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Deletes a thread attributes object.


                    attr );

Argument Data Type Access

attr opaque pthread_attr_t read

C Binding

pthread_attr_delete (
pthread_attr_t *attr);


Thread attributes object deleted.


This routine deletes a thread attributes object. This routine gives permission to reclaim storage for the thread attributes object. Threads that were created using this thread attributes object are not affected by the deletion of the thread attributes object.

The results of calling this routine are unpredictable if the value specified by the attr argument refers to a thread attributes object that does not exist.

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, this routine returns -1 and sets errno to the corresponding error value. Possible return values are as follows:
Return  Error         Description

0 Successful completion. -1 [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory exists to create the thread attributes object. -1 [EINVAL] The value specified by attr is invalid. -1 [ESRCH] The value specified by attr does not refer to an existing thread attributes object.

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