Site powered by WASD and VMS   Welcome to  WASD VMS Web Services  version 10.1

All of the software and documentation in this package is Copyright © 1996-2011 Mark G. Daniel, licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License, or any later version.

New to WASD?  Start here!  After that there is Install and Config (PDF), Features and Facilities (PDF), Environment (PDF) and Scripting (PDF) documentation.  There is also a consolidated list of the resources available in the WASD environment.

Of course you may just wish to browse the directory tree.

When upgrading, consult the list of significant changes in the server, its configuration or environment.


Server Basics   Directory listing & tree, SSI, SSL, image mapping, server administration, log statistics, document update.
Scripting Support   CGI, CGIplus, ISAPI, DECnet & OSU, Perl, Java, cookies.
VMS Scripts   Help & text libraries, BNU & Bookreader documentation, document search, system performance report, disk usage report, SHOW system.
Miscellanea   Calendar, character set, colors, fetch, formwork, tmailer, utilities.


Primary distribution site for full packages, new versions, updates, bugfixes, other support packages, etc.

This site also provides technical articles, the info-WASD mailing list and archive, along with other resources.

 Mark G. Daniel
 A pox on the houses of all SPAMers. Make that two poxes.
 Last revised November 2011
  * This is the default page for the WASD package.
   The above contact is almost certainly not the administrator of this site.