Removes the cleanup handler at the top of the cleanup stack and
optionally executes it.
execute );
Argument Data Type Access
execute Boolean read
C Binding
int execute);
- execute
- Integer that specifies whether the cleanup routine in pthread_
cleanup_push is executed when the thread terminates normally
(for example, when pthread_exit is called). If the value of
execute is 0, the routine is executed only if the thread
terminates abnormally (for example, if the thread is canceled).
If the value is 1 or more, the routine is executed regardless of
whether the thread terminates normally or abnormally.
This routine removes the routine specified in pthread_cleanup_
push at the top of the calling thread's cleanup stack and executes
it if the value specified in execute is nonzero.
This routine and pthread_cleanup_push are implemented as macros
and must appear as statements and in pairs within the same lexical
scope. You can think of the pthread_cleanup_push macro as expanding
to a string whose first character is a left brace ({) and pthread_
cleanup_pop expanding to a string containing the corresponding right
brace (}).
Return Values
If an error is detected, it may be indicated by sending the thread a
synchronously generated signal.