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Obtains a value representing a desired expiration time.


                          abstime );

Argument Data Type Access

delta struct timespec read abstime struct timespec write

C Binding


int pthread_get_expiration_np ( const struct timespec *delta, struct timespec *abstime);


Number of seconds and nanoseconds to add to the current system time. (The result is the time in the future.) This result will be placed in abstime.
Value representing the absolute expiration time. The absolute expiration time is obtained by adding delta to the current system time. The resulting abstime is in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). This value should be passed to the pthread_cond_timedwait routine.


This routine adds a specified interval to the current absolute system time and returns a new absolute time. This new absolute time is used as the expiration time in a call to pthread_cond_timedwait.

The struct timespec structure contains the following two fields:

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows:
Return        Description

0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by delta is invalid.

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