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B.11 DECthreads Condition Values

Table B-3 lists the DECthreads condition values for OpenVMS systems and provides an explanation and user action.

Table B-3 DECthreads Condition Values

Condition Value        Explanation and User Action

CMA$_EXCCOP      Exception raised; OpenVMS condition code follows

                 Explanation: One of the DECthreads exception
                 commands (RAISE or RERAISE) raised or reraised
                 an exception condition originating outside the
                 DECthreads library. The secondary condition code in
                 the signal vector will be the original code.

                 User Action: See the documentation for the software
                 that your program is calling to determine the
                 reason for this exception.

CMA$_EXCCOPLOS   Exception raised; some information lost

                 Explanation: CMA$_EXCCOPLOS is nearly the same
                 as CMA$_EXCCOP except that DECthreads determined
                 that the copied signal vector may contain address
                 arguments. However, the address arguments may
                 not be valid when the stack is unwound and the
                 condition is resignaled. Therefore, DECthreads
                 clears the condition codes' arguments in the
                 resignaled vector. In most cases, DECthreads knows
                 that SS$_ code arguments are "safe" and will not
                 clear them. Most other codes with arguments will
                 result in CMA$_EXCCOPLOS.

                 User Action: See the documentation for the software
                 that your program is calling to determine the
                 reason for this exception.

CMA$_EXCEPTION   Exception raised; address of exception object is

                 Explanation: This condition is used as the primary
                 condition to RAISE an address-type DECthreads
                 exception. The condition is signaled with a single
                 argument containing the address of the EXCEPTION
                 structure. There is no support for interpreting
                 this value. It is only meaningful to the facility
                 that defined the EXCEPTION. It is not good
                 programming practice to let an address exception
                 propagate outside the facility that raised it.
                 There is no support for getting message text, and
                 it cannot be interpreted by other facilities.

                 User Action: None.

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