Site powered by WASD and VMS   Demonstrations of VMS-specific scripts.

All of these should work when using the DEMO.COM procedure.
When on an installed server some may be disabled completely or configured to require authorization in line with local requirements.

VMS Help  VMS Help, and other help libraries ...
VMS Text Libraries  Ever had trouble accessing the contents of text libraries?
Bookreader  How about Bookreader and BNU?
(results may vary with local environments!)
Ad Hoc Search 
Search WASD VMS Hypertext Services documentation for ...
System Overview  DCL SHOW is a simple DCL script showing the ease with which useful scripts may be produced.
System Performance  HyperSPI is a VMS system performance observation tool. It cannot be demonstrated but here is an example report.
System Disk Usage  Graphical disk usage report with device information.

 Last revised November 2011