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E.5 cma Alert Example

A thread control and condition example is shown in Example E-1.

Example E-1 cma Alert Example

 * cma Alert Example
 * Outermost alert scope
cma_t_alert_state       outer_a_s;
 * Create a nested alert scope, saving the previous setting.  In this
 * scope, alerts will be disabled.
cma_alert_disable_general (&outer_a_s);
 * Now alerts are disabled.
 * Create another nested scope.  In this scope, alerts will be enabled.
        cma_t_alert_state      inner_a_s;
        cma_alert_enable_general (&inner_a_s);
         * Now alerts are enabled.
         * Create another nested scope.  In this scope, we will be enabling
         * asynchronous alerts.
                cma_t_alert_state       async_a_s;
                 * First capture the alert state, so it can be restored later.
                cma_alert_disable_asynch (&async_a_s);
                 * Now enable asynchronous alerts.
                cma_alert_enable_asynch ();
                 * Now asynchronous alerts are enabled.
                 * Now restore the previous alert state, which disables
                 * asynchronous alerts.
                cma_alert_restore (&async_a_s);
                 * Now asynchronous alerts are disabled; synchronous alerts
                 * are still enabled.
         * There is no requirement to restore all alert scopes.  However, you
         * may not restore an inner scope after restoring an outer one.
 * Restore the original alert state.
cma_alert_restore (&outer_a_s);

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