Contents [Contents]


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Special Characters

        See ldb file

        See ldb_history file

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active license

Activity Charge field

activity license
        checking performed at product run time
        See also license
        loading into the kernel cache
        loading into the kernel cache
        unloading from the kernel cache

Activity Table Code field
        use of in license checking

ALPHA Key Option

amend command

Authorization Number field

availability license
        checking performed at product run time
        See also license
        loading into the kernel cache
        loading into the kernel cache
        unloading from the kernel cache

Availability Table Code field
        use of in license checking

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cancel command

canceled license

Cancellation Date field
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

capacity license
        See availability license

checksum error
        correcting the cause of

Checksum field

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delete command

disable command

disabled license

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EDITOR environment variable

enable command

enabled license

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Hardware I.D. field

hardware model
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

history command
        use of by nonprivileged users

history data
        displaying summary data

history file
        changing the location of
        information recorded in
        pathname for

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installation license
        See OSF_USR license

        registering existing templates created by

issue command
        registering templates created by

Issuer field

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kernel cache
        displaying the contents of
        loading activity license units
        loading availability license units
        loading licenses into
        removing invalid licenses
        removing licenses from

Key Options field

Key Termination Date field
        combining fields on separate PAKs
        relationship to the cancellation date
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

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ldb file

ldb_history file

license checking
        for availability-licensed products
        loading an activity license
        loading an availability license

license database
license database
        changing the location of
        disabling products registered in
        displaying the contents of
        enabling products registered in
        loading details into the kernel cache
        loading details into the kernel cache
        pathname for
        removing invalid licenses
        restoring from backup

license identification
        with authorization number
        with producer name argument

license PAK
        See PAK

License Product Authorization Key
        See PAK

license terms and conditions

License Unit Requirement Table
        See LURT
        use of in activity license checking

license units
        processor requirements for
        processor requirements for
        specification on a PAK
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing
        use of in availability licensing

        loading into the kernel cache
        moving to a new system
        registering new

license-checking function
        making license data available to

list command
        use of by nonprivileged users

lmf command
        changing the location of the license database

LMF commands
        See also specific LMF commands

lmf reference page

lmf utility

lmfsetup script

load command
        use of to combine licenses
        use of with the amend command
        use of with the cancel command
        use of with the enable command
        use of with the modify command

        See License Unit Requirement Table
        use of in availability license checking

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modify command

MOD_UNITS Key Option
MOD_UNITS Key Option

multiple license

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new license

NO_SHARE Key Option
NO_SHARE Key Option

Number of Units field
        combining fields on separate PAKs

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operating system license
        as installation result

OSF_USR license

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        current business policy

        fields on that effect license combination
        reconstructing from data in the license database
        sample PAK license fields

per-user license requirement

per-user license
        See activity license

processor size
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

Producer field
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

producer-name argument
        using to uniquely identify a license

Product Authorization Amendment
        See PAAM

Product Name field
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

Product Release Date field
        combining fields on separate PAKs
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

Product Token field

product use

product version
        See Version field

        displaying information about

P_FAMILY Key Option

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        See system startup

register command

registering a license
        choosing an editor

registration template
        format of

reset command
        use of with the disable command

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software product
        effect of LMF on

system startup
        effect of on disabled licenses
        effect of on kernel cache

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        See registration template

terminated license

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unlimited license

unload command
        use of with a combined license
        use of with the disable command

Usable Unit field

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Version field
        combining fields on separate PAKs
        use of in activity licensing
        use of in availability licensing

vi editor