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About This Book

This book discusses topics associated with writing drivers for devices that operate on the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Local Bus in the Digital UNIX® operating system.

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This book is intended for systems engineers who:

This book assumes that you have a strong background in operating systems based on the UNIX operating system. It also assumes that you have a strong background in systems and C programming, and that you are familiar with topics presented in Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial. In addition, the book assumes that you have no source code licenses.

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New and Changed Features

Although existing device drivers are binary compatible with the current version of Digital UNIX, you may want to take advantage of the single binary module technology. The following list summarizes the issues you need to consider when deciding whether to update device drivers written on previous versions of Digital UNIX to the current version of the Digital UNIX operating system.

For more information on these and other changes to device drivers, see Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial.

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Scope of the Book

The book is directed towards users of the Digital UNIX operating system on computer systems developed by Digital Equipment Corporation. The book builds on the concepts and topics presented in Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial, the core book for developing device drivers on the Digital UNIX operating system. This book introduces driver writers to topics specific to the PCI bus and that are beyond the scope of the core tutorial. The book presents an example driver that operates on the PCI bus.

The book does not emphasize any specific types of device drivers. However, mastering the concepts and examples presented in this book would be useful preparation for writing a variety of device drivers that operate on the PCI bus.

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This book contains the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1 Review of Device Driver Concepts
  Reviews general device driver concepts that are discussed in detail in Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial.
Chapter 2 PCI Bus Architectures
  Discusses aspects of the PCI bus hardware and software architectures that may influence the way in which you design a PCI bus device driver.
Chapter 3 Structure of a PCI Bus Device Driver
  Describes the sections that make up a PCI bus device driver.
Chapter 4 Data Structures That PCI Bus Device Drivers Use
  Discusses the data structures developed for use with PCI bus device drivers.
Chapter 5 Device Configuration on the PCI Bus
  Discusses the sequence of events that occurs during the configuration of devices that operate on the PCI bus.
Chapter 6 PCI Bus Device Driver Example
  Describes how to code a character device driver for a real device that operates on the PCI bus.
Appendix A PCI Bus-Specific Reference Information
  Presents, in reference page style, descriptions of the header file, data structures, kernel support interfaces, and device driver interfaces that are specific to the PCI bus.
Appendix B PCI Bus Device Driver Source Listing
  Contains the source code listing for the example driver presented in this book.
Appendix C Summary Tables
  Presents tables that summarize the header files, kernel interfaces, data structures, and other interfaces that device drivers use.

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Related Documentation

The printed version of the Digital UNIX documentation set is color coded to help specific audiences quickly find the books that meet their needs. (You can order the printed documentation from Digital.) This color coding is reinforced with the use of an icon on the spines of books. The following list describes this convention:
Audience Icon Color Code
General users G Blue
System and network administrators S Red
Programmers P Purple
Device driver writers D Orange
Reference page users R Green

Some books in the documentation set help meet the needs of several audiences. For example, the information in some system books is also used by programmers. Keep this in mind when searching for information on specific topics.

The Documentation Overview, Glossary, and Master Index provides information on all of the books in the Digital UNIX documentation set.

Writing device drivers is a complex task; driver writers require knowledge in a variety of areas. One way to acquire this knowledge is to have at least the following categories of documentation available:

The following sections list the documentation associated with each of these categories. PCI bus device driver writers should also be familiar with PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.1. An acquaintance with PCI to PCI Bridge Architecture Specification may also be helpful. To obtain copies of these documents, contact the PCI Special Interest Group at the following address:

PCI Special Interest Group
P.O. Box 14070
Portland, OR 97214 USA

(800) 433-5177 (U.S)
(503) 797-4297 (International)
(503) 234-6762 (FAX)

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Hardware Documentation

You should have available the hardware manual associated with the device for which you are writing the device driver. Also, you should have access to the manual that describes the architecture associated with the CPU that the driver operates on, for example, the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual.

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Bus-Specific Device Driver Documentation

Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial is the core manual for developing device drivers on the Digital UNIX operating system. It contains information needed for developing drivers on any bus that operates on Digital platforms. Writing Device Drivers: Advanced Topics and Writing Device Drivers: Reference are companion volumes to the tutorial.

Writing Device Drivers: Advanced Topics describes topics that are beyond the scope of the core tutorial. Systems engineers can find information on such advanced topics as kernel threads and writing device drivers in a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) environment.

Writing Device Drivers: Reference describes, in reference page style, the header files, kernel interfaces, data structures, and other interfaces that device drivers use.

The following books provide information about writing device drivers for a specific bus that is beyond the scope of the core tutorial, advanced topics, and reference:

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Programming Tools Documentation

To create your device drivers, you use a number of programming development tools and should have on hand the manuals that describe how to use these tools. The following manuals provide information related to programming tools used in the Digital UNIX operating system environment:

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System Management Documentation

Refer to the System Administration manual for information about building a kernel and for general information on system administration.

This manual describes how to configure, use, and maintain the Digital UNIX operating system. It includes information on general day-to-day activities and tasks, changing your system configuration, and locating and eliminating sources of trouble.

This manual is for the system administrators responsible for managing the operating system. It assumes a knowledge of operating system concepts, commands, and configurations.

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Porting Documentation

Refer to the Digital UNIX Migration Guide for a discussion of the differences between the Digital UNIX and ULTRIX operating systems.

This manual compares the Digital UNIX operating system to the ULTRIX operating system by describing the differences between the two systems.

This manual has three audiences, as follows:

This manual assumes the reader is familiar with the ULTRIX operating system.

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Reference Pages

The following reference pages are of interest to device driver writers:

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Reader's Comments

Digital welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this and other Digital UNIX manuals.

You can send your comments in the following ways:

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The Digital UNIX Publications group cannot respond to system problems or technical support inquiries. Please address technical questions to your local system vendor or to the appropriate Digital technical support office. Information provided with the software media explains how to send problem reports to Digital.

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This book uses the following conventions:

A vertical ellipsis indicates that a portion of an example that would normally be present is not shown.
. . . In syntax definitions, a horizontal ellipsis indicates that the preceding item can be repeated one or more times.
filename In examples, syntax descriptions, and function definitions, this typeface indicates variable values.
buf In function definitions and syntax definitions used in driver configuration, this typeface is used to indicate names that you must type exactly as shown.
[ ] In formal parameter declarations in function definitions and in structure declarations, brackets indicate arrays. Brackets are also used to specify ranges for device minor numbers and device special files in file fragments. However, for the syntax definitions used in driver configuration, these brackets indicate items that are optional.
 | Vertical bars separating items that appear in the syntax definitions used in driver configuration indicate that you choose one item from among those listed.

This book uses the word kernel ``interface'' instead of kernel ``routine'' or kernel ``macro'' because, from the driver writer's point of view, it does not matter whether the interface is a routine or a macro.