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G.1.3 Routines with No Changes to Syntax

Except for their return value, the following routines have no changes to their syntax:

  • pthread_attr_setinheritsched

  • pthread_cancel

  • pthread_cond_broadcast

  • pthread_cond_destroy

  • pthread_cond_signal

  • pthread_cond_signal_int_np

  • pthread_cond_timedwait

  • pthread_cond_wait

  • pthread_delay_np

  • pthread_equal

  • pthread_exit

  • pthread_get_expiration_np

  • pthread_join (now detaches the thread)

  • pthread_mutex_destroy

  • pthread_mutex_lock

  • pthread_mutex_trylock

  • pthread_mutex_unlock

  • pthread_once
  • The following routines have no changes:

  • pthread_self

  • pthread_testcancel

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