Changes the guardsize attribute of thread creation.
guardsize );
Argument Data Type Access
attr opaque pthread_attr_t read
guardsize longword read
C Binding
pthread_attr_setguardsize_np (
pthread_attr_t *attr,
long guardsize);
- attr
- Threads attributes object modified.
- guardsize
- New value for the guardsize attribute. The guardsize
argument specifies the minimum size (in bytes) of the guard area for
the stack of a thread.
This routine sets the minimum size (in bytes) of the guard
area for the stack of a thread that is created using the attributes
object specified by the attr argument.
A guard area helps to detect stack overflows by preventing memory
access beyond the thread's stack. Large guard areas are necessary
when threads might allocate large structures on the stack.
Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns -1 and sets
errno to the corresponding error value. Possible return
values are as follows:
Return Error Description
0 Successful completion.
-1 [EINVAL] The value specified by attr is