SystemAdmin
        using spl interfaces, DevDriverAdvTopics

SMP system
        debugging on, KernelDebug

SMTP, TechOver

SNMP, NetAdmin, TechOver

SNMP application programming interface
        Digital UNIX support for, NetProgGde

sockaddr_dl structure, NetProgGde
        and the 802.2 substructure, NetProgGde
        and the ethernet substructure, NetProgGde

socket interface
        Digital UNIX support for, NetProgGde

        advanced topics, NetProgGde
        binding names to, NetProgGde
        BSD, NetProgGde
        4.4BSD features
                receipt of protocol data, NetProgGde
                variable-length network addresses, NetProgGde
        coexistence with STREAMS, NetProgGde
        common errors, NetProgGde
        communication properties, NetProgGde
        connection-oriented programs, NetProgGde
        connectionless programs, NetProgGde
        creating, NetProgGde
        data structures, NetProgGde
        establishing connections
                clients, NetProgGde
                servers, NetProgGde
        getting socket options, NetProgGde
        header files, NetProgGde
        library calls, NetProgGde
        modes of communication
                connection-oriented, NetProgGde, NetProgGde
        rewriting applications for XTI, NetProgGde
        setting socket options, NetProgGde
                comparison between sockets and XTI, NetProgGde
        system calls, NetProgGde
        TCP specific programming information, NetProgGde
        transferring data, NetProgGde
        types, NetProgGde

sockets and STREAMS frameworks
        communication between, NetProgGde

sockets framework, NetProgGde
        components, NetProgGde
        relationship to XTI, TechOver

software architecture
        EISA/ISA bus, DevDriverEisa

software sharing via servers, SharingSW

software subset sizes, InstallGuide

software subsets
        associated products, InstallGuide
        descriptions of, InstallGuide
        installing and removing after an installation, InstallGuide
        mandatory, InstallGuide
        selecting, SharingSW
        sizes, InstallGuide
        worldwide software descriptions, InstallGuide

software synchronization
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics

sorting file contents, CommandShellGde

source code
        checking with lint, ProgGde

source code compatibility
        in System V habitat, ProgGde

Source Code Control System, ProgSupTools

source files
        controlling access to, ProgGde

sparse space
        See sparse space address, DevDriverTutorial

sparse space address
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        description of address type that device drivers use, DevDriverTutorial

special characters
        in CDE help, CDEHelp
        in dtpad, CDE_User
        in dtterm, CDE_User

        correcting in dtpad, CDE_User

spin boxes
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

spin lock
        See also simple lock, DevDriverAdvTopics
        using spl interfaces, DevDriverAdvTopics

splbio kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

spltty kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

splx kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics, DevDriverTutorial

sqrt routine, DPML

stack frame, AsmLangGde

stack limit, CallStandard

stack trace, Ladebug

standard error, CommandShellGde

standard input, CommandShellGde

standard library, DECC

standard output, CommandShellGde

        programming considerations, ProgGde

start section, DevDriverTURBOchannel

starting a fixed priority kernel thread
        by calling kernel_thread_w_arg kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

starting kernel thread, DevDriverAdvTopics

startup files
        creating, SystemAdmin

state transitions
        allowed for data transfer
                connectionless transport services, NetProgGde
        allowed for initialization phase, NetProgGde

stateful and stateless encodings
        conversion of, CDE_I18N_Prog

        comparison of XTI and sockets, NetProgGde
        managing in XTI, NetProgGde

status information (UUCP), CommandShellGde

status subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

status subcommand (telnet), CommandShellGde

stopping commands, CommandShellGde

storage class, DECC

strategy section, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

strcmp kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

strcpy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

stream editor
        See sed editor, ProgSupTools

        coexistence with sockets, NetProgGde
        components, NetProgGde
        configuring drivers, NetProgGde
        configuring modules, NetProgGde
        device special files, NetProgGde
        error logging, NetProgGde
        event logging, NetProgGde
        framework, NetProgGde
        functions, NetProgGde
        header files, NetProgGde
        kernel-level functions, NetProgGde
        processing routines
                for drivers and modules, NetProgGde

STREAMS concepts, NetProgGde

STREAMS drivers
        bridging STREAMS drivers to sockets protocol stacks, NetProgGde
        bridging to sockets protocol stacks, NetProgGde

STREAMS framework, NetProgGde
        relationship to XTI, TechOver

streams mechanism
        overview, STREAMSProg

STREAMS protocol stacks
        bridging to BSD drivers, NetProgGde

streamtab, STREAMSProg

string constants, AsmLangGde

string interface
        category of kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

string literal, DECC

string literals in CDE internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

string operation
        comparing null-terminated character string using strcmp kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        comparing two strings using strncmp kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        copying null-terminated character string using strcpy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        copying null-terminated character string using strncpy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial
        returning number of characters using strlen kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

striped disks
        LSM, StorageManager

strlen kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

strncmp kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

strncpy kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

        used by autoconfiguration software, DevDriverTutorial

structured exception handling, ProgGde

        See also unions, ATMProgGde
        XDR, OncRpcProgram

Style Manager, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr, CDECompanion

subcommands (ftp), CommandShellGde

subdirectories, CommandShellGde

subnet, NetAdmin

subpanel, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr

        configuring, SystemAdmin

suffixes, file name
        for programming language files, ProgGde

sunique subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

superuser, CommandShellGde

        configuring, ATMProgGde
        PPAs, ATMProgGde

svc.conf file
        defined, TechOver

swap space
        displaying with kdbx, KernelDebug
        estimating the size of, SystemAdmin
        planning, InstallGuide

switched virtual circuit
        See SVC, ATMProgGde

symbol table, AsmLangGde
        format of entries, AsmLangGde
        listing, ProgGde

symbolic information
        debugging programs with limited, Ladebug

        binding, ProgGde
        name resolution semantics, ProgGde
        options for handling unresolved symbols, ProgGde
        resolution, ProgGde
        resolving in shared libraries, ProgGde
        search path, ProgGde

symmetric multiprocessing
        See SMP, DevDriverAdvTopics

symmetrical multiprocessing, TechOver

sync command, SystemAdmin

        client and context, displayPS
        Display PostScript System and X, displayPS
        hardware issues related to, DevDriverAdvTopics

synchronous writes
        speeding up with Prestoserve, Prestoserve

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

sysconfig command, SystemAdmin

        defined, DevDriverTutorial

sysconfigdb command, SystemAdmin

sysconfigtab file
        See /etc/sysconfigtab file, SystemAdmin

sysconfigtab file fragment
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        use by sysconfigdb program, DevDriverTutorial

syslogd daemon, SystemAdmin

SysMan applications, CDECompanion

SysMan tools, TechOver

        displaying information about with kdbx, KernelDebug

system accounting
        space for, InstallGuide

system address
        description of bus physical address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of dense space address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of I/O address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of kernel physical address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of kernel-unmapped virtual address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of memory address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of sparse space address, DevDriverTutorial

system administration, TechOver
        graphical-user interface, TechOver
        text-based interface, TechOver

system calls
        and DLI, NetProgGde
        differences in System V habitat, ProgGde
        sockets, NetProgGde

system clock
        setting, SystemAdmin

system configuration
        dynamic, SystemAdmin
        static, SystemAdmin

system configuration file
        pseudodevice entry, SystemAdmin

system crash
        process of, KernelDebug

system data type
        description of io_handle_t, DevDriverTutorial

system environment
        customizing, SystemAdmin

system event
        analyzing, DECevent

system event reporting, SystemAdmin

system events and errors, SystemAdmin

system exercisers, SystemAdmin

system initialization, SystemAdmin

system initialization files, SystemAdmin

system libraries, ProgGde

system parameters
        See also configuration attributes, SystemTune
        methods of tuning, SystemTune

system performance, SystemAdmin
        managing, PerformManage

system reboot
        crash dump information created during, KernelDebug

system security, SystemAdmin

system shutdown, SystemAdmin

system startup files, SystemAdmin

system tuning
        CPU tuning, SystemTune
        I/O tuning, SystemTune
        IPC tuning, SystemTune
        network subsystem tuning, SystemTune
        tuning memory usage, SystemTune
        where to start, SystemTune

System V
        IPC parameters, SystemAdmin
        messages, SystemAdmin
        semaphores, SystemAdmin
        shared memory, SystemAdmin

System V Compatibility habitat, TechOver

System V Environment, TechOver
        SVID compliance, TechOver

System V functionality, TechOver

System V habitat, CommandShellGde, ProgGde
        accessing, CommandShellGde
        command summary, CommandShellGde
        compiling and linking applications in, ProgGde
        location of, CommandShellGde
        modifying .cshrc file for, CommandShellGde
        modifying .login file for, CommandShellGde
        modifying .profile file for, CommandShellGde
        setting PATH for, CommandShellGde
        summary of system calls, ProgGde
        using cc command, ProgGde
        using ld command, ProgGde

        See streams mechanism, STREAMSProg

system-specific header file, displayPS

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t_accept function, NetProgGde
        contrast to accept socket call, NetProgGde

t_alloc function, NetProgGde

t_bind function, NetProgGde
        contrast to bind socket call, NetProgGde

t_close function, NetProgGde

t_connect function, NetProgGde

t_errno variable, NetProgGde

T_ERROR event
        support in TLI, NetProgGde

t_free function, NetProgGde

t_listen function, NetProgGde

t_look function, NetProgGde
        contrast to select socket call, NetProgGde

T_MORE flag
        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

t_open function, NetProgGde

t_optmgmt function, NetProgGde

t_rcv function, NetProgGde

t_rcvdis function, NetProgGde
        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

t_rcvrel function, NetProgGde

t_rcvudata function, NetProgGde

t_rcvuderr function, NetProgGde
        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

t_snd function, NetProgGde

t_snddis function, NetProgGde
        contrast to close socket call, NetProgGde

t_sndrel function, NetProgGde

t_sndudata function, NetProgGde

t_unbind function, NetProgGde

T_UNINIT state
        purpose of, NetProgGde

tan routine, DPML

tand routine, DPML

tanh routine, DPML

        bootable, SystemAdmin

tape drive
        See magnetic tape drive, SystemAdmin

tapex exerciser, SystemAdmin

task structure, DevDriverAdvTopics
        associated include file, DevDriverReference

TCB, Security

TCP, TechOver
        programming information, NetProgGde

Tearoff button, AppBuilder

Tearoff menu property, AppBuilder

telephone number, specifying with cu command (UUCP), CommandShellGde

TELNET, TechOver

telnet command, CommandShellGde
        how to use, CommandShellGde

Telnet Protocol
        See TELNET, TechOver

terminal communications system
        testing with cmx, SystemAdmin

terminal device
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        discussion of, DevDriverTutorial

terminal device driver
        defined, DevDriverTutorial
        introductory discussion and examples of, DevDriverTutorial

terminal emulator (dtterm), CDEAdvUsr
        using, CDE_User

terminal emulators
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

terminal interface
        enhancements for Asian languages, International

terminating a connection (local communications), CommandShellGde

terminating a kernel thread
        by calling thread_halt_self kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        by calling thread_terminate kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

terminating a UUCP job with the uustat command, CommandShellGde

terminating remote cu connection (UUCP), CommandShellGde

terminating remote tip connection (UUCP), CommandShellGde

termination handler, ProgGde

TERMINFO environment variable, SystemAdmin

testing help volumes in CDE, CDEHelp

testing kernels, KernelDebug

testing menus, help, and connections with App Builder, AppBuilder

text editor, CommandShellGde
        See also dtpad text editor, CDE_User
        vi, CommandShellGde

text input components
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

text input in CDE internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

text-to-speech conversion, InstallGuide

tftp, SharingSW

TFTP, TechOver

tftpd, SharingSW

Third Degree (Atom tool), ProgGde

        See also kernel thread, DevDriverAdvTopics
        defined, DevDriverAdvTopics

Thread Independent Services, TechOver

thread structure, DevDriverAdvTopics
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

thread_block kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverAdvTopics

thread_set_timeout kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

threads, DECthreads, Ladebug, TechOver
        profiling multithreaded applications, ProgGde

tic command, SystemAdmin

time server, NetAdmin

time services
        NTP, TechOver
        TSP, TechOver

Time Synchronization Protocol
        See TSP, TechOver

time values
        formatting rules in a locale, International

time zone, SystemAdmin
        SVID, SystemAdmin

timeout changes, OncRpcProgram

timeout kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

Timeout Section
        description of code example for /dev/dmaex driver, DevDriverVMEbus

        realtime, Realtime

tip command
        options, connecting to a remote computer, CommandShellGde
        options, connecting to a remote host, CommandShellGde
        using local commands, CommandShellGde

        compatibility with XTI, NetProgGde
        contrast with XTI, NetProgGde

token ring, NetAdmin, TechOver
        setting up a client on, SharingSW

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

ToolTalk, CDEAdvUsr
        features, ToolTalkMsg
        how applications use, ToolTalkMsg
        introduction to, ToolTalkMsg

ToolTalk message distribution, ToolTalkMsg

ToolTalk message handling, AppBuilder

ToolTalk messaging
        how to use, ToolTalkMsg

ToolTalk Messaging Service, CDEProgOverview

ToolTalk tracing facility (tttrace), ToolTalkMsg

topic hierarchy in CDE help, CDEHelp

topics and subtopics in CDE help, CDEHelp

tracepoints, Ladebug

tracing in ToolTalk (tttrace), ToolTalkMsg

transfer models (clipboard, primary, quick, drag)
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

transfer-status information (UUCP), CommandShellGde

        between XTI states, NetProgGde

        of message text, International

Transmission Control Protocol
        See TCP, NetProgGde

transmission control protocol, TechOver

Transmission Control Protocol
        TCP/IP, SystemTune

Transport Layer Interface
        See TLI, NetProgGde

transport provider
        and state management, NetProgGde

Transport Service Data Unit
        See TSDU, NetProgGde

Trash Can, CDE_User

Trivial File Transfer Protocol
        See TFTP, TechOver

troubleshooting, InstallGuide

trunc routine, DPML

trusted computing base
        See TCB, Security

try body, ProgGde

try...except statement, ProgGde

try...finally statement, ProgGde

        and protocol independence, NetProgGde

TSP, TechOver

TTSnoop debugger, ToolTalkMsg

tunable Parameters, STREAMSProg

tunefs command, SystemAdmin

tuning, ATMProgGde
        See system tuning, SystemTune

TURBOchannel bus, TechOver
        architecture, DevDriverTURBOchannel
        device driver
                concepts, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                configuration, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                data structures, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                example, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                kernel interfaces, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                reference information, DevDriverTURBOchannel
                structure, DevDriverTURBOchannel

TURBOchannel test board, DevDriverTURBOchannel

type conversion, DECC

        using with rpcgen, OncRpcProgram

types of service
        in DLPI, NetProgGde

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uagt_close (CAM), SCSIDevDrivers

UBC, TechOver
        description, SystemTune

UDP, TechOver

uerf command, NetAdmin, SystemAdmin
        using with system exercisers, SystemAdmin

UFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        restoring file systems, InstallGuide
        setting file system quotas, SystemAdmin
        tuning, SystemTune

UID file search, CDE_I18N_Prog

UIL modules
        in App Builder, AppBuilder

UIL (User Interface Language)
        internationalized, CDE_I18N_Prog
        sample Japanese and English program, CDE_I18N_Prog

uio structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        formal description, DevDriverTutorial
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverReference

uiomove kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

umount command, SystemAdmin

unblocking kernel thread
        by calling thread_wakeup kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics
        by calling thread_wakeup_one kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

understanding system data types and addresses
        description of bus physical address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of dense space address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of I/O address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of io_handle_t data type, DevDriverTutorial
        description of kernel physical address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of kernel-unmapped virtual address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of memory address, DevDriverTutorial
        description of sparse space address, DevDriverTutorial

unified buffer cache
        See UBC, TechOver

        XDR, OncRpcProgram

UNIX File System
        See UFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver

UNIX shell
        restoring AdvFS file system, InstallGuide

UNIX Shell option, InstallGuide

UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program
        See UUCP utility, CommandShellGde

unlimited license
        registering after installation or upgrade, LicenseManage

unloading DMA resources
        with dma_map_unload, DevDriverVMEbus

unloading system resources for DMA
        by calling dma_map_unload kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

unordered routine, DPML

unresolved symbols
        options to ld command, ProgGde
        shared libraries, ProgGde

untimeout kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

update administration utility, InstallGuide

update installation, InstallGuide
        worldwide, InstallGuide

user accounts
        adding automatically, SystemAdmin
        adding manually, SystemAdmin
        deleting, SystemAdmin

user address space
        copying from, with copyin kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

User Agent driver (CAM)
        error handling, SCSIDevDrivers
        introduction, SCSIDevDrivers

user customization issues
        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

User Datagram Protocol
        See UDP, NetProgGde, SystemTune, TechOver

user interface
        laying out with App Builder, AppBuilder

user mask, CommandShellGde

user object index, new
        See DPSNewUserObjectIndex routine, displayPS

user program
        relationship to device driver, DevDriverTutorial

user space coordinate system
        See coordinate systems, displayPS

user space origin
        defined, displayPS
        obtaining, displayPS
        setting, displayPS

user-defined character UDC databases, International

using commands, CommandShellGde

using the symmetric multiprocessor sleep interface
        by calling mpsleep kernel interface, DevDriverAdvTopics

/usr file system, InstallGuide
        planning, InstallGuide

/usr/shlib directory
        shared libraries, ProgGde

        definition of, STREAMSProg

UUCP utility, CommandShellGde, NetAdmin, Security
        local commands, CommandShellGde
        local host control of file access, CommandShellGde
        system, TechOver

uulog command, CommandShellGde

uumonitor command, CommandShellGde

uustat command, CommandShellGde

uuto command
        copying files, local host control, options, CommandShellGde

uux command, CommandShellGde
        options, used to run remote commands, CommandShellGde

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v1_bustype_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

v1_device_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

v1_devtype_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

v1_disk_dev_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

v1_tape_dev_info_t structure
        associated include file, DevDriverReference
        definition of members, DevDriverReference

var area, InstallGuide
        planning space for, InstallGuide

        See also environment variables, ProgGde
        mail, CommandShellGde

variables in dtksh app-defaults file, Desktopksh

VAX C extensions, DECC

        See dma_map_alloc kernel interface, DevDriverVMEbus

vbasetup, DevDriverVMEbus

VendorShell widget, CDE_I18N_Prog

verbose mode debugging, Ladebug

verbose subcommand (ftp), CommandShellGde

        See shared libraries, TechOver
        shared libraries, ProgGde

VFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver
        tuning information, SystemTune

vi text editor, CommandShellGde

virtual circuit
        See also PVC, ATMProgGde
        See also SVC, ATMProgGde
        data structure, ATMProgGde

Virtual File System
        See VFS, SystemAdmin, TechOver

virtual keys
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

virtual memory
        See VM, TechOver

virtual memory subsystem
        description, SystemTune

virtual space
        moving data between user and system with uiomove kernel interface, DevDriverTutorial

virus, CommandShellGde

visibility, DECC

visual design of applications
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

VM, displayPS
        eager reservation policy, TechOver
        external pager, TechOver
        kernel memory allocator, TechOver
        lazy allocation policy, TechOver
        Mach mmap, TechOver
        memory reclamation policy, TechOver
        memory-mapped device interface, TechOver
        page coloring, TechOver
        page in and page out clustering, TechOver
        round-robin swapping, TechOver
        shared memory segments, secure, TechOver
        shared text segments, TechOver
        unified buffer cache, TechOver

vmcore.n file, KernelDebug

VME 2100 Systems, DevDriverVMEbus

vme_handler_info structure
        associated include file, DevDriverVMEbus
        list of member names and data types, DevDriverVMEbus

        byte ordering, DevDriverVMEbus
        data size support, DevDriverVMEbus
        porting information, DevDriverVMEbus
        support for DMA, DevDriverVMEbus

VMEbus address
        obtaining with vba_get_vmeaddr, DevDriverVMEbus

VMEbus address space
        See DMA data transfer resources, DevDriverVMEbus
        unloading DMA resources, DevDriverVMEbus

VMEbus architectures
        address spaces, DevDriverVMEbus

vmunix.n file, KernelDebug

vnode tuning, SystemTune

vold daemon (LSM), StorageManager

voldiskadm interface (LSM), StorageManager

voliod daemon (LSM), StorageManager

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wakeup kernel interface
        explanation of code fragment, DevDriverTutorial

waking up kernel thread
        See unblocking kernel thread, DevDriverAdvTopics

wall command, SystemAdmin

welcome message, CDEAdvUsr

what command, ProgSupTools

whatis database
        updating, InstallGuide

wide characters and wide-character strings, International

widget translations
        setting with dtskh, Desktopksh

        and CDE application development, CDEProgOverview

widgets, Motif
        cutomized for CDE applications development, CDEProgGuide

window customization, Ladebug

window management
        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle

window manager
        customizing in DECwindows Motif, DWUser
        in CDE internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog
        MWM, XWinSysEnv

window manager close notice
        responding to with dtksh, Desktopksh

Window menu, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr

windowing environment, Security, TechOver

        CDE conventions and standards for, CDEStyle
        implementing with App Builder, AppBuilder

word operations
        See performing write word operations, DevDriverVMEbus

workspace backdrop, CDE_User

Workspace Manager
        customizing the, CDEAdvUsr
        using to manage application windows, CDEProgGuide
        using with dtksh, Desktopksh

Workspace menu, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr

workspace switch, CDEAdvUsr

workspaces, CDE_User, CDEAdvUsr

        configuration file definitions, SystemAdmin

worldwide installation, InstallGuide

Worldwide Portability Interfaces WPI, International

worldwide software subset descriptions, InstallGuide

worldwide support, SystemAdmin

worldwide update installation, InstallGuide

write command (local communications), CommandShellGde

write-only access
        support in TLI, NetProgGde

writing CDE help
        tasks in, CDEHelp

writing data from a device register
        with write_io_port, DevDriverVMEbus

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X client libraries, TechOver

X clients, TechOver
        introduction, DWUser

X coordinate system
        See coordinate systems, displayPS

X drawing functions
        accessing with dtksh, Desktopksh

X Graphic Context
        defined, displayPS
        setting, displayPS

X libraries
        using internationalization features in, International

X Logical Font Description (XLFD), CDE_I18N_Prog

X server, CDEAdvUsr, TechOver
        defined, DWUser
        font-cache tuning, International

X server extensions, TechOver, XWinSysEnv

X terminal, CDEAdvUsr

X window
        configuration, XWinSysEnv
        managing the environment, XWinSysEnv

X Window System, TechOver, XWinSysEnv
        documentation about, XWinSysEnv

        internationalization features in, International

        standards and application development considerations, ProgGde
        standards and internationalization, International

X/Open Transport Interface
        See XTI, NetProgGde, TechOver

X-specific operators
        See operators, displayPS

Xconfig file, CDEAdvUsr

.Xdefaults file, CDEAdvUsr, DWUser

xdm utility, XWinSysEnv

        Display Manager, TechOver


XDPSContextFromSharedID routine, displayPS

XDPSContextFromXID routine, displayPS

XDPSCreateContext routine, displayPS

XDPSCreateSimpleContext routine, displayPS

XDPSFindContext routine, displayPS

XDPSRegisterStatusProc routine, displayPS

XDPSSetStatusMask routine, displayPS

XDPSSpaceFromSharedID routine, displayPS

XDPSSpaceFromXID routine, displayPS

XDPSUnfreezeContext routine, displayPS

XDPSXIDFromContext routine, displayPS

XDPSXIDFromSpace routine, displayPS

XDR, OncRpcProgram
        enumerations, OncRpcProgram
        system routines, OncRpcProgram

XDR library, OncRpcProgram

XEvent structure
        accessing with dtksh, Desktopksh

XIM, CDE_I18N_Prog

xjoin comand, NetAdmin

xlsfonts command, CDEAdvUsr

XMI bus, TechOver

XMODIFIERS environment variable, CDE_User

xmodmap, CDE_User, DWUser

xmodmap keymap format
        Display Manager, TechOver

xntpd daemon, NetAdmin

xntpdc command, NetAdmin

XPG3 compliance
        and Digital UNIX's XTI, NetProgGde

XPT routines
        xpt_ccb_alloc, SCSIDevDrivers

xpt_ccb_alloc, SCSIDevDrivers

xrefresh, DWUser

Xservers file, CDEAdvUsr

Xsession file, CDEAdvUsr

Xt and Xlib dependencies in internationalization, CDE_I18N_Prog

-xtaso flag (cc), ProgGde

-xtaso_short flag (cc), ProgGde

        and TLI, NetProgGde
        and XPG3 compliance, NetProgGde
        connection-oriented programs, NetProgGde
        connectionless programs, NetProgGde
        contrast with TLI, NetProgGde
        data flow with a sockets-based transport provider, TechOver
        data flow with a STREAMS-based transport provider, TechOver
        defined, NetProgGde, TechOver
                t_errno variable, NetProgGde
        events, NetProgGde
                used by connectionless transport services, NetProgGde
        handling errors, NetProgGde
        map of functions, events, and states, NetProgGde
        outgoing events, NetProgGde
        passing connections to other endpoints, NetProgGde
        porting applications to, NetProgGde
        relationship to STREAMS and sockets frameworks, TechOver
        rewriting socket applications for, NetProgGde
        state management by transport providers, NetProgGde
                comparison between XTI and sockets, NetProgGde, NetProgGde
        synchronization of multiple processes, NetProgGde
        writing connection-oriented applications, NetProgGde

xti.h header file
        and t_errno variable, NetProgGde

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y0 routine, DPML

y1 routine, DPML

yacc program, ProgSupTools

yn routine, DPML

ypcat command, NetAdmin

ypmatch command, NetAdmin

yppasswd command, NetAdmin

ypwhich command, NetAdmin

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z subcommand (telnet), CommandShellGde

ZMAGIC files, AsmLangGde
        segment access permissions, AsmLangGde