access variable +
addr_to_proc function +
alias command +
Alpha hardware architecture documentation +
arp kdbx extension +
array_action kdbx extension +
array_element function +
array_element_val function +
array_size function +
using in a kdbx extension +
using in kdbx extension +
auth.log file +
binlogd daemon +
binlogdumpfile file +
boot function +
boot_osflags console environment variable +
bootstrap-linked kernel
debugging +
bounds file
description of +
setting on an SMP system +
buf kdbx extension +
build system +
cast function +
cast kdbx extension +
cc command
using to compile a kdbx extension +
check_args function +
check_fields function +
complex lock
displaying debug information for +
compress command +
config kdbx extension +
context command +
context function +
convert kdbx extension +
coredata command +
count variable +
cpunum variable +
cpustat extension +
crash command +
crash command
using at the console prompt +
crash data collection +
crash data collection +
crash directory
changing the location of +
crash directory
default location +
crash dump analysis
collecting data with crashdc +
crash dump analysis
examples of +
crash dump analysis
for SMP systems +
crash dump analysis
guidelines for +
crash dump analysis
overview +
crash dump file creation +
crash dump files
allocating space for +
crash dump files
changing default location of +
crash dump files
compressing and uncompressing +
crash dump files
example of using dbx to examine +
crash dump files
example of using kdbx to examine +
crash dump files
how created +
crash dump files
invoking dbx debugger to examine +
crash dump files
invoking kdbx debugger to examine +
crash dump files
vmcore.n +
crash dump files
vmunix.n +
crash dump header +
crash dumps
estimating the size of full dumps +
crash dumps
estimating the size of partial dumps +
crash dumps
forcing on a hung system +
crash dumps
including user page tables in partial dumps +
crash dumps
saving in files +
crash dumps
selecting partial or full +
crash dumps
version number assignment +
crash dump
how created +
crash-data.n file
explanation of contents +
crashdc command
explanation of output from +
crashdc command
overview of +
customizing kdbx debugger environment +
data structure
displaying with the dbx debugger +
data types used by kdbx extensions +
DataStruct data type +
dbx command +
dbx debugger commands
using in a kdbx extension +
dbx debugger +
dbx debugger
breakpoint handling on an SMP system +
dbx debugger
displaying format of data structures with +
dbx debugger
displaying preserved message buffer +
dbx debugger
displaying variables and data structures with +
dbx debugger
example of using for crash dump analysis +
dbx debugger
example of using for crash dump analysis +
dbx debugger
kernel debugging flag +
dbx debugger
syntax for address formats +
dbx debugger
syntax for examining dump files +
dbx debugger
using to debug kdbx extensions +
dbx debugger
using to examine the exception frame +
dbx function +
debugging kernel threads with dbx +
debugging kernels +
deref_pointer function +
device configuration
displaying +
dis kdbx extension +
disassembling instructions +
disassembling return addresses +
disassembling the pc value +
dump files +
dump files
guidelines for examining +
dump function +
dump_sp_threshold system attribute +
dump-user-pte-page system attribute +
dump +
exception frame
examining with the dbx debugger +
export kdbx extension +
extensions to kdbx +
fault_ra variable +
fault_sp variable +
fault_va variable +
field_errors function +
FieldRec data type +
file command
using to determine type of kernel +
file kdbx extension +
firmware version
displaying +
format_addr function +
free_sym function +
full crash dumps +
full crash dumps +
full crash dumps +
global symbols
using in kdbx extension +
hardware problem
reporting to Digital +
help command +
hung system
forcing a crash dump on +
disassembling using kdbx +
kdbx debugger +
kdbx debugger
breakpoint handling on an SMP system +
kdbx debugger
command aliases +
kdbx debugger
command syntax +
kdbx debugger
commands +
kdbx debugger
compiling custom extension for +
kdbx debugger
customizing environment of +
kdbx debugger
debugging extensions of +
kdbx debugger
description of +
kdbx debugger
example of using for crash dump analysis +
kdbx debugger
example of using for crash dump analysis +
kdbx debugger
extensions +
kdbx debugger
initialization files +
kdbx debugger
library functions +
kdbx debugger
special data types +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for
using arrays template +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for
using arrays +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for
using global symbols +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for
using linked lists +
kdbx debugger
writing extensions for
using lists template +
kdbx extensions
compiling +
kdbx extensions
checking arguments passed to +
kdbx extensions
library routines for writing +
kdbx extensions
using arrays +
kdbx extensions
using arrays +
kdbx extensions
using global symbols +
kdbx extensions
using linked lists +
kdbx extensions
using lists template +
kdbxrc file +
kdebug debugger
description of +
kdebug debugger
invoking +
kdebug debugger
overview of +
kdebug debugger
problems with setup of +
kdebug debugger
requirements for +
kdebug debugger
setting up +
kernel debugging
debugging customized tools +
kernel debugging
developing customized tools +
kernel debugging
overview +
kernel debugging
using kdbx debugger +
kernel debugging
using kdebug debugger +
kernel debugging
using the dbx debugger +
kernel thread list
location of in crashdc output +
kernel +
kernel +
determining boot method of +
kps command +
krash function +
libkdbx.a library +
library routines
for writing kdbx extensions +
linked list
using in a kdbx extension +
list_action kdbx extension +
list_nth_cell function +
lockinfo kdbx extension +
lockmode system attribute +
lockstats kdbx extension +
lock +
lock +
logging +
/dev/mem +
mount kdbx extension +
msgbuf.savecore file +
new_proc function +
next_number function +
next_token function +
operating system version
displaying +
operating system version
location of in crashdc output +
p command +
paddr kdbx extension +
panic function +
panic string
for hardware restart +
panic string
for hung system +
panic string
location of in crashdc output +
panic string
where stored +
paniccpu variable +
panicstr variable
example of displaying +
partial crash dumps +
partial crash dumps +
partial crash dumps +
partial_dump variable +
pc value
determining with kdbx +
pc value
disassembling +
pcb kdbx extension +
pcb variable +
displaying +
casting to a data structure +
pr command +
preserved message buffer
contents of +
preserved message buffer
examining with the dbx debugger +
preserved message buffer
example of displaying +
primary swap partition +
print command +
print function +
printf kdbx extension +
print_status function +
proc kdbx extension +
procaddr kdbx extension +
process control block
displaying for a thread +
process ID
location of in crashdc output +
process table +
process table
displaying +
quit function +
read_line function +
read_memory function +
read_response function +
read_sym function +
read_sym_addr function +
read_sym_val function +
reboot +
reg.h header file +
remote debugging +
requirements for the kdebug debugger +
savecore command
changing dump files location +
savecore command
creation of bounds file +
savecore command
creation of crash dump files +
savecore command
default location of dump files +
savecore command
logging performed for crash dumps +
savecore utility
default dump file location +
setting +
setting +
savedefp variable +
savedefp variable
location of in crashdc output +
secondary swap partition +
set command
using at the console prompt +
setting up the kdebug debugger +
simple lock
displaying debug information for +
sizer command
using to determine type of kernel +
slock_debug array +
SMP system
debugging on +
SMP system
determining on which CPU a panic occurred +
socket kdbx extension +
software panic
example of debugging +
software problem
reporting to Digital +
source command +
stack trace
example of +
stack trace
multiple panic messages in +
Status data type +
status variable +
StatusType data type +
struct_addr function +
sum command +
sum kdbx extension +
swap kdbx extension +
swap space
displaying with kdbx +
swap space
use of for storing crash dumps +
sysconfig command
using to adjust the dump_sp_threshold attribute +
sysconfig command
using to set the dump-user-pte-pages attribute +
sysconfig command
using to set the lockmode attribute +
syslog.conf file +
syslogd daemon +
System boot method
determining +
system crash
process of +
system crash
dump created during +
system crash
identifying the cause of +
system crash
logging of by system +
system crash
reasons for +
system crash
using dbx to find the cause of +
system crash
using kdbx to fing the cause of +
system log file
crash dump logging in +
system logging +
system reboot
crash dump information created during +
system.kdbxrc file +
displaying information about with kdbx +
task ID
location of in crashdc output +
task kdbx extension +
task variable +
task variable +
tcb table
displaying using the inpcb kdbx extension +
test system +
testing kernels +
thread kdbx extension +
thread variable +
displaying the process control block for +
to_number function +
trace command +
trace kdbx extension +
tracing execution
during crash dump analysis +
tracing execution
on an SMP system +
tset command +
ucred kdbx extension +
udb table
displaying using the inpcb kdbx extension +
unalias command +
unaliasall kdbx extension +
uncompress command
using to uncompress core dump files +
user page table
including in partial crash dumps +
/usr/include/machine/reg.h header file +
ustname structure
example of displaying +
vmcore.n file +
vmunix.n file +
vnode extension +